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There’s an ongoing discussion over wheth...

    There’s an ongoing discussion over whether electric vehicles(EVs) should emit sounds to let the blind and other pedestrians know they're on the scene. Some think those sounds should be standardizedlike the “beep, beep, beep” of heavy machinery backing up, so you'll think “something heavy this way comes” when you hear it. Several car companies have created their own sounds, especially for car markets outside the United States.

Starting in 2021, all new electric vehicles of any model will need the acoustic vehicle alarming system or AVAS. That sound will come into play when the car is going backwards or when it’s traveling at less than 12 miles an hour—speeds at which cars are more likely to be combined with pedestrians.

“We're calling on the government to take this announcement further by requiring AVAS on all existing electric and hybrid vehicles and to make sure drivers have them switched on, ” John Weisman, guide dog owner and Guide Dogs staff member, said in a statement shared by CNN.

This action followed in the steps of Japan, which was an early adopter, passing its rules in 2010. Meanwhile, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration passed its final ruling in February 2018, requiring vehicles to emit sound if they’re traveling slower than 6 mph.

Drivers in most situations have the ability to shut off the device when it is needed. They will probably eventually be standardized register “electric car” when you hear it. And that’s a good thing to reduce the mess on the roads.

1.What can we learn about AVAS?

A.Its speed is limited to 12 miles an hour.

B.The Japan government isnt in favor of it.

C.Not all the newly-produced EVs need to use it.

D.It sounds the alarm when the car is backing up.

2.What is John’s attitude to AVAS?

A.Supportive. B.Cautious. C.Unconcerned. D.Doubtful.

3.What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A.The usage of AVAS. B.The characteristics of AVAS.

C.The benefits of using AVAS. D.The ways of turning off AVAS.


1.D 2.A 3.C 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了一种电动车的声学车辆报警系统。有了这种系统,在汽车倒车或是速度低于一定的限度的时候就会发出声音。这种系统在日本已经投入使用。 1.细节理解题。 根据第二段的“That sound will come into play when the car is going backwards...”可知,AVAS在电动汽车倒车的时候会发出警报。D. It sounds the alarm when the car is backing up.(倒车时会发出警报声)符合以上说法,故选D项。 2.推理判断题。 根据第三段“’We are calling on the government to take this announcement further by requiring AVAS on all existing electric and hybrid vehicles to make sure drivers have them switched on’”可知,约翰觉得我们应该呼吁政府将这一声明推进一步。由此可推断,约翰对这个系统持支持的态度。故选A项。 3.主旨大意题。 根据本段的内容Drivers in most situations have the ability to shut off the device when it is needed. They will probably eventually be standardized register “electric car” when you hear it. And that’s a good thing to reduce the mess on the roads.可知大多数情况下司机可以在必要时关闭该设备,人们听到这个声音就知道是电动车,这对减少道路混乱是件好事。由此推断,本文主要讲述的是使用AVAS的好处。C. The benefits of using AVAS.(使用AVAS的好处)符合以上说法,故选C项。

    Bob Dylan has won the 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature, announced Sara Danius, Swedish Academy’s permanent secretary, on Thursday in Stockholm.

The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2016 is awarded to Bob Dylan “for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition,” Danius said at the Swedish Academy.

“As an artist, he is versatile; he has been active as painter, actor and scriptwriter,” said the official statement.

Apart from his large production of albums, Dylan has published experimental work. He has written the autobiography Chronicles (2004), which describes memories from the early years in New York and his life at the center of popular culture, it added.

Born on May 24, 1941 in Duluth, Minnesota, in the United States, the 75-year-old rock singer is the first songwriter to win the glorious award and the first American to win since novelist Toni Morrison in 1993.

Barack Obama said the honour was well-deserved. “Congratulations to one of my favourite poets,” he wrote on Twitter.

Dylan, who took his stage name from the poet Dylan Thomas, had long been regarded as a potential prize winner.

Former Poet Laureate Sir Andrew Motion is among those who have ever praised Dylan’s lyrics, saying they are often the best words in the best order.

