满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

单词拼写 1.There is a lot of wisdom in the o...


1.There is a lot of wisdom in the old ________ (谚语) “no painsno gains”.

2.If an animal such as a wolf or a dog ________ (嚎叫)it makes a longloudcrying sound.

3.She was held in deep ________ (喜爱) by all her students.

4.Don’t take it seriously. Tracy’s only ________ (取笑,戏弄) us.

5.She is good at designing advertisementswhose designs have a strong ________ (视觉的) appeal.

6.There is a great ________ (不同种类) of goods in the shopping mall.

7.Due to ________ (技术的) problemswe couldn’t use the equipment for the time being.

8.I don’t like her ________ (风格) of performing. It’s just dull.


1.saying 2.howls 3.affection 4.teasing 5.visual 6.variety 7.technical 8.style 【解析】 1.考查名词。句意:在谚语“一分耕耘一分收获”中蕴藏着很多智慧。根据the和“no pains,no gains”判断此处应填名词单数形式,再结合汉语提示可知是“saying”谚语,故填saying。 2.考查动词。句意:像狼或者狗这样的动物嚎叫时,会发出像哭一样的很长很大的声音。此处应该填动词作为从句谓语,主语an animal是单数,故谓语用三单现形式,再结合汉语提示可知是“howl”嚎叫,故填howls。 3.考查名词。句意:她受到所有学生的喜爱。此处应填名词作为in的宾语,再结合汉语提示可知是“affection”喜爱,不可数名词,故填affection。 4.考查动词。句意:不要当真,Tracy只是和我们开玩笑。此处应填动词作为句子谓语,根据is判断为现在进行时,即is doing,再结合句意可知是“tease”取笑/戏弄,故填teasing。 5.考查形容词。句意:她擅长设计广告,她的设计有强烈的视觉吸引力。此处应填形容词修饰名词appeal,再结合汉语提示可知是“visual”视觉的,故填visual。 6.考查名词。句意:商场里有很多不同种类的商品。根据a判断此处应填名词,再结合句意可知是“variety”不同种类,a variety of各种各样,故填variety。 7.考查形容词。句意:因为技术问题,我们目前不能使用这项设备。此处应填形容词修饰名词problems,再结合汉语提示可知是“technical”技术的,故填technical。 8.考查名词。句意:我不喜欢她的表演风格,太枯燥了。根据her判断此处填名词,由下文it判断用单数形式,再结合汉语提示可知是“style”风格,故填style。


在你的生活中, 谁对你影响最大?这个人怎样影响了你? 怎样牵动你的思绪?你一定有很多的话要说。 请你结合自己的亲身经历,描述一件发生在你和这个人之间的事情, 并简单谈谈你的感受。(文中不要出现真实的人名、校名)




Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.


2.约翰被邀请在毕业典礼上发表演讲, 这让他的全家都很感动。(deliver, which

3.这只是一个私人聚会,所以我认为没有必要邀请他的老板来参加。( it

4.我作为公共关系主管, 需要花很多时间与别人打交道,因此不能有很多时间陪伴家人。(involve, therefore



    Many young people are excited by their first weeks on a new job. For others, this early period is disappointing. Some difficulties may be caused by the individual’s lack of information and preparation. Often, unpleasant surprises result from the unreal expectations aroused during the recruiting(招聘) process. Recruiters and interviewers overstate the attractiveness of a job to gain a large number of candidates. Applicants overstate their abilities and understate their needs to improve their chances of getting the job. At the same time, they may fail to study the company to which they are applying. Thus, each side offers a mixed bag of truth-all likely to cause problems when those hired begin to work.

The problem of over expectations can exist for anyone, but it may be especially severe for those young graduates who have done particularly well in their studies and/or have graduated from famous business school. They have been used to fast, regular feedback on their performance and to the atmosphere of the university. They expect to find the same conditions on their new job. But once on the job, they think their skills and abilities unused.

An individual whose expectations are inconsistent(不一致) with the realities of a new job is not likely to develop an effective and satisfying work role in the company. Edgar Schein found that almost 75% of the interviewed graduates changed jobs at least once over a five-year period. He also found that within five years, most companies lose over half of the college graduates they hire. Schein thinks that this is caused by the difference between the graduates’ expectations and the realities of the company. Similarly, in his study of a small group of American business school graduates working in South America, Schein found that job continuation and satisfaction were related to how closely the graduates’ original expectations matched the realities of their jobs.

1.That some young people are disappointed during their first weeks on a new job may be caused by________.

