满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

My dad also taught me,by example,that a ...

    My dad also taught meby examplethat a healthy lifestyle is important. He was _______ ever sick. I don't think my dad ever even had a cup of coffee. He seldom _______ alcohol.

He would say“Bonnie, your _______ is a reflection of your overall physical wellbeing. So _______ you want to sing well, take better care of yourself.” If I became hoarse(嘶哑)or caught a cold, he didn't _______ me directly, “Well, Bonnie, you know, if you get to sleep a little earlier, that would probably be a good _______ . ”When I decided to get silent about 18 years ago, he told me, “See, Bonnie, it's so great to see you in such strong voice _______ . ”

He just did not complain(抱怨), even when he was uncomfortable towards the end,  _______ the cancer that eventually _______ his life. He simply made a __________ to be positive.

I am so glad that we had the __________to perform together. I was touched that he tried singing my music, __________ the bluesy style didn't come __________ to him. Then, when I had so much Grammy(格莱美奖) __________ with my album Nick of Time in 1990, I __________ , hey, I had one of the greatest __________ of all time in my family. I was very __________about doing The Boston Pops Shove on TV with my dad. To __________ me, he said, “Bonnie, a beautiful song is a beautiful song. Just __________ it.” I looked in my dad's __________ , and there we were singing the Irving Berlin Song. Of all the duets(二重唱)I've done, that one will always be a highlight.

