满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

根据语境及汉语或首字母提示正确拼写单词 1.Of all the _______...


1.Of all the __________(大规模的)migrationsthat of the North American monarch butterflies is one of the most wonderful

2.__________(不知怎么地)they manage to travel around 4,000 kilometres south and find their way to places where they will spend the winter

3.Every autumnmillions of these beautiful insects with __________(精致的)black and orange wings begin a long and difficult journey

4.It then uses its eyes to measure the __________(位置)of the sun

5.These two pieces of information allow the butterfly to d__________ which way it needs to go and change its direction when necessary

6.__________(最终),it manages to reach California or Mexico

7.In many of the places where monarchs can be foundpeople are d__________ the natural environment by cutting down trees and using __________(化学品)that kill the plants that monarch caterpillars eat

8.__________(志愿者)have been working together to record their migration and make sure that there are enough plants for them to feed on

9.They finished __________(测量)that piece of land last week

10.The tests will help the doctors __________(确定)what treatment they should use

11.It puzzles scientists how these creatures can s__________ in such cold conditions

12.Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been d_________

13.The news that the plane had __________(坠毁)made us sad


1.mass 2.Somehow 3.delicate 4.position 5.determine 6.Eventually 7. destroying chemicals 8.Volunteers 9.measuring 10.determine 11.survive 12.destroyed 13.crashed 【解析】 1.考查形容词。句意:在所有的大规模迁徙中,北美帝王蝶的迁徙是最美妙的迁徙之一。分析句子可知,migrations为名词,需形容词作定语对其修饰,故填mass。 2.考查副词。句意:不知怎么地,他们设法向南行驶了大约4000公里,并找到了他们过冬的地方。修饰下文整个句子需要用副词形式,故填Somehow。 3.考查形容词。句意:每年秋天,数以百万计有着细腻的黑色和橙色翅膀的美丽昆虫都会开始一个漫长而艰难的旅程。分析句子可知,wings为名词,需形容词作定语对其修饰,故填delicate。 4.考查名词。句意:然后,它会用眼睛测量太阳的位置。定冠词the后需接名词,故填position。 5.考查动词。句意:这两条信息使得蝴蝶能够确定它需要走哪条路,并在必要时改变其方向。此处是不定式,填动词原形。determine意为决定;确定,符合句意,故填determine。 6.考查副词。句意:最终,它还是设法到达加利福尼亚或墨西哥。修饰下文整个句子需要用副词形式,故填Eventually。 7.考查动词时态及名词。句意:在许多发现了帝王毛毛虫的地方,人们正在通过砍伐树木和使用植物中可以杀死帝王毛毛虫的化学物质来削弱自然环境。分析句子可知,people与destroy之间是主动关系,此处是现在进行时。故填destroying。另外,using后缺少宾语,且and连接两个结构相同的短语,trees使用了复数形式,因此chemical也要使用复数形式,故填chemicals。 8.考查名词复数形式。句意:志愿者们一直在一起工作,记录它们的迁移,并确保有足够的植物供它们食用。分析句子可知,谓语have been working使用了复数形式的现在完成进行时,因此其主语也是复数形式,故填Volunteers。 9.考查非谓语。句意:他们上周完成了那块土地的测量。分析句子可知,last week是一般过去时的时间状语,由此可知动作已完成,且finish doing sth的固定搭配,意为“完成某事”,故填measuring。 10.考查动词。句意:这些测试将帮助医生确定他们应该使用什么治疗方法。分析句子可知,help sb. do sth.为固定搭配,意为“帮助某人做某事”,故填determine。 11.考查动词。句意:科学家困惑于这些生物如何在如此寒冷的条件下生存。分析句子可知,can为情态动词,后接动词原形。故填survive。 12.考查被动语态。句意:工人们为房屋被破坏的幸存者们建造了避难所。分析句子可知,homes与destroy之间是逻辑上的被动关系,因此需使用过去分词,且句中使用了过去完成时的被动语态。故填destroyed。 13.考查动词时态。句意:飞机坠毁的消息让我们很难过。分析句子可知,飞机坠毁这一事件发生“我们”得知消息很难过之前,即过去的过去为过去完成时,因此需使用过去分词。故填crashed。

How to Help Children Learn From Their Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes. 1. As parents, it’s our duty to help our children learn from their mistakes. Turning a mistake into a learning experience will help your child grow. Here are some tips for helping children learn from their mistakes.

