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It’s been a long time since I wrote a cr...

    It’s been a long time since I wrote a creative essay. Recently, with lots of time and lack of inspiration, I accepted a _________ to teach creative nonfiction. _________ I couldn’t get myself to write my own stories. I could require that my students tell theirs.

“You’re going to be _________ a journal in this class.” I said. “And I want you to tell your stories like they matter.”

“Why do they matter?” a boy named Michael asked. “I mean, who _________ about our stories?”

No one said a wont. Perhaps they were just tired from their _________ lives. Many worked full-time while in school full-time. Most might not have the faintest _________ that their stories did matter. They didn’t even know that their stories were stories — as beautiful and hard — as their own lives.

_______, I looked at Michael. “They matter because they do.” I said. “Because you’re here and you can tell them. Stories allow us to make _________ of what we’re _________. When you __________ your experience into a story, it becomes yours and not just something that __________ to you.”

Michael didn’t look __________, but he didn’t challenge me either.

Later, Michael wrote about how he grew up in one of the worst neighborhoods in Boston and how his high school teacher, who saw his __________, helped him fill out a college application.

I __________ Michael to read his essay out loud. After he finished, the class went so __________ that we could hear the sound of each other’s breath. I looked at Michael and saw a softening and __________ in his eyes.

After a moment, I said, “That’s __________ you tell your stories.” That night, I picked up my journal from where it __________, dusty and __________. For the first time in months. I had __________ to write.

