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A teahouse is a special house which primarily serves tea and other light refreshments(茶点). Its function varies widely1.(depend)on the culture. In China, a teahouse is a place 2.people gather to enjoy tea, chat and socialize. It3.(consider) as a symbol of Chinese tea culture and people’s leisure lives.

Chinese teahouses enjoy a long-standing history. They developed from tea 4.(stand) in the Western JIN Dynasty, took shape in the Tang Dynasty, developed 5.(gradual) in the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties and became booming in modern times.

In the Song Dynasty, teahouses spread all over the cities and villages, at a rate comparable with that of restaurants. The owners preferred to decorate their teahouses 6.paintings of celebrities or rare and precious plants 7.(attract) customers. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the number of teahouses went beyond that of restaurants, gaining much 8. (wide) popularity and becoming more famous. Later, the acculturation(文化植入)of western culture forced traditional Chinese teahouses to take on9. new look.

Since reform and opening-up, with the rapid development of the economy and evident improvement of people’s living standards, teahouses10.(flower) in China.


1.depending 2.where 3.is considered 4.stands 5.gradually 6.with 7.to attract 8.wider 9.a 10.have flowered /have been flowering 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了茶楼在中国的发展历史,它的特点,外来文化对它的影响和现状。 1.考查非谓语动词。分析句子可知此处应填非谓语动词作状语, Its function是depend的逻辑主语,它们之间是主动关系,故用现在分词,故填depending。 2.考查定语从句。分析句子可知此处是定语从句关系词,指物的先行词place在从句___2___people gather to enjoy tea中充当地点状语,故填关系副词where,故填where。 3.考查时态和语态。分析句子可知此处是谓语动词,根据前文的is判断为一般现在时,主语it和consider(考虑)之间是被动关系,故应用被动语态be done, 主语是第三人称单数,故填is considered。 4.考查名词的数。stand作为“摊点”讲是可数名词,根据they判断此处应用复数形式,故填stands。 5.考查副词。此处应用副词修饰动词developed,故填gradually。 6.考查介词。分析句子可知,此处应填介词,再结合句意“用名人的画或珍贵的植物来装饰他们的茶楼”,“用”是with,故填with。 7.考查非谓语动词。分析句子可知此处应填非谓语动词,再结合句意“用名人的画或珍贵的植物装饰他们的茶楼来吸引顾客”,此处表目的,故用不定式,故填to attract。 8.考查形容词比较级。此处应填形容词修饰名词popularity(普及,流行),再根据much判断用比较级,故填wider。 9.考查冠词。look作为名词时可数,再结合句意“呈现出一个新的面貌”,故应用不定冠词,又new是辅音音素开头,故填a。 10.考查时态。分析句子可知此处是主句谓语动词,根据前文的since判断此处用现在完成时或现在完成进行时,主语teahouses是复数,故填have flowered/have been flowering。

    We first met Tom and Gee in the early days of our marriage. Jim and I worked full-time, and in the _______our garbage cans went out to the curb(路边), _______to wait the long, lonely 10 hours there until we returned to fetch them because we were busy. _______, we’d come home every garbage day to find them neatly_______ in their spot next to our garage. We_______who had done it for us, and then one day we_______ him: an elderly man who lived across the street from us.

I baked cookies and we left them on the bench outside the garage with a thank-you _______. When we got home from work that day, a typed letter had _______the gift. The letter was from Tom and _______how he had come to walk the________on garbage day, returning cans for people he ________knew. Back when he was ________in the army, his young wife Gee had to live by herself. In those ________days, neighbors had taken the time to ________her garbage cans so she didn’t have to. He never________ it, and now he paid it forward by doing it for all of us.

Over the next few years, we would ________Tom in their first-floor extra bedroom, where he spent his last days, still sharp and smiling.

We told Gee how________Tom had been to us, how we grieved(感到悲伤的) for his death and how________ we were to have known him. She wrote us back and told us she still talked to Tom every day. Sharing that ________our bond with her.

Tom and Gee, who opened up their hearts to us, made us realize that home doesn’t________at a property line. It extends to all the people in the neighbourhood.

