满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 At a rece...


At a recent 6-ycar-old's birthday party together with my daughter, I watched two girls playing in a playroom. Three boys came over and decided they were going to drive the girls away. “No girls allowed, "said one boy. The other two boys crowded around the girls for effect. One of the girls, in fear, did as she was ordered and left the playroom. The other girl stood her ground. “We were here first. You can't kick us out,"she said.

They weren't my kids, so I gently told the boys that everyone was allowed to play in the playroom. The boys ignored me, and continued to push the remaining girl out of the room. The girl fell on the ground and screamed in pain. The boys went on with their no-girls-allowed game. I took the girl over to the parents at the party and explained what had happened. What followed was a lesson in how girls were schooled in male power and privilege(特权).

The girl's mother told her that she should have stayed away from the boys. The message to the girl was that it was her fault because she didn't do what the boys had ordered. A father of one of the boys laughed and told me that I should have caught the girl as she fell. There were no consequences for the boys. Their violence was so much an accepted part of their behaviour that it didn't even raise an eyebrow. In fact, the attitude of the father was that using physical strength to get what you wanted was to be celebrated. The message to the boys was that they could hurt girls without any consequence. Another mother said,"It's so hard for boys and girls to play together at this age.”






Paragraph 1:

To that mother's words, my response is: No! It's not!


Paragraph 2:

My six-year-old daughter observed the events at the party.



Paragraph 1: To that mother's words, my response is: No! It's not! We are all humans, born without any difference. Though it seems to be a small thing, just a quarrel among children, what it shows is that girls are now suffering from prejudice. Actually, boys and girls are just like two poles of our Earth, so they can't be apart and there is nothing about who are better. Boys should have are respectful attitude to girls. I think all the parents should teach their children that boys and girls have the same rights. Paragraph 2: My six-year-old daughter observed the events at the party. And afterwards she said," Mum, I think those boys can't drive the girls away and even injure them."I said," That's true, my dear. Girls are now being looked down upon, but you need to understand that we are equal, though some people don't think like this. ”My daughter nodded and said," I will try my best to stop violence against women and girls.” 【解析】 这是一篇读后续写。 通过阅读所给文章可知,作者在女儿的六岁派对上目睹了一次女孩子被男孩欺负的过程,作者温和地劝说,结果男孩们不理会,继续把剩下的女孩推出房间。女孩跌倒在地上,痛得尖叫起来。女孩的母亲告诉她,她应该远离男孩。给那个女孩的信息是这是她的错,因为她没有按男孩们的要求去做。作者认为他们的暴力行为在很大程度上是他们行为中被接受的一部分,甚至没有引起人们的注意。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:对于那位母亲的话,我的回答是:不!它不是!所以后文应该是作者阐述自己的观点。作者认为我们都是人,生来没有任何区别,认为所有的父母都应该教育他们的孩子,男孩和女孩有同样的权利。第二段开头是:我六岁的女儿在晚会上目睹了这一切。本段应该写作者的女儿对这件事的看法,主要为作者和女儿的对话。女儿说会尽最大努力制止针对妇女和女孩的暴力行为。 续写时要求使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语增加了写作难度,我们要熟悉所给划线词语,恰当的时候加以运用。最后还要注意所续写短文的词数应为150左右;续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。按要求完成写作任务。


1. 完成作业,适量阅读;

2. 庆祝春节, 走亲访友;

3. 参加社区组织的志愿者活动。

注意:1. 词数80左右;信的开头已经写好。

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Tony,

How is everything with you recently?  _______________________________________________________








Yours sincerely,





I don’t very often have a full day off work. Today I1. (do). I had a free morning, going to the gym, walking the dog, and thought I would hurry into the office to fill in my time sheet so I would be paid for 2.hours I have worked. I was thinking that I had worked less hours because the lady,3.I share work every workday with, was working instead of me. I hoped that somehow we would have4.(much)money coming in this month.

I arrived at the office only 5.(see)the main secretary looking very pale. She asked what my afternoon6. (plan)were. When I said I had the afternoon free, she asked me7.I could work for her, as she had really hurt her back. At the moment, I was looking forward 8.a day off, but I said yes straight away. She quickly told me what was urgent and had to be done first.

I hurried home and got changed into work clothes and took over. Our boss phoned and thanked me for stepping in. Now9.(luck), the sick person went home, the problem10.(solve)and I got four hours extra pay! How amazing!



    Long long ago, there was a small village. This village had a _________tradition. At the beginning of every year, any boy who had reached the age of majority( the state of legally being an adult) was given land and money to build a home. The boy had to_________his home before winter. If his home failed to endure the cold weather in winter, the villagers could not_________him in any way,

One_________, Paul and Mare reached their majority. They_________their land and money and decided to search nearby villages for ideas on building their homes. In each village, they found the nicest_________and talked to the owners. Each owner gladly offered_________.

After Mare saw several homes, he_________the best ideas and went back to his own land. Paul_______continued collecting more ideas. Soon he had so many great ideas that he began to__________some of them. And he always believed he could find even better ·ideas in the next village.

