满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

根据汉语、首字母或语境提示写出单词。 1.The social media co...


1.The social media company has previously provided French Courts with data related to people __________(怀疑) of terrorism and violent acts.

2.Always read the i____________ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine.

3.What first ____________(吸引) me to her was her sense of humour.

4.The car should cost r___________ 50,000 pounds but I'm not sure.

5.Almost all job applicants are determined to leave a good i___________ on a potential employer.

6.Teachers have to ____________(持续) update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional.

7.I promised him to go, but the heavy rain really places me in a d___________. I'm not sure whether I will go or not.

8.The US State Department is requiring that visa applicants' information on their social media accounts be _____________(提交).

9.Pressure ___________(应用) to the wound will stop the bleeding.

10.More and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers a great v_________ of goods.


1.suspected 2.instructions 3.attracted 4.roughly 5.impression 6.constantly 7.dilemma 8.submitted 9.applied 10.variety 【解析】 1.考查过去分词作定语。句意:这家社交媒体公司目前已经向法国法院提供了关于被怀疑与恐怖主义和暴力行为相关的人员的数据。People后的成分作people的定语,且people与“怀疑”之间是被动关系,所以使用过去分词作定语。“怀疑”可翻译为“suspect”,故空格处填suspected。 2.考查名词的复数形式。句意:要经常仔细阅读瓶子上的说明,喝正确量的药。空格位于定冠词后,借此前,所以应用名词形式。我们都知道瓶子上一般会有说明(instruction),且说明为可数名词,此处没有表示单数的词修饰,故填复数形式。故填instructions。 3.考查一般过去时。句意:首先吸引我的是她的幽默感。“吸引”可翻译为attract,由于本句谓语动词was使用的是一般过去时,所以根据句意空格处也应使用一般过去时。故填attracted。 4.考查副词作状语。句意:这辆车大约花费5万英镑,但是我不确定。“大约”可翻译为roughly,故填roughly。 5.考查名词。句意:几乎所有的应聘者都想给未来的雇主留下一个好的印象。空格位于不定冠词后,所以应用名词的单数形式。“印象”可翻译为impression,故填impression。 6.考查副词。句意:为了保持他们的专业性,老师们不得不持续更新他们的知识。空格处位于动词前修饰动词,所以应用副词形式。“持续”可翻译为constantly,故填constantly。 7.考查名词。句意:我承诺他要去的,但是这场大雨真的让我很为难,我不知道我要不要去。“in a dilemma”为固定搭配,意为“左右为难,进退维谷”,符合句意。故填dilemma。 8.考查被动语态。句意:美国要求签证申请人提供社交媒体账号。Accounts与“提交”之间是被动关系,这句话是省略should的虚拟语气。所以空格处应填过去分词表达被动意义。“提交”翻译为submit,其过去分词形式为submitted,故填submitted。 9.考查过去分词作定语。句意:压在伤口上能制止流血。pressure与“应用”之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词作定语。“应用”可以被翻译为apply to,故填applied。 10.考查名词。句意:越来越多的人选择去超市购物,因为超市提供形形色色的货物。“a variety of”意为“形形色色,种种”,符合句意。故填variety。

    I'm a 43-year-old mother of three young kids with a Master of Science degree. I also ______ pizzas for a living. I started doing it after _____ home with my children for four years. Caring for your kids all day is a ______ opportunity for many women, but it wasn't right for me. I began suffering from ______ and decided to get a job so I'd have more of my own identity. Now I work nights when husband is home so we don't have to ______ child care.

After I learned the basics of pizzas deliverylike getting the ______ together and not getting lost—I began my new "career". Being ______ and organized by nature, I studied the tipping patterns of the town.

Our community had a small, expensive liberal-arts ______ full of students who ordered lots of pizzas. Most of the kids were friendly and polite. ______ Friday and Saturday nights, some of the dorms had huge parties. ______  the stairs were sticky from beer and the music was so loud they couldn't ______ me knock on the door, the crowds of happy students shouting, "Pizza! Pizza!" always let me through.

The first few days of each month, one of us drivers would take ______ turn covering the public-housing developments. These customers did not always tip well, ______ I always liked seeing the children and adults sitting outside and ______ the evenings when the weather was nice.

I also deliver to multimillion-dollar homes now, but the ______ I make in tips has stayed the same. As I ______ to these beautiful houses, it's easy to fantasize about a ______ tip. The person who answers the door always _____ young and, like the members of my own family, ______ educated. All I usually get is a brief "Thank you" and a dollar or two.

