满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

单词拼写 1.After the song ended,all clapped ...


1.After the song endedall clapped and ________ (祈求) for another.

2.You misunderstood me yesterdayMary. I wasn’t referring to you when I ________ (责备) someone for the accident.

3.Those who graduated from thirdgrade universities are in a very ________ (令人尴尬的) situation.

4.Just now the two boys were playing games and now they are ________ (吵架).

5.It is acceptable to manage all the possible conflicts in a friendly ________ (方式).

6.“As leaderswe cannot ________ (背叛) the people’s trust” said Lin Hanmindirector of the administrative examination.

7.The mobile phone is ________ (敏感的) enough to pick up weak signals.

8.Candidates who fail to meet these requirements will not be ________ (进入) to the university.


1.begged 2.blamed 3.awkward 4.quarrelling 5.manner 6.betray 7.sensitive 8.admitted 【解析】 1.考查动词和时态。句意:歌唱完之后,所有的人都鼓掌并且祈求再唱一首。结合汉语提示可知是“beg”祈求,根据and和clapped判断为一般过去时,故填begged。 2.考查动词和时态。句意:你昨天误解我了,玛丽。当我责备事故当事者时并不是指你。根据汉语提示可知是“blame”责备,分析句子可知此处是从句谓语动词,根据was判断为一般过去时,故填blamed。 3.考查形容词。句意:从野鸡大学毕业的学生境况十分尴尬。此处应填形容词修饰名词situation,再根据汉语提示可知是“awkward”尴尬的,故填awkward。 4.考查动词和时态。句意:刚刚两个孩子还一起玩游戏,可现在他们在吵架。根据汉语提示可知是“quarrel”吵架,再根据now和are判断此处为现在进行时,即are doing,故填quarrelling。 5.考查名词。句意:用友好的方式解决所有可能的争端是可以接受的。根据a判断此处应填名词单数形式,再结合汉语提示可知是“manner”方式,故填manner。 6.考查动词。句意:行政考试主任林汉名说:“作为领导,我们不能背叛人民的信任。”根据cannot判断此处填动词原形,再根据汉语提示可知是“betray”背叛,故填betray。 7.考查形容词。句意:移动电话很敏感,可以接收微弱信号。此处应填形容词作为is的表语,再根据汉语提示可知是“sensitive”敏感的,故填sensitive。 8.考查被动语态。句意:不符合要求的应试人员是不允许进入大学的。根据汉语提示可知是“admit”进入,再根据will not be判断此处应用动词的过去分析形式,故填admitted。


Last year at Christmas time, my wife, three children and I were on our way from Paris to Nice. Somehow everything went wrong. Our hotels were “tourist traps” and our rented car broke down. On Christmas Eve, when we checked into a dirty hotel in Nice, there was no Christmas spirit in our hearts.

It was raining and cold when we went out to eat. We found a small restaurant poorly decorated for the holiday. Only five tables in the restaurant were taken. There were two German couples, two French families, and an American sailor, by himself. They were eating in stony silence except the sailor. He was writing a letter, and a half-smile lighted his face. In the corner a piano player was listlessly (无精打采地) playing Christmas music.

All of us were interrupted by an old French flower woman through the front door. She had a worn overcoat and her old shoes were wet. Carrying her basket of flowers, she went from one table to another. No one bought any. Exhausted and frustrated, she sat down at a table.

The sailor finished his meal and got up to leave. Putting on his coat, he walked over to the flower woman's table.

“Merry Christmas,” he said, smiling and picking out a handful of flowers. “How much are they?”

“Two francs, sir.”

The sailor put a twenty franc note in the woman’s hand.

“I don't have change, sir, ” she said. “I'll get some from the waiter.”

“No, ma'am, ” said the sailor, leaning over and kissing the ancient cheek. “This is my Christmas present for you.”





Paragraph 1

Then the sailor headed for our table with the flowers in his hand.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______

Paragraph 2

The piano player came alive and pleasant music filled the whole room.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________




1. 陈述理由:

2. 提出建议:

3. 表达祝愿

注意:1. 词数80左右:

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯.





1.The professor is i_______ (教导) him to write a science report.

2.Yesterday we s_______ (怀疑) that he was involved in the murder.

3.It is generally agreed that play is an e_______ (必要的) part of a child's development.

4.Shopping online is a c_______ (方便) for people who are too busy to shop.

5.Our company provides many training o_______ (机会) for its employees.




Teaching as a volunteer teacher is quite 1. experience for Zhang Tian. He became a volunteer teacher in a village school in Guizhou Province,2.(inspire) by the idea of living independently away from home.

However, not everything lived up to Zhang Tian's hopes. The school, with only three classrooms, was much3.(small) than he had expected. Living in the village was also tougher than he had thought. It took him a long time to adjust4. the life there. The thought of 5.(leave)once flashed through his mind, but he quickly gave it up and found ways to deal with the challenges.

6.(make)school life more colorful for his students, Zhang Tian introduced more subjects to the school. Tough as it is, he has enjoyed working with the children. 7. makes him most satisfied is that his students are able to read, speak and write in English and they can learn the language8.(confident).

Besides teaching, Zhang Tian also contacted charity organizations for help and  9. (teach)the villagers how to sell local products online. The 10.(contribute) he has made to the village is so great that the villagers treat him as one of them.



    As a child I once read an article about the Pacific Crest Trail (太平洋屋脊步道) in National Geographic. It was a ______ of two men who walked 2,650 miles from Mexico to Canada with huge packs. It caught my eye, as I, too, ______ adventures in the wilderness. I've always remembered that story, but never believed I would actually ______ it. It was too far out of my comfort zone.

But then, at the age of 42, I hiked the 88 Temples Trail through Japan. There, I experienced how ______ it could be to hike alone. What ______ me most were the fantastic mountains, grand temples and generous local people. And ______, I managed to complete the trail in six weeks without any severe injuries. For the first time, I ______ that I could achieve my dream of travelling around America one day.

When I shared my plan with friends and colleagues, the news was welcomed with ______ reactions. From some I got enthusiastic ______. But from others there were frowns and question marks. Half a year away from my family was a ______ for me. Yet it wouldn't defeat me. After all, six months is ______ a short period in a lifetime. After having worked hard for 20 years in shiny office buildings, I felt the need for more ______ in my life. I hoped to ______ and look within, as well as explore the unfamiliar things. I understood that I needed them both. ______ John Muir once put it, "Keep close to ______... and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean."

1.A.news B.report C.story D.photo

2.A.knew of B.dreamed of C.heard about D.worried about

3.A.make B.ignore C.appreciate D.reject

4.A.dull B.difficult C.attractive D.crazy

5.A.confused B.shocked C.affected D.impressed

6.A.to my regret B.to my surprise C.to my sadness D.to my disappointment

7.A.denied B.pretended C.realized D.promised

8.A.mixed B.positive C.doubtful D.strange

9.A.promise B.assistance C.devotion D.approval

10.A.relief B.challenge C.delight D.comfort

11.A.finally B.hardly C.quickly D.simply

12.A.adventure B.bravery C.safety D.knowledge

13.A.speed up B.stand by C.slow down D.drop out

14.A.When B.As C.If D.Unless

15.A.forest B.desert C.nature D.valley



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