满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

As the President of Ariel Investments, I...

    As the President of Ariel Investments, I am often asked how to cultivate (培 养) green hands to be qualified for a new job within a short time. My memories take me straight back to the days when I worked for John W. Rogers.

While in college, I worked as an intern (实 习生) at Ariel Investments. As the youngest girl of six kids from a single mom, I had very little knowledge of the business world. When I graduated, I decided to return to the company to improve myself.

At the age of 22, my perspective was greatly influenced by lunching with the company's founder and then-president, John W. Rogers. He told me that I would often find myself in the company of rich and successful people with big titles, lots of degrees and lots of experience. And yet, my ideas could still be as good or even better, he said. This early advice became the guiding force that has helped me throughout my entire career. When I was starting out, I thought my inexperience was holding me back, but John said that it was a good thing. He told me that being inexperienced means that you have a fresh point of view.

As my tutor, John encouraged me to be brave. As my boss, he took some giant leaps of faith to support me. Because of our first lunch and the years of support that followed, I never thought twice about speaking up, raising my hand or taking a seat at the table. Staying in the background was never a choice. But John 's advice came with one important warning. I needed to keep my attitude in check. It's one thing to be firm but quite another to be rude. Similarly, there is a fine line between confidence and overconfidence. With that in mind, I have had to learn to balance the way I act around others. As someone once told me, “the goal is to be non-threatened and non-threatening at the same time. ”

1.What can we learn about the author from the text?

A.She went to Ariel Investments after graduation for practice.

B.She made her voice heard with encouragement from her boss.

C.Her miserable childhood had a negative effect on her work.

D.Her performance during internship was highly praised in public.

2.Due to John W. Rogers' advice, the author_______  .

A.learned to strike a balance between work and life

B.contributed her ideas only after listening to others'

C.no longer felt lost and became aware of her own value

D.switched to a different company to display her talent

3.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Keep Your Attitude under Control.

B.Encourage Your Employees to Grow.

C.Let Your Success Be Your Noise.

D.Live a Life with a High Goal.

4.Who would probably benefit most from this article?

A.Company bosses. B.Those new to a job.

C.Business consultants. D.Experienced teammates.


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了自己作为实习生时的经验,作者在实习期间受到公司的创始人、董事长John W. Rogers深深地影响,John W. Rogers鼓励作者要敢于思考、发表自己的想法,也鼓励作者要勇敢,因为John W. Rogers,作者也学习到“要有锋芒却不伤人”。 1.细节理解题。文章第一段提到“I am often asked how to cultivate (培 养) green hands to be qualified”作者只是被问到如何培养新手,而公众对于作者在实习期间的表现并没有详细说明,故D项错误。第二段最后一句提到“I decided to return to the company to improve myself”作者决定去公司提升自己而不是去练习,故A项错误。第二段第二句提到“As the youngest girl of six kids from a single mom, I had very little knowledge of the business world.”该句讲述了作者的家庭背景,并没有说明其家庭背景对其造成的影响,故C项错误。第三段第一句提到“At the age of 22, my perspective was greatly influenced by lunching with the company's founder and then-president, John W. Rogers.”作者22岁时的想法被John W. Rogers极大地影响,B项符合文意。故选B。 2.细节理解题。第三段第四句提到“my ideas could still be as good or even better, he said. This early advice became the guiding force that has helped me throughout my entire career.” John W. Rogers说作者的想法可以很好甚至可以更好,这些建议对于作者整个职业生涯造成了非常大的影响,这些影响使得作者不再感到迷茫,同时也开始意识到自己的价值。故选C。 3.主旨大意题。通读全文特别是文章最后一句提到“With that in mind, I have had to learn to balance the way I act around others. As someone once told me, “the goal is to be non-threatened and non-threatening at the same time. ”可知,作者通过自己的经历告诉读者,要平衡自信与自负之间的关系,而且曾经有人告诉作者“要有锋芒,但也不要伤人”,即能控制自己的态度,总结概括了文章的主旨。故A项为最佳标题。故选A。 4.推理判断题。文章第一段提到作者非常擅长培养新手,同时作者也回忆了自己在做实习生时的上司对作者的指导,这些对于刚入职场的人而言都是非常好的工作经验,因此这篇文章特别适合职场新手。故选B。

    What to do if you find a sick, injured or abandoned wild animal.

General tips

Don't remove an animal from its natural habitat the animal may not need assistance, and you could do more harm than good.

Check the animal periodically for 24-48 hours.

Keep your distance.

Young animals/babies

If you find an abandoned young animal, separated from adults or left on its own — keep cats and dogs away and limit noise.

An adult may not return if it is noisy or if people are close by.

Get help for a wild animal

In Ontario, wildlife rehabilitators (复健员) are authorized by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to provide temporary care to sick, injured and abandoned wildlife so it can be returned to the wild. Rehabilitators commit significant time and resources, and many seek donations to assist with their work.

Every effort is made by wildlife rehabilitators to ensure wildlife in their care do not become tame (驯 服).

