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On the morning of September 11,2001, com...

    On the morning of September 11,2001, computer sales manager Michael Hingson, who is blind, went early to his office on the 78th floor of the North Tower of the World Trade Center to prepare for a meeting. As Michael worked, his guide dog, a Labrador retriever 1. (name) Roselle, dozed by his feet.

At 8:46 a.m., a tremendous boom rocked the building, eliciting screams throughout the floor. Michael grabbed Roselle, trusting that the dog 2. (lead) him out of the danger, and they navigated their way to a stairwell.

“Forward,” Michael instructed, and they descended the first of 1,463 steps to the lobby. 3. about ten floors, the stairwell grew crowded and hot, and the fumes from jet fuel had made it hard to breathe.

When a woman became crazy, yelling that they wouldn’t make it. Roselle accompanied the woman 4. she finally petted the dog, calmed herself, and kept walking down the stairs.

Around the 30th floor, firefighters started passing Michael on their way up. Each one stopped to offer him assistance. He declined but let Roselle be petted, 5. (provide) many of the firefighters with 6. would be their last experience of unconditional love.

After about 45 minutes, Michael and Roselle reached 7. looby, and 15 minutes later, they emerged outside to a scene of chaos. Suddenly the police yelled for everyone to run as the South Tower began to collapse.

Michael kept a tight grip on Roselle’s harness, using voice and hand commands, as they ran to a street opposite the crumbling tower. The street bounced like a trampoline, and “a deafening roar” like a hellish freight train filled the air. Hours later, Michael and Roselle made it home safely. At that moment, they thought they were 8. (lucky ) in the world.

In the months that followed, Michael became a spokesperson for Guide Dogs for the Blind, the organization by which Roselle 9. (train). Together, they spread their message about trust and teamwork.

In 2004, Roselle developed a blood disorder, 10. prevented her from guiding and touring. She died in 2011.

“I’ve had many other dogs,” Michael wrote, “but there is only one Roselle.”


1.named 2.would lead 3.After 4.until 5.providing 6.what 7.the 8.the luckiest 9.had been trained 10.which 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了迈克尔和他的导盲犬罗塞尔在一次火灾中成功逃生的经历,这诠释了信任和团队合作的意义。 1.考查非谓语动词。句意:当迈克尔工作时,他的导盲犬,一只名叫罗塞尔的拉布拉多猎犬,在他的脚边打盹。a Labrador retriever 与name之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,表示被动,用过去分词作后置定语,故填named。 2.考查情态动词。句意:迈克尔牵着罗塞尔,相信那条狗会带他脱离危险,于是他们就朝楼梯井走去。此处表示过去的意愿,表示“会……”,故填would lead。 3.考查介词。句意:(下了)大约十层楼后,楼梯间变得拥挤而炎热,燃料的烟雾使人呼吸困难。分析句子结构并结合句意可知此处缺少介词,表示“在……之后”,故填After。 4.考查连词。句意:罗塞尔一直陪着那个女人,直到她终于摸了摸它,让自己平静下来,然后继续走下楼梯。分析句子结构并结合句意可知此处缺少连词,表示“直到”,故填until。 5.考查非谓语动词。句意:他拒绝了(他们的帮助),但让他们爱抚罗塞尔,为许多消防队员提供了他们最后一次无条件的爱。He与provide之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,表示主动,用现在分词作伴随状语,故填providing。 6.考查宾语从句。句意同上,此处为宾语从句,从句中缺少主语,故填what。 7.考查定冠词。句意:大概45分钟后,迈克尔和罗塞尔到达了门厅。lobby是可数名词,需要用冠词修饰,此处特指“整栋大楼的门厅”,故填the。 8.考查形容词最高级。句意:在那一刻,他们认为自己是世界上最幸运的人。根据句意可知此处表示“最幸运的”,应该用形容词最高级形式,故填the luckiest。 9.考查时态语态。句意:在接下来的几个月里,迈克尔成了盲人导盲犬组织的发言人,而罗塞尔正是在这个组织里接受训练的。Roselle与train之间是被动关系,而且这一动作发生在became之前,也就是过去的过去,所以用过去完成时的被动语态,故填had been trained。 10.考查非限定性定语从句。句意:2004年,罗塞尔患上了血液病,使她无法导盲和旅行。此处为非限定性定语从句,关系词指代整个主句内容并在从句中作主语,故填which。









3.参考词汇:不忘初心:remain true to our original aspirationsnever forget why we started

Dear classmates,

It is my honour to be here and share with you my idea on this topic.


Thank you!









As far as I'm concerned, houses in the future will be likely to be built with environment-friendly materials. The materials are wonderful, that can not only produce electricity by take in air and sunshine, and also keep the houses warm in winter and cool in summer. On addition, if there is an accident happen in the house, the host will receive an alarm call immediate. Most importantly, once some disasters such as earthquakes or storm happen, the house will fly away to avoid the danger.

