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Some researchers find that less than hal...

    Some researchers find that less than half of a spoken message’s real meaning is in the words of the message. They say that most of a message’s meaning comes from understanding how the speaker uses thing like tone of voice(语调)and ______ language. So people use ______ just words to communicate.

Body language includes such things as the ______ on the speaker’s face, gestures the speaker ______ with his or her hands, and the positions of the speaker’s body. Just as there are many different languages spoken around the world, there are many ______ ways for people to use body language, too. For example, ______ may imply different meanings in different cultures. Making a “thumbs up” sign in American means “Great!” However, in Arab cultures, this gesture is ______ offensive (攻击性的). And in India, if ______ want to show speakers that they understand, the listeners will move their heads from side to side. In many Western countries, this means “______”.

______ body language can be used ______ by different cultures, there are also many gestures that are almost used the same way. For example, a smile is understood as a ______ of friendship or good will around the world. Also using an open hand to gesture toward something is viewed as polite or ______ in most cultures. Another example, if you want to ____ “I am interested in you” or “I like you,” this kind of body language is sometimes used between two people. Usually one uses the same gesture and turns the body to fully face ______.

1.A.body B.spoken C.English D.target

2.A.little of B.none of C.more than D.plenty of

3.A.emotion B.mood C.impression D.expression

4.A.makes B.reads C.works D.communicates

5.A.different B.similar C.familiar D.opposite

6.A.eye contacts B.gestures C.looks D.appearances

7.A.closely B.doubtedly C.extremely D.gradually

8.A.listeners B.speakers C.friends D.foreigners

9.A.Yes B.No C.O.K. D.Sorry

10.A.Provided that B.In ease C.While D.Unless

11.A.similarly B.differently C.definitely D.exactly

12.A.sign B.signal C.sigh D.symbol

13.A.exciting B.defensive C.indifferently D.friendly

14.A.conclude B.conduct C.express D.exhibit

15.A.others B.the other C.the others D.another


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.C 11.B 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.B 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了肢体语言的作用及其在不同文化中的应用。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们说,信息的大部分意义来自于理解说话者如何使用诸如语调和肢体语言之类的东西。A. body身体;B. spoken口头的;C. English英语;D. target目标。 空前说一些研究人员发现不到一半的口头信息的真正意义是在文字的信息,因此大部分意义是通过说话者的语调和肢体语言传递的,故A项正确。 2.考查介词短语辨析。句意:所以人们不仅仅用语言来交流。A. little of很少;B. none of都不;C. more than 超过、不只是;D. plenty of大量的。上文说研究人员发现不到一半的口头信息是通过文字传递的,更多的是通过说话者的语调和肢体语言传递的,因此人们不只是用语言来交流,故C项正确。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:肢体语言包括说话人的面部表情、用手做的手势以及说话人身体的位置等。A. emotion情感;B. mood情绪;C. impression印象;D. expression表情。根据常识可知,肢体语言包括说话人的面部表情,故D项正确。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. makes作;B. reads读;C. works工作;D. communicates交流。根据空后的“with his or her hands”可知,用手做的自然是手势,make a gesture表示“做手势”,故A项正确。 5.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:正如世界上有许多不同的语言一样,人们也有许多不同的方式使用肢体语言。A. different不同的;B. similar相似的;C. familiar熟悉的;D. opposite相反的。根据空前的“Just as there are many different languages spoken around the world”可知,人们有很多不同的方式使用肢体语言,故A项正确。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:例如,在不同的文化中,手势可能表示不同的含义。A. eye contacts眼神交流;B. gestures手势;C. looks相貌;D. appearances外表。根据空后的举例——在美国做一个“竖起大拇指”的手势意味着“太棒了”,然而,在阿拉伯文化中,这个手势是非常冒犯的可知此处指“手势”,故B项正确。 7.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,在阿拉伯文化中,这个手势是非常冒犯的。