满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Through the cold winter wasteland a man ...

    Through the cold winter wasteland a man walked hard, leaning into the harsh wind which tried to force him back. He was covered from head to toe in layers of ___clothing, layers of protection against the____weather. On he ___, searching, searching. This must be the way.

In the distance he saw what looked like ___rising out of the ground. It rose a few feet and then was quickly ___away by the biting wind. He changed his ___and turned towards the steam. As he got closer, he thought he could make out ___. Their melody(旋律) was unfamiliar to him -musical, ___and warm - it ___him closer.

There before him was a remarkable sight. In the middle of the frozen wasteland was a large ____. Several people seemed to be ___easily in it without any effort. As they saw him ___, a man called out to him.

“Come in here. It is lovely and warm. You can just ___back and relax,” said the man.

“I can’t. There are no ___.” The man replied.

“Just jump in. It really is lovely. There’s plenty of ___for another.” Another of the floaters joined in the ___.

“But what if I want to get out? The sides are too ___to reach up to.” “Believe me, you won’t want to get out. Come on.” But he decided not to jump in. And that was a(an) ___decision.

There’re many things and people in life like this pool. They ___you life can be easy. But in fact, they are ___that you can’t come back from.

Life is hard. Stay wise. And fight.

1.A.fashionable B.thick C.expensive D.fancy

2.A.changeable B.rainy C.brilliant D.rough

3.A.fought B.thought C.screamed D.looked

4.A.smoke B.steam C.fire D.light

5.A.pushed B.dragged C.blown D.driven

6.A.place B.spot C.course D.side

7.A.voices B.sights C.figures D.faces

8.A.thrilling B.rude C.crazy D.relaxing

9.A.absorbed B.drew C.forced D.exposed

10.A.hole B.lake C.pool D.valley

11.A.bathing B.drowning C.swimming D.floating

12.A.tremble B.approach C.wander D.escape

13.A.sit B.go C.lie D.turn

14.A.steps B.boats C.fish D.guards

15.A.water B.support C.room D.waves

16.A.persuasion B.argument C.competition D.activity

17.A.slippery B.narrow C.distant D.high

18.A.unexpected B.interesting C.simple D.wise

19.A.promise B.advise C.remind D.inform

20.A.lies B.traps C.miracles D.barriers


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.C 16.A 17.D 18.D 19.A 20.B 【解析】 本文是夹叙夹议的文章。讲述了一个人在寒冷的冬天,独自走在荒野中,突然看到了一个池塘,很多人舒服地浮躺在池塘中享受。他们也劝他一起放松一下,但是他理智地拒绝了。故事告诉我们生活很艰难,要保持理智的头脑,要不断奋斗。 1.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他从头到脚裹着一层层厚厚的衣服。A. fashionable 时髦的;B.thick 厚的;C. expensive 昂贵的;D. fancy花哨的,精致的。根据上一句 the cold winter 和 the harsh wind(刺骨的寒风)可知,穿着很厚的衣服御寒。故选 B项。 2.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他从头部到脚裹着一层层厚厚的衣服,抵御狂暴的天气。A. changeable 多变的;B.rainy 下雨的;C.brilliant 聪明的,灿烂的,极棒的;D.rough粗暴的,狂暴的,粗糙的,崎岖不平的。从上句the cold winter 和 the harsh wind可知天气很恶劣。故选 D项。 3.考查动词词词义辨析。句意:他抗争着,寻找着,寻找着。A. fought 斗争;B. thought 思考;C. screamed 尖叫;D. looked 看。在恶劣的天气里他与寒风作抗争。fought 是 fight 的过去时。故选 A 项。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:远远地他看见有什么东西像蒸汽一样从地下往上冒。A. smoke 烟;B. steam 蒸汽;C. fire 火;D. light 光。从下文turned towards the steam(他向蒸汽的方向跑去)可知,他看到像蒸汽一样的东西升起。故选B项。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:蒸汽从地面升起几英尺后 ,很快就被刺骨的寒风吹跑了。A. pushed 推;B. dragged拉;C. blown吹;D. driven驾驶。根据生活常识,寒风会将蒸汽吹散。blow的过去分词是blown。故选 C项。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他改变了行走的路线,朝蒸汽那里走去。A.place 地方;B. spot 地点,斑点;C. course 路线,路径,航向;D. side 边。从下As he got closer可知,他向着冒蒸汽的方向走去。故选 C项。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当他走进时,他想他听得出声音了。A. voices 声音; B. sights 视力,情景;C. figures 数字,身材; D. faces 脸。从下一句:Their melody(旋律) was unfamiliar to him 和musical可知,应该是和 melody 有关。故选A项。 8.