满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

What would your life be like without pho...

What would your life be like without phones?

In one of my classes today we discussed the question of how our lives would be without a mobile phone. I actually felt quite sad to hear how some kids cannot ______ without their phones these days. ______, I think nowadays we are controlled and ______ by our technology to keep up. So let’s see some of the points that ______ in the debate and see if our generation really is addicted(上瘾的) to electronic connections ______ true communication.

It is true that everything ______ at a fast pace these days. For example, you can contact someone who lives on the other side of the world within ______. This is great if you think about how connected we can stay to the ______ who are far away from us. However, on the contrary, can we be too connected to the people who are ______ to us? An argument arose about the ______ that it is easier to message someone from your sofa than to meet them ______ and talk. Social skills are ______ to have and if you are not going to put effort into real-life ______, then you are not going to ______ in this ability.

Another point was that phones are very handy for ______ something that you are wondering about. For example, if you don’t know a word in another language, you can ______ and simply use an on-line translator to help you out. This can be very ______ in many situations, but it can also make a person dependent on the ______.

All in all, this question is very interesting to ______ as we become day by day more dependent on technology. We should realize how much we really need to be connected with our phones while considering the ______ and damage it can cause us.

1.A.affect B.survive C.succeed D.perform

2.A.Personally B.Specially C.Entirely D.Gradually

3.A.suffered B.commanded C.forced D.advised

4.A.came up B.came across C.came down D.came to

5.A.more than B.less than C.other than D.rather than

6.A.appears B.falls C.works D.grows

7.A.seconds B.hours C.days D.months

8.A.customers B.teachers C.students D.people

9.A.direction B.close C.necessary D.kind

10.A.distant B.wish C.fact D.suggestions

11.A.in person B.in advance C.with surprise D.with joy

12.A.extreme B.active C.fair D.important

13.A.style B.communication C.expression D.argument

14.A.progress B.compete C.arise D.settle

15.A.looking after B.looking back C.looking up D.looking out

16.A.selflessly B.quickly C.hardly D.slowly

17.A.grateful B.peaceful C.painful D.helpful

18.A.textbook B.dictionary C.Internet D.newspaper

19.A.forecast B.consider C.judge D.select

20.A.benefits B.skills C.doubts D.evidence


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.C 11.A 12.D 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.B 17.D 18.C 19.B 20.A 【解析】 文章就人们对手机越来越依赖进行了讨论,列举了手机给我们带来的便利和损害,提示我们要认真思考这一问题。 1.B考查动词。句意:我真的很难过,因为这些天来听说有些孩子没有手机就无法生存。A. affect影响;B. survive幸存,生还;C. succeed成功;D. perform执行。故选B。 2.A考查副词。句意:就我个人而言,我认为现在我们是被我们的技术所控制和强迫的。A. Personally就我自己而言;B. Specially特别地,专门地;C. Entirely完全地;D. Gradually逐渐地。故选A。 3.C考查动词。句意:就我个人而言,我认为现在我们是被我们的技术所控制和强迫的。A. suffered遭受;B. commanded命令;C. forced强迫;D. advised建议。故选C。 4.A考查动词短语。句意:让我们来看看辩论中出现的一些观点看看我们这代人是否真的对电子连接上瘾,而不是真正的交流。