1.A.business B.view C.reward D.position

2.A.Although B.As C.Unless D.Before

3.A.publishing B.keeping C.updating D.reading

4.A.worries B.talks C.reads D.cares

5.A.beautiful B.secret C.busy D.simple

6.A.dream B.hobby C.picture D.idea

7.A.Happily B.Angrily C.Firmly D.Sadly

8.A.meaning B.notice C.fun D.use

9.A.set about B.gone through C.looked for D.taken on

10.A.shape B.take C.break D.treat

11.A.came B.fell C.worked D.happened

12.A.moved B.convinced C.confused D.embarrassed

13.A.poverty B.fortune C.potential D.sorrow

14.A.asked B.helped C.forced D.allowed

15.A.still B.concerned C.disappointed D.excited

16.A.truth B.doubt C.faith D.weakness

17.A.how B.when C.because D.why

18.A.started B.lay C.went D.hid

19.A.new B.packed C.untouched D.torn

20.A.time B.inspiration C.strength D.right


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.A 16.C 17.D 18.B 19.C 20.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。作者要求学生上她的课要写日记,认真记述自己的故事。有学生质疑她的行为,尽管作者解释了原因,可学生似乎不相信。当学生念完自己的故事后,他理解了作者的话,作者也找到了写作的灵感。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:最近,因为有大把时间又缺乏灵感,我接受了一个教授非小说类文学作品创作的工作。A. business生意,商务;B. view观点;C. reward回报;D. position工作。根据下文的teach creative nonfiction可知作者要教授课程,教书是一个工作,故选D项。 2.考查连词词义辨析。句意:虽然我不会自己写自己的故事,但我会要求学生讲他们的故事。A. Although尽管,虽然;B. As因为,当,正如,尽管;C. Unless除非;D. Before在……之前。结合句意可知前后句为转折意义,故用although,as作为“尽管/虽然”时要倒装,故选A项。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我说:“你们要在这门课上记日记,我希望你们把你们的故事当成重要的事情来叙述。” A. publishing出版;B. keeping保持,记;C. updating更新;D. reading读。此处考查短语keep a journal记日记,且下文的For the first time in months. I had ____20____ to write.也有暗示,keep a journal和write a journal是同义词复现,故选B项。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个叫Michael的男孩问道:“它们为什么重要呢?我的意思是,谁会关心我们的故事呢?” A. worries担心;B. talks谈论;C. reads读;D. cares关心。联系上文的Why do they matter? 推测男孩觉得他们的故事都是无人关心和在乎的小事,所以才会提出这样的疑问,故选D项。 5.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:或许他们因为繁忙的生活感到劳累。A. beautiful 美丽的;B. secret秘密的;C. busy繁忙的;D. simple简单的。根据下文的Many worked full-time while in school full-time.许多人在全日制学校上学,故此处用“繁忙的”符合语境,故选C项。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:大多人可能根本不知道他们的故事真的重要。A. dream 梦想;B. hobby爱好;C. picture图片;D. idea主意,想法。根据下文的They didn’t even know that their stories were stories可知此处用“根本不知道 ”符合语境,not have the faintest idea和didn’t know是同义词复现,故选D项。 7.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我非常坚定地看着Michael。A. Happily高兴地;B. Angrily生气的;C. Firmly坚定地;D. Sadly悲伤地。根据下文“They matter because they do.”通过作者说话的语气,可推测作者说话时的态度很坚定,故选C项。 8.考查动词短语辨析。句意:故事让我们所经历的事变得有意义。A. (make) meaning (of)使……有意义;B. (make)notice(of)注意;C. (make)fun(of)戏弄;D. (make)use(of)利用。根据下文的I looked at Michael and saw a softening and ____16____ in his eyes.可知Michael读完自己的故事后变得柔和了更愿意相信了,这就是故事的意义,故选A项。 9.考查动词短语辨析。句意:同上。A. set about出发;B. gone through 经历;C. looked for 寻找;D. taken on呈现,从事。结合上下文此处是指我们讲述以前经历的事情,且下文When you ____10____ your experience into a story也有暗示,experience和go through是同义词复现,故选B项。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当你把你的经历塑造成了故事,它就属于你了,而不仅仅是你经历过。A. shape塑造;B. take拿,带;C. break打破;D. treat对待,治疗,请客。结合上下文,此处是指把自己经历的事情用故事的形式讲述或者写出来,故用“塑造”符合语境,故选A项。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. came来到;B. fell落下;C. worked工作;D. happened发生。此处是指发生在我们身上的故事,something happens to sb某人发生某事,故选D项。 12.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Michael看起来并没有信服我所说的,但他不再提出异议。A. moved感动的;B. convinced信服的;C. confused困惑的;D. embarrassed尴尬的。结合句意可知前后句为转折关系,故此处用“看起来不信服”符合语境,故选B项。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:后来,Michael写了他如何在波士顿一个最糟糕的小区长大,以及看到他的潜力的高中老师是如何帮助他填写大学申请书。A. poverty贫穷;B. fortune运气,财富;C. potential潜力;D. sorrow悲伤。根据下文的helped him fill out a college application.可知老师帮他填写大学申请书,故推测老师看出他学习的潜力,故选C项。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我要求Michael大声读出他的文章。A. asked要求,请求;B. helped帮助;C. forced强迫;D. allowed允许。结合上下文,作者是的身份是老师,故此处用“要求他大声读文章”符合语境和逻辑,故选A项。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他读完之后,全班如此的安静以至于我们能听见彼此的呼吸声。A. still安静的;B. concerned担心的,关心的;C. disappointed失望的;D. excited兴奋的。根据下文的we could hear the sound of each other’s breath.可知此处用“安静的”符合语境,故选A项。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我看着Michael,在他眼里我看到了温柔和信任。A. truth真相;B. doubt怀疑; C. faith信任;D. weakness虚弱。根据前文的Michael didn’t look ____12____,可知之前Michael并不相信作者所说的,但当他读完自己的故事后他相信了,故此处用“相信”符合语境,故选C项。 17.考查特殊疑问词词义辨析。句意:片刻之后,我说:“那就是你讲你自己故事的原因。” A. how如何;B. when 什么时候;C. because因为;D. why……的原因。分析句子可知,本句为why引导原因状语从句,作者认为这就是为什么讲故事的原因,故选D项。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:那天晚上,我把日记从它所在的地方拿出来,日记很久没碰,布满灰尘。A. started开始;B. lay位于;C. went去;D. hid藏。由“where”可知,此处表达日记所在的地方,用“lay”符合语境和语义,故选B项。 19.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. new新的;B. packed塞满的;C. untouched没碰过的;D. torn撕坏的。结合前文的It’s been a long time since I wrote a creative essay.可知作者有很长一段时间没有写作,故此处用“没碰过的”符合语境,故选C项。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:几个月来,我首次有写作的灵感。A. time时间;B. inspiration灵感;C. strength力气;D. right权力。根据前文的Recently, with lots of time and lack of inspiration可知此处用“灵感”符合逻辑和语境,inspiration是原词复现,故选B项。

    Cold Dew, the 17th solar term of the year, begins this year on Oct 8 and ends on Oct. 23. At this time, temperatures are much lower in most areas of China, The dew is greater and colder and there will be less rain. Autumn crops will be ripe. 1.

Foggy autumn

Temperatures drop significantly in October. The cold air encounters autumn rain. 2. When the humidity (湿度) is high, there will be foggy regions formed in many areas of China.

Season for fishing

People always say that fishing in shallow water in autumn does make sense. 3. Fish all swim to shallow water areas where the water temperature is relatively high.