1.A.possibly B.hardly C.nearly D.almost

2.A.avoided B.banned C.served D.touched

3.A.voice B.beauty C.habit D.health

4.A.whether B.when C.if D.though

5.A.punish B.scold C.blame D.order

6.A.idea B.question C.decision D.deed

7.A.all in all B.all over C.all the time D.all right

8.A.from B.by C.in D.at

9.A.carried B.took C.changed D.lost

10.A.plan B.living C.choice D.promise

11.A.time B.luck C.energy D.chance

12.A.if only B.even though C.whenever D.unless

13.A.happily B.fortunately C.truly D.naturally

14.A.difficulty B.success C.process D.effort

15.A.said B.guessed C.meant D.realized

16.A.dancers B.editors C.listeners D.singers

17.A.nervous B.shy C.scared D.upset

18.A.teach B.train C.calm D.praise

19.A.forget B.believe C.make D.see

20.A.mind B.thought C.heart D.eyes


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.D 14.B 15.D 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.D 【解析】 本文为记叙文。文章讲述了作者从父亲那里学到了人生重要的一课,即人要保持健康的生活方式,保持乐观向上的心态。 1.考查副词词义辨析。句意:他几乎没有病过。A. possibly可能地;B. hardly几乎不;C. nearly差不多;D. almost几乎。根据第一段的第一句话和最后一句话可知, 作者父亲的生活方式是健康的, 因此, 这里填hardly符合语境, 即“他几乎从来不生病”。故选B。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他很少喝酒。A. avoided避免;B. banned禁止;C. served服务;D. touched接触;碰。这里是对前文提到的a healthy lifestyle 的举例,所以应该几乎是滴酒不沾,即他几乎从来不喝酒。故选D。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:邦妮,你的嗓音反映了你的整体健康状况。A. voice嗓音;B. beauty美丽;C. habit习惯;D. health健康。根据后面句子中的sing可知, 这里说的是嗓音。故选A。 4.考查连接词辨析。句意:所以,如果你想唱得好,请好好照顾自己。A. whether是否;B. when当……时候;C. if如果;D. though尽管。此处为if“如果”引导条件状语从句, 符合题意。故选C。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果我声音嘶哑或感冒了,他不会直接责怪我。A. punish 惩罚;B. scold责骂;C. blame责备;D. order命令。blame表示“责备”。根据作者父亲说的话可知, 他是在责备作者, 但是他说得比较委婉。故选C。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:“邦妮,你知道,如果你早一点睡,那也许是个好主意。”A. idea想法;B. question问题;C. decision决定;D. deed契约。idea表示“主意, 想法”, 即“你早点儿睡觉是个好主意”。故选A。 7.考查短语辨析。句意:“你看,邦妮,看到你一直用这么有力的声音说话,真是太好了。”A. all in all总之;B. all over到处;C. all the time一直;始终;D. all right好。根据文章内容可知爸爸说一直能听到这么好的声音真是太好了,故选C。 8.考查介词辨析。句意:他从来不抱怨,甚至在他因为癌症而不舒服时都是如此,直到最后癌症夺走了他的生命。句意:他从来不抱怨, 甚至在他因为癌症而不舒服时都是如此, 直到最后癌症夺走了他的生命。此处表示“由这个原因造成的”应用介词from。故选A。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他从来不抱怨,甚至在他因为癌症而不舒服时都是如此,直到最后癌症夺走了他的生命。A. carried搬运;B. took带走;C. changed改变;D. lost丢失。结合下文可知癌症夺走了父亲的生命。take one's life是固定短语, 意为“夺去某人的生命"。故选B。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他选择的是积极乐观的生活态度A. plan计划;B. living生计;C. choice选择;D. promise承诺。根据上下文内容可知C项正确, 即“他选择的是积极(乐观)的生活态度"。短语make a choice“作出选择”。故选C。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我很高兴我们有机会一起表演。A. time时间;B. luck运气;C. energy能量;D. chance机会。结合下文to perform together可知作者很高兴他们有机会同台演出。短语have chance to do sth.“有机会做某事”, 符合语境。故选D。 12.考查短语辨析。句意:我很感动,他试着唱我的音乐,尽管他天生不适合布鲁斯风格。A. if only只要;B. even though虽然;C. whenever无论何时;D. unless除非。此处为让步状语从句,表示 “尽管, 即使”, 用even though。故选B。 13.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我很感动,他试着唱我的音乐,尽管他天生不适合布鲁斯风格。A. happily快乐地;B. fortunately幸运地;C. truly真实地;D. naturally自然地;天生地。根据the bluesy style didn't come可知,他天生并不适合布鲁斯风格。故选D。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后,1990年我的专辑《Nick of Time》获得了格莱美奖,我意识到家里一直有一位伟大的歌手。A. difficulty困难;B. success成功;C. process过程;D. effort努力。success表示“成功”, 即取得了很大的成功。其他选项不符合题意。故选B。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后,1990年我的专辑《Nick of Time》获得了格莱美奖,我意识到家里一直有一位伟大的歌手。A. said说;B. guessed猜想;C. meant意味着;D. realized意识到。结合下文的内容可知作者获奖后,意识到父亲一直是家里伟大的歌手。故选D。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后,1990年我的专辑《Nick of Time》获得了格莱美奖,我意识到家里一直有一位伟大的歌手。A. dancers舞者;B. editors编辑;C. listeners听众;D. singers歌手。结合上文可知作者是歌手,同时作者意识到自己家里一直有一位伟大的歌手, 即父亲。故选D。 17.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:要和爸爸一起在电视上表演波士顿流行音乐,我很紧张。A. nervous紧张的;B. shy害羞的;C. scared害怕的;D. upset沮丧的。nervous表示“紧张的”。从后面作者父亲说的话可知, 他在安慰和鼓励作者, 因此本题选nervous。故选A。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:为了让我平静下来,他说:“邦妮,一首美丽的歌就是一首美丽的歌。”A. teach教;B. train训练;C. calm使冷静;D. praise赞美。结合下文父亲说的话以及上文作者非常紧张可知,父亲的话使为了让作者平静下来。calm表示“使平静”, 符合语境。故选C。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:你要相信这一点。A. forget忘记;B. believe相信;C. make制作;D. see看见。父亲的意思是“你要相信这一点”, 即让作者相信他前面说的话。故选B。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我望着父亲的眼睛 。A. mind思维;B. thought想法;C. heart心脏;D. eyes眼睛。根据上文looked in可知, 只有D项符合题意, 即望着父亲的眼睛(并从父亲的眼神中得到了鼓励)。故选D。

    How to study for 10t hours a day without getting tired Get yourself some good coffee and great green tea. Have a cup of coffee and a cup of green tea beside you while you are studying. The coffee has caffeine(咖啡因),which keeps you refreshed(有精神的),and the green tea has theanine(茶氨酸),which keeps you relaxed and happy.  1. It helps refresh you and makes you concentrate on your study.