Explain exactly what the mistake is. It’s important to make your child accept the fact that he made a mistake. Talk with your child and help him exactly understand what he did is not right.2. Never imagine he knows; always talk over the problem early.

Ask your child to make an apology if his mistakes hurt others. This step takes a mistake that is connected with another person even further.3. By making your child go to see and talk with the person who was hurt, he will more fully understand the results of the mistake and learn from what bad experience.

Offer suggestion in different ways to lead your child to avoid making the same mistakes again. You can choose to share your personal examples if you had the same problem before.4. He may not want to do exactly the same thing, but it will get him to start in the right direction.

5. Having your child try to work through the problem and know how to deal with it only by himself will help develop his reasoning skills, which is good for his self - development. In this way, he will know what he should do if a similar situation appears in the future.

A. Tell your child how you deal with the problem.

B. Children need to learn the results of their mistakes.

C. Praise him if he fully understands the mistake he made.

D. Now it’s time to help him properly correct mistakes

E. Encourage your child to find a way to deal with the problem alone.

F. Learning from mistakes is what makes us become better people.

G. Sometimes a child fails to know why the things he did are wrong.



    More than 10,000 people were made homeless in Ternang when the Sungai Mas overflowed its banks yesterday after six days of continuous heavy rain

The wooden bridge across the river has been washed awayThe town is cut off by flood watersAt the fifth mile, Jalan Tengkn, the water is two metres deepIt is closed to all trafficFlooding first happened at mid-afternoon yesterday along the river banksPeople trying to get to higher ground were just in time to escape the destroying of the floodMost of the flood victims(受害者)had to leave all their things behind

The National Flood Relief(救济)Centre was reported to give its help and by early evening the whole town was moved out, helped by the army, police, Red Cross Society and volunteers

The flood victims are now housed in different simple relief centres in the nearby town of Ternang“Everything possible is being done to help the unlucky people, ”a government spokesman said, “In fact, money, food and clothing have begun to come in from public organizations and helpful peopleA Disaster Relief Fund(救灾基金)will be started as soon as possible

According to the latest reports it is still raining heavily in TernangThe whole town is expected to be wholly covered by the waterSo far no deaths have been reported

1.Based on the contents, this passage is probably taken from      

A.a storybook B.a textbook

C.a magazine D.a newspaper

2.The reason why there came such a big flood is that      

A.the banks on both sides were too low

B.the river was too narrow and shallow

C.they had had rainy days for some time

D.the wooden bridge across the river was broken

3.From the passage we know that      

A.though the town was flooded,  you could still go there by bus

B.the flood hasn’t brought a large loss to the town as nobody died in the flood

C.as soon as the water flowed over the banks, people began to go to higher lands

D.the government and the whole society are taking great care of the flood victims

4.What is the best title for this passage

A.A Big Flood

B.Ternan Is in Danger

C.Over 10,000 People Are Homeless

D.Great Help Is Needed



    Plant cloning has been an agricultural technique used by farmers and gardeners for centuriesGrafting(嫁接)is a common form of plant cloningMany plants in nature actually clone themselves and reproduce asexually

Cloned plants are much more predictable than normal plants, so their yield(产量)is more reliableCloned plants also reproduce faster, limiting the amount of time between planting and harvestingIt is often cheaper to produce seeds through cloning than through traditional methodsPlants can essentially be optimized so that farmers or individual growers always have the best seeds availableWith more yield at a faster rate, farms can produce more food for more people while decreasing overall costs