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这个旋律对于他来说并不熟悉——悦耳、让人放松而又温暖。A. thrilling 令人兴奋的,扣人心弦的;B. rude 粗鲁无礼的;C. crazy 疯狂的;D. relaxing 令人放松的。从musical 和warm 可知,这里是形容他听到的 voice 的美妙。故选 D 项。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:声音吸引他走得更近了。A. absorbed 吸收,吞并;B. drew 绘画,吸引,使感兴趣; C. forced 强迫,迫使;D. exposed暴露。前面描绘这种声音的美妙,令人感到温暖和放松,所以他更向这种声音靠近。故选B项。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在冰天雪地的荒野中,有一个大池塘。A. hole 洞;B.lake 湖;C. pool 池塘;D. valley 山谷,溪谷。从下文There’re many things and people in life like this pool可知,他看到了的是一个池塘。故选C项。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:有几个人毫不费力地浮躺在池中。A. bathing 沐浴,洗澡;B. drowning 淹死,淹没;C. swimming 游泳;D. floating 漂浮。从下文Another of the floaters(漂浮在水面上的人)可知,这些人漂浮在池面上。故选D项。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当他们看到他在靠近时,一个人叫住了他。A. tremble 发抖,震动;B. approach靠近;C. wander溜达,闲逛;D. escape 逃离,离开。从下一句come in here可知,他们叫他也到池塘去漂着,他应该是靠近池塘。故选B项。 13.考查动词辨析。句意:你可以仰躺着放松一下。A. sit 坐;B. go 走;C. lie 躺;D. turn 转弯。此题考查选项和空后的back组成的短语。 sit back 置身事外,袖手旁观; go back 返回;lie back 仰躺;turn back 返回, 折回。 根据下文的floater 可知,那些人是仰躺着浮在池面上。故选C项。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我不能,这里都没有台阶。”那个人答道。A. steps 脚步,台阶,阶梯;B.boats船;C. fish鱼;D. guards 看守。其他人叫他跳进池中,可是他觉得没有台阶可以进到池塘。故选A项。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:只要跳进来就好了,这里很棒。还有很多位子呢。A. water 水;B. support 支撑;C. room 房间,空间;C.waves波浪。其他人说有足够的地方,让他也跳到池中。故选C项。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:另一个浮在池中的人也加入劝说的行列。A. persuasion 劝说;B.argument 争论,争吵;C. competition 竞争;D. activity 活动。池中的人都在劝说他跳进池塘,和他们一起放松一下。故选A项。 17.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但是如果我想出来怎么办?边缘太高很难出来。A.slippery滑的;B. narrow狭窄的;C. distant遥远的;D. high高的。reach up 意为:往高处伸,向上伸。短语too… to…意为:太…而不能…。易混项为slippery。从reach up 可知,他觉得如果要出来,池塘边缘太高了,伸手够不到。故选D项。 18.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但他没有往下跳,而这是个明智的选择。A. unexpected 未预料到的;B.interesting有趣的;C. simple 简单的 ;D. wise 明智的。从下文Stay wise可知,作者认为这个人做出了明智的决定,没有效仿其他人,而是保持睿智的头脑。故选D项。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:生活中有很多人和事像这个池塘一样,他们向你承诺生活很轻松。A.promise允诺;B.advise 建议;C.remind 使想起,提醒;D.inform 告知。在上文的故事中,那些漂浮在池塘中的人很享受。“在池塘中享受”寓意生活轻松。故选A项。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但实际上,他们都是能让你无法回头的陷阱。A.lies 谎言;B.traps 陷阱;C.miracles 奇迹;D.barriers 障碍,屏障。最后作者的观点Life is hard. Stay wise. And fight(生活是艰难的,要保持睿智,并战斗下去),提醒人们不要贪图一时的享受,而要不断努力奋斗。故选B项。

    Unlike IQ, emotional intelligence is something we can develop with practice and time.1..

Here are some ways to improve emotional intelligence.

Pay attention to your own feelings

One of the first steps in improving your EQ is paying attention to your body language. Pause and pay attention to your body language when you experience different emotions. 2.? A lot of people will clench their fists, tighten their breathing, and tense up their shoulders. Release the tension consciously and take control of your breath.

Also, consider writing down your feelings in a journal. 3., but can help you understand more details about how you came to feel a certain way.


Pause before reacting and put yourself into the other person’s place. How would you feel in his or her position? 4.? Understanding others is a quick way to release tension. It helps diffuse(化解) many situations while also making us better negotiators.

Active listening

5.. Active listening is a deliberate attempt to not only hear what someone is saying, but to understand it. This sounds simple enough, but many people will nod to give the impression of listening, but will actually just be waiting to reply—or ignore the other person altogether.

Those with low EQ will impulsively start talking about themselves every chance they get, no matter what the topic is. For active listening, try to build a conversation, which can promote mutual understanding.