A. came up发生,出现;B. came across偶遇;C. came down下来,降落;D. came to想起,共计。故选A。 5.D考查短语。句意:让我们来看看辩论中出现的一些观点看看我们这代人是否真的对电子连接上瘾,而不是真正的交流。A. more than多于,超出…;B. less than小于;C. other than除了,不同于;D. rather than而不是。故选D。 6.C考查动词。句意:的确,现在一切都以飞快的速度运行着。A. appears出现;B. falls下降;C. works工作,运行;D. grows种植。故选C。 7.A考查名词。句意:例如,你可以在几秒钟内联系住在世界另一端的人。A. seconds秒钟;B. hours小时;C. days天;D. months月。故选A。 8.D考查名词。句意:如果你想想我们能和那些远离我们的人保持联系,这是很好的。A. customers顾客;B. teachers老师;C. students学生;D. people人们。故选D。 9.B考查形容词。句意:然而,恰恰相反,我们能否与亲近的人常联系呢?A. direction方向,指导;B. close亲近的;C. necessary必要的;D. kind和蔼的。故选B。 10.C考查名词。句意:对从你的沙发上给某人发信息比当面和他们交谈更容易这一事实引发了争论。A. distant遥远的;B. wish愿望;C. fact事实;D. suggestions建议。故选C。 11.A考查介词短语。句意:对从你的沙发上给某人发信息比当面和他们交谈更容易这一事实引发了争论。A. in person亲自,当面;B. in advance预先,提前;C. with surprise惊奇地;D. with joy高兴地。故选A。 12.D考查形容词。句意:社交技巧是很重要的,如果你不打算在现实生活交流中投入精力,那么你就不会在这种能力上取得进步。A. extreme极端的;B. active积极的;C. fair公平的;D. important重要的。故选D。 13.B考查名词。句意:社交技巧是很重要的,如果你不打算在现实生活交流中投入精力,那么你就不会在这种能力上取得进步。A. style风格;B. communication交流;C. expression表达;D. argument争论。故选B。 14.A考查动词。句意:社交技巧是很重要的,如果你不打算在现实生活交流中投入精力,那么你就不会在这种能力上取得进步。A. progress进步;B. compete竞争,比赛;C. arise上升;D. settle解决,安排。故选A。 15.C考查动词短语。句意:另一点是,手机对于查找你想知道的东西非常方便。A. looking after照顾,关心;B. looking back回首;C. looking up查找;D. looking out远望。故选C。 16.B考查副词。句意:你可以快速简单地使用在线翻译来帮助你。A. selflessly无私地;B. quickly快速地;C. hardly几乎不;D. slowly缓慢地。故选B。 17.D考查形容词。句意:这在很多情况下都是非常有帮助的。A. grateful感谢的;B. peaceful和平的;C. painful痛苦的;D. helpful有帮助的。故选D。 18.C考查名词。句意:但它也可以使一个人依赖于互联网。A. textbook课本;B. dictionary字典;C. Internet互联网;D. newspaper报纸。故选C。 19.B考查动词。句意:总而言之,随着我们越来越依赖于技术,这个问题想来是非常有趣的A. forecast预测;B. consider考虑,细想;C. judge判断;D. select挑选。故选B。 20.A考查名词。句意:我们应该意识到,在考虑到它可能给我们带来的好处和损害时,我们真的需要与我们的手机保持联系。A. benefits好处;B. skills技能;C. doubts怀疑;D. evidence证明。故选A。

    Every person wants to achieve the goals set at the beginning of a new school year. The following are some ways to help you achieve your goals.

1.When it comes to choosing your goal, ensure that it states precisely what it is that you want to achieve. Don’t generalize. Your goal should involve both what you want to achieve and the effort that you will put in to achieve it.

2.Having a copy of your goal makes it real. You can write you goal in a journal you’ll be keeping all year, or you can write it on a poster and stick it on your desk so that you can look at it each day. Every time you remind yourself of your goal, you’re training your brain to accept the effort needed to make the goal happen.

●Try various methods. One may not work while another may be just right for you. 3.Some people learn best through writing, some through listening and reading, and some through talking it through. Once you realize which way works for you, you can work better and achieve your goal easily.

●Think positive.  4.Negative thoughts are unhelpful and they became roadblocks. Stop telling yourself you can’t and start telling yourself you can, and talk about you are doing rather than hoping you can do something. Always believe that you’re capable, even if you have difficulty along the way.

●Reward yourself along the way. 5.Occasionally, when you’ve achieved certain “milestones” in your goal plan, take a break and reward yourself. Watch a movie, visit a friend who lives across town, go to the ice cream shop with your friends or buy yourself something new.