A.their over excitement

B.new working conditions

C.their lack of abilities and unreal expectations

D.the individual’s lack of information and preparation

2.College graduates overstate their abilities because they want to________.

A.get the job

B.attract more companies

C.get a higher payment

D.obtain a large number of candidates

3.According to the passage, ________.

A.an individual’s expectations are inconsistent

B.over half of the college graduates lost their jobs within five years

C.more than 75% interviewed graduates changed jobs over a 5-year period

D.one man is not likely to develop an effective and satisfying work role in the company

4.After reading the passage, you may conclude that________ .

A.companies like to hire old people

B.young people like to change their jobs

C.young people are more likely to change their jobs

D.young people’s skills and abilities are not needed in companies



    Stamp collection was once considered a harmless and educational pastime for small boys. It still is — but with a difference. Grandpa and grandma have joined the small boys, along with shoe clerks, waitresses, truck drivers, college professors , businessmen, presidents and kings. Stamp collecting has today grown into big business.

All the really rare old stamps are already owned by collectors who refuse to part with them. But even if these owners were willing to sell, few people could afford to buy.

A stamp becomes valuable because it is “ rare”. Modern collectors with little money to spend have to create their own “ rarities”. One rarity that stamp collectors look for is an error in the stamp. The error may be so small that it cannot be seen with the naked eye. If it is there, however, it makes the stamp more valuable.

Stamp collectors have another way of making their collections rare or unusual. They bring together as many examples as they they can of a certain kind of stamp. What makes such a collection unusual is the time and the idea that went inot making it. One may collect only stamps of some color. Another may collect only stamps from a certain foreign country, or stamps connected with some person, place or event. Still other collectors are interested in the tiny holes along the edge of a stamp. They may be long or short, round or oval. Some stamps may not have them at all. Another thing that makes a stamp “ rare” is its postmark or its cancellation. Collectors go through a lot of trouble to have letters mailed to them from unusual places.

1.Grandpa and grandma have joined the small boys in collecting stamps because ________.

A.even kings and presidents are also collecting stamps.

B.they want to be with their garandsons

C.it is no longer a pastime for little boys

D.people can make a lot of money by buying and selling stamps.

2.All the really rare old stamps are sometimes owned by collectors who  ________..

A.have a lot of rare stamps B.do not understand their real value

C.want to keep them D.are anxious to sell them for a good price.

3.Errors in the stamps _______.

A.may be too small for eyes to see

B.are usually wiped out by the stamp collectors

C.will keep the value of the stamps low

D.can not be seen at all

4.One of the ways that stamps collectors make their stamps unusual is to __________.

A.collect a large number of stamps according to a certain pattern

B.sell out stamps and buy new ones

C.keep the valuable stamps only

D.spend time studying them



    In the past, American families tended to be quite large. Parents __________ five or more children were common. Over the years, the__________ of the family has decreased. One reason for this is an increase in the __________ of living. On the average, children attend schools for more years than they used to, making them ____________ dependent on their families longer. Moreover, children nowadays are better __________ and have more money to spend on _________ . The parents usually take the responsibility for all the expenses. Meanwhile, families are less close than they used to be. More and more American mothers _________ away from home. The break up of the family occurs when the parents ________ . A lot of children in the U. S. live part of their young lives with only one parent. Broken families usually result in problems for children and parents alike. Children blame themselves when their parents separate. They grow up feeling _________ as they are moved back and forth between parents. Usually one parent is responsible for raising the children. These single parents must care for the children’s emotional and psychological __________ while also supporting them financially. This is very demanding and __________ very little time for the parent’s own personal_________ . Single parents often marry other single parents. In this type of family, unrelated children are _________ to develop brother or sister relationship. The situations of many American families today are not good. However, recent signs ___________ that things are getting better. The divorce rate is__________ . The rate of childbirth is rising. Perhaps Americans have learned how important families are.

1.A.breeding B.raising C.feeding D.bringing

2.A.amount B.number C.size D.scale

3.A.level B.standard C.wage D.cost

4.A.finally B.financially C.fashionably D.faintly

5.A.worn B.wearing C.dressing D.dressed

6.A.luxury B.activity C.playing D.entertainnment

7.A.are B.run C.work D.separate

8.A.devoice B.apart C.divide D.scatter

9.A.uncomfortable B.uneasy C.noisy D.unsettled

10.A.needs B.notions C.motions D.blows

11.A.gives B.pays C.shows D.leaves

12.A.interest B.interests C.property D.possession

13.A.oppressed B.asked C.forced D.shown

14.A.oppressed B.refer C.explain D.indicate

15.A.declining B.lower C.weaker D.smaller



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