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The founder of electric supercar maker R...

    The founder of electric supercar maker Rimac has said it won’t make sense for people to own or drive their own cars in the coming decades.

According to Rimac, most people will no longer own or operate their own cars in the future.Instead, vehicles will be shared, selfdriving and electric.These changes are already starting. “There will be people who still want to own their cars and drive their cars and I am happy for that because that is our business, ”Rimac said. “Long term, I think 20 years down the road, it will be totally changed and people will not own or drive their cars anymore.”Rimacs most recent car.the CTwo, comes off the production line next year.

Rimac is well aware the industry is changing quickly due to the rise of self-driving vehicles and electric batteries, and says in the next 20 years driving as we know it may exist mainly as a hobby. “I really believe that humanity goes for things that make sense.”he told Newsweek. “If you look at 1.3 million people dying every year on the roads, if you look at the impact it has on economies based on traffic jams and time lost, its so much of a negative impact to society that I think such a huge benefit can be gained if people stop driving.”

“Lets look into the future.You are standing in front of the choice of either investing a huge amount of your money in buying a hunk of metal and plastic for 30, 40, 50 thousand dollars, or you have the convenient option of paying as you go, the car picks you up in a few minutes, its a nice environment and you spend a few dollars per day on your transport.”

“When you take the driver out of the car, transport can be much cheaper and you can use the time to do other things, instead of sitting behind a steering(转向)wheel and not doing anything else.So I think the choice for the vast majority of people will be the obvious one.”

1.What can we learn from paragraph 2?

A.The majority of people will purchase cars.

B.Huge changes will take place in car industry.

C.Driving cars will enjoy more popularity.

D.The car business is gradually disappearing.

2.What is a major cause of the fast change in the car industry?

A.The rapid growth of self-driving cars.

B.The rise of shared vehicles.

C.The increasing demand of customers.

D.The advanced production line.

3.How does Rimac feel about the future of self-driving cars?

A.Uncertain. B.Confused. C.Optimistic. D.Frightened.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Self-driving cars meet new challenges.

B.Self-driving cars avoid human errors.

C.Possessing or driving cars wont be a must.

D.Conventional cars will be completely replaced.


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇议论文。文章主要讲述了由于自动驾驶车辆和电池的兴起,在不远的将来人们不用再买车和驾车,此外自动驾驶车辆将给社会和环境带来巨大好处。 1.推理判断题。根据文章第二段的Long term, I think 20 years down the road, it will be totally changed and people will not own or drive their cars anymore.可知,20年后交通会有巨大的变化,人们将不会拥有或者驾驶车辆,由此可推测将来汽车产业将会发生巨大变大。B. Huge changes will take place in car industry.(汽车产业将会发生巨大变化)符合以上推测。故选B。 2.细节理解题。根据文章第三段的Rimac is well aware the industry is changing quickly due to the rise of self-driving vehicles and electric batteries,可知汽车产业的巨大变化是由自动驾驶车辆和电池的兴起导致。A. The rapid growth of self-driving cars.(自动驾驶车辆的快速增长)符合以上说法。故选A。 3.推理判断题。根据文章第五段的So I think the choice for the vast majority of people will be the obvious one.”可知Rimac认为很多人都会选择自动驾驶车辆,故推测Rimac对自动驾驶车辆的未来非常乐观。C. Optimistic.(乐观的)符合以上说法。故选C。 4.主旨大意题。根据文章第一段The founder of electric supercar maker Rimac has said it won’t make sense for people to own or drive their own cars in the coming decades.和下文所讲述的内容可知,本文主要围绕将来人们不用再拥有和驾驶车辆展开。C. Possessing or driving cars won’t be a must.(拥有或者驾驶车辆将不再是必须的事)可以作为本篇标题。故选C。

    A new study has found that cats can connect with people in the same way as dogs and children.The research, published in Current Biology, suggests the social abilities of cats to form human attachments has been greatly underestimated.The study notes that more cats live with humans than dogs do worldwide.But historically, more scientific research has centered on the social relationships between people and dogs.

The researchers designed experiments similar to methods used to measure human attachment behaviors.For example, other studies have observed how babies react to being reunited with caregivers after being separated for short periods.

About 70 cats were studied.The hehavior of the animals was observed by experts who divided them into two groups.64 percent were judged to be “securely attached”to caregivers, while 36 percent were found to be “insecurely attached.”The cats with secure attachments showed several signs of “reduced stress”levels, the study found.These cats were found to be more comfortable and effectively balanced their attention between the person and their surroundings.However, the cats with an insecure attachment showed clear signs of stress.These included shaking of the tail, repeated licking or staying completely away from the caregiver.