A. closely紧密地;B. doubtedly怀疑地;C. extremely非常、极其;D. gradually逐渐地。根据空前表示转折关系的However可知,在阿拉伯文化中,这个手势是非常冒犯的,故C项正确。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:而在印度,如果倾听者想表示他已经理解了说话者所讲的内容,他会把头从一边移到另一边。A. listeners倾听者;B. speakers讲话者;C. friends朋友;D. foreigners外国人。根据句空后的“show speakers that they understand, the listeners will move their heads from side to side.”可知此处指“倾听者”,故A项正确。 9.考查副词词义辨析。句意:在许多西方国家,这意味着“不”。A. Yes是;B. No不;C. O.K好的;D. Sorry对不起。上文说在印度,如果倾听者想表示他已经理解了说话者所讲的内容,他会把头从一边移到另一边,此处与之形成对比,说的是在西方国家这表示否定,故B项正确。 10.考查连词词义辨析。句意:虽然不同的文化以不同的方式使用肢体语言,但也有许多手势的使用方式几乎相同。A. Provided that假如;B. In ease万一;C. While虽然;D. Unless除非。根据空后的“there are also many gestures that are almost used the same way.”可知前后为让步关系,故C项正确。 11.考查副词词义辨析。句意同上。A. similarly相似地;B. differently不同地;C. definitely必定;D. exactly精确地。根据上文的介绍可知不同的文化以不同的方式使用肢体语言,故B项正确。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:例如,在世界各地,微笑被视为友谊或善意的象征。A. sign手势、象征;B. signal信号;C. sigh叹息;D. symbol符号。根据常识可知,微笑象征着友谊和善意,故A项正确。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在大多数文化中,用一只张开的手做手势被视为礼貌或友好。A. exciting令人兴奋的;B. defensive防御的;C. indifferently漠然;D. friendly友好的。根据空前的“polite”可知此处指“友好的”,故D项正确。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:另一个例子是,如果你想表达“我对你感兴趣”或“我喜欢你”。 A. conclude推论;B. conduct指挥;C. express表达;D. exhibit展览。根据空后的“I am interested in you” or “I like you,”可知此处指“表达”,故C项正确。 15.考查代词词义辨析。句意:通常一个人用同样的手势,将身体完全转向另一个人。A. others其他人/物;B. the other两者中的另一个;C. the others某一范围内的其他人或物;D. another另一个。空前说这种肢体语言有时在两个人之间使用,因此此处指的是“两者中的另一个”,故B项正确。






1.During the interview, he struggled to o______his shyness.

2.Taking regular exercise will be b ____ to our health.

3.Stress has effect on both your physical and m ____ health.

4.News of their safety came as a great r ____.

5.We would be g ____ for any information you can give us.

6.He ____ with despair at the thought of all the opportunities he had missed.(叹气)

7.In the event of difficulties, please do not ____ ( 犹豫) to contact our Service Department.

8.We had a long walk, but it was ____ (值得的 ) because we got the tickets.

9.The town police wear dark blue ____ and flat caps.( 制服)

10.Lifeguards are trained to deal with ____ (紧急情况 )



    Harry is an American businessman. His job requires him to do a lot of traveling. In the past six months he has made nine trips,1.purpose is to attend meetings and make presentations. Harry loves to travel and feels each country has a charm of its own. After graduation, Harry decided to make travel part of his career. He wanted to experience different cultures of other 2.(country). He was dreaming of3.(work) for an international company. Then his dream came true. Now he‟s working for a German hi-tech company.



    Dough figurine(捏面人), also known as dough modelling, is a kind of Chinese folk art. It is 1.(simple) made but of high artistic value. It 2.(record) as early as the Han Dynasty. Dough craftsman draws materials based on the required. After a repetition of rubbing, twisting and lifting 3.hand, and poking, cutting, and carving by bamboo knife, the craftsman 4.(shape) the body and the face of the figurine gradually. Dressed up with hair accessories and clothes, all of a sudden, a vivid artistic figurine comes to life.



    Our school planned a trip for us to study English in another country this holiday. I was excited for it was my first time1. (travel) abroad. I2. (pack) everything I thought I would need into my backpack. I knew I was going to have so much fun. After boarding the bus to the airport, I said goodbye to my parents. I looked out the window of the bus and dreamed about3. we would do while on our trip.



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