满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The story of how I got my new job,and ca...

    The story of how I got my new joband came to be on such good terms with my boss is a funny one. It happened like this. I was cycling along a street on my way to the __________ A yellow car passed me and suddenly _________ right in front of meas there was another car coming in the other direction. I had to brake hard and I hit another    ______ We both fellbut fortunately ___________of us was hurt. I was extremely angry! I saw that a little further up the road the traffic lights had turned red. I cycled as fast as I could and saw that the driver in the yellow car was _________at the red light. 1 was still so angry that I went up to tell him what I________ him. I cycled in front of him, got off my bicycle and laid it down on the road in front of his car _________ he couldn't drive off. Then I told him what a bad driver I thought he was. I told him that he had knocked two people off their bicycles and had nearly __________ a bad accident. I told him that he was a __________to other people on the road. I went on shouting at him ___________ everyone was looking at him. His face became red. When the light turned green, I said to him," "Don't be so stupid __________ Drive carefully so that everyone can enjoy a long time. "Then I   ______ my bicycle and rode on.

Fortunately, I was on time for the interview. It was an important job, and I wanted the job very much. I walked ___the room where three people were waiting to interview me. There was a woman who was the boss of the office in which I wanted to work. There was a man with whom I would have to work together and finally the manager of the company -the _________of the yellow car! We looked at each other for a moment in great surprise and total _______What should I do now? I decided to look on the whole matter as a great joke!

I laughed and said," Yes, we' ve already met, haven't we? I remember that the last time we met I did_________of the talking, so perhaps I should let you do the talking this time. "

For a moment I saw him thinking. Then he realized that I was not going to say __________ about his bad driving. The interview went very well. I told the company about my work experience and answered their questions as well as I could. Two days later I received a letter____________ me the job. I was pleased that the manger had decided not to be angry with me for having been so _________Now I ________ about it and say to everyone that I dare tell my manager exactly what I think of him.

1.A. company B. ceremony C. interview D. anniversary

2.A. cut in B. cut off C. cut down D. cut through

3.A. car B. cyclist C. driver D. tree

4.A. both B. either C. neither D. one

5.A. driving B. waiting C. apologizing D. denying

6.A. talked about B. insisted on C. ran after D. thought of

7.A. so that B. even though C. in case D. on account

8.A. met B. missed C. caused D. killed

9.A. manager       · B. expert C. partner D. danger

10.A. because B. while C. but D. if

11.A. in the future B. all your life C. in the car D. in front of me

12.A. made up B. came up C. gave up D. picked up

13.A. around B. into C. across D. away

14.A. owner B. buyer C. passenger D. driver

15.A. anger B. forgiveness C. silence D. appreciation

16.A. most B. least C. best D. worst

17.A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything

18.A. offering B. helping C. forcing D. donating

19.A. considerate B. patient C. rude D. forgetful

20.A. make promises B. learn lessons C. tell truths D. make jokes


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.B 11.A 12.D 13.B 14.D 15.C 16.A 17.A 18.A 19.C 20.D 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者去面试的路上,因为一辆黄色轿车超车,结果撞了另一个骑车的人。作者对司机大喊大叫。到了公司他才知道司机就是他面试的经理。经理原谅了作者的鲁莽,并最终录用了他。 1.考查名词。A. company 公司;B. ceremony仪式;C. interview采访,面试;D. anniversary周年纪念日。我在去面试的路上骑着自行车沿街而行。故选C。 2.考查动词短语。A. cut in插嘴,超车;B. cut off切断;C. cut down砍倒;D. cut through抄近路穿过。当另一辆车从不同的方向过来时,一辆黄色轿车经过我,突然超车到我的右前方。故选A。 3.考查名词。A. car小汽车;B. cyclist骑自行车的人;C. driver司机;D. tree树。我不得不使劲刹车,结果撞到了另一个骑车的人。故选B。 4.考查不定代词。A. both 两个都;B. either两者之一;C. neither两者都不;D. one一个人。我们都摔倒了,但幸运的是我们都没有受伤。故选C。 5.考查动词。A. driving驾驶;B. waiting等待;C. apologizing道歉;D. denying否认。我以最快的速度骑车,看到黄色汽车的司机正在等红灯。故选B。 6.考查动词短语。A. talked about谈论------;B. insisted on 坚持;C. ran after追赶;D. thought of想出。我仍然很生气,我走过去告诉他我对他的看法。故选D。 7.考查状语从句。A. so that以便;B. even though即使;C. in case万一;D. on account记账。我骑在他前面,下了自行车,把它放在他汽车前面的路上,这样他就不能开车走了。此处so that引导目的状语从句,故选A。 8.考查动词。A. met 遇见;B. missed错过,想念;C. caused引起;D. killed杀死。我告诉他,他把两个人从自行车上撞下来,差点造成严重的事故。故选C。 9.考查名词。A. manager 经理;B. expert专家;C. partner伙伴;D. danger危险。我告诉他,他把两个人从自行车上撞下来,差点造成严重的事故。可知danger符合语境。故选D。 10.考查状语从句。A. because因为;B. while当------时候;C. but但是;D. if如果。当大家都看着他时,我继续对他大喊大叫。此处是while引导的时间状语从句。故选B。 11.考查词组。A. in the future在未来; B. all your life生生世世;C. in the car在汽车里;D. in front of me在我面前。以后别犯傻了,小心驾驶,让每个人都能享受漫长的时光。故选A。 12.考查动词词组。A. made up组成,构成;B. came up走进;C. gave up放弃;D. picked up捡起,拾起,偶然学到。我推起我的自行车,继续骑。故选D。 13.考查介词。我走进房间,有三个人正等着采访我。故选B。 14.考查名词。A. owner主人;B. buyer 买主;C. passenger乘客;D. driver司机。有一个人,我必须和他一起工作,最后是公司的经理——黄色汽车的司机!故选D。 15.考查名词。A. anger生气;B. forgiveness 宽恕;C. silence沉默;D. appreciation感激。我们惊奇地彼此看了一会儿,完全沉默。故选C。 16.考查最高级。A. most最多;B. least 最少;C. best 最好;D. worst最差。 17.考查不定代词。A. anything任何事情;B. nothing 没有什么;C. something某事;D. everything每件事情。我记得上次我们见面的时候,大部分时间都是我在说话,所以这次也许我应该让你来说话。故选A。 18.考查动词。A. offering提供;B. helping帮助;C. forcing强迫;D. donating捐献。两天后,我收到一封求职信。故选A。 19.考查形容词。A. considerate考虑周到的;B. patient耐心的;C. rude粗鲁的;D. forgetful健忘的。我很高兴经理决定不生我的气,因为我太粗鲁了故选C。 20.考查固定用法。A. make promises许诺;B. learn lessons学到教训;C. tell truths告诉事实;D. make jokes开玩笑。现在我拿这件事开玩笑,对每个人说,我敢把我对经理的看法原原本本地告诉他。故选D。

But for your help, I __________ the work on time. I really do not know how I can thank you enough.

A. wouldn't finish B. hadn't finished

C. wouldn't have finished D. won't have finished



The mother goes mad every time she washes the T-shirt__________ her son wipes his dirty hands.

A. that B. where

C. which D. when



---He was satisfied with the result, wasn't he?

---No. It was so difficult that he __________have passed it.

A. shouldn't B. mustn't

C. couldn' t D. wouldn't



We should organize useful activities, which will ___________ the relationship of the students.

A. appoint B. employ

C. promote D. commit



Working hard is not a __________ of great success, but it is among the essential requirements.

A. sign B. signal

C. guarantee D. mark



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