She added that the results showed that the level of secure and insecure attachments in cats is very close to those measured in human babies.In humans, research has found that 65 percent of babies are also securely attached to their caregivers.The researchers also were interested in finding out if socialization training would change the results.

But after a six-week training program for the cats, there were no major differences. “Once an attachment style has been established between the cat and its caregiver, it appears to remain relatively stable overtime, even after a training and socialization intervention(干预), ”Vitale  said.

1.What does the study mentioned in this passage show?

A.Catssocial ability is little thought of.

B.Dogs have more sociable personalities than cats.

C.Historically, dog is much smarter than cats.

D.Cats have bad social relationships with dogs.

2.What will happen if the cats feel unsafe?

A.They tend to attack their caregivers.

B.They are going to shake their tails.

C.They will stay close to their caretakers.

D.They are likely to balance their attention.

3.What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?

A.Attachment level in babies is higher than in cats.

B.Training program plays an important role in the results.

C.Researchers feel insecure when experimenting with cats.

D.Its hard to make changes to attachment styles between cats and caregivers.



    It was just before 8 a.m.on October 17, 2010.Shed checked the higher summits forecast posted by the Mount Washington Observatory before she left.Based on her experience, Bales knew that her hike was realistic.Besides, she had two plans and extra layers of clothing to better regulate her temperature as conditions changed.

At 10:30 a.m., the weather was showing its teeth.Bales added even more layers, including a jacket to protect herself from the cold winds and heavy fog.She made her way across the snowcovered ridge toward Mount Washington and began to think about calling it a day.Then she noticed something:a single set of footprints in the snow ahead of her.Shed been following faint tracks all day and hadnt given them much thought, because so many people climbed Jewell Trail.But these, she realized, had been made by a pair of sneakers.She silently scolded the absent hiker for breaking normal safety rules and walked on.

Now she felt genuinely alarmed.She was sure the hiker could not navigate(找到方向)in the low visibility and was heading straight toward the challenging trails of the Great Gulf Wilderness.Bales stood there, shocked.The temperature and clouds were in a race to find their lowest point, and darkness was mere hours away.If Bales continued to follow the tracks.shed add risk and time to the route shed already adjusted to manage both.But she could not let this go.She turned to the left and called out, “Hello!”into the frozen fog.

Bales wouldnt get an answer until a week later, when the president of her rescue group received a letter in the mail.It read: “I hope this reaches the right group of rescuers.I want to remain anonymous(匿名的), but I was called John.On Sunday, October 17, I went up my favorite trail, Jewell, to end my life.Weather was to be bad.Thought no one else would be there.I was dressed to go quickly.Next thing I knew this lady was talking to me, changing my clothes, giving me food, making me warmer.

1.What does the underlined sentence mean?

A.The weather began to get worse.

B.Nobody controlled the weather.

C.Weather could never be predicted.

D.Weather was generally changeable.

2.Why did Bales feel really frightened?

A.Because she lost her way completely.

B.Because the terrible weather was on the way.

C.Because she was blinded by the frozen fog.

D.Because she was convinced that someone was in trouble.

3.What is the purpose of Johns hiking?

A.To challenge his limit.

B.To go up his favorite trail.

C.To donate some money to rescue group.

D.To kill himself without being discovered.



听下面一段独白, 回答以下小题。

1.How did Whittle first learn about engineering?

A.From schoo1. B.From work. C.From his father.

2.What did Whittle do after having his idea for an engine?

A.He joined the Air Force.

B.He gained the legal right of ownership.

C.He decided to study further in college.

3.Where was Whittle’s last home?

A.Maryland. B.Coventry. C.Cambridge.



听下面一段较长对话, 回答以下小题。

1.Where will the speakers most likely go swimming ?

A.In the poo1. B.In the ocean. C.In the lake.

2.Why cant the speakers go swimming this coming Sunday?

A.There will be a football game.

B.There will be a family party.

C.There will be bad weather

3.What will the speakers most likely watch?

A.An action movie. B.A comedy. C.A history movie.

4.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Friends. B.Teammates. C.Family members.



听下面一段较长对话, 回答以下小题。

1.Where does the woman’s mother live?

A.In Spain. B.In Mexico. C.In America.

2.What do the speakers plan to do on November 2nd ?

A.Travel to Madrid. B.Visit some friends. C.Attend a holiday event.

3.When will the speakers leave New York?

A.On October 22nd. B.On October 28th. C.On November 22nd.



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