满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Four months into her pregnancy(孕期), my m...

    Four months into her pregnancy(孕期), my mother learned that my brother would be born with Down syndrome(唐氏综合症). Never having dealt with anyone with the disease, the entire family began to _______. Would he learn to walk and talk _______ like the other kids? Would he be liked by others? Would he have some _______? All these thoughts and every detail _______ us, though we knew we would _______ him exactly the way he is.

Thankfully, after birth, Lipe was _______ than we expected, with no heart problems in general connected with Down syndrome. He is the most _______ person I have ever met. Anything is a reason for him to flash a smile. Even if it took him some extra _______ to learn new things, he always did extremely well. Although we were glad to see that, we still _______ what others would say about him. In order to ________ him, I kept his condition a secret. I was also afraid of being treated ________ by others because of his condition. But I soon realized ________ I truly loved him, I shouldn’t be ________ of him. The first time I told a friend about Lipe’s disease, she just reminded me that all that my brother needed was my love and ________. It was my friend’s understanding that ________ me to be proud of Lipe.

Because of my brother, I have learned the meaning of ________. Before his birth, if I saw someone who acted or looked differently, I simply thought it to be ________ and started laughing. I am now glad that I have changed in these ways. I now consider what they could possibly be ________ in life, and the many reasons why they could be behaving like that. We may live in a world in which the society coldly ________ every inch of you, but we can at least treat others with ________. Only in this way can we expect to create a better society.