A. Write down your goal.

B. Choose specific and realistic goals

C. Be aware of the way you learn best

D. Remember that everyone makes mistakes

E. Set aside some time each week for exercise

F. All study and no reward can break your spirit

G. If you’re not in the right state of mind, you won’t be able to succeed.



    When I was 16 years old, I made my first visit to the United States. It wasn’t the first time I had been abroad. Like most English children I learned French at school and I had often been to France, so I was used to speaking a foreign language to people who didn’t understand English. But when I went to America I was really looking forward to having a nice easy holiday without any language problems.

How wrong I was! The misunderstanding began at the airport. I was looking for a public telephone to give my American friend Danny a ring and tell her that I had arrived. A friendly old man saw me looking like being lost and asked if he could help me.

“Yes,” I said. “I want to give my friend a ring.”

“Well, that’s nice,” he said. “Are you getting married? But aren’t you a bit young?”

“Who is talking about marriage?” I replied. “I just want to give my friend a ring to tell her I’ve arrived. Can you tell me where there’s a phone box?”

“Oh!” he said. “There’s a phone downstairs.”

When at last we did meet up, Danny explained the misunderstanding to me.

“Don’t worry,” she said to me. “I had many difficulties at first. There are lots of words which the Americans use differently in meaning from us British. You’ll soon get used to all the funny things they say. But most of the time British and American people can understand each other!”

1.Where was the writer from?

A.He was from America B.He was from France

C.He was from England D.He was from China

2.The writer thought _________ in America.

A.he wouldn’t have any language difficulties

B.he would not understand the Americans

C.the Americans might not understand him

D.he would have difficulties at the airport

3.The writer wanted ________.

A.to buy a ring for his friend

B.to make a call to his friend

C.to go to the telephone company

D.his friend to see him off

4.From the passage we can see that “give somebody a ring”____________.

A.means the same in America as in England

B.means “call somebody’ to the old man

C.means “be going to get married”

D.has different meaning in America and in England



    It was Monday. Mrs Smith's dog was hungry, but there was not any meat in the house.

Considering that there was no better way, Mrs Smith took a piece of paper, and wrote the following words on it: "Give my dog half a pound of meat. " Then she gave the paper to her dog and said gently."Take this to the butcher(屠夫)and he's going to give you your lunch today.”

Holding the piece of paper in its mouth, the dog ran to the butcher's. It gave the paper to the butcher. The butcher read it carefully, recognized that it was really the lady's handwriting and soon did it as he was asked to. The dog was very happy, and ate the meat up at once.

At noon, the dog came to the shop again. It gave the butcher a piece of paper again. After reading it, he gave it half a pound of meat once more.

The next day, the dog came again exactly at noon. And as usual, it brought a piece of paper in the mouth. This time, the butcher did not take a look at the paper, and gave the dog is meat, for he had regarded the dog as one of his customers. But, the dog came again at four o'clock. And the same thing happened once again. To the butcher's more surprise, it came for the third time at six o'clock, and brought with it a third piece of paper. The butcher felt a bit puzzled. He said to himself, "This is a small dog. Why does Mrs Smith give it so much meat to eat today?"

Looking at the piece of paper, he found that there were not any words on it!

1.It seemed that the dog knew well that the paper Mrs Smith gave it            .

A.could do it much good B.might do it much harm

C.would help the butcher D.was worth many pounds

2.From its experience, the dog found that            .

A.only the paper with Mrs Smith's words on it could bring it meat

B.the butcher would give meat to it whenever he saw it

C.a piece of paper could bring it half a pound of meat

D.Mrs Smith would pay for the meat it got from the butcher

3.At the end of the story, you'll find that            .

A.the dog was clever enough to write on the paper

B.the dog dared not go to the butcher's any more

C.the butcher found himself cheated by the clever animal

D.the butcher was told not to give any meat to the dog



    The holidays are a time to give. These organizations are looking for volunteers and donations (捐赠). Read on to learn more about them. Then, find out how you can help.