2. This is important. You need to have a period of relaxation time at the end of the day. Relaxation time is important because it is the time that your mind consolidates(巩固)all the information you receive during the day.

Tell yourself that you're training for becoming better and better. Keep yourself healthy and happy. Regard this as your purpose. 3. Be sure that you can do this This is your task. And you have to complete it.

Learn to keep the mind quiet. 4. When you are studyingyou will sit down for long periods of time. So make sure you have a good yoga(瑜伽)exercisewhich can help quiet your mind.

5. Every Sundaywrite out what you will do over the week. And every day before bedwrite out what you will do the next day. Then mark everything as you do it. This will give you happiness because you will feel a sense of achievement every day.

A. Keep a to-do list.

B. Relax yourself at the end of the day.

C. This combination(组合)is very fantastic.

D. There's nothing tiring about living your purpose.

E. Taking 20 minutes' exercise a day is good enough.

F. This will also make sure that you pay attention to what you study.

G. The best way to make your mind calm is to listen to light music or do yoga.



    “You're going to the doctor”your mum tells you. But why go to the doctor when you're not sickRegular checkups(健康检查)are a good idea for kids. These visits happen when you're feeling fine and are sometimes called “well-child” visits because you're well.

It's a chance for the doctor to see that you're growing and developing normally. It's also a chance for your parents to talk with the doctor about any issuessuch as safety or nutritionso they can help you stay healthy. And it gives you a chance to ask any question you might have about your health. You might wonder when you will grow tallerfor exampleor if you weigh the right amount.

A checkup may start when a nurse calls you and your parents from the waiting room. He or she might start by checking your weight and heightas well as your blood pressure and maybe your temperature.

Blood pressureThis shows how hard your heart is pumping blood throughout your body.

Body temperatureUsing a thermometerthe nurse can find out if your temperature is in the normal range. If it is higherit means that you have a fever and your body is working to fight off an infection(感染).

The nurse may check your hearing and vision. If you have trouble with either one of theseyou might need to see a hearing expert or an eye doctor. Urine(尿)can tell whether something is wrong with the way a person's body is working.

All of these numbersmeasurementsand test results will go into your medical recordso the doctor can look them over. Then it's time to meet the doctor.

1.According to the writer, a regular checkup is necessary when ________.

A.you feel all right

B.you have a high fever

C.you have a high blood pressure

D.your mother finds something wrong with you

2.We can learn from Paragraph 2 that _______.

A.staying healthy is very important

B.a regular checkup has many advantages

C.there are many ways to stay healthy

D.kids often ask doctors common questions

3.What's the writer's purpose in writing the passage?

A.To show the importance of a nurse's work.

B.To make unhealthy people feel comfortable.

C.To explain the importance and details of a regular checkup.

D.To warn people about signs of some possible health problems.



    A fresh and gentle wind on your face, soft sand under your feet and blue waters as far as the eye can see. Is there any other Olympic sport that is played in such pleasant conditions as beach volleyball?

“I've gone to a lot of beautiful places, and met a lot of beautiful people. That wouldn't have happened if I had been playing another sport,” said Randy Stoklos, America's most famous beach volleyball player.

The sport began as a four-a-side game on beaches in Southern California in the 1920s. The first recorded two man game took place there in 1930, and the first tournament was held in Los Angeles 18 years later. The winners were awarded a case of Pepsi. In the 1950s, women started playing and the sport soon spread to Europe and South America. Yet at that time, beach volleyball was more an entertainment show than a sport, with beauty contests included. The Association of Volleyball Professionals was founded in 1983 and beach volleyball developed into a fast, athletic sport. Its worldwide popularity won beach volleyball a place at the 1996 Olympics in Atalanta, where 24 male teams and 16 female teams took part. At present, the US and Brazil are the best in the world at beach volleyball.