1.A.practice B.worry C.complain D.understand

2.A.quickly B.easily C.quietly D.normally

3.A.friends B.classmates C.teachers D.students

4.A.left B.troubled C.helped D.inspired

5.A.change B.shock C.accept D.remember

6.A.younger B.happier C.calmer D.healthier

7.A.curious B.cheerful C.honest D.hardworking

8.A.luck B.praise C.effort D.power

9.A.gave up B.believed in C.learned from D.cared about

10.A.care B.protect C.follow D.comfort

11.A.badly B.excitedly C.seriously D.politely

12.A.if B.although C.because D.unless

13.A.proud B.afraid C.fond D.ashamed

14.A.hope B.peace C.support D.interest

15.A.made B.encouraged C.required D.attracted

16.A.pride B.honesty C.patience D.respect

17.A.poor B.troublesome C.strange D.difficult

18.A.achieving B.choosing C.enjoying D.experiencing

19.A.judges B.refuses C.improves D.discovers

20.A.pleasure B.difference C.kindness D.determination


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.B 11.A 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.C 18.D 19.A 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。作者的弟弟是唐氏综合征患儿,作者讲述了自己的弟弟出生后,自己在情感和认识上发生了一些变化,作者逐步认识到:对人友善,这个世界才会变得更好。 1.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:从来没有与患唐氏综合征的人打过交道,整个家庭开始担心。A. practice练习;B. worry担心;C. complain抱怨;D. understand理解。这句话后边的几句疑问句都表达了大家的担心,故选B。 2.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:他会像其他孩子一样正常地学习走路和说话吗?A. quickly快速地;B. easily容易地;C. quietly安静地;D. normally正常地。作者的家人是希望患唐氏综合征的弟弟是可以像正常人一样的,故选D。 3.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:他会有一些朋友吗?A. friends朋友;B. classmates同学;C. teachers老师;D. students学生。由于弟弟患有唐氏综合征,所以家人只希望他能像正常的小朋友一样能交到朋友。故选A。 4.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:这些想法和每个细节都困扰着我们,尽管我们知道无论他是什么样子,我们都会接受他。A. left离开;B. troubled使忧虑,使烦恼;C. helped帮助;D. inspired激励,鼓舞。此空格与上文中“the entire family began to worry(整个家里的人都担心)”呼应,说明这些问题让我们很烦恼。故选B。 5.本题考查语境判断之逻辑关系。句意同上。A. change改变;B. shock使震惊;C. accept接受;D. remember记住。根据句意,我们很早得知弟弟患有唐氏综合征,有过各种猜测,所以无论他是什么样子,我们都会接受他。故选C。 6.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:谢天谢地,Lipe出生后,比我们想象的要健康,没有伴随唐氏综合征常出现的心脏问题。A. younger更年轻;B. happier更开心;C. calmer更平静;D. healthier更健康。由with后的内容可知,这里谈论的是Lipe的健康情况,故选D。 7.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:他是我曾见过的最开心的人。A. curious好奇的;B. cheerful开心的;C. honest诚实的;D. hardworking努力的。由下一句Anything is a reason for him to flash a smile.(任何事情都有可能让他笑)可知,Lipe是很开心的一个小孩。故选B。 8.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:尽管他需要花更多的努力去学习新东西,但是他总是能做的非常好。A. luck运气;B. praise表扬;C. effort努力;D. power力量。由于弟弟患有唐氏综合征,所以他学习新东西可能比别人需要付出更多的努力。故选C。 9.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:虽然我们看到这样的情况很开心,但是我们还是关心别人会怎么样谈论他。A. gave up放弃;B. believed in相信;C. learned from从中学到;D. cared about关心。由下文中的I kept his condition a secret. I was also afraid of being treated ___11___by others because of his condition.(我担心别人对他不好,不告诉别人他的情况)可知,我们还是很关心别人的言语的。故选D。 10.本题考查语境判断之逻辑关系。句意:为了保护他,我把他的情况秘密保存。A. care关心;B. protect保护;C. follow跟随,跟着;D. comfort安慰。根据常理,由于作者担心别人对他不好,所以不告诉别人他的情况是为了保护他。故选B。 11.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:我也害怕因为他的情况我被不好地对待。A. badly拙劣地,差;B. excitedly激动地;C. seriously严肃地;D. politely礼貌地。作者害怕别人因为弟弟的情况而对她不好,与下文中朋友友好的态度she just reminded me that all that my brother needed was my love and ___14___.(她提醒我弟弟所需要的是我的爱与支持)形成对比。故选A。 12.本题考查语境判断之逻辑连接词。句意:但是我很快意识到,如果我真的爱他,我就不应该因为他感到羞愧。A. if如果;B. although尽管;C. because因为;D. unless除非。前后是一个条件状语从句,表示“如果”,故选A。 13.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意同上。A. proud骄傲的;B. afraid害怕的;C. fond喜欢的;D. ashamed羞愧的。空格处单词与下文中的be proud of形成反义呼应,故选D。 14.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:我第一次告诉朋友Lipe的病情,她只是提醒我我弟弟所需要的就是我的爱与支持。A. hope希望;B. peace和平;C. support支持;D. interest兴趣。根据常识,作者能给弟弟的也只有支持。故选C。 15.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:正是朋友的理解鼓励我以Lipe为荣。A. made使得;B. encouraged鼓励;C. required要求;D. attracted吸引。由上句The first time I told a friend about Lipe's disease, she just reminded me that all that my brother needed was my love and ___14___.(第一次我告诉朋友Lipe的病,朋友提醒我我弟弟所需要的是我的爱与支持)可知,作者第一次发现朋友是很理解弟弟的病情的,得知朋友很理解后,作者开始以弟弟为荣,所以是朋友的话鼓励了作者这么做。故选B。 16.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:因为我的弟弟,我学会了尊敬的含义。A. pride骄傲;B. honesty诚实;C. patience耐心;D. respect尊敬。由文章最后一段中的“Before his birth…I am now glad that I have changed in these ways. I now consider …(在他出生之前,我经常嘲笑那些长的不同的人。现在我改变了很多。我会想他们生活中遭遇了什么)可知,作者学会了理解别人,尊敬别人。故选D。 17.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:在弟弟出生前,如果我看到长的不同或者行为不同的人,我只会简单的认为那很奇怪,还会开始笑。A. poor贫穷的;B. troublesome令人烦恼的;C. strange奇怪的;D. difficult困难的。此空格与前半句中的acted or looked differently(行为或者长的不同)呼应,说明他们很奇怪。故选C。 18.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:我现在会想他们生命中可能在经历什么事情,而且会有什么原因会使他们变成那样。A. achieving完成,成功;B. choosing选择;C. enjoying享受;D. experiencing经历。作者在想他们所经历的事情,故选D。 19.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:我们生活的世界,可能衡量你的每个地方,但是至少可以待人以善良,只有这样我们才能期待创建一个更好的社会。A. judges判断;B. refuses拒绝;C. improves改善;D. discovers发现。根据常识,社会中常以各种标准衡量判断人,故选A。 20.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意同上。A. pleasure高兴,快乐;B. difference不同;C. kindness善良,友好;D. determination决心,果断。这个空格处单词与作者领悟到的respect呼应,浏览选项,只有kindness意思与respect一致。故选C。

