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Knowing Mr I.M. Pei, and establishing th...

    Knowing Mr I.M. Pei, and establishing the LM. Pei Foundation with his son, Didi Pei, are among the most fortunate things to ever happen to me.

Like many Chinese Americans, I chose to study architecture in 1975, simply because I wanted to be the next I.M. Pei. He was the inspiration for my career and my life. Unfortunately when I applied for a job at his office after graduation in 1980, his associate partner, Kellogg Wong told me that I was too young and inexperienced, and advised me to try again after a few years.

In 1984, however, I set up my own firm, James Jao Associates. It was the heyday of my firm in the late 1980s, designing about 30 percent of new residential family buildings in Queens. The joke at the time was that I.M. Pei was the biggest Chinese American architectural firm with over 2,800 employees, and James Jao with 100 was the second largest.

In the summer of 1990, I had the first opportunity to pay Mr Pei a personal visit at his office. After knowing my age, he congratulated me for breaking what he thought to be the curse (诅咒) that no architect can be famous until after the age of 40. He even said that I had a greater influence than him. I was surprised by his nice words. However, I don’t think anyone, especially me, will ever be as influential as him.

In November, 2018, after my 60th birthday celebrations, I met Mr Pei in his apartment discussing the establishment of the I.M. Pei Foundation, a non-profit organization to promote the philosophy of his works and, most importantly, his spirit of achieving excellence in art and culture.

This morning I was deeply saddened to hear about the passing of a great architectural legend (传奇) of our time. At the age of 102, Mr Pei died with great achievements to his name.

Rest in peace, Mr Pei. We will vow to carry on your torch (火炬) and your sprit because you are the one and only I.M. Pei.

James C Jao,

May 16th, 2019

1.The writer chose to study architecture because ________.

A.she wanted to make as much money as I.M. Pei

B.she wanted to have the lessons of I.M. Pei

C.she wanted to work in I.M. Pei’s office

D.she wanted to be a great architect like I.M. Pei

2.The underlined word “heyday” in the third paragraph probably means ________.

A.the golden period B.the weakest period

C.the darkest period D.the toughest period

3.What did I.M. Pei think of James Jao?

A.She was inexperienced.

B.She was too young.

C.She was very excellent.

D.She was very beautiful.

4.What is the purpose of writing this passage?

A.To introduce I.M. Pei B.To tell her successful experience

C.In memory of I.M. Pei D.To advertise the I.M. Pei Foundation


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.C 【解析】 本文为一篇应用文。通过我的一封哀悼信,介绍了我与贝聿铭先生的过去的交集,表示对一代传奇逝去的惋惜。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段“Like many Chinese Americans, I chose to study architecture in 1975, simply because I wanted to be the next I.M. Pei.”可知,作者像其他华裔美国人一样,学习建筑是想成为下一个贝聿铭。故选D项。 2.词义猜测题。根据第三段“designing about 30 percent of new residential family buildings in Queens.”及“The joke at the time was that I.M. Pei was the biggest Chinese American architectural firm with over 2,800 employees, and James Jao with 100 was the second largest.”可知,我的公司在皇后区设计了大约30%的新住宅家庭建筑,并且只有100人却成为全美第二大的建筑公司。故推测此时为公司的黄金时代。故选A项。 3.推理判断题。根据第四段“After knowing my age, he congratulated me for breaking what he thought to be the curse (诅咒) that no architect can be famous until after the age of 40. He even said that I had a greater influence than him.”可知,贝聿铭先生认为我在如此小的年龄就取得如此大的成绩十分出色,并且认为我的影响力比他还大。推测贝聿铭先生应认为我是一个杰出的人。故选C项。 4.推理判断题。结合全文可知,本文介绍了贝聿铭先生对我的影响,及我与贝聿铭先生的一系列经历,借此表达对贝聿铭先生的缅怀。故选C项。

    The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms (节气). Start of Summer (立夏), the 7th term of the year, begins on May 6 and ends on May 21 this year. Start of Summer signals the change of seasons. On this day, the sun’s rays reach an angle of 45 degrees to the earth. The temperature will rise quickly during this period.

