满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

--- I just can’t stop worrying about the...

--- I just can’t stop worrying about the result of my medical examination as I’ve been feeling out of shape for several months.

--- _____. There is nothing you can do now but wait.

A.Sit back and relax B.Watch out for it

C.Wait a moment D.Take your time


A 【解析】 考查情境对话。句意:---几个月来我一直觉得身体不好,所以总是担心体检结果。----放松些,别紧张。你现在除了等待别无他法。A. Sit back and relax高枕无忧,放松些;B. Watch out for it小心点;C. Wait a moment等一下,请稍等;D. Take your time慢慢来,别着急。根据下一句“There is nothing you can do now but wait.”可知,结果还没有出来呢,所以让对方放松。可知A. Sit back and relax “放松些”符合题意,故选A。  

In lesson 3, “An unknown goddess”, the interesting discovery made by the archaeologists was _____

A.that the city had once been prosperous

B.that the temple had been used as a place of worship

C.that they were not the first to have found the head of the goddess

D.that they found the fifteen statues had been painted



During China’s Golden Week, the first week of October, 650 million domestic tips were made in the country. The number of visitors to domestic travel destination was _____ of last year.

A.twice as big as B.twice as big as that

C.as big as twice D.twice the size



       that they may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites by 90 per-cent.

A.Such construction robots are clever

B.So clever the construction robots are

C.So clever are the construction robots

D.Such clever construction robots are



We were outnumbered (人数占少) and surrounded. Such being _____, we had to surrender.

A.the case B.the claim C.the start D.the status



“ ________  I went through ups and downs in life,” Gordon said, “I never found the importance of being self­disciplined as well as the significance of life.”

A.If B.Since

C.Until D.Unless



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