A. It’s not only a good release

B. It will make a big difference

C. How should you deal with such situations

D. Here’s one skill that many people could improve

E. What could be a possible reason for their behavior

F. It’s a skill that will pay off many times in our lives

G. What do you instinctively do when you get bad news



    A knitting factory in Bangladesh brings together the past, present, and the future. On one floor, workers knit by hand. On another, people and machines do the work together. And on a third floor, there are only robots.

This building might seem outdated, given the accepted wisdom that robots will replace humans in textiles and many other industries. But it is actually a wise response to how the Fourth Industrial Revolution will likely play out in Asia. As is the case elsewhere, technological progress is rapidly changing industries and economies across the world.

However, much of Asia isn’t ready for robots, for reasons that go beyond fears of mass unemployment. Poorer countries face great barriers to adopting new technologies. Moreover, the region’s lower wages encourage companies to keep human workers. At the factory in Bangladesh, human workers can step in if power or equipment failures knock the machines offline. At the same time, having a fully automated section allows production to continue if workers go on strike.

Conventional wisdom believes that this dual-track(双轨的)approach isn’t sustainable, and that low-to middle-skilled workers will eventually make way for robots. However, these pessimistic predictions ignore the fact that most jobs consist of lots of tasks, some of which cannot be automated.

Still, robots are gaining foothold in the region, particularly in economies such as China and the Republic of Korea. In 2015, robot sales in Asia increased by 19 percentthe fourth record-breaking year in a row. When less-developed Asian countries eventually join the technology trend, layoffs will inevitably follow. To soften the blow, governments urgently need to pursue labor-market reforms and examine their education systems, starting with technical and vocational education and training (TVET). Although TVET is becoming increasingly popular in Asia’s developing economies, its quality is often poor. Governments should ensure that TVET courses focus on more relevant skills, while remaining flexible so that students can study without sacrificing income.

1.What does the author think of the knitting factory?

A.Fashionable. B.Complicated. C.Brilliant. D.Wasteful.

2.Why did robots fail to be widely applied in Asia?

A.Power failures often occur in factories.

B.Some countries are not fully prepared.

C.Unemployment has caused many problems.

D.Some countries are too poor to adopt the new technology.

3.What is the reason behind governments’ reforms?

A.To make robots more popular.

B.To raise the quality of education.

C.To reduce the influence of robots.

D.To improve the income of students.

4.What might be talked about in the following paragraph?

A.Measures to resist robots.

B.Ways to improve TVET courses.

C.Some policies to support workers.

D.The future of the dual-track approach.



    The tall manchineel tree that is native to the Caribbean, Florida, South America, Central America and the Bahamas, looks particularly attractive. But you may be wise to notice the warning given that the tree holds the Guinness World Record for “the world’s most dangerous tree”.

The deadliness begins with the sweet-smelling fruit. As British radiologist Nicola Strickland and her friend discovered, even a single bite of the green apple-like produce can lead to hours of suffering. The scientist says within minutes of eating the fruit, she and her friend experienced “a strange peppery feeling” in their mouths. A few hours later, the two could barely swallow any solid food. Fortunately, the symptoms started to reduce after about eight hours and the fruit did not cause any long-term damage.

Many plants have poisonous bark and leaves to prevent grass-eating animals. However, the fruits are usually edible allowing animals to feed on them or carry seeds to help with reproduction. But since the manchineel fruits are largely transported by ocean tides, the tree does not need help to reproduce.

The tree’s thick and milky white sap (树液) is equally dangerous. Contact with the skin can lead to symptoms that range from headaches to respiratory(呼吸) problems. Exposure to the eye can even cause “temporary painful blindness”. Given that the sap’s most dangerous toxin is highly water soluble, experts advise not using the tree for shade during a rain shower, as raindrops carrying the sap could easily burn your skin.

The fear has resulted in almost destroying the tree in Florida where it is on the list of endangered species. While removing it altogether may seem like the logical solution, experts argue that the manchineel trees are important for local ecosystems. In addition to protecting against ocean winds, the dense manchineel trees also prevent ocean erosion in Central America. The tree’s wood is very popular with Caribbean carpenters who have learned to neutralize its poisonous sap by drying the bark in the sun. In Central and South America, the locals use the bark to treat body swelling caused by injury and infection.

1.Which of the following best explains “edible” underlined in Paragraph 3?

A.Fit to eat. B.Easy to pick. C.Hard to find. D.Nice to look at.

2.Which of the following about the manchineel tree is true?

A.Its fruits taste sweet.

B.It reproduces by ocean tides.

C.Your eyes may be blind at the sight of it.

D.You have difficulty breathing in its shade.

3.What is mainly talked about in the last paragraph?

A.The medical use of the manchineel trees.

