满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Teachin...


Teaching as a volunteer teacher is quite 1. experience for Zhang Tian. He became a volunteer teacher in a village school in Guizhou Province,2.(inspire) by the idea of living independently away from home.

However, not everything lived up to Zhang Tian's hopes. The school, with only three classrooms, was much3.(small) than he had expected. Living in the village was also tougher than he had thought. It took him a long time to adjust4. the life there. The thought of 5.(leave)once flashed through his mind, but he quickly gave it up and found ways to deal with the challenges.

6.(make)school life more colorful for his students, Zhang Tian introduced more subjects to the school. Tough as it is, he has enjoyed working with the children. 7. makes him most satisfied is that his students are able to read, speak and write in English and they can learn the language8.(confident).

Besides teaching, Zhang Tian also contacted charity organizations for help and  9. (teach)the villagers how to sell local products online. The 10.(contribute) he has made to the village is so great that the villagers treat him as one of them.


1.an 2.inspired 3.smaller 4.to 5.leaving 6.To make 7.What 8.confidently 9.taught 10.contribution 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。主要记叙了张田在贵州省一所乡村学校做志愿教师的经历,他为学校介绍了更多的科目,除了教学,张田还联系慈善组织寻求帮助,教村民如何在网上销售当地产品。他对这个村庄的贡献是如此之大,以至于村民们把他当作他们中的一员。 1.考查冠词。句意:支教对张田来说是一次相当丰富的经历。experience表示“经历”为可数名词,此处表示泛指“一次经历”应用不定冠词,且experience为元音音素开头的单词故应用不定冠词an。故填an。 2.考查非谓语动词。句意:受离家独立生活的启发,他成为了贵州省一所乡村学校的志愿教师。本句中inspire做非谓语动词,与逻辑主语he构成被动关系故用过去分词。故填inspired。 3.考查比较级。句意:这所学校只有三间教室,比他预想的要小得多。结合下文than he had expected可知应用形容词比较级,故填smaller。 4.考查固定句式。句意:他花了很长时间才适应那里的生活。固定句式it takes/took sb. some time to do sth.“做某事花费了某人多少时间”,故填to。 5.考查非谓语动词。句意:离开的念头曾经闪过他的脑海,但他很快就放弃了,并找到了应对挑战的方法。of为介词后跟动名词做宾语,故填leaving。 6.考查非谓语动词。句意:为了让学生的学校生活更加丰富多彩,张田为学校介绍了更多的科目。本句中make做非谓语动词,表目的应用不定式,故填To make。 7.考查连词。句意:最令他满意的是,他的学生能读、说、写英语,而且他们能自信地学习这门语言。本句为主语从句,且从句中缺少主语,指代事情,故填What。 8.考查副词。句意同上。learn为动词需要副词修饰,故填confidently。 9.考查动词时态。句意:除了教学,张田还联系慈善组织寻求帮助,教村民如何在网上销售当地产品。本空余上文Zhang Tian also contacted构成并列谓语,故应用一般过去时。故填taught。 10.考查名词。句意:他对这个村庄的贡献是如此之大,以至于村民们把他当作他们中的一员。根据上文the可知应填名词,表示“贡献”,故填contribution。

    As a child I once read an article about the Pacific Crest Trail (太平洋屋脊步道) in National Geographic. It was a ______ of two men who walked 2,650 miles from Mexico to Canada with huge packs. It caught my eye, as I, too, ______ adventures in the wilderness. I've always remembered that story, but never believed I would actually ______ it. It was too far out of my comfort zone.

But then, at the age of 42, I hiked the 88 Temples Trail through Japan. There, I experienced how ______ it could be to hike alone. What ______ me most were the fantastic mountains, grand temples and generous local people. And ______, I managed to complete the trail in six weeks without any severe injuries. For the first time, I ______ that I could achieve my dream of travelling around America one day.