Here are four traditions to learn about the Start of Summer.

Greeting Start of Summer

The term Start of Summer was originated at the end of the Warring States Period (239BC). Since it is a key time for the harvest of summer crops, ancient Chinese emperors in different dynasties attached great importance to the Start of Summer. They encouraged people to seize the key time to do farm work. It’s said that most of the decorations were arranged in the color red in order to show respect for the god of summer and pray for a good harvest.

Checking one’s weight

The custom of weighing people at the Start of Summer originated from the Three Kingdoms Period (220-180) and is still popular in South China today. It was believed this practice would bring health and good luck to the people weighted.

After lunch on this day, people would hang a basket from a beam (房梁). The young and old took turns to get weighed while the person calculating the weight would offer good wishes. It is said that those who were weighed would stay healthy in the hot summer and those who weren’t would suffer illness.

Eating eggs

In ancient China, people believed a round egg symbolized a happy life and eating eggs on the day of Start of Summer was a prayer for good health. They put leftover tea into boiled water together with eggs and the original “tea egg” was created. Later people improved cooking methods and added spices (香料) to the eggs to make them taste delicious. Today tea egg has become a traditional snack in China.

Egg Competitions

As an old Chinese saying goes “hanging an egg on children’s chest can prevent them from getting summer diseases”, parents will prepare boiled eggs and put them in a bag before hanging them on their child’s chest. When at school, children gather together to play egg competitions by hitting each other’s eggs in pairs and the one whose egg is not broken wins.

1.People believe that if one is weighed on Start of Summer, he or she will ________.

A.have a good harvest B.have respect for god

C.be fortunate D.suffer illness

2.Which tradition is particularly designed for children?

A.Greeting Start of Summer B.Checking one’s weight

C.Eating eggs D.Egg Competitions

3.What is the difference between the tradition “Greeting Start of Summer” and the other three?

A.It is very old. B.It has nothing to do with health.

C.It was only popular in Zhou Dynasty. D.It is organized by the emperor.



    What is the largest animal that lives on landYou most likely say“The elephant”You are correct.(In the animal kingdomonly the whale is larger.)There are two kinds of elephantsThe first is the African elephantThe second is the Asian or Indian elephantThey are relatedBut they look differentThe African elephant is biggerIts ears are about four feet wideIts tusks are about six to eight feet long1.

An African male elephant is about 11.5 feet at the shoulderIt weighs from 12,000 to 14,000 poundsThe largest ever measured stood 13 feet 2 inches tall

The elephant has thick skinIt’s about one inch thickIt’s heavy2. Yet it is tenderThe bite of a horsefly will draw bloodElephants like to cover themselves with mud clay(泥土).This protects their skin from bites by flies

3. It weighs about 300 poundsThe elephant uses the trunk in many waysIt smellsdrinksand feeds itself with its trunk

4. Only two thirds of each tusk sticks outThe rest is in the skullTusks are used to dig for foodThey are also used to fightWhen trainedelephants can lift as much as one ton with their tusksThe molars are about one foot longElephants have four molarsEach weighs eight to nine pounds

The mother elephant gives birth after 20 to 22 months5. It is already about three feet tallIt drinks its mother’s milk until it is three or four years old

AThe skin alone weighs about one ton

BThere are many land animals in Africa

COur interest is with the African elephant

DThe elephant's trunk is about six feet long

EThe tusksabout six feet longare really teeth

FMany baby elephants miss their elephant families

GAt birththe baby elephant weighs about two hundred pounds



    In the tenth gradeI began working for free at a vet’s that was run by a friend of my parentsI wanted to get experience for what I thought would be my future jobHoweveron one particular Saturday morning I learnt something perhaps more important

