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阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。 All sorts of ...


All sorts of items become litter (垃圾) but two of the most common and most dangerous are cigarette buts(烟头)and plastic bags. Litter is a big problem for our environment but it is a problem that individuals can easily do something about. Not littering at all or cleaning up litter, such as cigarette buts and plastic bags, greatly improves the quality of our environment.

Although cigarette butts are small, they are bad for the environment. Over 1, 600 billion cigarettes are smoked each year in China and large quantities of the butts are thrown away. Worldwide, about 4.5 trillion butts are littered every year. Apart from the fact that butts spoil the beauty of the environment, they contain some very toxic (有毒的) chemicals. These find their way into the water supply where they decrease the quality of the water and endanger plants and animals that live there. So, if people have to smoke, they shouldn’t throw away the butts but put them in the rubbish bin instead.

Plastic bags are another common form of litter that is a danger to the environment. There are several reasons for this. They are made from oil and gas, which are non-renewable resources (资源). If they are not recycled (回收利用), these resources are lost to us. In China, 2 billion plastic bags are used every day. An enormous number of these become litter. This is a huge problem because they last from 20 to 1,000 years in the environment. They float easily in the air and water and travel long distances. They find their way to rivers, parks, beaches and oceans. Plastic bags kill up to one million seabirds, 100,000 sea mammals and countless fish each year worldwide. It is up to people not to let plastic bags become litter. It would be better if they used fewer and recycled them.

Cleaning up your cigarette butts and plastic bags would improve the environment. And we would know that we were doing something to look after our planet. However, I believe the best solution would be not to smoke or use plastic bags at all.



Cigarette buts and plastic bags are environmentally harmful. (要点1) One of the reasons is that cigarette butts, not environmentally friendly, destroy the beauty of environment and contain chemicals which can poison creatures. (要点2) Another reason is that plastic bags are a waste of resources,long lasting,and widespread,killing animals,which threaten the environment. (要点3) To enhance the environment,we should clean up cigarette butts and plastic bags or not smoke and not use plastic bags. (要点4) 【解析】 这是一篇概要写作。 写作步骤 1)细读原文。首先要仔细阅读短文,掌握文章主旨。文章主要说明了香烟和塑料袋对环境有害。其中一个原因是,烟蒂不环保,破坏环境的美丽,并含有化学物质,可以毒害生物。另一个原因是塑料袋是一种资源的浪费,持续时间长,分布广,杀死动物,威胁环境。为了改善环境,我们应该清理烟头和塑料袋,或者不吸烟,不使用塑料袋。 2)弄清结构,归纳段意。概要写作是写全文概要,不是写某一部分的概要,或者就某些问题写出要点。因此一定要弄清文章结构,归纳文章各段大意。 3)列出原文要点。分析原文的内容和结构,将内容分项扼要表述并注意在结构上的顺序。在此基础上选出与文章主题密切相关的部分。 4)在写作时要特别注意下面几点: (1)概要应包括原文中的主要事实,略去不必要的细节。 (2)安排好篇幅的比例,概要应同原文保持协调,即用较多的文字写重要内容,用较少的文字写次要内容。 (3)注意要点之间的衔接,要用适当的关联词语贯通全文,切忌只简单地写出一些互不相干的句子,但也不要每两句之间都加关联词语,以免显得生硬。 (4)不排斥用原文的某些词句,但不要照搬原文的句子,如果不能完全用自己的话语表达,至少对原文句子做一些同义词替换,如果结构上也能有一些转换会更好。 (5)计算词数,看是否符合规定的词数要求。  







The place I want to visit most

The winter vacation is approaching, and it is the best part of the school year for me.




    Chinese kung fu, also known as wushu or Chinese martial arts, is an important part of traditional Chinese culture. It is probably one of the earliest and longest 1. (last) sports. The theory of kung fu is 2. (base) upon classical Chinese philosophy. Over its long history it has developed as 3. unique combination of exercise, practical self-defense, self-discipline and art. It is estimated that Chinese kung fu 4. (date) back to prehistoric society.

Bruce Lee (1940-1973) was a Chinese-American martial artist and actor, 5. is considered as the most 6. (influence) martial artist of the 20th century, and an important cultural icon. He used Wing Chun, a branch of Chinese kung fu, 7. his base, learned from the influences of other martial arts, and later created his own martial art philosophy — Jeet Kune Do.

Jackie Chan (born in 1954) is a Hong Kong martial 8. (art), actor, and singer. He 9. (begin) his film career as a stuntman(特技演员) in the Bruce Lee films. Now as a cultural icon, he is 10. (wide) known for combining comedy and stunts with his kung fu performances.



Top Tips for Better Writing

There are many different types of writing, such as essays, letters and speeches. Whatever your reason is and whatever your style, there are some universal tips that will help you improve your writing:

Be clear about your purpose

The most basic question to ask yourself before you start is why you are writing. In an essay or assignment, your purpose is to convey information and draw conclusions. But if you are writing a business report, you may want to make recommendations(建议). 1.