Dylan began his musical career in Minnesota before heading for New York. Many of his best-known works date from the 1960s, when he became an informal historian of America’s troubles. His songs Blowing in the Wind and The Times They are A-Changing were popular in the anti-war and civil rights movements.

Few experts, though, expected the academy to extend the award to a folk music songwriter. In 112 years, no songwriter has ever won before. What makes a man who has only ever written three books a suitable winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature?

1.What does the underlined word in Para 3 mean?

A.able to do things in different fields

B.able to understand others’ feelings

C.able to produce a lot

D.able to succeed at an old age

2.Many of Bob Dylan’s best-known songs _______________.

A.were written before he arrived in New York.

B.date back to the middle 1970s.

C.were often sung in the political movements.

D.show America’s troubled history.

3.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Dylan’s winning the Nobel Prize in Literature.

B.Dylan’s life experiences as an artist.

C.Dylan’s contribution to the American literature.

D.Dylan’s musical career in America.



    It’s hard to be a bird in a world which is in the charge of mankind.

You can hardly hear yourself sing, let alone hear the songs of your friends… and worst of all, you can’t hear a predator(捕食者). Noise is almost everywhere, especially noise from traffic.

Researchers have tried to study the influence of road noise on animals by looking at animals living near noisy roads.

“We figured out a way to have just the noise without any of the other effects of the road, and to do that we put many speakers in a forest where there was no road,” said Chris McClure, a biologist at Boise State University and The Peregrine Fund. He and his team carried out their experiment at a place popular with birds in Idaho as they fly south for the winter.

While the noise kept lots of birds away, some remained. But they had trouble putting on enough weight to support them in the next part of their migratory journey.

“They have to take food but they also have to avoid getting eaten by a predator. But these two things can’t be done at the same time because to eat, they have to look down, which means they aren’t looking at predators.”

And when it’s too loud, they can’t hear the alarm calls of other birds. So they have to waste time looking for predators instead of searching for food.

By 2050, it’s thought that enough new roads will be built to circle the planet more than 600 times. But there’s an easy solution to the noise problem—“Lowering speed limits does a lot.”

So next time you’re driving through nature, just slow down a little. It’s safer for you and the wildlife. And you can enjoy the view a little longer.

1.Who does the word “you” in Para 2 refer to?

A.A driver. B.A predator. C.A researcher. D.A bird.

2.Why did the researchers do the experiment in a forest without roads?

A.To prevent birds from being hit by cars.

B.To separate noise from other effects of the road.

C.To test a larger number of birds.

D.To put as many speakers as possible.

3.Why can’t birds put on enough weight with much noise around?

A.They can’t concentrate on looking for food.

B.They have to fly south for the winter.

C.They can’t hear the alarm calls.

D.They feel afraid of the noise.

4.What is advised to do to protect birds from the noise problem?

A.To build enough new roads.

B.To carry out more experiments.

C.To enjoy the view a little longer.

D.To drive slowly through nature.




1.Who is speaking?

A.A student. B.A teacher. C.An actor.

2.What do we know about the young man in Good Will Hunting?

A.He has a gift for math.

B.He is in a top university.

C.He is from a rich neighborhood.

3.Which movie is based on Alice Walker’s novel?

A.Dead Poets Society. B.Schindler’s List. C.The Color Purple.

4.What will the listeners do next?

A.Read a novel. B.Watch a movie. C.Take a class.




1.What day is it today?

A.Friday B.Saturday C.Sunday

2.What is the man doing?

A.Watching TV. B.Doing his homework. C.Making a telephone call.

3.What does the man advise the woman to do?

A.Have a rest. B.Find a quiet place. C.Go to another room.

4.When will the woman probably finish her homework?

A.Later at night. B.Tomorrow morning. C.The day after tomorrow.




1.Why did the woman leave Los Angeles?

A.To get a job. B.To go to college. C.To enrich her life.

2.What’s the woman’s next plan?

A.Move to Chicago one day.

B.Go to Asia in several months.

C.Live in New York for a year.

3.Which city does the man want to settle in?

A.New York City. B.Los Angeles. C.Chicago.



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