满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

What will the man do this Saturday? A.At...

What will the man do this Saturday?

A.Attend a party. B.Visit a friend. C.See a film.


C 【解析】 【原文】 W: What are you doing this Saturday? Lisa invited me to a party and said I could bring a friend. M: I am going to see a movie with Mike that night. I’m free on Sunday.  

What does the woman ask Jimmy to do?

A.Clean the bedroom.

B.Visit his grandparents.

C.Clean the kitchen floor.



What are the speakers probably talking about?

A.A holiday. B.A party. C.A meeting.



Where are the speakers probably going?

A.A theater. B.A stadium(体育场). C.A classroom.




During most of the Stone Age, people lived by hunting and gathering their food in EgyptThey travelled from place to place in the Nile Valley,1.harvestwild grasses, digging up roots, and finding bird eggsThey fished in the Nile River and gathered reeds(芦苇)from its shores 2.makebaskets

By around 10,000 BC, Egypt had gotten so 3.crowdthat people were forced to begin growing their own foodPeople also began to keep cows, sheep and pigs that they 4.possiblebought from their West Asian neighboursThis is 5. we call the Agricultural Revolution today

But farming brought many other changes tooOnce people started planting crops, they had to defend the land 6. their crops wereThere was more fightingSoon people began to band together 7. larger communities that could fight betterThey chose leaders8.seethe advantages that farming brought them, those leaders forced more and more people to start farming and settle down under their leadership

Around 3,500 BC, donkeys 9.useto carry ivory and gold north into Egypt, and to carry Egyptian things south to Sudan and KenyaThat made both places 10.richthan they were beforeTogether, the trade and the farming helped to start the old Kingdom



    Six-year-old Mia Rabii is from CaliforniaShe didn’t expect to become an___ when she went for a walk with her mum recentlyBut when some strangers called out for ___, Mia and her mum ran to their side

It turns out that some ducklings(小鸭子)had gotten stuck and the people who found them were unable to ___ themBut luckily for the ducklings, Mia had just what it took to bring them to ___Now the six-year-old’s ___ act is being talked about around the world

It all ___ when a family found a mother duck ___ with only one ducklingThe father duck was nearby, but ___, there were no other ducklings following them___ the family knew that ducks often travel in flocks(群), they realized that something was probably ____

Then suddenly, there were strange ____ coming from a drainage pipe(排水管).They were the cries of ducklingsIt turned out that the other ducklings had ____ into the pipe and gotten stuckUnluckily, no one in the family had slim(纤细的)enough ____ to reach down and pull out the ducklings—but ____, there was a hero nearby

The family ____ Mia and her mum, who immediately rushed to themThe family filled Mia and her mum in on what had ____, and Mia decided to take action ____ and try to bring the ducklings to safety

Mia put her arm down into the darkness and carefully ____ the first ducklingMia then rushed back to save the ____ ducklingAnd the next...until she had brought all eight ducklings to safety

After Mia saved the little creatures from ____, the overjoyed mother duck went off with her beloved ducklings

1.A.actor B.interviewer C.hero D.doctor

2.A.advice B.help C.treatment D.encouragement

3.A.lose B.feed C.protect D.save

4.A.safety B.health C.joy D.strength

5.A.smart B.creative C.kind D.fair

6.A.succeeded B.failed C.stopped D.started

7.A.working B.walking C.waiting D.playing

8.A.strangely B.suddenly C.usually D.undoubtedly

9.A.Though B.If C.Before D.Because

10.A.wrong B.different C.common D.familiar

11.A.warnings B.feelings C.sounds D.smells

12.A.broken B.fallen C.looked D.flown

13.A.ropes B.arms C.sticks D.fingers

14.A.surprisingly B.clearly C.naturally D.luckily

15.A.nodded to B.listened to C.laughed at D.shouted at

16.A.happened B.changed C.remained D.finished

17.A.patiently B.secretly C.immediately D.finally

18.A.guided B.examined C.covered D.lifted

19.A.same B.other C.next D.last

20.A.fear B.doubt C.danger D.anger



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