Mare began building his home. He had several__________starts, but his home gradually rose from his land. By fall, Mare had finished his home. It wasn't perfect, but it was strong and he could__________it later. Paul enjoyed all the beautiful homes and__________with home owners. The first snow came and Paul, realizing he was running out of time,__________back to his land. He built the best home he could in the time he had, but it was__________. The first winter storm destroyed his home and he froze to__________. The villagers mourned for him.

Mare__________the winter. Each year, Mare searched for other good ideas he could use to make his own home look better. He became a leader in the village,__________a family, and lived a happy and content life.

We all build and improve our own mental homes. It's__________and fun for us to search for ideas from other mental home owners, but we only improve our own mental homes if we actually__________the best ideas.

1.A.strange B.hopeful C.literary D.voluntary

2.A.find B.make C.complete D.buy

3.A.help B.encourage C.scold D.persuade

4.A.winter B.summer C.autumn D.spring

5.A.exchanged B.received C.recognized D.advised

6.A.girls B.jobs C.houses D.presents

7.A.rooms B.drinks C.attention D.advice

8.A.expected B.gathered C.created D.understood

9.A.similarly B.finally C.however D.furthermore

10.A.forget B.believe C.replace D.change

11.A.fine B.amazing C.false D.rapid

12.A.repair B.rebuild C.sell D.improve

13.A.conversations B.achievements C.struggles D.arguments

14.A.drove B.rushed C.flew D.moved

15.A.weak B.funny C.small D.excellent

16.A.blindness B.death C.sadness D.illness

17.A.experienced B.loved C.survived D.spent

18.A.brought B.earned C.contacted D.raised

19.A.slow B.easy C.dangerous D.special

20.A.welcome B.get C.collect D.apply



    In today’s world English has become a global language. Speaking or writing in English is a matter of global interest these days, for it is now a requirement for being able to communicate with the outer world. 1..


The first thing you need to have is an enthusiasm to reach your goal. The most important thing you have to have is emotional devotion(情感,承诺)with your desire to learn English quickly. 2..


You pass by a lot of things in English that you meet with in your day-to-day life. Things could include magazines, emails, posts on social media, websites, a piece of literary work(文学作品)or a newspaper. Read them because you never know what is waiting for you in there. You might find that a lot of things are already known to you but the content will surely be full of new vocabulary allowing you to improve faster.

Keep a note of the new words

4.. It’s a bit more important that you keep a handy notebook with you and whenever you learn a new word or expression, write down the context along with the word. Use the word in a sentence and note the meaning, too. Sometimes you may find forgetting a certain word or phrase seems impossible. 5.. So, to prevent this you need to keep visiting your pages and go through the notes you have made time and time again.

A. Don’t just move on after reading

B. Read everything you may come across

C. Don’t let yourself down if you face a difficulty

D. However, being a human being you are built to forget

E. You won’t achieve success if you aren’t enthusiastic enough

F. By following these tips you will improve the language quickly

G. Spend the most of your time in either listening or reading in English



    Teotihuacan was once one of the world's most important cities, but many things about it are still unknown today. How did the people live , and why did they abandon(放弃)their city? For years, answers to some of those questions have been buried in the Pyramid of the Moon. Now, findings in this ancient structure are helping archeologists learn more about Teotiuacan's people and their culture.

Until recently many experts thought Teotihuacan was a peaceful society mostly ruled by gentle and wise leaders. But recent findings in the Pyramid of the Moon show something else. Archeologists discovered a number of headless bodies. Most were foreigners, and other objects of power. Clearly the people and objects found inside the pyramid were offerings.

However, the findings in the pyramid are difficult to interpret. "These findings are like sentences." says archeologist Leonardo Lopez Lujan," but we don't have all the words… so they're hard to read." Despite these problems, several archeologists have concluded this; Teotihuacan was not a society governed by peaceful rulers. " In reality, officials used human sacrifice(祭品)says archeologist Saburo Sugiyama," to control the people. "The city probably also had a powerful army.

Who were the city leaders? Scientists don't know. They have not found a king buried in the pyramid or any status of Teotihuacan's rulers. But archeologists continue to search for them. They hope to learn more about the pyramid's creators and one of the world's most powerful ancient cities.

1.What is this passage mainly about?

A.Discoveries in the Pyramid of the Moon.

B.An ancient leader who had the Pyramid of the Moon built.

C.Why the people of Teotihuacan abandoned their city.

D.How the Pyramid of the Moon was built in Teotihuacan.

2.Which of the following have NOT been found in the Pyramid of the Moon?

A.Weapons. B.The bodies of kings.

C.Animal bones. D.Human bones.

3.The underlined word " interpret" in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to “              ”.

A.create B.discover

C.imagine D.explain

4.According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.The people and animals in the pyramid died of disease.

B.Most of the dead bodies in the pyramid were the Teotihuacan's people.

C.Rulers sacrificed humans to control the Teotihuacan's people.

D.Tcotihuacan had a powerful army led by gentle and wise leaders.



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