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阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 Once upon...


Once upon a time in my familythe Saturday after Thanksgiving was the start of our annual big tamale (玉米粽子)making party. We made them to share with friends and neighbors.

Preparation began with Daddy and the cleaning of the corn husks(外壳). First he boiled them and left them in the water overnight. No husk passed inspection without being soft enough for folding. The next daythe rest of us got to work. My brothers and uncles were on hand for cleanup duty. And there was much to clean up as we women prepared the dough (生面团) made of corn. We also prepared the meat for the filling. The dough had to be spread evenly across the huskand each tamale folded carefully so it would not split open during steaming.

According to the longstanding tradition—at least in my family—no one was allowed to leave the kitchen during the steaming. This could ruin the process. After allno one wanted a bad tamale!

I thought the family tamalemaking party would go on foreverbut to continue a family__traditionyou needed to have family. Mine had changed forever. My fathertwo of my brothers and my uncle died in a short span of time. Mom and I spent months in a state of sad loss. At Christmas friends asked“Are we going to get tamales this year” Passing tamales out to friends was one of the great joys of the seasonafter all. But we couldn’t face it. Eventuallyas the years went bypeople stopped asking.

One afternoonjust before Thanksgivingmy mother and I pushed an empty shopping cart through the supermarket. I rounded the corner into the next room and found her standing in front of a counter: packages of doughbags of corn husksdried spices—all the materials for a perfect tamale. “It’s time” Mom said. I knew she was right. We set aside a Saturday to spend in the kitchenjust the two of usalone with our thoughts.

注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1

When we laid everything out I fell into the old routine.


Paragraph 2

My mother and I pronounced our tamalemaking a successfull of loving memories from the past and hopeful wishes for tomorrow.



Paragraph 1: When we laid everything out I fell into the old routine. We were for cleanup duty ourselves as we went along. Of course Daddy wasn’t there to deal with the corn husks. They hadn’t been cleaned; they hadn’t been in the water. We lit a candle for our relatives in heaven and got to work filling and folding the tamales. Neither of us stepped out of the busy kitchen until the steaming was complete. By the end of the day,we had many beautiful tamales to share with our neighbors and friends. Paragraph 2: My mother and I pronounced our tamale-making a success,full of loving memories from the past and hopeful wishes for tomorrow. You can be sure we are preparing for this year’s tamales and our kitchen will be crowded once again. My grandniece wants to learn the family tradition. Rule One: No one leaves the kitchen during the steaming! Life may change,but our family is forever bound together by love,memories and our favorite Thanksgiving dish. 【解析】 这是一篇读后续写,要求根据所给的故事情节进行续写。至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语。 所给材料主要内容为:感恩节后的星期六,作者一大家子人每年都要做玉米粽子,并且将它和朋友、邻居分享。这是家族传统。但是,随着作者父亲,两个兄弟和叔叔的去世,作者和妈妈一直沉浸在悲伤中,也没有了做玉米粽子的打算。但是, 感恩节前的一个下午,作者和妈妈在超市里购物时,发现了制作玉米粽子的材料。作者和妈妈感觉又到了该做玉米粽子的时候了。 文章由此要求展开续写。第一段的开头为:我们把一切都安排好后,我又开始了(制作玉米粽子的)常规工作。根据该句可以推知,该段应该叙述作者和妈妈又重新制作玉米粽子。根据routine,结合所给材料,可以叙述一些做玉米粽子的步骤。同时还要叙述这次制作玉米粽子和原来的不同之处。故第一段可续写为:When we laid everything out I fell into the old routine. We were for cleanup duty ourselves as we went along. Of course Daddy wasn’t there to deal with the corn husks. They hadn’t been cleaned; they hadn’t been in the water. We lit a candle for our relatives in heaven and got to work filling and folding the tamales. Neither of us stepped out of the busy kitchen until the steaming was complete. By the end of the day,we had many beautiful tamales to share with our neighbors and friends. 第二段的开头为:我和母亲宣布,我们的玉米粽子制作取得了成功,充满了对过去的美好回忆和对明天充满希望的祝愿。该段应该叙述自己和妈妈将会继续传承这一传统,因为制作玉米粽子实际上是家人之间互相协作,家庭中充满爱的体现。故第二段可续写为:My mother and I pronounced our tamale-making a success,full of loving memories from the past and hopeful wishes for tomorrow. You can be sure we are preparing for this year’s tamales and our kitchen will be crowded once again. My grandniece wants to learn the family tradition. Rule One: No one leaves the kitchen during the steaming! Life may change,but our family is forever bound together by love,memories and our favorite Thanksgiving dish.