1.A.morning B.afternoon C.evening D.lunchtime

2.A.advised B.pretended C.hoped D.supposed

3.A.Moreover B.Instead C.Therefore D.Meanwhile

4.A.exchanged B.repaired C.placed D.filled

5.A.wondered B.proved C.learned D.ignored

6.A.invited B.spotted C.praised D.wandered

7.A.pencil B.note C.book D.photo

8.A.become B.celebrated C.replaced D.shown

9.A.argued B.signed C.solved D.explained

10.A.garden B.countryside C.yard D.neighborhood

11.A.actually B.apparently C.barely D.seldom

12.A.serving B.showing C.winning D.talking

13.A.lonely B.frightening C.noisy D.interesting

14.A.take charge of B.deal with C.give up D.take off

15.A.minded B.refused C.forgot D.allowed

16.A.visit B.limit C.convince D.examine

17.A.optimistic B.polite C.strange D.special

18.A.curious B.successful C.thankful D.patient

19.A.prevented B.unlocked C.cut D.deepened

20.A.occupy B.end C.cross D.start



One of the healthiest Foods on the planet

There is probably no flower more hated, or misunderstood, than the bright yellow dandelion (蒲公英). 1. In an effort to have the perfect green grass lawn, people try their best to kill all dandelions with chemical products. Or they dig them out at the roots—only to see them grow right back.

2. They are a great source of vitamin K and also are a good source of vitamins A and C. They also have vitamin E, folate and small amounts of other B vitamins. Also, they provide lots of iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium.

Besides nutrition, another great thing about dandelions is that you can eat every part of them—from the bottom of the roots to the top of the flower. 3. Do not eat ones that have been treated with dangerous chemicals or are growing near high traffic areas.

Dandelions are said to provide several possible health benefits such as helping in digestion and improving some skin conditions. They may also reduce inflammation (炎症).

Children in many parts of the world have had the simple pleasure of blowing the soft, white dandelion tops. 4. In fact, there is a game children play with dandelions that have gone to seed. Pick the white top, make a wish, close your eyes and blow! If you blow all of the seeds off in one breath, your wish will come true! 5.

A. Well, that is what many children believe.

B. They watch the seeds float easily in the air.

C. At least the seeds have traveled far and wide.

D. Just make sure to take care when picking wild dandelions.

E. You can let more of this nutritious food source continue to grow.

F. Dandelions are actually one of the most nutritious foods in the world.

G. In the United States, they are considered “weeds”, the name for any unwanted plant.



    Researchers in Australia have discovered an effective new method to capture the atmospheric carbon dioxide that is damaging our planet and transform it into something solid, making it much easier to store.

Carbon capture isn’t new, but previous methods call for the gas to be compressed into liquid and then injected underground. Widespread usage of that technology has been locked by economic and environmental concerns due to possible leaks. Instead, in a study published in Nature Communications, the group details their sustainable and cost-effective plan for transforming CO2 into coal.

This new process involves a liquid metal catalyst( 催化剂 )that is efficient in conducting electricity. CO2 gas is dissolved in a container with some liquid. Once electricity charge is introduced, the CO2 begins to turn into solid pieces of carbon, which can be collected and stored.

What makes this particularly unique is that the entire process can occur at room temperature. Previous experiments have only shown a gas to solid conversion at extremely high temperature, which made it impossible on a large scale. Now, the researchers are hoping that their work will be used to create even further when it comes to carbon storage.

In an interesting side benefit, the solid carbon also works as an electrode( ), which opens up a world of possibilities. “A side benefit of the process is that the carbon can hold electrical charge, becoming a super battery, so it could potentially be used as a part in future vehicles,” explains Dr. Dorna Estrafilzadeh, a researcher. “The process also produces fuel as a by-product, which could also have industrial applications.”

1.What can we know about the previous carbon capture methods?

A.People have to inject liquid to the gas.

B.The previous methods can be done easily.

C.The previous methods are not very popular.

D.People have widely accepted previous methods.

2.What is the special part of the new method?

A.It needs electricity to make the process efficient.

B.It can be done in any kind of container.

C.It doesn’t need extreme temperature.

D.It can produce much solid carbon.

3.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.The method will make fossil oil disappear.

B.The method will influence the future industry.

C.The method will make developed countries more powerful.

D.The method will be used to make new vehicles.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.How to change carbon into CO2.

B.A new carbon capture technology.

C.A new technology to get useful carbon.

D.Australia makes the world cleaner than before.



    The termsmiling depression”—appearing happy to others while actually suffering depressive symptomshas become increasingly popular. In fact, many people who experience a low mood and a loss of pleasure in activities manage to hide their condition in this way. And these people might be particularly easy to suicide.