Simple ways to improve your written English

Many people think it is really difficult to improve (提高) their writing in English. Don’t worry, though. Here are some simple steps that you can take to improve your written English.

● Increase your vocabulary.

To express yourself clearly, you need a good active vocabulary. That’s not just being able to know lots of words — it means actually being able to use them correctly. 1.

Tip: When you learn a new word, try to learn all the forms of that word.


People often say that we learn to write best by reading. Reading in English is useful in many ways. It is a great way to get an idea of the different styles of writing and see how to use words properly.

Tip: 3. Learning shouldn’t be boring. Read each text several times to make sure you understand how to use new words and expressions in the text.

● Improve your grammar.

Grammar is very important because it improves the quality (质量) of your writing.

Tip: 4. The first time, look for general mistakes and the second time look for mistakes with the grammar point you are studying at the moment.

● Just do it!

The best way to improve your writing is to get a pen and paper and write. Be prepared to write several versions (版本) of each text. 5.

A. Know your readers.

B. Read widely and often.

C. Always check your writing twice.

D. Remember, practice makes perfect!

E. Choose books or articles that interest you.

F. Use simpler language and shorter sentences to show your ideas.

G. Do this by learning new words with example sentences, not just word lists.



    There is an English saying: “Laughter is best medicine.” Until recently, few people took the saying seriously. Now, however, doctors have begun to look into laughter and the effects it has on the human body. They have found that laughter really can improve people’s health.

Tests were carried out to study the effects of laughter on the body. People watched funny films while doctors checked their heart, blood pressure, breathing and muscles. It was found that laughter has similar effects to physical exercises. It increases blood pressure, the heart beating and breathing. It also works several groups of muscles in the face, the stomach, and even the feet. If laughter exercises the body, it must be beneficial.

Other tests have shown that laughter appears to be able to reduce the effect of pain on the body. In one experiment doctors produced pain in groups of students who listened to different radio programs. The group that tolerated(忍受) the pain for the longest time was the groups which listened to a funny program. The reason why laughter can reduce pain seems to be that it helps to produce a kind of chemicals in the brain which diminish both stress and pain.

As a result of these discoveries, some doctors in the United States now hold laughter clinics, in which they help to improve their patients’ condition by encouraging them to laugh. They have found that even if their patients do not really feel like laughing, making them smile is enough to produce beneficial(有益的) effects similar to those who are caused by laughter.

1.The main idea of the passage is ________.

A.laughter and physical exercises have similar effects.

B.smile can produce the same effects as laughter

C.pain can be reduced by laughter

D.laughter is best medicine

2.The underlined word “diminish” is similar to ________.

A.test B.stop C.reduce D.increase

3.Doctors hold laughter clinics ________.

A.to give better condition to their patients

B.in order to improve patients’ health

C.to make patients smile all the time

D.to prove smile and laughter have the same effect



    My challenge for you is this to read a book for 15minutes every single day for a month.

