满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

用适当的关系副词填空 1.Somehow they manage to trav...


1.Somehow they manage to travel around 4,000 kilometres south and find their way to places __________ they will spend the winter

2.The solution to the mystery of the monarch’s amazing ability comes at a time __________ it is in serious trouble

3.Unfortunately, human activity is the main reason __________ the monarch numbers are falling

4.Two giant pandas from China were welcomed to the Chinese-style compound _________ they were to live

5.On 30th May, after the preparations were complete, the day finally came __________ the pandas met their fans for the first time

6.People were excited—the zoo is the only place in the country __________ it is possible to see pandas

7.The main reason __________ people were so excited is that pandas are just so cute

8.In the evening __________ the sun sets, we go out and sit on the balcony __________ we can watch lots of different animals come down to drink at the waterhole


1.where 2.when 3.why 4.where 5.when 6.where 7.why 8. when where 【解析】 1.考查定语从句的引导词。句意:不知怎的,他们设法向南走了4,000公里,找到去他们将要过冬的地方的路。分析句子可知,空后句子为定语从句,先行词为places,在从句中做地点状语,用关系副词,故填where。 2.考查定语从句的引导词。句意:在君主陷入严重困境的时候,解开君主惊人能力之谜的方法出现了。分析句子可知,空后句子为定语从句,先行词为a time,在从句中做时间状语,用关系副词,故填when。 3.考查定语从句的引导词。句意:不幸的是,人类活动是君主人数下降的主要原因。分析句子可知,空后句子为定语从句,先行词为reason,在从句中做原因状语,用关系副词,故填why。 4.考查定语从句的引导词。句意:两只来自中国的大熊猫被欢迎来到他们将要居住的中国式大院。分析句子可知,空后句子为定语从句,先行词为compound,在从句中做地点状语,用关系副词,故填where。 5.考查定语从句的引导词。句意:5月30日,准备工作完成后,大熊猫第一次见到他们的歌迷的日子终于到了。分析句子可知,空后句子为定语从句,先行词为the day,在从句中做时间状语,用关系副词,故填when。 6.考查定语从句的引导词。句意:人们很兴奋——动物园是这个国家唯一可以看熊猫的地方。分析句子可知,空后句子为定语从句,先行词为place,在从句中做地点状语,用关系副词,故填where。 7.考查定语从句的引导词。句意:人们如此兴奋的主要原因是熊猫太可爱了!分析句子可知,空后句子为定语从句,先行词为reason,在从句中做原因状语,用关系副词,故填why。 8.考查定语从句的引导词。句意:晚上太阳落山时,我们出去坐在阳台上,在那里我们可以看到很多不同的动物下来在水洞里喝水。分析句子可知,两个空后句子都为定语从句,第一空先行词为the evening,在从句中做时间状语,用关系副词,第二空先行词为the balcony,在从句中做地点状语,也用关系副词,故填when和where。


1.__________ n.习语, 成语

2.__________ n.当权, 权力

3.__________ trouble处于困境中

4.__________ the first time首次, 第一次

5.get the chance __________ sth.有机会做某事

6.instead __________ 代替, 而不是

7.__________ authority当权

8.date back __________ 追溯到

9.kill two birds with one stone ___________

10.When the cat’s away, the mice will play__________

11.hold your horses __________

12.rain cats and dogs __________



    China's bike-sharing has exploded from nothing about a year ago into a transport phenomenon in major cities. Just by scanning the QR code(二维码)that appears behind the seat,one can unlock a shared bicycle.Once the service has finished,the user blocks the bike and the total is charged to his mobile account.The process lasts less than 30 seconds and costs no more than one penny.By the way,there are still no fixed places to find or leave a bike,although areas such as university campus,and metro or bus station are preferred.

Many young people believe shared bicycles have many advantages.They are not expensive to rent,they do not have to be protected from thieves,and there is no need to repair them.You just have to change them for another one. They are also environment friendly and lower the use of cars,which also helps to relieve traffic.In fact,it is considered an awesome combination of technology and tradition.

Since they appeared,shared bicycles have raised a lot of dust.There is no doubt of the benefits but the disadvantages cannot be ignored.Many problems related to shared bicycles have emerged.It is due to bad behavior from some users who always want to seize the bicycles,but also because of the mess that has been created since one can leave the bicycle anywhere,which is against public urban order management.There are so many poorly parked bikes that sometimes they end up blocking streets.

In Xi Luoyuan,Beijing,the "Civilized Use of Bicycles" campaign has been launched.In addition to having 40 officially permitted stops,there are also clear signals to lead users to these stops.A team of supervisors keep order in the area.This is the first area that is part of an official system to manage bicycles.The purpose of this campaign is to solve the mess that the popularity of shared bicycles is causing in Beijing,both with the participation of companies and the users.If the pilot plan works out well in Xi Luoyuan,it will be extended to all of the cities in China.













    A mother in Northern Ireland was surprised when her son managed to greet her with a tiny "hello" at just 7 weeks old. Toni McCann said her son Cillian, now 9 weeks, has said "hello" twice. The infant(婴儿) appeared to try and unsuccessfully imitate his mother before finally managing a quick "hello" for the first time.

"He was making a lot of eye contact and that's why I started filming him, "she said. " I realized he was trying to copy what I was saying and then it just came out. "McCann said she first noticed Cillian trying to mimic(模仿)sounds at just 5 weeks old when her husband was holding him.

"This is a perfect example of modeling behaviour, Mum is coaching him to do what she's doing, "said Murray. " It's an important example of what we want all mothers to do with their baby. "

Murray said Cillian's first word is likely not the same as a l to 2-year-old's first word, where they have attached the word to some meaning.

"They don't have muscle coordination(协调, 配合)of the mouth, "Murray said of newborn infants. "It's usually a process of both learning what words mean by hearing them and by seeing mum and by trying to imitate mum over and over again. "

Murray said new mums should talk to their babies, even if the infants can't say full words yet. She also recommended letting babies "talk back" in the conversation, even if they don't have full words yet. While the video of Cillian saying hello has gone popular, McCann said she has already moved on to a new phrase for the baby. "Now I'm saying to him' I love you'. " she added.

1.Why did Toni McCann begin to film the baby?

A.Because the baby looked the mother in the eye.

B.Because the baby greeted its mother with hello.

C.Because the baby tried to copy what she said.

D.Because she began to talk to her baby.

2.What is important in teaching baby's language?

A.Fast development. B.Father's holding.

C.Modeling behaviour. D.Muscle coordination.

3.What is the difference between Cillian's first word and 1 to 2-year-old's?

A.Cillian doesn't understand it.

B.Cillian doesn't learn for long.

C.Cillian doesn't use muscle.

D.Cillian doesn't learn by listening.

4.What will McCann teach her baby?

A.A tiny hello. B.Short conversation.

C.Popular video. D.Full words.




1.In the film she was cast as a_____________(勤劳的)upright middle-aged woman.

2.How do you_____________(处理)it when someone hurts you?

3.No one has ever been or will ever be strong enough to take our_____________(自由)away from us.

4.Only after a long_____________(辩论)did he agree with us.

5.Like it or not, this requires a lot of practice and_____________(耐心).

6.I was_____________(生气的)that they hadn't turned up on time.

7.A teacher should know how to give proper_____________(引导)to students in his teaching.

8.The accident was caused by human _____________(错误).



某英文网站发布了一个题为“Things We Should Do in High School”的帖子。请你根据所给的提示写一个英语回帖。

1. 获取知识;

2. 培养良好习惯及独立能力;

3. 多交朋友。

注意:1. 词数100个左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节以使行文连贯。

Things We Should Do in High School




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