When I shared my plan with friends and colleagues, the news was welcomed with ______ reactions. From some I got enthusiastic ______. But from others there were frowns and question marks. Half a year away from my family was a ______ for me. Yet it wouldn't defeat me. After all, six months is ______ a short period in a lifetime. After having worked hard for 20 years in shiny office buildings, I felt the need for more ______ in my life. I hoped to ______ and look within, as well as explore the unfamiliar things. I understood that I needed them both. ______ John Muir once put it, "Keep close to ______... and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean."

1.A.news B.report C.story D.photo

2.A.knew of B.dreamed of C.heard about D.worried about

3.A.make B.ignore C.appreciate D.reject

4.A.dull B.difficult C.attractive D.crazy

5.A.confused B.shocked C.affected D.impressed

6.A.to my regret B.to my surprise C.to my sadness D.to my disappointment

7.A.denied B.pretended C.realized D.promised

8.A.mixed B.positive C.doubtful D.strange

9.A.promise B.assistance C.devotion D.approval

10.A.relief B.challenge C.delight D.comfort

11.A.finally B.hardly C.quickly D.simply

12.A.adventure B.bravery C.safety D.knowledge

13.A.speed up B.stand by C.slow down D.drop out

14.A.When B.As C.If D.Unless

15.A.forest B.desert C.nature D.valley



    Education has always been a hot topic.How to educate children can be a sweet but painstaking task for parents, many of whom try to offer their children the best environment. Competition between parents over children's education may start from the kind of animated (动画) series children watch. 1. By watching the former, children can learn English at the same time. However, this does not mean those watching foreign shows perform better than those watching Chinese ones.  2. They can help children learn traditional Chinese culture and history.Take Journey to the West for example. 3.

By watching this show, children can learn more about the history of the Tang Dynasty and the development of Buddhist culture in China. Foreign shows can open a window for children to gain a better understanding of the outside world. So, children ought to be encouraged to watch both as long as the content of the show is beneficial.

This can also be applied to other things beyond animated series. 4. However, some parents fail to do this. Their incorrect view can more or less leave an influence on their children. Innocent (天真的) children, influenced by their parents, slowly hold the view that watching foreign shows is better than watching Chinese shows. 5.

A. Chinese shows have their own advantages.

B. Foreign animated series are always the first choice for parents.

C. Children often follow their parents' advice when choosing animated series.

D. For example,children can be encouraged to read folk tales at home and abroad.

E. Once the view is formed in children's minds, parents' education proves a failure.

F. This show is based on one of the four great classical novels of Chinese literature.

G. For some parents, watching foreign animated shows is better than watching Chinese ones.



    With a focus now on the environmental influence over the fashion industry, some bloggers who cut their teeth sharing details of endless clothes and products are changing their direction-enter the “no-buy” movement. The idea is simple: instead of buying new clothes or beauty products, you make a promise to use the things you already own. Some people sign up to a “no-buy year”. Others decide not to buy for a few weeks or months or choose “low-buy” with a strict spending cap.

This life style has caught the attention of many people who struggle to keep up with the latest fashion. Modern people’s desire for material things is often not caused by poverty (贫穷) , but by anxiety, which is further enlarged by the rise of social media.

“Social media puts pressure on people to spend money,” says Katherine Ormerod, author of Why Social Media is Ruining Your Life. Many online influencers are given the items they use and wear for free, but Ormerod is determined not to wear any new products she is given. “Really I just want to convince people they don’t have to spend a lot of money on fashion to look stylish and there’s no such thing as ‘last season’ anymore,” she says. “True style has never been about that anyway.”

However, self-satisfied expressions of minimalist (极简主义的) living have earned plenty of doubts. “Minimalism is a good quality only when it’s a choice, and it’s telling that its fan base is from the well-off middle class. To people who don’t have enough in the first place, celebrations of ‘less is more’ can sound more like a luxury (奢侈) than a considerable loss.” Stephanie Land wrote in The New York Times.

1.What does the underlined word “cap” mean in paragraph 1?

A.Soft hat. B.Loose budget. C.Upper limit. D.Money box.

2.Which of the following does Katherine Ormerod agree with?

A.Overspending results in anxiety. B.High price goes with good quality.

C.True style is getting the latest product. D.Social media affects buying decisions.

3.What does Stephanie Land think of minimalism?

