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单词拼写 1.He pretended to be a doctor, but ...


1.He pretended to be a doctor, but in fact he is a ______ (骗子).

2.The ______ (观众) was carried away by his inspiring speech.

3.If you want to run a ______ (马拉松), develop the habit of running each day.

4.An AI system has beaten a human ______ (冠军) at the strategy board game Go.

5.I’m bad at anything about keeping balance, such as skating and ______ (体操).

6.We mustn’t p_____ to know what we don’t know.

7.The boy doesn’t have the s_____ to lift the heavy box.

8.Life is like a long race where we c_____ with others to go beyond ourselves.

9.The 800 meters is the fourth e_____ of the afternoon.

10.They gave a party in h_____ of the guests from Britain.

11.German is a language that he can’t m______

12.They are the best team and have held the c_____ for the past two years.


1.cheat 2.audience 3.marathon 4.champion 5.gymnastics 6.pretend 7.strength 8.compete 9.event 10.honour 11.master 12.championship 【解析】 考查单词拼写。 1.考查名词。句意:他假装是医生,但实际上他是个骗子。根据汉语意思“骗子”以及上文a可知应填单数名词,cheat表示“骗子”,故填cheat。 2.考查名词。句意:听众被他鼓舞人心的演讲吸引住了。根据汉语意思“观众”在句中做主语应用名词audience“观众”,结合下文was可知应填单数名词,故填audience。 3.考查名词。句意:如果你想跑马拉松,养成每天跑步的习惯。根据汉语意思“马拉松”以及上文a可知应填单数名词marathon“马拉松”,故填marathon。 4.考查名词。句意:在围棋战略棋盘游戏中,人工智能系统击败了人类冠军。根据汉语意思“冠军”以及上文a human可知应填单数名词champion“冠军”,故填champion。 5.考查名词。句意:我不擅长保持平衡的任何运动,比如滑冰和体操。根据汉语意思“体操”以及上文skating and可知应填名词gymnastics“体操”。故填gymnastics。 6.考查动词。句意:我们不能假装知道我们不知道的事。根据单词首字母以及句意可知表示“假装”动词为pretend,且根据上文mustn’t可知应填动词原形。故填pretend。 7.考查名词。句意:这个男孩没有力气提起这个重箱子。根据单词首字母以及句意可知缺少“力气”一词以及上文the可知应填名词strength。故填strength。 8.考查动词。句意:生活就像一场长跑,我们与他人竞争,超越自己。根据单词首字母以及句意可知表示“竞争”的词,做谓语动词应用compete“竞争”,结合上文可知用一般现在时,主语为we,动词用原形。故填compete。 9.考查名词。句意:800米是下午的第四个比赛项目。根据单词首字母以及句意可知缺少表示“项目”一词,由上文the fourth可知应填单数名词event“项目”,故填event。 10.考查名词。句意:他们为庆祝来自英国的客人而举行了宴会。根据单词首字母以及句意可知此处用表示“为庆祝”的短语in honour of,故填honour。 11.考查动词。句意:德语是他不能掌握的语言。根据单词首字母以及句意可知此处缺少表示“掌握”的一词,master“掌握”是动词,can’t可知应用动词原形。故填master。 12.考查名词。句意:他们是最好的球队,在过去的两年里一直是冠军。根据单词首字母以及句意可知此处缺少表示“冠军”的词,由the可知应填名词championship“冠军”。故填championship。





40公里徒步活动:a 40-km hiking trip





Dear Peter,



Li Hua



假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间变换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。作文  中共有l0处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






I love running. I started running in 2016, look forward to building up my body. Every weekday I stay actively by running on the track with other student. On weekends, in company by my father, I typically get out to explore the neighborhood in that I live. If the weather is bad, I  usually take my advantage of the treadmill(跑步机)at homeThe other day I go for a 22-km run.    I was very exciting“Wow, I've been running such long distance”I will plan to keep increasing  the distance over the next few weeks, but I'm sure I will make it.