The hospital was in the middle of one of the poorer sections of the city and some people could only pay for the most basic treatmentsOn this Saturdaya man and his young sonwho was probably about 7 years oldwalked in with a small cat in a cardboard boxThere was something wrong with the cat’s left eyeBut the man could not afford to pay for the cost of the medicineHe kept quiet for a whileand then he asked where the nearest animal shelter wasHearing thishis son cried and started to argue with himAll of a suddenan older woman who was sitting in the waiting room stood upwalked up to the counterand told the man that she would pay for the costThe man thanked her and the son got to keep a healthy cat

I always thought it was the right thing to help out a needy personbut I only saw people do acts of kindness on TV or in the moviesWhat the woman did made me believe that these things do happen in real lifeand quite often

Nowwhen I can’t decide whether to help someone who is in needI think of this womanand then I have the courage to step up to the plate sometimes other people follow

1.We can infer that a vet’s is most probably a hospital for      

A.kids B.the poor

C.animals D.women

2.For what purpose did the writer work at the vet’s

A.To help his parents’ friend with his work

B.To make some pocket money

C.To learn more about society

D.To gain some work experience

3.What would the man probably do with the cat if the woman didn’t help him

A.Give it up

B.Take it home without treatment

C.Give it to the woman

D.Give it to someone on the street



    Do you know how to plant a treeOnce you’ve chosen a treeyou’ll need to prepare your place for planting

Planting the Tree

Dig a hole a foot deeper than and twice as wide as the root ball of the new treeloosen the soil at the bottom and sides of the holeso roots will be able to easily enter the soil

Gently remove the tree from the container and guide the tree into the holeBuild soil up and around the roots if necessaryso the tree is at the same soil level as it was originally grown

Straighten the tree in the holeBefore you begin fillinghave someone view the tree from several directions to confirm that the tree is straightYou should fill the hole with existing soil that has been mixed with rich materialsAt this time you can also add bone meal and then water the tree

Caring for the Tree

Caring for the tree once it is planted is an important step so you should provide regular wateringAlways feel the soil before wateringas over-watering can also harm the treeWhen soil is dry below the surface of the coveringit’s time to waterYou will probably need to water at least once a weekContinue until mid-fallwhen lower temperatures call for less-frequent watering

When to Plant a Tree

Now that you know how to plant a treethe next step is deciding when to plantSpring and fall are generally the best times to plant a treeThis gives the tree time to adjust(调整)before summer heat or winter cold arrivesIn areas without cold winterstrees may be planted during the winter

1.Which of the following is one of the suggestions for planting a tree

A.Making the tree straight in the hole

B.Watering the tree as much as possible

C.Filling the hole with soil without anything

D.Planting the tree in winter

2.What can we learn from“Caring for the Tree”

A.It is necessary to keep the soil in the hole from getting dry

B.It isn’t very important to care for it after the tree is planted

C.It is very important to make sure that the soil in the hole is dry

D.It is necessary to water the tree frequently in lower temperatures

3.Why are spring and fall the best times to plant trees

A.Both seasons don’t have much rain

B.It is easy to dig holes in both seasons

C.Trees can grow fast and well in both seasons

D.Trees have time to prepare to pass the following hard times




1.Of all the __________(大规模的)migrationsthat of the North American monarch butterflies is one of the most wonderful

2.__________(不知怎么地)they manage to travel around 4,000 kilometres south and find their way to places where they will spend the winter

3.Every autumnmillions of these beautiful insects with __________(精致的)black and orange wings begin a long and difficult journey

4.It then uses its eyes to measure the __________(位置)of the sun

5.These two pieces of information allow the butterfly to d__________ which way it needs to go and change its direction when necessary

6.__________(最终),it manages to reach California or Mexico

7.In many of the places where monarchs can be foundpeople are d__________ the natural environment by cutting down trees and using __________(化学品)that kill the plants that monarch caterpillars eat

8.__________(志愿者)have been working together to record their migration and make sure that there are enough plants for them to feed on

9.They finished __________(测量)that piece of land last week

10.The tests will help the doctors __________(确定)what treatment they should use

11.It puzzles scientists how these creatures can s__________ in such cold conditions

12.Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been d_________

13.The news that the plane had __________(坠毁)made us sad



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