In a word, as the development of science and technology,I believe my dream will be come true.And the houses in the future will become comfortable to live in.




A population of the world's most invasive mosquito species was almost completely wiped out by1.experiment on two islands in the southem Chinese province of Guangdong, according to a study , which 2.(publish) Wednesday

The experiment successfully reduced the female Asian Tiger Mosquito population-the main source of bites and disease transmission-by up to 94%,3. (reduce) the number of reported human bites by 97%.

One of the Chinese study's4.(researcher), Xi Zhiyong, a professor at Michigan State University, has been a longtime pioneer in this field of study,5.is running a mosquito factory in southern China. He6.(previous) attempted to use sterilized(绝育的) male mosquitoes to mate with unaltered females In the new study,7. (publish) by the International Journal of Science, Xi and his colleagues attempted to cut mosquito numbers even8.(far) by limiting both males and females' ability to reproduce.

The results were so successful that they nearly9. (wipe) out the entire female mosquito population on the two islands.

Mosquitoes pose grave threats to human health beyond just irritating bites. However, there is currently no effective vaccine or treatment 10.most mosquito-transmitted diseases, leaving controlling the insects' populations one of the most effective control methods, according to the International Journal of Science.



    Ryan was 6 years old when a talk by his grade one teacher changed his life. She told the_______about people in Africa who had a very_______time getting clean water and access to wells. African people,_________children, can get sick and sometimes_______. Deeply moved, Ryan persuaded his parents to _______him to do extra chores and finally earned S70, which he thought was enough to drill a _________.

But WaterCan, a non-profit organization that provides_______water to poor countries, told him that it would need $2,000 to drill a well. Ryan didn't_______. He got very busy doing more chores and_______his fundraising. Several months later he________. collected the $2,000. He ________the money to WaterCan and in January, 1999, Water Can drilled a well beside Angolo Primary School in northern Uganda, with funds________by Ryan.

Since the first well was dug, Ryan's Well Foundation has raised over $800,000 to provide clean water to people in__________. And others have also________along the way, including his school, and The World Health Organization

In the past 18 months, Ryan has________across the world, like Japan, China, and England,making speeches, to________others to spread his "seeds of hope". His Ryan's Well Foundation has supported water projects that have been completed or are under________in many African countries.Ryan has met many________people and even been blessed by the Pope(教皇) but he________he is "just a normal boy". His mother Susan says, "In his heart we all make a________as long as we help the people in need."

1.A.class B.family C.street D.club

2.A.busy B.hard C.standard D.pale

3.A.gradually B.slowly C.especially D.totally

4.A.heal B.escape C.jump D.die

5.A.punish B.pay C.educate D.help

6.A.wall B.school C.hope D.well

7.A.clean B.drinking C.hot D.bottled

8.A.stand up B.take off C.give up D.give in

9.A.stopping B.designing C.expanding D.leaving

10.A.firstly B.usually C.only D.finally

11.A.sent B.mailed C.spend D.saved

12.A.wasted B.raised C.discovered D.stolen

13.A.Asia B.India C.Australia D.Africa

14.A.guided B.dreamed C.exploded D.helped

15.A.travelled B.come C.run D.driven

16.A.discourage B.force C.inspire D.forgive

17.A.way B.inspection C.surface D.age

18.A.wealth B.common C.famous D.talented

19.A.declines B.insists C.suggests D.quarrels

20.A.promise B.difference C.break D.decision



Four reasons why you should move to a big city

We've all had the dream. We've needed a fresh start. While it may not be the best idea to jump into the car with nothing more than a suitcase, the experience of staying in an entirely new setting can teach you lessons you'd never learn any other way.1., a major city will challenge you in ways that you didn't know were possible. Here are four reasons why you should move to a city at least once in your life.

Find yourself-When you're in a major city, you're not going to run into the same people everyday unless you plan on it. Nobody will bring up that time you tripped on your way into the post office. 2..

Grow up fast-Nothing forces you to grow up fast quite like living in a big city. Even with so many people around, there will be moments when you feel so lonely. But you will get hard-earned success and satisfaction.3.. Your view of life becomes challenge-welcoming instead of fearful.

Opportunity - Everyone focuses on the competitive nature of big cities, but there are also opportunities that you never would have access to in a small town.4.. And when you have passion fueling you, your attitude to work will become untouchable.

Broaden your horizons-lf there are many foreigners in your town, it may be time to open yourself up to more languages, cultures, and food. And you ll be in a place with access to so many different ideas and values. 5.

A. You can leave your past where it belongs

B. When everyday tasks become challenging

C. More people, more professions, more businesses

D. It will expand your knowledge and understanding

E. Moving to a major city helps you achieve success rapidly

F. While moving to the next small town may not expand your worldview

G. You made it through with nothing but yourself, your voice, and your determination



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