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Vishweshwar Butt Saklani took his last b...

    Vishweshwar Butt Saklani took his last breath on January 18, 2019, but he will live on in the memory of his countrymen as the “Tree Man of Uttarakhan”, who planted over 5 million trees.

Saklani had been ______ of trees all his life. He planted his first tree at eight under his uncle’s ______, and kept it for the next seven decades of his life, until he was ______.

People know he loved trees, but ______ know that he planted trees to ______ the sad situations in his life. When his brother died, the Tree Man disappeared into the forest every morning and ______ whole days planting trees. Then in 1958, his wife died and he did the same to do with the ______. It was like he ______ his life to planting trees as a tribute(致敬,悼念) to his ______ brother and wife.

The people of his village grew to love him,______ it wasn’t always like this. In the beginning, villagers didn’t ______ him and even beat him, because he was covering common land. But he never ______. He continued planting trees and eventually got ______.

Saklani kept ______ his forest until 10 years ago, when he lost his sight. In 1986, he received the Indira Priyadarshani Award for his ______ efforts to protect the forest. In the same year, Saklani suffered a(n) ______ blow, after a massive wildfire turned many trees to ______. Despite the efforts of the local community to control the ______, it still destroyed much of the Tree Man’s forest. Although ______ by the disaster, Saklani believed that the trees would grow back once the rains came.

Saklani died at 96, but his ______ lives on in the forest.