While smiling depression is not a technical term that psychologists useit is certain to be depressed and manage to successfully mask the symptoms. The closest technical term for this condition is “atypical depression”. It can be very hard to spot people suffering depression because they may seem like they don’t have a reason to be sad — they have a job, an apartment and maybe even children or a partner. They smile when you greet them and can carry pleasant conversations. In short, they often put on a mask to the outside world while leading seemingly normal and active lives. Inside, however, they often feel hopeless and down, sometimes even having thoughts about ending it all.

People with smiling depression put on a happy face to the outside world, but they can experience a lift in their mood as a result of positive occurrences in their lives. Other symptoms of this condition include overeating, feeling a sense of heaviness in the arms and legs and being easily hurt by criticism or rejection. They are also more likely to feel depressed in the evening and feel the need to sleep longer than usual. With other forms of depression, however, your mood might be worse in the morning and you might feel the need for less sleep than you are normally used to.

So how can they break this circle? A starting point needs to be known that this condition actually exists and that it’s serious. Only when we stop ignoring our problems because we think they’re not serious enough can we start making an actual difference. Then we can find purpose by taking the attention away from ourselves and placing it onto something else. Feeling that our lives matter is finally what gives us purpose and meaning — and this can make a significant difference for our mental health and well-being.

1.What do we know about people suffering smiling depression?

A.They are wearing masks all day. B.They are difficult to get along with.

C.They lead an abnormal life actually. D.Most of them commit suicide.

2.What does the underlined word “atypical” in paragraph 2 mean?

A.representative B.common C.hidden D.formal

3.Compared with smiling depression, people suffering other depressions  .

A.may feel sleepless B.feel more depressed in the evening

C.are tired of heaviness in the arms D.may eat more food

4.What can we do to overcome smiling depression?

A.Never talk about smiling depression and ignore its existence.

B.Admit the condition and pay attention to ourselves.

C.Value the importance of our life and enjoy it.

D.Find out the problem and place it onto somebody else.



    Imagine someone who has spent the majority of their life sitting with a sign on the side of the road and that very person giving someone their last 20 dollars. That’s exactly what Marine Corps veteran (退伍军人) Johnny Bobbitt, 34, did in October in Philadelphia.

Bobbitt served in the U.S. Marine Corps and worked as a paramedic (医务辅助人员) in Vance County, N. C. before he became homeless. Nobody knew how he got to where he was because he was discreet about that.

One night in October, Bobbitt was sitting roadside with a sign in Philadelphia as usual, when Kate McClure of Florence Township, N. J. was driving home down Interstate 95 and ran out of gas. Scared and nervous, she got out of the car to head to the nearest gas station. As McClure was heading to the nearest gas station, she ran into  Bobbitt and he told her to get back in the vehicle and lock the door. Minutes later, he appeared with a red gas can. He’d used his last $20 to buy her gas.

After that unexpected meeting, McClure and her boyfriend, Mark D’Amico, who both live in New Jersey, visited Bobbitt several times to deliver gift cards, cash, snacks and toiletries. They then decided to create a fund raising page so he wouldn’t have to spend the holidays sleeping on the street.

McClure started the GoFundMe page on November 10. With the page, the couple hoped to raise $10,000, enough money for his rent, a reliable vehicle and up to six months’ expenses. Bobbitt’s story ran in a local paper. By November 15more than 10,000 local people had made donations through the GoFundMe page and more than $300,000 had been raised.

On Thanksgiving, Bobbitt was resting in a hotel, his feet up on the bed, drawing up a grand plan for his new life, thanks to several thousand dollars raised to repay him for a good deed.

1.What does the underlined word “discreet” in paragraph 2 most probably mean?

A.Doubtful. B.Cautious.

C.Guilty. D.Optimistic.

2.McClure met Bobbitt when she      .

A.couldn’t find a gas station B.got to the way home

C.couldn’t unlock her car D.was in search of gas

3.It can be known from the text that   .

A.Bobbitt’s story obtained wide attention

B.Bobbitt became world-famous overnight

C.the GoFundMe page collected over $400,000 for Bobbitt

D.the GoFundMe page was started to help people like Bobbitt

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.A Homeless Veteran Paid Kindness Forward

B.A Homeless Veteran Had a Generous Heart

C.A Homeless Veteran’s Kindness Paid Off

D.A Small Kindness Made a Big Difference



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