President Xi Jinping 1.(take) his place on the Tian'anmen Rostrum(观礼台)on Oct l at a grand celebration marking2.70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China Xi, the first top Chinese leader born after 1949, is leading the country through wind and waves.3.a brighter future in a new era. China aims to4.(basic) achieve socialist modernization by 2035 and build5.(it) into a modern socialist country by the middle of the country, Xi has said China today is closer than ever before to6.(nation) rejuvenation(复兴), 7. is part of the founding mission of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

Meanwhile, China is increasingly connected to the world. In 2015,Xi took the podium(讲台)at the UN8. (discuss)“a community with a shared future for all mankind”. He explained that the desired world would be one that is safeprosperousopeninclusive and beautiful.

The Belt and Road Initiative9. (propose)by Xishows the kind of international relations envisioned(构想)by him-mutual respectfairnessjusticeand win-win cooperation. “The CPC regards making a greater10.(contribute)to humanity as its mission”Xi said.



    Nowadays, many of us track our steps with smart watches, pedometers(计步器)or phone apps and are of course thrilled when we reach that all-important daily goal of 10,000 steps. You might _______ that this number has appeared after years of research.

The _______ number "10,000" dates back to a marketing campaign _______ shortly before the start of the1964 Tokyo Olympic Games. A company began_______a pedometer called the Manpo-kei: “man” meaning 10,000, “po” meaning_______and “kei”meaning meter. It was hugely _______ and the number seems to have stuck. Marty buyers are appealed by the new gadget.

Since then, studies have _______ the health benefits of 5,000 with 10,000 steps and, not

_______the higher number is better. But until recently, all the _______ between hadn't been studied. I-Min Lee, a professor of ________ at Harvard Medical School, and her team ________a group of more than 16,000 women in their seventies. Each woman spent a week ________ a device to measure movement during ________ hours. When they ________ the women up an average of four years and three months later, 504 died. How many steps do you think the people alive had been doing? In fact, the average number for________ was only 5,500 but not 10,000. Women who took more than 4,000 steps a ________ were significantly more likely to still be alive than those who did only 2,700 steps. It's surprising that such a small ________could have consequences for longevity(寿命).

Howeverphysical conditions.________from person to personand we should do it wisely. So count if you find it ________ you, but remember there's nothing special about 10,000 steps. Set the goal that is ________ for you.

1.A.assume B.admit C.acquire D.afford

2.A.strange B.ordinary C.abstract D.magic

3.A.recommended B.launched C.stated D.commanded

4.A.selling B.purchasing C.producing D.donating

5.A.walkers B.runners C.steps D.numbers

6.A.helpful B.successful C.plentiful D.powerful

7.A.known B.displayed C.compared D.shown

8.A.excitingly B.disappointingly C.amusingly D.surprisingly

9.A.signs B.strengths C.symbols D.numbers

10.A.science B.law C.medicine D.history

11.A.focused on B.took part in C.got along with D.thought highly of

12.A.taking B.wearing C.holding D.bringing

13.A.walking B.sleeping C.running D.shaking

14.A.asked B.spied C.found D.followed

15.A.women B.deaths C.survivors D.people

16.A.day B.hour C.month D.week

17.A.distance B.growth C.decrease D.difference

18.A.separate B.reflect C.vary D.come

19.A.distracts B.motivates C.pulls D.defeats

20.A.challenging B.appropriate C.beneficial D.creative




We know that choosing a college major can be extremely hard.1.However,it is a challenge to pick one when it feels as if the rest of your adult life is riding on that choice.It is a big commitment,but it’s not a life sentence. Many graduates pursue careers that aren’t directly related to their college majors,or change careers after several years. You may choose to base your decision on any of these factors

Dream job

2..Maybe you already know that you want to be a nurse,a day trader,a physician,or a web developer.Before you declare,take a class or two in the relevant discipline,talk to students in the department of your choice.

Great ambition

According to PayScale.com,the majors that lead to the highest salaries include just about any type of engineering,actuarial mathematics,computer science,physics,statistics,government and economics.Keep your quality of life in mind,too.3..


Some students choose a major simply because they love the subject matter.If you love what you’re studying, you’re more likely to fully engage with your classes and college experience.5..If your calling is philosophy, don’t write it off just because you’re not sure about graduate school,or what the job market holds for philosophers.

A.Love project

B.The academy of the School

C.Many schools offer hundreds of choices

D.Science is a specific subject that college students specialize in

E.That can mean better grades and great relationships with others in your field

F.That seven figure salary may not be worth it if you’re not happy at the office

G.Some students choose a major because it will prepare them for a specific career path or advanced study



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