People might say I'm crazy to waste my education, but I have ______ most of them don't: a job I love.

1.A.buy B.wait C.turn D.deliver

2.A.staying B.cleaning C.coming D.going

3.A.bad B.fantastic C.dull D.terrible

4.A.depression B.satisfaction C.expression D.education

5.A.call for B.depend on C.learn about D.know of

6.A.goods B.news C.books D.orders

7.A.competitive B.lazy C.changeable D.quiet

8.A.bar B.college C.company D.house

9.A.On B.In C.At D.Of

10.A.After B.When C.Though D.If

11.A.have B.make C.notice D.hear

12.A.our B.their C.your D.my

13.A.thus B.but C.even D.then

14.A.describing B.enjoying C.considering D.expecting

15.A.amount B.number C.degree D.weight

16.A.pick out B.make out C.drive up D.show up

17.A.generous B.honest C.friendly D.modest

18.A.sees B.watches C.looks D.stares

19.A.high B.highly C.deep D.deeply

20.A.who B.which C.what D.that



    To an outsiderany culture can seem confusing.And the UK's got a thing or two that raises a few eyebrows.Howeverunderstand the why and things might be less puzzling.1..

In a world where 61of nations drive on the rightBrits drive on the left.Why? Most people think it goes back to Medievalmaybe even Roman times.2. when you remember that right-handed people wear a sword on their left hip.Travelling on the left allowed you to  keep your weapon arm toward your opponentwho would be on your right.This practice continued until the 18th century when a law was passed requiring all traffic crossing London Bridge to keep to the left.

Visitors to the UK that have just washed their hands in an old-fashioned sink might be wondering why one tap is only for hot waterthe other cold.3..Sowhy this oddity? It relates to a time when hot and cold water were kept separate to prevent pollution.Drinkable cold water came from a mains supplybut hot water came from attic tanks and was not considered suitable for consumption.So they were kept apart.

Millions of people drink tea worldwidebut the odd Brits put milk in theirs.Why? This mysterious practice relates to the quality of china cup used in the 18th century when tea was first imposed.For the majority of Britsthe cups available couldnt stand the heat of the boiling water and would breakso milk was added first.4..And this practical tweak soon became a national habit.

5..As you can seethese odd Brits have perfectly clear reasons for left-hand drivingtwo-tap sinks and tea with milk.Even if they still seem strangeat least now youre in the know.

A.This makes it difficult to improve

B.There is a method to the madness

C.This unusual behavior makes sense

D.You can know the origins of the practices

E.Either can make washing very uncomfortable

F.This cooled the cup enough to resist the boiling water

G.Here are the reasons for three of Britains more puzzling practices



    Would you buy a car that released calming smells into the air when you are stuck in heavy traffic? Would you buy a robot that smells like a human being?

Many people have seen the 3-D computer-made environments of virtual (虚拟的) reality (VR). Now these virtual worlds will not just look and sound real. Researchers have created VR environments that even smell like the real things. With the new technology, users open a virtual door and step into a new environment, like a rainforest. After they enter this virtual world, special equipment releases forest-like smells into the air to make the experience seem more real.

Suzanne Fisher-Murray said, “It is a really wonderful experience that you have because you reexploring this environment and you have smells with it.”

In the United States, Smell-O-Vision was designed to provide smells during the showing of a movie. The Smell-O-Vision system was once popular in the 1960s. Now, Emanuela Maggioni says it is close to becoming popular again. “People will be impressed by the connection with emotions, memories, and ... the sense of smell,” Maggioni said. “It is unbelievable what we can do with technology.”

The uses for smell technology are not just limited to films and the performing arts. Researchers showed a computer program where users could imagine themselves driving a car. The system included a special smell-spraying machine. Dmitrijs Dmitrenko said, “We want to deliver the smell of lavender (薫衣草) every time the person drives over the speed limit. We choose lavender because it's a very calming smell.”

Scientists are experimenting with smell instead of sounds or image-based warnings on telecommunications equipment. And businesses are already using smell to influence people's behavior. “Not only...in stores... But on the other side, you can create and stimulate (刺激) immediate buying,” Maggioni said. “So you're in a library and you smell coffee and actually you are unconsciously having the need to drink a coffee.”

1.Using smell technology, researchers make VR environments ________.

A.have a smell of a rainforest B.even smell like real ones

C.look like a 4-D environment D.impress people with a virtual world

2.The example of Smell-O-Vision proves that ___________.

