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Effective Ways to Be Successful at Event...

    Effective Ways to Be Successful at Events

The holiday season is upon usand I’m frequently asked for my event success tips. Wellit all begins with taking care of one’s own spirit and keeping a positive attitude. The following are practical things that anyone can do. 1.

·Greet everyone and wish them well. 2. You’re a teamfor you’re all present in that location togetherfor the whole process of the event. So open up and join the team from the beginning.

·Shine your own light. Never mind what or how others are doing. 3. Put away the iPhoneiPad etc. and be present with your own light so that it shines purely.

·4. Express thanks for the weatherthe furniturethe other people attending the eventand the opportunity to be there. Express thanks to those who spare time to talk with you. Of course if it’s a big eventyou won’t get to everyonebut include those near you.

·Keep a sense of happiness throughout the event. People attending events tend to be attracted by happy souls. Your sense of happiness will positively influence those around. So I always keep my sense of humor while at events. 5.

If you do these small things regularly during eventsI’m sure you will enjoy yourself and become a star.

A. Give thanks throughout the event.

B. Make eye contact and start conversations.

C. You should be polite when attending events.

D. It can make people laugh and spread happiness.

E. Follow them and increase your success at events.

F. Be yourselfoffer what you can offerand stay focused.

G. Concentrating on what isn’t there will not improve conditions.


1.E 2.B 3.F 4.A 5.D 【解析】 本文是说明文。文章介绍了一些能够帮助我们游刃有余地参加社交活动的实用技巧。如向每个人打招呼并祝好,展示自己的优点,表达感谢以及保持一种幽默感。 1.本空上一句提到“The following are practical things that anyone can do”,将介绍一些人人都可以做到的事情帮助我们游刃有余地参加社交活动,E项(按照这些来做就能使参加活动更有成效)承接上文,其中的them指的就是上一句提到的“practical things”。故选E。 2.根据本段中的“Greet, wish, open up”等可知,本段建议敞开心扉跟他人交流,故B项(进行眼神交流,发起谈话)符合此处语境。故选B。 3.本空上一句提到“Never mind what or how others are doing.”不要在意别人在做什么、怎么做,也就是说“做自己”就好。另外F项中的“stay focused”与本空后的“Put away the iPhone, iPad etc. ”相呼应。故选F。 4.根据本段中的“Express thanks for. . . ” “Express thanks to. . . ”可知,本段给出的建议是“表达谢意”。A项符合文意,故选A。 5.本空上一句提到“…always keep my sense of humor…”作者总是在参加活动时保持幽默感,因为“它能让人们大笑并传递快乐”。且该段的第一句为其主题句,建议人们对周围的事物保持一种幽默感。D项中的It指的就是humor。D项符合文意,故选D。


1.Some people waste food __________________________________________________________.


2.When I was in junior high schoolI was ______________________________________I nearly gave up.


3.________________________this dictionary will be very popular.


4.She is a kindhearted woman and often ________________________ people who are in trouble.


5.If you continue to stealyou’ll ______________________.





1.Negative ________ (态度) are bad for your study and sometimes even make you feel depressed.

2.We have offices in over 56 countries ________ (在全世界).

3.________ (复习) is due in the next period. Go over the three units in advance.

4.As for those Internet usersthey should be ________ (小心的) when making friends online.

5.John ________ (停顿) then as if expecting Mary to speak.

6.Height provides a sense of ________ (安全) and comfortwhich is very attractive to women.

7.Mike is ________ (热切的)to stay away from the busy city life for a while.

8.Once you show an interest in an itemyou are________ (尽心尽力的) to the process of bargaining.




Once upon a time in my familythe Saturday after Thanksgiving was the start of our annual big tamale (玉米粽子)making party. We made them to share with friends and neighbors.

Preparation began with Daddy and the cleaning of the corn husks(外壳). First he boiled them and left them in the water overnight. No husk passed inspection without being soft enough for folding. The next daythe rest of us got to work. My brothers and uncles were on hand for cleanup duty. And there was much to clean up as we women prepared the dough (生面团) made of corn. We also prepared the meat for the filling. The dough had to be spread evenly across the huskand each tamale folded carefully so it would not split open during steaming.

According to the longstanding tradition—at least in my family—no one was allowed to leave the kitchen during the steaming. This could ruin the process. After allno one wanted a bad tamale!

I thought the family tamalemaking party would go on foreverbut to continue a family__traditionyou needed to have family. Mine had changed forever. My fathertwo of my brothers and my uncle died in a short span of time. Mom and I spent months in a state of sad loss. At Christmas friends asked“Are we going to get tamales this year” Passing tamales out to friends was one of the great joys of the seasonafter all. But we couldn’t face it. Eventuallyas the years went bypeople stopped asking.

One afternoonjust before Thanksgivingmy mother and I pushed an empty shopping cart through the supermarket. I rounded the corner into the next room and found her standing in front of a counter: packages of doughbags of corn husksdried spices—all the materials for a perfect tamale. “It’s time” Mom said. I knew she was right. We set aside a Saturday to spend in the kitchenjust the two of usalone with our thoughts.

注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1

When we laid everything out I fell into the old routine.


Paragraph 2

My mother and I pronounced our tamalemaking a successfull of loving memories from the past and hopeful wishes for tomorrow.




    4 supersimple secrets to living longerhealthier and happier

Journalist Dan Buettner has spent over a decade studying the healthiestlongestliving people around the worldfrom residents of the Japanese island of Okinawa to the Greek island of Ikaria—socalled “Blue Zones”.

Nowhe’s letting the rest of us in on their secrets in his new bookThe Blue Zones SolutionEating and Living Like the World’s Healthiest People. Here are the most important longevityboosting habits of 100yearolds around the globe. 1.

1. Find your group

“Who you hang out with beats just about everything else when it comes to your health” says Buettner. He found that the people who live longest surround themselves with people who support healthy behaviors. 2.

2. Eat smart

The world’s healthiest 100yearolds stick with diets that are 95 percent plantbasedsays Buettner. 3. British researchers tracked 65000 people for 12 years and found that those who ate seven or more portions of vegetables and fruits every day lowered their risk of dying from cancer and cardiovascular (心脑血管的) disease by 25 percent and 31 percent.

3. Seek a purpose

Very old Blue Zoners share another quality: They have an activitypassion or career that motivates them and gives their lives meaning. Sense of purpose can come from a variety of sourcesbut volunteering is a common one. 4.

4. Move it

5. What is unexpected: “They don’t exerciseper se(本质上)” says Buettner. “Insteadtheir lifestyles encourage physical activity. ” They gardenbake bread and walk to the store or to work.

A. “They eat a little meatbut mostly fish” he says.

B. They’re still workingriding bikesand enjoying life.

C. For some peoplea sense of purpose comes naturally.

D. It’s no surprise that physical activity also keeps Blue Zoners young.

E. One explanation“Health habits can spread like an infectious disease. ”

F. Adopt even a fewand you’ll stand a better chance of living a long and healthy life.

G. There’s growing evidence that it not only keeps people healthier but helps people live longer.




1.His death was a great ________ (悲伤) to everyone who knew him.

2.________ (节目制作和播放)is the making and sending out of television and radio programmes.

3.If you ________ (支持,拥护) a particular action or planyou recommend it publicly.

4.Drinks that can make people drunksuch as beerwineand whiskycan be referred to as ________ ().

5.Some ________ (专家) will be sent to assist you with the research work.

6.Though it is a ________ (临时的) jobI still can earn some money to help my parents.

7.________(电视观众) are people who watch televisionor who are watching a particular programme on television.

8.The old man is suffering from ________ (严重的) mental disorder.



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