Start with a plan

2.The result is often disjointed writing with parts that don’t connect. Whatever you are writing, creating a clear plan is the first step to getting your message across quickly and in the most effective way.

Guide readers through what you write

Your task is to help readers understand your message quickly and precisely.3.Each sentence, each paragraph should be relevant to what comes before and what comes after. You should use words and phrases that connect to show these connections.


Your aim in writing is to communicate ideas and information to other people, and you must keep that in mind with every word and sentence you write. Constantly ask yourself who you really write the information for.

Write for the ear, not for the eye

Once you’ve finished a draft of your speech, practice reading it out loud. 5.Revise so you are more comfortable giving your speech. You want to sound natural, no matter what the occasion is.

A. Write for readers, not yourself

B. Write for the aim, not for the words

C. It sounds robotic, and employers hate it.

D. Far too often people write without a plan.

E. You’ll hear anything that sounds awkward.

F. Whatever it is, keep your purpose in mind at all times to avoid going off topic.

G. To do this, it is necessary to show them clearly how the different parts relate to each other.



    Learning Chinese could be one of the most important decisions you ever make. Chinese is becoming the language to learn in the 2lst century. With the world’s largest population and a rapidly growing middle class, China stands to become the engine of the world’s economy in the coming years. This will make learning Chinese very important for people in many industries, or for those of us who wish to visit China or learn from its culture and history.

There is an ongoing effort to modernize the writing system and standardize the language. An increasing number of people learning Chinese are learning the Mandarin, so unless you absolutely need to learn another dialect (such as Cantonese), be sure you are studying Mandarin.

For native English speakers Chinese is one of the most difficult and most different languages to learn. The vocabulary is wholly unfamiliar and unlike anything we know. In addition, in the Chinese tone system, words are spoken in rising or falling tones, which help to distinguish between them. Furthermore, there is the Chinese writing system-a collection of thousands of individual ideograms (表意文字), or symbols, which represent a word or an idea. These ideograms have no phonetic value-that is to say, we can’t tell how the word is pronounced by how it is written. There is a method to present written Chinese in a phonetic script called Pinyin. If you are learning Chinese, you’ll be working with this Pinyin system, but the beauty of the traditional writing system shouldn’t be passed up. All these factors make learning Chinese difficult for us. Yet, for a determined learner, there’s always a way to overcome it.

1.Learning Chinese is becoming more and more important, because       .

A.Chinese engines are very welcome

B.China has the world’s largest population

C.there are more and more rich people in China

D.China has become important to the world economy

2.The last paragraph mainly tells us about       .

A.the difficulties of learning Chinese

B.the advantages of learning Chinese

C.the Chinese tone system

D.the Chinese writing system

3.What would be probably written following this text?

A.The sources of Chinese characters.

B.The importance of learning Chinese.

C.The advice on how to learn Chinese.

D.The difficulties of learning other languages.



    As more and more people speak the global languages of English, Chinese, Spanish, and French, other languages are rapidly disappearing. In fact, half of the 6,000-7,000 languages spoken around the world today will likely die out by the next century, according to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

In an effort to prevent language loss, scholars (学者) from a number of organizations-UNESCO and National Geographic among them-have for many years been documenting (记录) dying languages and the cultures they reflect. Mark Turin, a scientist at the Macmillan Centre Yale University, who specializes in the languages and oral traditions of the Himalayas, is following that tradition. His recently published book, A Grammar of Thangmi with an Ethnolinguistic Introduction to the Speakers and Their Culture, grows out of his experience living, working, and raising a family in a village in Nepal.

Documenting the Thangmi language and culture is just a starting point for Turin, who seeks to include other languages and oral traditions across the Himalayan reaches of India, Nepal, Bhutan, and China. But he is not satisfied to simply record these voices before they disappear without record. At the University of Cambridge Turin discovered a wealth of important materials, including photographs, films, tape recordings, and field notes, which had remained unstudied and were badly in need of care and protection. Now, through the two organizations that he has founded, the Digital Himalaya Project and the World Oral Literature Project, Turin has started a campaign to make such documents, for the world available not just to scholars but to the younger generations of communities from whom the materials were originally collected. Thanks to digital technology and the widely available Internet, Turin’s notes, the endangered languages can be saved and reconnected with speech communities.

1.Many scholars are making efforts to       .

A.save global languages

B.search for new languages

C.rescue disappearing languages

D.set up language research centers

2.What does “that tradition” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.Writing books on language teaching.

B.Having full records of the languages.

C.Telling stories about language users.

D.Living with the native speaker.

3.What is Turin’s book based on?

A.His experience in Nepal.

B.The documents available at Yale.

C.His language research in Bhutan.

D.The cultural studies.

4.Which of the following best describe Turin’s work?

A.Write, sell and donate.

B.Record, repair and reward.

C.Design, experiment and report.

D.Collect, protect and reconnect.



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