Season for drinking chrysanthemum (菊花) wine

4. To prevent autumn dryness, many regions in China have the custom of drinking chrysanthemum wine. This is a tradition of the Double Ninth Festival, which often falls around Cold Dew. According to ancient records, drinking the wine made with chrysanthemums grants people long lasting youth.


During Cold Dew, North China takes on a look of late autumn with white clouds, red leaves and early frost. On the day of the Double Ninth Festival people often climb hills with comes, a kind of plant. This custom aims to dispel evils, and originated in the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD25-220).

A. a great time for hiking

B. Season for eating outside.

C. Chrysanthemum is the typical flower of Cold Dew.

D. Here are four things you should know about Cold Dew.

E. The abundant water vapor (蒸汽) turns into misty rain or fog.

F. Extracts of the Chrysanthemum have long been used in makeup.

G. Temperatures decrease quickly and sunshine cannot reach the deep water thoroughly.



    America is well known for being a melting pot of different ethnic groups and cultures, but nowhere is this diversity more pronounced than in Queens, New York.

Here, second-generation Puerto Ricans live alongside third-generation Greeks and first-generation Koreans, all united by a common feeling of pride in their American identity. However, they are also proud and curious about their ancestral roots. National Geographic’s Genographic Project, also known as the Human Family Tree, set out to trace the origins by examining their genetic makeup using a simple DNA test. What interested them more was something that intrigues us all: the history of our recent ancestry. One recurring theme among immigrants seems to be the hard work and sacrifices that went into building a new life, and how their descendants now feel a duty to honor that effort by working hard too. Here is one Queens resident’s story.

Richard, 38

My great-grandfather Tomas came to America from Poland when he was fifteen. His mother had died, and his father remarried. Tomas didn’t like his stepmother, so he ran away to Belgium, where he boarded a ship to America—without a ticket. Arriving in America with nothing, he got a job on the railroads in California. Then one day he saw an announcement in a newspaper that was read by immigrants. It was from his brother in New York who was also seeking his fortune in America and was looking for him. Tomas got in touch and they had an emotional reunion in New York, where Tomas subsequently settled. This is the story that my grandmother has passed down to us, to my parents, and all my aunts and uncles. She is an amazing woman and I suppose: the one who holds us all together. She’s actually quite forgetful now, but she never forgets family details. What that has meant is that all of us have a strong family bond and a strong sense of belonging to a group that has struggled and fought together to steered here.

1.What is special about Queens?

A.Conflicting ethnic minorities live here.

B.Many foreigners like to travel to this place.

C.The pronunciation varies from person to person.

D.Many different people and cultures are gathering here.

2.What does the “one recurring theme” in paragraph 2 refer to?

A.A sad experience. B.A common subject.

C.An unknown topic. D.An unusual quality.

3.Which of the following can best describe Tomas?

A.Brave and independent. B.Tough and honest.

C.Talented and persistent. D.Kind and hard-working.

4.What can we know about the immigrants from the text?

A.They are ashamed of their roots.

B.They feel attached to their family.

C.They can’t fit in with the new surroundings.

D.They are less interested in recent generations.



    At one time or another in your life you have probably done origami, even if it was just making a paper airplane or something more complicated like a paper crane. The chances are that as you did it, you reflected on how inventive this traditional art is. Animals, boxes, flowers, boats: it all can be created from a single square or rectangular sheet of paper simply by folding it. No cutting, no pasting.

But did you ever stop to think how the same techniques might be applied to engineering? Equipment that could be of real practical use? Origami meets the demand for things that need to be small when transported and large when they arrive, like the everyday umbrella. In fact, origami-inspired creations have already flown in space; in 1995, Japanese engineers launched a satellite with solar panels that folded like a map.

“It’s now mathematically proven that you can pretty much fold anything,” says physicist Robert J. Lang, who quit his engineering job eight years ago to fold things full time. Lang, an origami enthusiast since age six, advised a advised well-known ear manufacturer the best way to fold an airbag into a dashboard. He is currently working on a space telescope lens that, if all goes according to plan, should be able to unfold to the size of a football field.

At the other end of the scale, researchers are also working on tiny folding devices that could lead to breakthroughs in medicine and computing. There’s no doubt that computers of the future may contain tiny, folded motors or capacitors for faster processing and better memory.

Applications for origami engineering go further than many of us might imagine. “Some day,” says MIT’s Erik Demaine, “we’ll build reconfigurable (可重构的) robots that can fold on their own from one thing into another, like Transformers. Too much like science fiction to be true? Maybe—though you certainly wouldn’t want to bet against it.”