Let me explain a bit, by telling you where the challenge came from. I have many things in common with my dad, like music taste and sense of humor, but sadly reading isn't one of them. I can happily spend a whole day with a book, but my dad can't read a book for longer than about 5 minutes. He reads emails, websites and papers for work, but not books. He's busy, so I think sitting down to read for just 15minutes a day is a good way to relax and to introduce him to reading.

My dad is not the only person who avoids books. I know lots of people would rather relax on their computers or in front of the TV. Everyone is different and has their own interests, but I think there are lots of benefits to reading, which screenbased activities don't have.

Firstly, it's better for your eyes. Looking at screens can be very stressful for your eye muscles, and clearly you should avoid looking at screens for an hour before bed, to get a good night's sleep

One thing I personally love reading, is being transported to another worldI often forget the time or things around me! Reading is a great way to switch off before you go to bed, because you think more about the world of the book, rather than the real world, so you can truly relax. I know you can be transported to a different world in a film or a TV show, but I think books do it better

I also enjoy hearing what people are doing and finding out what they think. Reading gives me the chance to get to know hundreds of new people! It also teaches you to see things from other people's point of view, and understand other people's decisions or opinions. With a book, you can hear everything a character is thinking or feelingyou really can be inside someone else's head!

So give it a go! Take 15 minutes when you are waking up, going to bed, eating lunch, or having a coffee. If you read a lot, why not try 15 minutes of an English book, or pass the challenge on to someone else? Good luck, and happy reading!

1.The author mentions his father in the text to show     

A.his father is busy

B.reading is important

C.his father likes reading

D.many people have no habit of reading

2.The author writes the text mainly basing on     

A.his personal experience

B.some scientific experiments

C.his father's personal advice

D.knowledge from books

3.The underlined word "it" in Paragraph 5 refers to     

A.helping readers sleep well

B.making readers feel relaxed

C.transporting readers to a different world

D.reminding readers of the real world

4.What is the author's attitude to reading







    There are a number of reasons that can be given as to why children should be taught swimming at a young age. If your child knows the basic swimming skills, you can be at peace when your child is near the water. If you are in the process of teaching your child how to swim, then here are some points that you should keep in mind.

♦ Help your child pick a bathing suit. If you child wants to wear bathing suit and get wet then it is certain that your child will be able to handle the water.

♦ If the pool has steps, then it is great. Start from these to help your child gain some confidence. You should make sure that there is one place in the pool where your child can be left safely.

♦ The best way to teach your children to swim is to make them join swimming classes. In this way, you will be at peace because there is a professional trainer around your children who can teach them all the tricks of swimming. You can join in the parent-child lessons to make your child feel comfortable. If your child is a bit older, then get permission and sit by the pool to watch him/her learn. When you get your child admitted to swimming classes, make sure that the lessons go according to the swimming goals that you have set for your child.

Swimming is a fun activity and you can make it easy for your children to understand and coordinate(协调)the movements of their arms and legs will take some time. But, with regular practice and training this can be overcome. So, start with the basics and be around your children when they are learning how to swim. Once they know how to swim, then you can be at peace when they play around the water.

1.The pool with steps can make your children ________.

A.excited and clam B.confident and relaxed

C.nervous and uneasy D.strange and unusual

2.According to the text the best way for children to learn swimming is to ________.

A.train themselves with their skilled parents

B.learn from morning till night without break

C.join swimming classes with professional trainers

D.get a chance to sit by the pool to watch trainers swim

3.Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A.Teaching Your Children to Swim. B.Gaining Experience of Swimming.

C.Learning to Swim with Your Child. D.Swimming Can Make People Healthy.




1.How many rooms does Peter need?

A.2. B.3. C.4.

2.Which meal is free of charge?

A.Breakfast. B.Lunch. C.Supper.

3.When will Peter check out(结账离开)?

A.On August 10th.

B.On August 11th.

C.On August 13th.

4.Who is probably the speaker?

A.A tour guide.

B.A hotel clerk(服务台接待员).

C.Peter’s secretary(秘书).



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