A.It’s suitable for the rich. B.It's a wise choice.

C.It’s out of date. D.It's an impractical idea.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.Buying habit. B.Social media.

C.Fashion industry. D.No-buy movement.



    A new officer with the Huntington Park Police patrols (巡逻) local parks 24 hours a day seven days a week.He doesn't need rest,coffee breaks,a salary or medical insurance,and that is because it is a Robocop.

The main function of the Robocop is to scan and film the surroundings.Besides cameras with night vision that report 360 degrees,it also has a distress button which is located here,so if somebody is to need assistance or they want to contact the communication center,they can do it by way of that distress button.There are people that are monitoring on the other end.

This newest police employee is self-charging.It's easy to program it and make changes to the software if necessary.Its maintenance (维护) costs are roughly 75 thousand dollars a year.It travels the entire park.It is a programmed path,but the police are able to change the path and adapt it.

The Robocop can record the license plates (车牌) of passing cars and check them against an online database of stolen cars.It can also help locate a lost iPhone because it is able to determine a smartphone's MAC address.The police can see from the robot if something wrong happens and then come and figure it out.

The Robocop can't replace its human handlers.The whole goal is to give police more time to do things machines can't do.The police have been having some concerns about safety of the parks and want an extra set of eyes that will help patrol a 24/7.Robocop's creators believe this model known as K5 is best used for providing security at public places like hospitals, parking lots,parks and airports.So far,it seems to be working out just fine.

1.What is the distress button used to do?

A.Locate the Robocop. B.Serve as an alarm device.

C.Communicate with visitors. D.Monitor the neighbourhood.

2.Which of the following can best describe the Robocop?

A.Helpful but dangerous. B.Intelligent but inexpensive.

C.Tireless and multifunctional. D.Fashionable and good-looking.

3.Why does the Robocop record the license plates of passing cars?

A.To direct traffic. B.To build a database.

C.To prevent accidents. D.To find lost cars.

4.What can we infer about the Robocop in the last paragraph?

A.It has limitation in use. B.It has been widely used.

C.Its creators need more support. D.Its security is still under test.



    Finding a suitable name for a baby is a big deal in China.When picking out a Chinese name,parents usually select two or three characters that have a carefully thought out meaning, but when deciding on an English name, many of them struggle.That's where Jessup and her company, Special Name,come in. In the last few years, Jessup has helped name 677,900 Chinese babies, and earned over $400,000 in the process, more than enough to pay her college fees.

Jessup came up with the idea for Special Name in 2015,after accompanying her father on a business trip to China.One of her dad's business partners,a Mrs.Wang, asked her to help choose an English name for her daughter.Jessup felt honored and quickly realized the importance of choosing a proper name in Chinese culture.The woman wanted people to be surprised by the things her daughter could achieve,so Jessup suggested the name"Eliza"after the character Eliza Doolittle from the play Pygmalion.Mrs.Wang seemed delighted with Jessup's choice."If Mrs.Wang needed this service,maybe other parents would as well,"Jessup thought.

After returning to UK,Jessup borrowed 1,500 from her parents and paid a web designer to build a website,She then spent her free time filling up a database(数据库)with around 4,000 English names,associating them with five major personality characteristics,like honesty and optimism.

In the beginning, Jessup offered the service for free to promote the website,but later,she started charging fees.The business is almost completely self-sufficient,requiring only a small team in China that manages technical operations.She updates the database each month,allowing her to focus full-time on studies.

1.What's the purpose of Special Name?

A.To help Chinese teens go abroad.

B.To strengthen children's personalities.

C.To pick an English name for a Chinese baby.

D.To make a deal with Chinese parents.

2.What inspired Jessup to set up Special Name?

A.A suggestion from a business partner. B.Her interest in Chinese culture.

C.A Chinese mother's request. D.A character from a play.

3.What did Mrs.Wang want her daughter to be in the future?

A.A woman with achievements. B.A famous actress.

C.A successful businesswoman. D.A western culture expert.

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph about Special Name?

A.It offers free service. B.It's updated every day.

C.It's operated completely by itself. D.It is easy to manage.



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