    4 supersimple secrets to living longerhealthier and happier

Journalist Dan Buettner has spent over a decade studying the healthiestlongestliving people around the worldfrom residents of the Japanese island of Okinawa to the Greek island of Ikaria—socalled “Blue Zones”.

Nowhe’s letting the rest of us in on their secrets in his new bookThe Blue Zones SolutionEating and Living Like the World’s Healthiest People. Here are the most important longevityboosting habits of 100yearolds around the globe. 1.

1. Find your group

“Who you hang out with beats just about everything else when it comes to your health” says Buettner. He found that the people who live longest surround themselves with people who support healthy behaviors. 2.

2. Eat smart

The world’s healthiest 100yearolds stick with diets that are 95 percent plantbasedsays Buettner. 3. British researchers tracked 65000 people for 12 years and found that those who ate seven or more portions of vegetables and fruits every day lowered their risk of dying from cancer and cardiovascular (心脑血管的) disease by 25 percent and 31 percent.

3. Seek a purpose

Very old Blue Zoners share another quality: They have an activitypassion or career that motivates them and gives their lives meaning. Sense of purpose can come from a variety of sourcesbut volunteering is a common one. 4.

4. Move it

5. What is unexpected: “They don’t exerciseper se(本质上)” says Buettner. “Insteadtheir lifestyles encourage physical activity. ” They gardenbake bread and walk to the store or to work.

A. “They eat a little meatbut mostly fish” he says.

B. They’re still workingriding bikesand enjoying life.

C. For some peoplea sense of purpose comes naturally.

D. It’s no surprise that physical activity also keeps Blue Zoners young.

E. One explanation“Health habits can spread like an infectious disease. ”

F. Adopt even a fewand you’ll stand a better chance of living a long and healthy life.

G. There’s growing evidence that it not only keeps people healthier but helps people live longer.




1.His death was a great ________ (悲伤) to everyone who knew him.

2.________ (节目制作和播放)is the making and sending out of television and radio programmes.

3.If you ________ (支持,拥护) a particular action or planyou recommend it publicly.

4.Drinks that can make people drunksuch as beerwineand whiskycan be referred to as ________ ().

5.Some ________ (专家) will be sent to assist you with the research work.

6.Though it is a ________ (临时的) jobI still can earn some money to help my parents.

7.________(电视观众) are people who watch televisionor who are watching a particular programme on television.

8.The old man is suffering from ________ (严重的) mental disorder.





War started in our house in late July with a month to go before my first day of college. It was a battle of wills over what college I was to attend. Mom wanted me to attend a famous____school, and I wanted to go to a small writing college. Every night for two weeks, we argued, shouted and gave____treatments until both sides went to bed with regrets.

It was mostly my____Since my junior year of high school, I had____at being a nurse. I took all the science courses, and even worked as a____in my town’s local hospital. My____was to help the sick and be superwoman to the world.

Yet,____graduation and college neared, it all changed.Treating the sick was____, but not what I was meant to do for the____of my life. I could picture myself in hospitals, making rounds, and taking____, but I couldn’t picture myself happy. It wasn’t the____I wanted.

Then, I realized I had been creating and writing stories for as long as I could____I loved it, and writing was what I had been doing as a____It was going to be my career. And it had to be.

On August 1st, Mom and I sat down at the dinner table and I told her that she had every____to choose where to spend her money, just like I had every right to decide where I wanted to go to school. If it was her choice not to____any of my college education, then I would take a year off to work and earn money so I could go to the college I wanted.