The game came to China in the early 1990s and there have been national tournaments since 1994. It became an official event at the Eighth National Games in1997. China's You Wenhui and Wang Lu finished ninth in the women's beach volleyball world championships in Brazil.

1.The passage is mainly about _________.

A.the history of beach volleyball

B.how to play beach volleyball

C.the importance of beach volleyball

D.women's beach volleyball in China

2.According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Beach volleyball was first played like other Olympic sports.

B.Beach volleyball began on beaches in Southern California.

C.Beach volleyball has always been an entertainment show rather than a sport.

D.Women started playing beach volleyball in South America in 1945.

3.When did beach volleyball officially become an Olympic event?

A.In 1948. B.In 1950.

C.In 1996. D.In 1997.

4.According to the passage, we can learn that ________.

A.in 1996, beach volleyball became an official event in China

B.China's beach volleyball team is the best in the world

C.China's beach volleyball players won the first place in Brazil

D.beach volleyball came to China in the early 1990s



    Tht Healthy Habits Survey(调查)shows that only about one third of American seniors have correct habits. Here are some findings and expert advice.

1.How many times did you brush your teeth yesterday?

·Finding:A full 33% of seniors brush their teeth only once a day.

·Step:Remove the 300 types of bacteria in your mouth each morning with a battery-operated toothbrush. Brush gently for 2 minutes, at least twice a day.

2.How many times did you wash your hands or bathe yesterday?

·Finding:Seniors, on average, bathe fewer than 3 days a week. And nearly 30%wash their hands only 4 times a day-half of the number doctors recommend.

·Step:We touch our faces around 3,000 times a day-often inviting germs(病菌)to enter our mouth, nose, and eyes.Use toilet paper to avoid touching the door handle. And, most important, wash your hands often with hot running water and soap for 20 seconds.

3. How often do you think about fighting germs?

·Finding:Seniors are not fighting germs as well as they should.

·Step:Be aware of germs. Do you know it is not your toilet but your kitchen sponge(海绵)that can carry more germs than anything else? To kill these germs, keep your sponge in the microwave for 10 seconds.

1.What is found out American seniors?

A.Most of then have good habits.

B.Nearly 30%of then bathe three days a week .

C.All of then are fighting germs better than expected .

D.About one third of them brush their teeth only once a day

2.Doctors suggest that people should wash their hands_________ .

A.twice a day B.three times a day

C.eight times a day D.four  times  a day

3.The text probably comes from ________.

A.a guide book B.a popular magazine

C.a book review D.an official document




Of the thousands of different kinds of animals that exist in the world man has learned to make friends with an enormous number. Some are petsand offer him companionship; some give protectionand some do hard work which man cannot do for himself. Dogswhich serve man in all three capacitiesare found in various species in all countries of the world. The Husky can live in the cold polar regionsand the Saluki is at home in the hottest parts of Central Africa. The people of certain countries are dependent for their very lives on the camel. In the West Indies the little donkeystrong and surefootedcarrying heavy loads even in mountainous placesis a familiar sight.

Trained and tamed for many generationsdomestic (驯养的)animals are not accustomed to wandering in search of food and shelter. They look to their masters to provide for their needsand as long as these are suppliedthey are content to do what their masters require.

All domestic animals need proper food. It must be suitable for themenough in quantityfresh and clean. Some people feed a pet dog or cat on odds and ends of table scraps (吃剩的东西)and then wonder why the animal seems tired and dull. The quantity of food depends on the size of the animal and the amount of exercise it takes. Overfeeding is as bad as underfeeding. Containers for food and water must be washed regularly if the animal is to maintain good health.

Even wellcared for animals may sometimes fall ill. If this happensthe wise master seeks the best advice he can get. All sorts of medicines and treatments are available for sick animalsand in some countries organizations exist to provide them free or at a cheap price. Usefulfriendlyhardworking animals deserve to have some time and money spent on their health.

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