1.A.rid B.fond C.proud D.confident

2.A.protection B.command C.guidance D.control

3.A.blind B.deaf C.exhausted D.bored

4.A.much B.many C.little D.few

5.A.deal with B.focus on C.come across D.carry on

6.A.wasted B.cost C.spent D.took

7.A.bond B.project C.fantasy D.pain

8.A.attached B.devoted C.adjusted D.applied

9.A.disappeared B.disabled C.late D.modest

10.A.but B.or C.and D.so

11.A.inspire B.encourage C.judge D.support

12.A.moved off B.cut in C.gave up D.lost face

13.A.paid B.understood C.prepared D.satisfied

14.A.growing B.equipping C.exporting D.expanding

15.A.continued B.expected C.worthless D.limitless

16.A.particular B.major C.subtle D.astonishing

17.A.ashes B.grains C.mess D.failure

18.A.leaves B.smoke C.flames D.dust

19.A.disturbed B.amused C.shocked D.hit

20.A.performance B.spirit C.effect D.personality


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.A 11.D 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.A 18.C 19.D 20.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章记叙了Vishweshwar Butt Saklani一生坚持不懈地种树的光荣事迹。 1.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Saklani一生都喜欢树。A. rid消除; B. fond喜欢的; C. proud骄傲的; D. confident有信心的。根据上文他一生种了500多万颗树可知,他喜欢树。第二段中的“People know he loved trees”亦是提示。故选B。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他八岁时在他叔叔的指导下种下了第一棵树。A. protection保护;B. command命令;C. guidance指导; D. control控制。他8岁种第一棵树,一个小孩子第一次种树,当然要在大人的“指导”下。故选C。 3.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:八岁时,他在叔叔的指导下种下了第一棵树,并在此后的七十年里一直种树,直到失明。A. blind瞎的;B. deaf聋的;C. exhausted疲惫的;D. bored厌烦的。根据Saklani kept ___14___ his forest until 10 years ago, when he lost his sight.可知,后来他失明了。故选A。 4.考查代词词义辨析。句意:人们知道他爱树,但很少有人知道他种树是为了克服生活中的悲伤。A. much很多;B. many很多;C. little几乎没有;D. few几乎没有。根据but转折可知,该空表示“几乎没有人”,应用few。few代指复数名词,little代指不可数名词。故选D。 5.考查动词短语辨析。句意:人们知道他爱树,但很少有人知道他种树是为了克服生活中的悲伤。A. deal with克服(坏情绪),处理;B. focus on集中于;C. come across偶然遇见,偶然发现;D. carry on继续,从事。结合下文可知,他种树是为了“克服,应对”兄弟和妻子去世带来的痛苦。故选A。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当他的兄弟死后,树人每天早上消失在森林里,花一整天的时间种树。A. wasted浪费;B. cost花费;C. spent花费;D. took花费。cost以物作主语,一般指花钱。take后面不接一般接动词不定式(take time to do sth.)。sb. spend time doing sth.某人花时间做某事。故选C。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后在1958年,他的妻子去世了,他也做了同样的事情来克服自己的痛苦。A. bond联系,纽带;B. project项目,工程;C. fantasy幻想,想象;D. pain痛苦,疼痛。他通过种树来应对失去妻子的“痛苦”。故选D。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:就好像他一生都在种树,以此来纪念他已故的哥哥和妻子一样。A. attached把……固定,把……附(在……上);B. devoted 献身,致力于,奉献;C. adjusted调整;D. applied应用,运用。根据上文可知,他把一生都“奉献”在了种树上。故选B。 9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:就好像他一生都在种树,以此来纪念他已故的哥哥和妻子一样。A. disappeared消失的; B. disabled残疾的;C. late已故的,晚的;D. modest谦虚的。前文提到他的妻子和哥哥都去世了,即:已故的。故选C。 10.考查连词词义辨析。句意:村里的人渐渐喜欢上了他,但并不总是这样。A. but但是;B. or或者;C. and并且,和; D. so因此。结合句意,逗号前后两句之间是转折关系。故选A。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一开始,村民们不支持他,甚至打他。A. inspire鼓舞; B. encourage鼓励; C. judge判断; D. support支持。根据后面的even beat him可知,一开始,人们不“支持”他,甚至打他。故选D。 12.考查动词短语辨析。句意:但是,他没有放弃。A. moved off离开;B. cut in插嘴;C. gave up放弃;D. lost face丢脸。根据But转折可知,尽管人们一开始不支持他,但是他没有“放弃”,继续种树。故选C。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他继续种树,终于被人理解了。A. paid支付; B. understood理解; C. prepared准备;D. satisfied使满意。结合该段第一句grew to love him可知,人们逐渐接受他的做法,他最终被人们“理解”。故选B。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Saklani一直在扩大他的森林,直到10年前他失明。A. growing成长;B. equipping装备,配备;C. exporting出口;D. expanding扩大,增加。他种的树越来越多,那么,他的树林就一直在“扩大”。故选D。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:1986年,他获得了英迪拉·普里亚达尔沙尼奖,以表彰他对保护森林的不懈努力。A. continued持久的; B. expected预期的,预料的; C. worthless无价值的; D. limitless无限的。根据第一句中的“kept expanding his forest”可知,他一直在“持续不断的”努力。故选A。 16.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:同年,一场大火将许多树木化为灰烬,Saklani遭受了巨大的打击。A. particular尤其的; B. major大的,重要的,主要的;C. subtle微妙的; D. astonishing令人惊讶的。根据下文中的it still destroyed much of the Tree Man’s forest可知,他的树林遭受严重毁坏,因此可知,他遭受到“大的”打击。故选B。 17.考查名词词义辨析。句意:同年,一场大火将许多树木化为灰烬,Saklani遭受了巨大的打击。A. ashes灰,灰烬; B. grains谷物;C. mess混乱;D. failure失败。大火会烧毁树木,使之成为“灰烬”。故选A。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管当地社区努力控制火势,但大火还是毁坏了大部分森林。A. leaves叶子;B. smoke烟;C. flames火焰;D. dust尘土。根据上文的a massive wildfire可知,发生了大火,因此人们要控制的是“大火,火势”。故选C。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管受到灾难的打击,Saklani相信一旦下雨,这些树就会重新长出来。A. disturbed打扰,干扰; B. amused逗笑,逗乐;C. shocked使震惊;D. hit打击。根据上文中的“a major blow”可知,这场灾难深深地“打击”了他。故选D。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Saklani在96岁时去世,但他的精神仍活在森林里。A. performance表现;B. spirit精神;C. effect影响;D. personality性格,人格。他去世了,但是他一直种树,一直奋斗的“精神”永远存在。故选B。

    From time to time, even the most productive professionals procrastinate(拖延). When your tendency to procrastinate is starting to make your overall quality of work and life suffer, 1. Here’s what Forbes Coaches Council members recommend doing to stop racing the clock.