B.The important role of the manchineel trees.

C.The urgent need of protecting the manchineel trees.

D.The way of removing poisonous sap from the trees.

4.Which of the following can best show the structure of the passage?

A. B. C. D.



    I stood outside my front door catching my breath. After a lazy Christmas holiday, I had to recover from climbing stairs with carry-on bags and a suitcase. I looked up and blinked. Red tape crossed the door. I didn’t understand Hungarian, but the one English word said enough: “POLICE”.

Google Translate told me I would be arrested if I entered, so I didn’t. Finally, I called my rental agent. He went to the police station for more details.

My agent returned with authorization to enter. Not only were my files undisturbed, but so were the TV and printer. The burglars had taken a few items from the top drawer as well as a small amount of foreign currency in the bottom drawer. Somehow they hadn’t found the jewelry box in the third drawer.

I was in shock. My agent’s words were fuzzy, something about fixing the locks tomorrow and making a list for the police.

Then one day, I remembered that I’d left another jewelry box in the flat. My heart sank as I thought of another locket that had been in that box, a gold engraved one with a picture of my late honey Grandma inside. When I realized the box was missing, the whole experience seemed to crash down on me. I cried.

At the end of January, I received a registered letter from the police. The burglar hadn’t been found, and the case was closed. I slept with my purse by my bed. I hid my laptop when I showered. And then another challenge rose. I was unexpectedly laid off.

Then one July night, I reached into my third drawer, pulled out my jean shorts, and heard a small thud. I looked down and blinked: It was the tiny jewelry box I thought had been stolen six months earlier.

Inside was the locket with honey Grandma smiling at me, being there for me, telling me not to give up. I started to cry.

1.What did the red tape across the writer’s door mean?

A.There was a burglary here. B.The house couldn’t be entered freely.

C.The rent had to be paid quickly. D.The rental agent advertised for the house.

2.What did the agent promise to do?

A.To fix the locks the next day. B.To report the burglary to the police.

C.To have an iron security gate fixed. D.To pay for missing things for the writer.

3.Which can best show the change of the author’s feeling after she learned of the burglary?

A.puzzled→ anxious→ relaxed. B.shocked→ sorrowful→ nervous.

C.shocked→ desperate→ hopeful. D.puzzled→ relieved→ confident.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Red Tape B.A Jewelry Box C.“Lost” Smile D.Grandma’s Advice



    Each year Canada’s Chocolate Town, St. Stephen, New Brunswick, celebrates our community’s rich and delicious heritage with our annual Chocolate Fest. Now in its 31st year, this week-long, family-oriented festival is choc-full of activities, fun events, and all things chocolate-related. Our beloved mascot, the Great Chocolate Mousse, and his lovely wife Tiffany, invite you to join us this August for the sweetest festival of the year Chocolate Fest 2018!

Ball Hockey Tournament

8:30 am to 11:30 am  Location: Garcelon Civic

Center Game on!! Enjoy the great game of Ball Hockey and be the first team to claim the “Chicken Bone Cup”. We encourage sportsmanship and equal opportunity for all players 3-on-3, maximum 7 players per team. For details call Heather, 465-5616. Sponsored by SUBWAY Restaurants and Chocolate Fest. Cost: $100/team.

Ca-r-ma Charlotte County Coffee Morning

9:30 am to 12 noon  Location: St. Stephen Town Square

Come out and join us for a Starbucks coffee, cup of tea or juice and scrumptious home-baked goods, many featuring chocolate. Sponsored by Ca-r-ma Charlotte County and adoption programs—caring for homeless and feral cats.

Lucy the Lady Bug’s 1st Birthday Party

12 noon to 3 pm.   Location: Kingsbrae Garden, St. Andrews, NB

Come to celebrate with Lucy and her friends for a picnic on our front lawn——bring your own picnic, or grab lunch at our Garden Cafe. At 2 pm, join Lucy and her friends for an amazing race adventure through the big maze, obstacle course on the main lawn, find treasure in the fantasy garden and much, much more! Cost: $38/Family Day Pass, $16/Adult, $12/Students and Seniors, Free/Children 6 and younger and Family Season Pass Holders.

1.Which of the following might be a good choice for a pet lover?

A.Kingsbrae Garden Party. B.Lucy the Lady Bug’s 1st Birthday Party.

C.Ball Hockey Tournament. D.Ca-r-ma Charlotte County Coffee Morning.

2.Kate, a 5-year-old girl with her grandparents will attend Lucy the Lady Bug’s 1st Birthday Party, how much should be paid?

A.$38. B.$50. C.$24. D.44.

3.What’s the purpose of the passage?

A.To introduce a sports game. B.To arrange some activities.

C.To advertise an annual fest. D.To promote a chocolate brand.



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