满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Colorado’s grey peak rises 14,278 feet a...

    Colorado’s grey peak rises 14,278 feet above sea level, high enough that trees can’t grow toward the top. It was in this unforgiving land of the mountain that Jane was ________ enough to break her left knee.

It was August 2018, and Jane, 56, was on her way back ________ the path with three friends. A storm was on the way, and they were ________ to get off the mountain. When they ________ a rocky drop of a couple of feet, Jane decided that instead of slipping down—the safe way to go—she would leap. She ________ on her left leg.

Then she heard the crack.

Every step after that was great ________. Before long, she had to stop. As one friend ran down to get ________, a number of other hikers, all strangers, attempted to help Jane down the narrow path by walking on either side of her to ________ her weight, but that proved slow and ________. One man “was so close to the edge I could see rocks ________ down from where he stepped on them,” Jane says.

________, one hiker, Matt, asked her, “How do you feel about a fireman’s carry?” ________ she knew it, he had lifted her over his shoulder. “Now, I’m not ________,” says Jane, a former college basketball star. Matt ________ couldn’t carry her all the way down by himself. So six hikers and one of her friends ________ carrying her while she tried to make light of a difficult ________: “I told them I wanted to meet a lot of guys, ________ this isn’t the way I wanted to do it.” Three hours later, this human conveyor belt finally met the medics (医学工作者), who took Jane to the hospital ________.

She has mostly recovered from her ill-fated ________, but knows she’ll never shake one thing from that day: the memory of the band of strangers who came to her ________. “I’m still in awe.”