Cloning can be used to wipe out diseases that previously killed off the entire fields of cropsThis would make plants immune(免疫的)to the kinds of diseases that farmers and gardeners around the world fear each yearCrop failures due to disease and virus could become a thing of the pastAlso, plants that are near extinction can be brought back to life through cloning

Through cloning scientists can develop“super”fruits and vegetables of superior nutritional qualityThis could make for a healthier population overallThis is already being done through selective pollination(授粉), and genetic cloning could take it to the next level

By plant cloning we have a population of identical plants and all these plants equally suffer from the same diseases, but in nature the weak would die and the strong would surviveWhile there are some dangers to consider with plant cloning, there are plenty of benefits that could prove vital to the propagation(繁衍)of the human species

1.The underlined word“optimized”in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by“     

A.enlarged B.produced

C.perfected D.examined

2.According to the text, cloned plants     

A.have lower yield than normal plants

B.have a short growth cycle

C.resist various kinds of diseases

D.need little care from people

3.what can we infer from the text

A.The fruits produced by cloned plants taste much better

B.There are more cloned plants than normal plants

C.Plant cloning can disturb the laws of nature

D.People should avoid cating cloned fruits

4.What is the main purpose of the text

A.To warn the negative effects of plant cloning

B.To present different kinds of plant cloning

C.To predict the future of plant cloning

D.To inform us about the advantages of plant cloning




1.Imagine mountains w__________ in silver water, shining in the spring sun

2.Although the __________(区域)has plenty of rain, the mountains are steep and the earth is __________(浅的)

3.The flat terraces catch the rainwater and __________(防止)the soil from being washed away

4.But perhaps what is most ________(影响深远的)is the way in which people have worked in h_______ nature to make these terraces and grow rice

5.The terraces are cleverly d__________, with hundreds of waterways that connect with each other

6.Although modern technology could help produce more crops, the rice growers are people for whom ________

(传统)hold much value

7.This knowledge is passed down through families, which means that new g_________ continue to use ancient methods of __________(农业)to maintain the terraces

8.Today, the Longji Rice Terraces a_________ thousands of visitors who come to __________(欣赏)this great wonder created by people and nature working together

9.Don’t h__________ your eyes by reading in the bright sun

10.She was busy; t__________ she could not come to the party

11.China is situated in one of the most active earthquake __________(区域) in the world

12.The __________(传统) of the Dragon Boat Festival started more than 2,000 years ago

13.Our school was __________(设计) by a famous professor from Tongji University of Shanghai




At first, Michael Surrell didn't see the black smoke or flames shooting from the windows of his neighbors' home. He and his wife had just parked around the corner from their own house in Allentown, Pennsylvania, when they got a call from one of his daughters: “The house next door is on fire! ” He went to investigate. That's when he saw a woman crying desperately on their porch.

“The baby' s in there! ” the woman cried. Though the fire department had been called, Surrell, then 64, instinctively ran inside. “The baby” was 8-year-old Tiara Roberts, the woman's granddaughter.

Entering the burning house was like “running into a bucket of black paint,” Surrell says. The thick smoke caused him to stumble blindly around, burned his eyes, and made it impossible to breathe. The conditions would have been dangerous to anyone, but for Surrell, who has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (慢性阻塞性肺病), they were life-threatening.

After a few minutes in the smoke-filled house, he retreated outside to catch his breath. Surrell knew he couldn't hold his breath for long. Taking a deep breath, he went in a second time. The darkness was overwhelming. Yet because the house had a similar layout (布局)to his, he found the stairs and made it to the second floor. He turned to the right and was met by intense heat. He was already out of breath.

His throat and lungs burned as if he'd breathed in fire instead of the smoke and soot in the air. Every blink stung his eyes. All he could hear was the crackling and popping of burning wood. Then a soft but distinct moan (呻吟声) emerged. Still unable to see, Surrell fell to his knees on the hot wood floor. He crawled toward the sound, feeling around for any sign of the girl.






Paragraph 1:

Finally, he touched something — a shoe, then an ankle.


Paragraph 2:

Surrell woke up in the hospital a couple of days later.




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