When you don’t feel motivated, take the smallest step possible toward your goal. After taking that step, you’re more likely to continue taking more steps toward that goal. Instead of telling yourself to work out for an hour, say you’ll go for 10 minutes.

Give yourself a hard deadline, and then schedule it

The best way to overcome a natural tendency to procrastinate is to create a hard deadline for yourself and then put it on the calendar.3.. Then perform it the same way you would if your boss were waiting for you to complete the task.

Understand the underlying reasons you’re procrastinating

4.. Notice your thoughts, feelings, behaviors and the situation when you feel like procrastinating. Write these down. Often perfectionism, which we may experience as anxiety, is caused by the tendency to put off action. Once you understand your pattern, you can be responsible for yourself in a positive and self-compassionate (自我同情的) way.

Give yourself a reward for each task you complete

Make a list of things you need to do and do the one you don’t want to do first. 5. (piece of candy, a few minutes on social media, etc.). Then do something on your list that you want to do and continue making changes from there. This makes your tasks less depressing.

A. Take the tiniest step possible

B. Identity a positive outcome from your action

C. Then give yourself a little reward for doing it

D. find a way to make overcoming procrastination interesting

E. It’s time to do a reality check and break yourself of the habit

F. Treat the deadline the same as if your boss created it

G. Become a detective or a scientist about your pattern of procrastinating



    Walmart will soon use 360 robot cleaners across a few hundred of its stores. Using maps input by human employees, the AI-powered cleaners will travel in the store with no difficulty, sweeping the floor--just as human employees used to do.

Perhaps the most striking thing about these robot workers is how not-striking they are. Sci-fi movies suggest a future full of human-like robots who appear with their horrible qualities. Now the future is coming into view, and it looks like a giant lie. It's easy to imagine walking past an Auto-C on a shopping trip without even noticing its presence.

AI has already started to become a part of our everyday life. In New Jersey this week, dozens of workers were hospitalized after a robot at an Amazon fulfillment centre accidentally broke a can and enveloped workers in eye-and-lung-damaging gas. Days earlier in California, an auto-piloted Tesla drove a drunk, sleeping driver down a highway, which no doubt did some potential risk to the other drivers on the road. Highway patrol officers figured out on the spot how to stop the AI car.

Of course, industrial accidents and drunk drivers existed well before AI. Tools with the power to release the burden of physical labor—horses, steam machines, self-driving cars—also come with the power to injure. And the presence of AI-powered machines just steps away from us is, for now, still a rare thing for most people.

But the nature of robots’ coming into our daily life lives will make it harder to recognize—or object to—the bigger changes they bring later. Walmart insists that the robot cleaners give employees more time for customer service and other tasks. Critics point out that they could just as easily become an excuse to reduce staff and wages.

1.What is the difference between sci-fi movies and the reality?

A.Now the human-like robots is hard to recognize.

B.Now people don’t go to see the sci-fi movies.

C.Now the human-like robots can tell lies.

D.Now it is easy to ignore the robots.

2.Why were some workers in hospital in New Jersey?

A.They damaged the robot first.

B.The robot caused an accident on purpose.

C.The robot made a mistake by chance.

D.The robot driving them on the highway had an accident.

3.What is the attitude of the author to AI?

A.Supportive B.Objective C.Doubtful D.Indifferent

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Artificial intelligence is bringing great effect to our daily life.

B.Walmart will soon use 360 robot cleaners across its stores.

C.We should say no to artificial intelligence.

D.Artificial intelligence is dangerous to our life.



    A new research, presented on Monday, suggests that parents who go down slides with their kids are actually making slides even riskier for their little ones.

Led by Dr. Charles Jennissen, a professor at the University of Iowa, the research found that placing children (especially infants and toddlers蹒跚学步的小孩) on adult laps increases the risk of injury to their lower legs, including broken bones.

"I've seen a lot of these injuries all through my career, and I hadn't seen anybody talk about this problem," says Jennissen.