Standing by my decision to be a writer had____my firm belief to my mom. Finally we were at____, and she decided to support me, which____the world to me.

Before that time, I had never stood up____my parents on any major decision. Choosing which college to attend____me to become a separate and complete adult. I am now finished with my first semester as a Professional Writing major and I cannot wait to see what comes next.

1.A.cooking B.gardening C.nursing D.writing

2.A.medical B.warm C.mental D.silent

3.A.fault B.success C.duty D.turn

4.A.wondered B.aimed C.pointed D.looked

5.A.student B.volunteer C.graduate D.doctor

6.A.goal B.job C.task D.post

7.A.before B.after C.until D.as

8.A.rough B.noble C.mild D.easy

9.A.part B.whole C.rest D.half

10.A.notices B.examinations C.temperatures D.drugs

11.A.future B.effect C.drill D.idea

12.A.see B.wait C.find D.remember

13.A.process B.hobby C.rule D.business

14.A.chance B.time C.right D.ability

15.A.expect B.raise C.offer D.finance

16.A.doubted B.followed C.shaken D.proven

17.A.peace B.war C.ease D.play

18.A.attached B.applied C.devoted D.meant

19.A.for B.against C.over D.by

20.A.forced B.promised C.allowed D.reminded



    New research on vegetables and aging gives mothers another reason to say "I told you so". It found that eating vegetables appears to help keep the brain young and may slow the mental decline sometimes associated with growing old.

On measures of mental sharpness, older people who ate more than two servings(份)of vegetables daily appeared about five years younger at the end of the six-year study than those who ate few or no vegetables.

The research in almost 2, 000 Chicago-area men and women doesn't prove that vegetables reduce mental decline, but it adds to evidence pointing in that direction. The findings also echo previous research in women only.

Green leafy vegetables appeared to be the most beneficial. The researchers said that it may be because they contain amounts of healthy vitamin E, which is believed to help fight chemicals produced by the body that can damage cells. Vegetables generally contain more vitamin E than fruits, which was not linked with slowed mental decline in the study. "Vegetables also are often eaten with healthy fats such as salad oils, which help the body absorb vitamin E, "said the lead author Martha Clare Morris, a researcher at the Rush Institute for Healthy Aging at Chicago's Rush University Medical Center.

"This is a sound paper and contributes to our understanding of cognitive(认知的)decline, "said Dr Meir Stampfer of Harvard's School of Public Health.

"The findings specific for vegetables and not fruit add further credibility(可信性)that this is not simply a marker of a more healthful lifestyle, "said Stampfer, who was not involved in the research.

The research involved 1,946 people aged 65 and older who filled out questionnaires about their eating habits. A vegetable serving equaled about a half-cup chopped or one cup if the vegetable was a raw leafy green like spinach.

1.By saying "I told you so", the writer probably means __________.

A.mothers often tell their children to eat more vegetables

B.more research should have been done earlier

C.aging can be avoided by eating vegetables

D.we should slow down while eating

2.From this passage we can infer that_________.

A.the latest research has proved vegetables reduce mental decline

B.a research on vegetables and aging had ever been done before

C.green leafy vegetables contain less vitamin E than fruits

D.there were 1,946 people aged 65 who took part in the research

3.Stampfer's attitude towards the findings is __________.

A.negative B.unconcerned

C.supportive D.uncertain

4.The best title of this passage would be ___________.

A.New Ways to Become Healthy

B.Vegetables May Keep Brains Young

C.Vegetables Are Better than Fruits

D.Different Benefits of Vegetables




1.My father is lively and _____________ (精力充沛的), but he is not very patient.

2.I bought a bag printed with interesting_____________ (图案)for my daughter.

3._____________ (失败)is the mother of success.

4.He was unable to attend because of the_____________ (压力)of work.

5.He has a _____________(令人疼痛的)cut on his thumb.

6.With my special care, my mother_____________(康复)quickly.

7.Proper _____________ (饮食)and exercise are both important to health.

8.Many patients are not getting the medical_____________ (治疗)they need.



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