A.smell technology has been tried before

B.America is the first to use smell technology

C.cinemas are the most suitable for smell sense

D.it was out of date to use smell-spraying devices

3.How is smell technology used by businessmen?

A.To make buyers understand salesmen better.

B.To remind people of their unrealistic buying.

C.To help customers choose their favorite goods.

D.To encourage people to buy something suddenly.

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.The advanced smell-spraying machines.

B.The developments of smell technology.

C.A major breakthrough of smell technology.

D.The sense of smell in human communication.



    Failure is an unavoidable part of life. Though science has named some life skills that promise success, we're told over and over again that no great success was ever achieved without failure -- or many failed attempts. One of life's most important lessons, therefore, has to be how to handle failure best. But what is the message?

For starters, ignore advice from anyone that tells you, “Don't beat yourself up about it,” no matter how well-meaning they are. According to the new research from the University of Kansas, we absolutely should be beating ourselves up when we fail. Marketing professor Noelle Nelson and her team found that the more emotional a person's response is to failure, the more likely they are to achieve better results the next time they deal with a related task.

The researchers carried out two experiments in which undergraduate students were required to perform specific tasks. In one experiment, they were asked to search online for a squeezer and report the lowest price they could find with the possibility of winning a $50 cash prize. However, the task was controlled, and all participants were told (by a computer) that the lowest price was $3.27 less than their reported price. Consequently, no participant won the cash prize. When the results were announced, some participants were asked to focus on their emotional response, and others on their cognitive (认知的) response. During the next similar task, participants who focused on their emotional response to failure made more effort than those who focused on a cognitive response.

Everybody has their own unique challenges, responsibilities, duties, and projects, but these findings are related to all of us. Your personal failure may be a cake that fails to rise, a presentation that goes wrong, or a deadline that gets missedit doesn't matter. What matters is how you react to it. Instead of thinking about the failure, let yourself feel bad about it. Then follow this advice on how to bounce back after your failure.

1.What's the relationship between failure and success?

A.Failure promises success. B.Failure is the key to success.

C.Failure does damage to success. D.Well-handled failure is good for success.

2.Why does the writer support beating oneself up when failing?

A.It's a well-meaning suggestion for failure.

B.It's been proved by the study of a university.

C.Being emotional is good for his future success.

D.It can make people less emotional about failure.

3.Which can be the best title for the passage?

A.Personal Failure Is a Cake That Fails to Appear

B.The Most Productive Way to Handle Any Failure

C.Different Methods to Change Failure into Success

D.The Reason Why Failure Is the Mother of Success



    Forget losing weight or saving money—we suggest one simple task to add to your list of inspiring New Year's decisions: read a book. Trust us, and your brain will thank you. Not only does reading increase the amount of daily pleasure in your life, but it could also delay dementia (痴呆) and even help you live longer.

But still, picking the perfect novel isn't easy. Thankfully, Business Insider asked a Harvard professor to recommend the one book he thinks every student should read in 2019—and we suggest adding it to your list, too. (No time for all the books on your list? Here's a shortcut: Read the endings to some of the world's most famous books, instead.)

Steven Pinker, Professor of Psychology at Harvard, recommends The Internationalists by legal scholars Hathaway and Shapiro. The book makes a surprising statement that the Kellogg-Briand Paris Peace Pact (条约) of 1928, which declared war illegal, has caused a steady drop in war throughout history.

“But in their fascinating and evidence-rich book, they make a lifelike case,” Pinker said. “And like The Clash of Civilizations and The End of History, the book presents a sweeping vision (视野) of the international scene, making sense of many developments in the news and recent history.”

Other professors at Harvard recommended classics like Anna Karenina by Tolstoy, as well as Just Mercy by Stevenson, The Theory of Moral Sentiments by Adam Smith, and Robot-Proof by Joseph Aoun.

So, go ahead and give (at least) one of these books a read in 2019! And while you're at it, you should add the following 20 books you really should have read by now to your list, too…

1.Which has the closest meaning to the underlined word “shortcut” in the 2nd paragraph?

A.A time-saving way to read books.

B.A lazy person's way to read books.

C.A quick way to know about endings of books.

D.A wise way to deal with too many books to read.

2.What or who has reduced the number of wars throughout history?

A.The Paris Peace Pact. B.The Internationalists.

C.Hathaway and Shapiro. D.A wide vision of the international scene.

3.What may be written in the next or last paragraph of the passage?

A.More advice on reading books.

B.The names of the 20 books recommended.

C.The main contents of the 20 books recommended.

D.The brief introduction of the 20 books recommended.



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