So Jennissen and his colleagues found that about 350,000 children under the age of six were injured on slides in the U.S. from 2002 to 2015. Injuries were most common among kids from 12-23 months of age, and the most common injury was lower leg fractures (骨折).

The researchers found that 94 percent of 600 cases include lower leg injuries. This is important, because that's not how a kid falling off a slide alone would usually get hurt. The fact that so many kids are getting lower leg injuries—and that those injuries seem to get less common as kids get older—suggests something else is at play.

Jennissen thinks that when children are sliding alone, they aren’t going fast enough or carrying enough body weight to hurt themselves. When they’re sitting on an adult’s lap and their foot gets caught, they have the added momentum of an adult body.

"We think a lot of these lower extremity injuries are because they're on the lap," says Jennissen. "We don't know that for sure, because no parents say that. But from my experience, and the data that suggests it, we think almost all of these are kids are on the lap."

Jennissen isn’t arguing that you should never go down the slide with your kid—he agrees that it’s fun and that he’s done it with his own kids—but he thinks adults should realize the risks.

1.What can we learn about the research from the passage?

A.Many parents are hurt when going down slides with their kids.

B.Dr. Charles Jennissen is the leader of the research team.

C.More and more adult laps are found hurt in the accidents.

D.Many people have discussed the possible reasons for the injuries.

2.The underlined phrase at play in Para.5 probably means _____.

A.taking effect B.paying attention C.making efforts D.solving problems

3.What is Jennissen’s attitude towards parents’ going down slides with kids?

A.He supports it. B.He is against it.

C.He is careful about it. D.He doesn’t care about it.



    It was an old day when I set out for a run in Moab, Utah, with my dog, Taz. As an athlete I often went for a run by myself. While running along a canyon (峡谷) road, I hit a piece of ice. I slipped down the rock face and fell 60 feet into the canyon, landing on a ledge (岩脊). Taz found his way to me, so I knew there must be a way out of the canyon, but I couldn’t stand, as I had broken an important bone.

I shouted for help but then decided to move to the bottom of the canyon first. The ledge was too dangerous to stay. It took me five hours to go a quarter of a mile. Eventually it got dark, and I decided to stay where I was for the night, next to a puddle of water. All I had on me was a water bottle and some chocolates. At night, I avoided sleeping for fear of dying of hypothermia (低体温症). Taz stayed with me, providing some warmth. The next morning, I couldn’t move at all. But I was sure somebody would hear me screaming for help. The second night in the canyon seemed even colder. My feet were frostbitten (冻伤). On the third day, I accepted the fact that I might die. I called Taz over and told him to go and get help.

Taz returned, alone. Then I heard an engine in the distance. I started shouting for help, and then I saw a man walking towards me. It turned out that my neighbor noticed I hadn’t come home, and Taz had found the rescue team. I was airlifted to hospital, where doctors found I was seriously wounded, having lost half of my blood.

Five years on, I still think about the experience. I couldn’t run like I used to due to the after-effects of the accident, and cold weather brings back bad memories, but I’m married with two kids, and Taz is still alive. Realizing you have a second chance to live puts things into perspective.

1.Why did the author try to move to the bottom of the canyon?

A.To reach a safe place. B.To climb back to the road.

C.To come across some helper. D.To avoid being attacked by wild animals.

2.What was the biggest challenge the author faced during the nights in the canyon?

A.Lack of food. B.Physical pain.

C.Fear of death. D.Low temperature.

3.What can we infer from the rescue?

A.Taz turned to the author’s neighbor for help.

B.The author stayed in the canyon for 3 nights.

C.The author didn’t hold out much hope of his dog.

D.The rescue team was required by the author's neighbor.




1.What kind of professional photography is Karen working on?

A.Weddings. B.Advertising. C.Sports.

2.What does Karen spend most time doings?

A.Taking pictures.

B.Using her computer.

C.Organizing the business.

3.What does Karen enjoy most?

A.Pleasing her customers.

B.Travelling to new places.

C.Working for the magazine.

4.What does Karen think photographers' websites should do?

A.Provide detailed information.

B.Have a simple design.

C.Show the latest photos.



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