American Red Cross

This holiday season, your donation can make a difference at home and abroad. The American Red Cross is making it easy to help people who have experienced natural disasters (灾害), members of the U.S. armed forces, and children all over the world. With just one click (点击), you can give the gift of caring.

National Military Family Association

Each year hundreds of Americans serve both at home and abroad to keep our country safe. This holiday season, we can help serve them. Through donations, National Military Family Association helps to provide military members and their families with scholarships, family retreats, camp programs for kids, and more.

Network for Good

This website allows its users to donate to organizations and discover volunteer chances. After natural disasters, the Network for Good provides a system of help and support for those in need. The website also offers tips to kids who want to give. Visit the website to find out how you can help make someone’s holiday season shine bright.

Make-A-Wish Foundation

Sometimes all it takes is one wish made come true to make someone smile. The work of Make-A-Wish Foundation is to make the wishes come true. Through support and donations, the foundation has made dreams come true for hundreds of thousands of children with serious illnesses.

If you want to help others, don’t wait for a better time. Help now! Your help will be valued highly.

1.What do we know about the American Red Cross?

A.It serves members of armed forces all over the world.

B.It mainly supports people in natural disasters.

C.It helps children at home and abroad.

D.It doesn’t often ask for donations.

2.To help American soldiers’ parents, which organization will you donate things to?

A.Network for Good.

B.American Red Cross.

C.Make-A-Wish Foundation.

D.National Military Family Association.

3.Who would most probably visit Network for Good?

A.People who want to learn about natural disasters.

B.People who have volunteering experiences.

C.People who want to volunteer.

D.People who want to offer tips.



It's fourteen years since I left the Philippines to live with my family in the USA. A month ago, while on summer vacation back in my motherland, I learned a lesson from mosquito (蚊子) bites. Right before_______Kennedy Airport in New York, my grandma_______me of the behavior of the native mosquitoes around the_______like me. She said, "There's an old saying—the_______you stay away from the motherland, the sweeter your blood_______to the mosquitoes. " Not_______it, I replied, "Grandma, that's just an old wives' tale!"

Well, less than a week_______my arrival in Manila, I was already carpeted with a_______of mosquito bites. I took many measures to keep myself from being_______, but they all proved useless.

Late one_______ in my cousin's home, I couldn't bear the_____ of the bites. Hoping to find some comfort, I________my cousin, who was sleeping peacefully in the bed next to mine. Unhappy for being________she said, "There is nothing you can do. Go back to sleep. " With a few turns, she slept again. Enviously (妒嫉地)________her sleep, I hoped a big mosquito would________on her face. However, the mosquitoes would just lightly dance around her forehead and fly away quickly, never biting her. Amazed (惊奇的), I ran to others'_______, only to find they were all sleeping________as the same thing occurred again and again.

From those bites, I came to________my grandma's silly tale. From then on, I've always tried to keep a(n)_______mind about those strange old wives' tales________they do have some truth to them.

1.A.leaving B.passing C.visiting D.finding

2.A.persuaded B.reminded C.warned D.informed

3.A.students B.foreigners C.passengers D.visitors

4.A.earlier B.longer C.sooner D.later

5.A.grows B.goes C.flows D.remains

6.A.expecting B.understanding C.recognizing D.believing

7.A.after B.before C.when D.as

8.A.shade B.pile C.cloud D.blanket

9.A.touched B.bitten C.defeated D.discovered

10.A.morning B.afternoon C.evening D.night

11.A.noise B.hit C.pain D.effect

12.A.woke up B.shouted at C.looked for D.dropped on

13.A.blamed B.interrupted C.moved D.frightened

14.A.having B.watching C.making D.helping

15.A.land B.fly C.fall D.wait

16.A.houses B.flats C.rooms D.homes

17.A.joyfully B.anxiously C.soundlessly D.worriedly

18.A.tell B.know C.remember D.accept

19.A.open B.active C.clear D.honest

20.A.and B.so C.because D.until



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