1.A.reliable B.unlucky C.stubborn D.determined

2.A.along B.up C.down D.by

3.A.anxious B.pleased C.satisfied D.sincere

4.A.admired B.overcame C.recognized D.approached

5.A.landed B.caught C.kept D.tried

6.A.pain B.experience C.fortune D.trap

7.A.command B.message C.concern D.help

8.A.decline B.support C.organize D.prefer

9.A.fascinating B.frightening C.dangerous D.demanding

10.A.meandering B.pacing C.bending D.rolling

11.A.Accidentally B.Gradually C.Finally D.Directly

12.A.Before B.While C.Since D.When

13.A.happy B.tiny C.heavy D.needly

14.A.clearly B.extremely C.usually D.entirely

15.A.set down B.packed up C.watched out D.took turns

16.A.environment B.attitude C.situation D.disaster

17.A.and B.but C.so D.for

18.A.at present B.on purpose C.as usual D.right away

19.A.hike B.transport C.cycling D.track

20.A.race B.rescue C.mind D.sense


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.A 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.D 11.C 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.D 16.C 17.B 18.D 19.A 20.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了2018年8月,56岁的简和三个朋友去科罗拉多的灰峰徒步旅行,在下山时左腿膝盖骨折,有六个陌生人对她进行了营救,他们轮流背着简下山。 1.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:就是在这片无情的山地上,简不幸地摔断了左膝。A. reliable可靠的;B. unlucky不幸的;C. stubborn固执的;D. determined坚决的。根据to break her left knee可知摔断腿是不幸运的。故选B。 2.考查副词词义辨析。句意:那是2018年8月,56岁的简和三个朋友一起踏上了回家的路。A. along沿着,顺着;B. up向上;C. down往下;D. by在旁边。根据the path可知是从山上下来的小路。故选C。 3.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:暴风雨就要来了,他们急着要下山。A. anxious焦虑的;B. pleased高兴的;C. satisfied满意的;D. sincere真诚的,诚挚的。根据A storm was on the way可知因为暴风雨要来临了,她们会着急着下山。故选A。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当他们接近几英尺高的岩石落差时,简决定不滑下去——而是用安全的方式——她要跳下去。A. admired赞美,羡慕;B. overcame克服;C. recognized组织;D. approached靠近,接近。根据a rocky drop of a couple of feet可知此处是靠近离落石几英尺高的地方。故选D。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她左腿着地。A. landed降落;B. caught捕捉;C. kept保持;D. tried尝试。根据上文中she would leap可知此处是跳下来着地。故选A。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:之后的每一步都是巨大的痛苦。A. pain痛苦;B. experience经历,经验;C. fortune命运,运气;D. trap陷阱,圈套。根据上一句Then she heard the crack.可知她的左腿膝盖骨头断裂了。故选A。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当一个朋友跑下去寻求帮助时。A. command要求;B. message信息;C. concern担心,忧虑;D. help帮助。根据…a number of other hikers, all strangers, attempted to help Jane down the narrow path…可知此处是寻求帮助才会有人来帮助简。故选D。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:试图通过在简的两侧行走来支撑她的体重来帮助她走下狭窄的小路。A. decline下降,衰退;B. support支持;C. organize组织;D. prefer更喜欢。根据attempted to help Jane down the narrow path可知是帮助她,所以会支撑她的体重。故选B。 9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但事实证明这既慢又危险。A. fascinating迷人的,吸引人的;B. frightening令人恐惧的;C. dangerous危险的;D. demanding要求高的,苛求的,费力的。根据下一句One man “was so close to the edge I could see rocks ___ down from where he stepped on them,” Jane says.可知这对其他人来说也是很危险的。故选C。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:有一个男人“离悬崖很近,我能看到岩石从他踩过的地方滚下来,”简说。A. meandering漫步;B. pacing踱步;C. bending弯曲;D. rolling动摇,旋转。根据One man “was so close to the edge可知边缘的石头会滚落下去。故选D。 11.考查副词词义辨析。句意:最后,一个徒步旅行者马特问她:“你觉得消防员的搬运方式怎么样?”A. Accidentally意外地,偶然地;B. Gradually逐渐地;C. Finally最终;D. Directly直接地。根据one hiker, Matt, asked her, “How do you feel about a fireman’s carry?”可知此处表示马特终于想出了一个办法。故选C。 12.考查连词词义辨析。句意:她还没反应过来,他已经把她背在肩上了。A. Before在…之前;B. While在…期间,与…同时;C. Since自…以后;D. When在…时候。根据he had lifted her over his shoulder他就已经把她背在肩上,说明简还没反应过来就发生了。故选A。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“现在,我体型不小,”简说,她曾是大学篮球明星。A. happy高兴的;B. tiny微小的;C. heavy拥挤的,沉重的;D. needly如针的。根据下文…couldn’t carry her all the way down by himself可知简体型可不小。故选B。 14.考查副词词义辨析。句意:马特一个人显然背不动她。A. clearly清晰地;B. extremely尤其;C. usually通常地;D. entirely完全地,彻底地。根据下一句So six hikers and one of her friends ____15____ carrying her六个人轮流背她可知马特一个人显然背不了她。故选A。 15.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:因此,六个徒步旅行者和她的一个朋友轮流背着她。A. set down记下,写下;B. packed up整理,把…打包;C. watched out小心,提防;D. took turns轮流,依次。根据上一句Matt ____ couldn’t carry her all the way down by himself. 可知此处表示六个人轮流背她。故选D。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:而她试图对这种困难的情况轻描淡写。A. environment环境;B. attitude态度;C. situation情形;D. disaster灾难。根据对她被别人背着下山的这种情形描写,可知此处表示“情形,情境”。故选C。 17.考查连词词义辨析。句意:我告诉他们我想认识很多人,但这不是我想要的方式。A. and并且;B. but但是;C. so因此;D. for因为,由于。根据this isn’t the way I wanted to do it可知此处表示的是转折关系。故选B。 18.考查副词短语词义辨析。句意:三个小时后,这条传送带终于遇到了医护人员,他们立刻把简送到了医院。A. at present目前,现在;B. on purpose故意;C. as usual像往常一样,照例;D. right away立刻,马上。根据this human conveyor belt finally met the medics他们遇到了医护人员,可知医护人员会立刻送她去医院。故选D。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她已经基本上从那次倒霉的徒步旅行中恢复过来了。A. hike徒步旅行,远足;B. transport运输;C. cycling骑自行车兜风;D. track足迹,轨道。根据上文Finally, one hiker, Matt, asked her, “How do you feel about a fireman’s carry?”描述马特是一个徒步旅行者,可知她进行的是徒步旅行。故选A。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:关于那群陌生人营救她的记忆。A. race赛跑,种族;B. rescue解救,营救;C. mind意见,记忆力;D. sense感觉。从文章可知这群陌生人对她进行了营救。故选B。

    I always loved jokes and cartoons. They can be serious as they point out the silliness in our lives, convey a wise message of wisdom and at the same time bring a smile. Sometimes there is little difference between a joke and life wisdom. 1..