1.What do we know about origami?

A.It consumes lots of time. B.It involves interesting ideas.

C.It requires complex techniques. D.It has to do with cutting and pasting.

2.Which of the following is an application of origami?

A.A space telescope lens can be folded to the size of an umbrella.

B.A satellite is equipped with solar panels and a folded map.

C.An airbag can be better folded into a dashboard of a car.

D.A future computer contains many huge folded motors.

3.What is Erik Demaine’s attitude towards origami engineering?

A.Hopeful B.Doubtful.

C.Disapproving. D.Ambiguous.

4.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

A.Entertainment. B.Culture.

C.Education. D.Pop-science.



    Even if you’ve never been to Phoenix, you know this about the place It’s hot. From June to September, the temperature can easily surpass the century mark. But that doesn’t stop hikers from attempting the 1.3-mile hiking to the top of the city’s famed Camelback Mountain. Signs warn that the trail is “extremely difficult”. If you continue, a posted checklist suggests at least a liter of water per person. And if you’re still not stopped, another sign farther up declares: “If you’re halfway through your water, turn around!”

Unfortunately, many people to not take the warnings seriously. Fortunate y, Scott Cullymore does. The 53-year-old Cullymore can be found hiking up and down Camelback a couple of times a day, giving out cold bottles of water to worn-out hikers. He has helped hydrate so many hikers that he has earned a heavenly nickname: the Water Angel.

Cullymore was on Camelback Mountain one day in 2015 when a British tourist died after being lost for nearly six hours in the July heat. That experience inspired him to start helping people caught unaware by the cruelty of Mother Nature. “They underestimate the mountain, and they overestimate what they can do, and they get themselves in trouble.” he warned.

One hiker who was offered water agrees. “You think you know the heat, but then you get out here in the desert and it surrounds you like a blanket,” said Austin Hill, who was hiking with a high school friend. They were lucky, he said pointing to Cullymore. “We ran into this Good Samaritan here.” And with that, the Water Angel goes in search of another hiker in need.

1.What is the first paragraph mainly about?

A.The risks involved in the hiking.

B.The seriousness of the warnings.

C.The distribution of signs that warn hikers.

D.The influence of the temperature on hikers.

2.Why did some hikers on Camelback Mountain get in trouble?

A.They were not well trained in hiking.

B.They forgot to take enough water with them.

C.They were too optimistic about the situation.

D.They were not fit enough to hike the mountain.

3.What can we know about Austin Hill?

A.He agreed to help others. B.He was saved by Cullymore.

C.He hiked alone in the desert. D.He regretted taking a blanket.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.The Camelback Mountain B.Surviving the Heat

C.Hikers in Need D.The Water Angel



    Whether you are a national or an international student, we welcome you to Middletown University. Our reputation is built on providing high-quality education in both academic and vocational (职业的) subjects. As well as priding ourselves on our traditional face-to-face learning, we have recently introduced a range of distance-learning courses.

What do they cost?

Costs for our coursers vary considerably. Click on each department’s homepage for more information. Scholarships and bursaries an available for certain courses, particularly for those in the sciences and education.


BA in English Language and Literature

The main purpose of this course is to develop your ability to describe, analyze and manipulate features of the English language, and to see how these are expressed in literature. As well as taking core modules which cover these areas, students will be able to specialize in their fields of interest.

Duration: three-year course

Course: Choose 12 out of 20 modules.

Weekly timetable: eight hours of lectures/four hours of seminars

Assessment: essays, exams and an 8,000-word dissertation at the end of the third year

Requirements: academic experience and interest in the subject; good school-exam grades

Diploma in teaching

In the first term, you will learn about the theory of teaching and how to be an effective teacher. In the  second term, you will also begin teaching in a school. The third term is completely practical.

Duration: one-year course

Course: Choose six out of ten modules (three are compulsory).

Weekly timetable: six hours of lectures/ two hours of seminars/ six hours of classroom teaching

Assessment: combination of essays and classroom observation

Requirement: first degree in specific subject area

1.What is Middletown University famous for?

A.Academic and vocational education. B.Traditional teaching methods.

C.Distance-learning courses. D.Face-to-face communication.

2.What do the two sample courses have in common?

A.They both last for three years.

B.They both require students to hand in essays.

C.They both offer total freedom to choose modules.

D.They both favor students with interest in the subject.

3.What is the main purpose of the text?

A.To advertise certain online courses.

B.To stress the need for distance learning.

C.To introduce distance-learning techniques.

D.To suggest a way of pursuing further education.



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