Find a wildlife rehabilitator

To get help for a sick, injured or abandoned animal, you can contact:

• an authorized wildlife rehabilitator

• your local Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry district office

Health risks

If you come across sick or diseased wildlife and you suspect there is a public health risk such as West Nile virus, contact your regional or local health unit immediately: Ontario Public Health Units

Public safety

If the animal is alive and there is a public safety issue, contact your local police department.

1.Which is the general solution if you find an abandoned animal?

A.Leave it where it is and observe it. B.Remove it from its natural habitat.

C.Stay with it and care for it. D.Pretend not to have seen it.

2.Wildlife rehabilitators are devoted to_______ .

A.providing constant care to wildlife B.making wild animals well-tamed

C.releasing wildlife back to the wild D.donating large sums to charity

3.Who will you contact if you find a wild animal at the risk of public health in Ontario?

A.Ontario Public Health Units.

B.An authorized wildlife rehabilitator.

C.The local police department.

D.The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.

4.What's the purpose of the text?

A.To teach people how to train animals.

B.To give advice on protecting endangered wildlife.

C.To call on people to raise pets.

D.To introduce the animals in Ontario.










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I think that teenage years should be the best in everyone life because you have few problems than adults.Most teenagers have a lot of friends with whom they can discuss things they are interesting in.Teenagers have a preference to uptodate clothes and modern music.They also like do sports and compete.Their parents are such curious about their life that they’ll sometimes enter their rooms without a permission.Teenagers stop think like children as they grow upand their beliefs and interests changes as well.So my opinion is that teenage years are total magical and I’d like to be a teenager forever.




It’s well known that pound notes show the face of Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ.Howeversomething.1. (interest) about British money is that there are also faces on the back of the notes.Did you know that the picture changes every few 2. (year) to show a different famous person from British history?

At the momentwe can find the face of Charles Darwin on the 10 note.He is a(n) 3. (science)famous for his  theories  about evolution  (进化).From 1992 to 2003Charles Dickens 4. (be) on the banknote.He is one of the country’s favourite authors5. novels like Oliver Twist and David Copperfield were voted as some  of  Britain’s  best  works  of literature.6. (recent)it was announced  that  Jane  Austen  would replace Darwin on the 10 note.She is  one  of  my  favourite  authors7. (remember) for books like Pride  and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility.People think it was a very good 8. (choose) to put Jane Austen on a banknote because most of the people on British money are men.

In addition to writersother people such 9. inventors and social reformers have also been on banknotes.By.10. (put) their faces on banknotesthe UK shows that it is very proud of all these historical figures!



The British Isles consist of two large islands. One is called Ireland and ___ Britain. Britain, or Great Britain, is the larger one of these two islands, and it is ___ into three parts: Scotland, Wales and England.

The United Kingdom is that part of the British Isles ___ by the Queen. It is made up of Scotland, Wales and England, that is, the ___ of Britain, and also about one sixth of Ireland, the northern part. The ___ of Ireland is self-governing. The ___ name of the United Kingdom is ___ “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”.

England is____ and richer than Scotland, Wales and Northern Irelandand has the most ___ of the United Kingdom, so people often use the ____ “England” and “English” when they ____ “Britain” and “British”. This sometimes makes the Scots and the Welsh a little ____. The Scots in particular are very ____ of their separate nationality. The Welsh too do not ____ themselves as the English, and have a culture and ____ a language of their own.

Ireland became part of the United Kingdom in 1801, but for forty years the “Irish ____ “was the greatest headache of the United Kingdom. ____, Ireland was divided into two: Northern Ireland still ____ to the United Kingdom, and in 1922 the rest of Ireland ____ to found an Irish Free Statelater called Eire and now the Republic of Ireland.

The Republic of Ireland does not regard itself as part of Britain, and is not now even a supporter of the Commonwealth of Nations. Unlike the major Commonwealth countries, it did not lift a finger to ____ British in the Second World War and now wants the whole of Ireland to be a republic.

1.A. the one    B. the other    C. another    D. other

2.A. divided    B. cut    C. broken    D. separated

3.A. watched out    B. taken up    C. defended against    D. ruled over

4.A. half    B. part    C. most    D. whole

5.A. smaller    B. bigger    C. rest    D. island

6.A. correct    B. true    C. full    D. last

7.A. so    B. therefore    C. likely    D. perhaps

8.A. meaner    B. wider    C. poorer    D. larger

9.A. colleges    B. officials    C. cities    D. population

10.A. words    B. names    C. spellings    D. pronunciations

11.A. say    B. cover    C. show    D. write

12.A. angry    B. cautious    C. enjoyable    D. lonely

13.A. proud    B. tired    C. fond    D. careful

14.A. respect    B. rank    C. elect    D. regard

15.A. ever    B. even    C. seldom    D. never

16.A. Country    B. Question    C. Disease    D. Republic

17.A. Finally    B. However    C. Meanwhile    D. Instead

18.A. returns    B. belongs    C. refers    D. adds

19.A. turned away    B. run away    C. broke away    D. kept away

20.A. unite    B. reject    C. fight    D. help



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