I started collecting jokes I received from different sources over a period of some 25 years. For the book I chose for an “Anglo-Saxon” collection. They are typical for the US, Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand.

Where are they from? Who wrote them? 2., Most are everywhere, floating anonymously (匿名地)  on the internet, and circulate among friends, e-mails, chat groups and mailing lists. Many come up over a beer.

The language of humor is not universal and translating into another language mostly does not work. 3.. Living in China for a long time, I gave up telling jokes as our Chinese friends find nothing funny in them and they can lead to misunderstandings. 4.. Trying to translate Chinese jokes also would mostly fail to convey anything “funny” for us Westerners; I can say I cannot recall any Chinese joke.

While at a first sight the book may not be interesting to Chinese readers, due to the cultural differences, 5., as well as to learn a different vocabulary. Also, for those who deal with Westerners, here in China or when abroad, they might surprise their foreign friends by serving them some jokes they can appreciate.

A. Different cultures have a different understanding of what is “funny”

B. Generally speaking, nobody knows the original source

C. they wonder why there are so many about the Westerners

D. Worse, they start asking a million questions of the why and what and how

E. Maybe life is just a big joke

F. Most Chinese are totally unfamiliar with the Western world of jokes, they are puzzled or even shocked

G. it is a nice tool for our friends to learn about typical Western humor



    ON TUESDAY, the Shenzhen team of Blue Sky Rescue, a domestic nonprofit civil rescue team, confirmed that two of its members had died trying to rescue 24 tourists who had got into difficulties.

According to the official news, it was on Monday that the rescue team received a telephone call from 24 travelers, who were trapped in a river valley, with a storm on the way and one of the female travelers being badly injured.

The team responded immediately. However, when they helped the travelers, two team members got trapped by the rising river water. The next day, they were confirmed dead.

The two heroes who gave their own lives to save others are being mourned by all.

Who can rescue the rescuers? The question aroused a heated discussion among people. Most of them think we would rather such “heroic deeds” were not required. However, that depends on people being more sensible. we would rather such “heroic deeds” were not required. In the past several years, there have been many cases in which travelers, ignoring the signs saying certain areas are dangerous and off-limits, still have kept on “exploring” unpaved and unmarked regions and ended up needing to be rescued. By so doing, they put not only their own lives at risk but also the lives of those who go to their aid.

In this case, although the travelers may have been in an authorized area, they ignored the warnings of an approaching typhoon. It was extremely reckless (鲁莽的) of them to travel into the wild on such a day, as the local weather forecast had warned people against the impending typhoon. Two rescuers have lost their lives because of the thoughtlessness of others.

Although the majority of travelers behave properly, some attempt challenging tasks that are obviously beyond their abilities.

The law has already made it clear that if a traveler or group gets into difficulties when entering unauthorized regions, they must bear the costs of the rescue operations. The regulations need strengthening to deter travelers from putting their own lives and the lives of others at risk.

1.What happened to a woman traveler?

A.She lost her way. B.She was trapped on the mountain.

C.She died in the storm. D.She was seriously hurt.

2.What is the writer’s attitude towards some tourists?

A.Critical. B.Sympathetic.

C.Understanding. D.Admiring.

3.What does the underlined word deter in the last paragraph mean?

A.protect B.keep

C.excuse D.separate

4.What can be a suitable title for this passage?

A.The Blue Sky Rescue. B.Who can rescue the rescuers?

C.Who should bear the costs? D.A deadly typhoon



    Humans may have been enjoying cacao, which has been used to make chocolate, for much longer than experts had thought.

Researchers at the University of British Columbia in Canada have found that humans grew cacao trees and consumed (食用) cacao starting around 5,300 years ago.

The researchers found evidence of cacao’s use at an ancient village in the highlands of southeastern Ecuador. They examined the remains of very old objects. The village was part of the Mayo-Chinchipe culture of the Andes.

Scientists had already mostly agreed that cacao was first domesticated in South America instead of Central America, as they once believed. But the new discovery shows cacao was grown about 1,500 years earlier than was known before.

The University of British Columbia researchers also identified (证实) a substance found in the cacao tree but not in its wild relatives. This suggests that humans grew the tree for food purposes.

Today, the seeds are cooked and turned into many chocolate products.  But thousands of years ago, cacao was used to make drinks.

Michael Blake is a professor of University of British Columbia who helped lead the study. He said that the objects on which cacao was found suggest a lot about how people used the substance at the time.

“They clearly drank it,” Blake told the Reuters news service.

There is no clear history of native populations in South or Central America using cacao to make chocolate the way people do now, the researchers reported. Native populations in the upper Amazon area today still use cacao to make special drinks, they added.

Evidence suggests cacao growing moved into Central America and Mexico about 4,000 years ago. It is not clear how cacao’s use spread between South and Central America.

But by the time Spanish explorers arrived in Central America in the late 1400s, people were using it to make hot and cold chocolate drinks with spices.

By the 1580s, Spain began importing cacao and spreading it to other European countries. By the 1800s, technology developed in the Netherlands made it possible to turn cacao into a solid chocolate product.

1.Where was cacao grown earliest?

A.Mexico. B.Canada

C.Central America. D.South America.

2.When it comes to the introduction of cacao to Europe, which country contributed most?

A.America. B.Canada.

C.Spain. D.Netherland.

3.Which of the following can serve as a best possible title for this passage?

A.The history of cacao. B.The home of cacao.

C.The use of cacao. D.The spreading or cacao.



    Dining halls of the Hilton Wuhan Riverside have been busting with military personnel ever since the first delegations 24 and staff of the International Sports Military Council (CISM ) started checking into the hotel over a week ago.

This marks the first time China is staging a CISM event, with nearly 10,000 participants attending the 7th Military World Games in Wuhan. Many of them, along with some of the staff from CISM and the organizing committee, are staying at the Hilton Wuhan Riverside.

Dharmendra Singh from India doesn’t belong to either category of guests, even though his military-style haircut and two pins - a CISM pin and a Wuhan 2019 Games pin - on the lapel of his black suit might suggest otherwise. His ability to talk in Mandarin complicates things even further.

Singh is in charge of tending to the guests at the hotel, in particular those who take their meals in the dining halls. Yet, by his own admission, the 31-year-old, who has been a chef at the Hilton for nearly two years, feels as though he is also part of the “army family” at the hotel, and being part of Wuhan Games is fulfilling his “army dream”.

As a teen, he dreamed about serving his country as a soldier. However, the pressure of being the older of the two siblings in a financially challenged family meant Singh had to put his military dream on hold. To provide for his parents and younger brother, at 17 he set out to earn an income by making use of his culinary (烹饪的) skills.

“And, as fate would have it, a friend helped me get a job at the hotel.”

Pointing to the Wuhan Games and CISM pins that two diners gave him, Singh added: “Military people command respect due to their selflessness and honesty towards their work. I am glad that I am able to serve them and to honor their commitment to serve their nations.”

By the time the Games end on Oct 27, some of the guests might have handed Singh a few more pins to add to his collection; others might say goodbye with just a “thank you”.  Either way, he will remain grateful to them for providing memories for a lifetime.

1.What can we learn from paragraph three?

A.Singh used to serve in Indian army.

B.Singh’s identity seems to be confusing.

C.Singh tends to wear a black suit every day.

D.Singh pretends to be one of the staff of CISM.

2.Why will Singh be grateful to his guests?

A.Because they may show respect to him.

B.Because they will give him precious memories.

C.Because they will present him with some decorations.

D.Because they may help fulfill his dream to be a soldier.

3.Which may be the best title of the passage?

A.Cooking up some special memories. B.Gathering of peace.

C.The thrill of World Military Game. D.Closing with a cultural flourish.









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