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On a Monday afternoon in February 2007, ...

    On a Monday afternoon in February 2007, Gretchen took Liam, her 2-year-old son to her doctor because of some new habits—longer naps and pickier eating habits. After some __________, the doctor told her the _____________ news: Her son had cancer that affected nerve cells.

Liam began three rounds of chemotherapy (化疗) and then later underwent 12-hour surgery that _____________ him on a ventilator (呼吸机). Meanwhile, Gretchen __________ in the hospital that among diseases, cancer was the number one killer of children in the United States.

“I ask Liam’s doctor how it is possible that I never __________ that,” said Gretchen. She recalled that the doctor told her that people didn’t __________ enough about kids who got cancer. They didn’t make  ______________; their diseases didn’t get funding.

“Pediatric (儿科的) cancer is just so __________,” said Gretchen. To ask for help without scaring people off, she __________ to bake cookies—96,000 of them, over a few weeks—in exchange for __________. She founded a studio in Brooklyn and launched a website to __________ the cookies. She packed the cookies with __________ to raise awareness about pediatric cancer. As local news stations __________ the story, the cookies __________ sold out.

“Everyone says, ‘I have no idea cancer is the number one disease killer of children. How can I _________?’” Gretchen said. “It is not because people don’t care about kids who get cancer; it is because they just don’t __________ the cancer.”

______ the ovens cooled, Gretchen developed a(n) __________ to help other people improve bake sales. In September 2008, she launched the non-profit Cookies for Kid’s Cancer to __________ research dollars for five powerhouse pediatric cancer centers. Other fund-raising events began to spring up __________in all 50 states as well as overseas. Cookies for Kid’s Cancer has already raised more than $7 million for pediatric cancer research and has helped fund six new treatments for kids since 2008.

1.A.tests B.interviews C.operations D.discussions

2.A.particular B.guilty C.horrible D.cautious

3.A.caught B.beat C.carried D.left

4.A.remembered B.promised C.discovered D.admitted

5.A.hear B.fix C.afford D.reach

6.A.write B.care C.argue D.complain

7.A.headlines B.rules C.progress D.trouble

8.A.boring B.embarrassing C.disappointing D.frightening

9.A.agreed B.afforded C.decided D.liked

10.A.resources B.cells C.rewards D.donations

11.A.taste B.make C.sell D.store

12.A.summaries B.notes C.figures D.books

13.A.reported B.blamed C.created D.appreciated

14.A.exactly B.quickly C.illegally D.generally

15.A.study B.help C.recover D.survive

16.A.fight B.accept C.prepare D.know

17.A.Unless B.Until C.After D.Because

18.A.industry B.attitude C.habit D.plan

19.A.exchange B.raise C.save D.borrow

20.A.finally B.fortunately C.certainly D.briefly


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.D 11.C 12.B 13.A 14.B 15.B 16.D 17.C 18.D 19.B 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。格雷琴的孩子身患癌症。在治疗过程中,为了获得捐赠,格雷琴制作曲奇饼进行售卖,并且希望以此提高人们对于癌症的了解。后来,格雷琴还发起活动为儿童癌症中心筹集研究经费。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:经过一些检查后,医生告诉她一个可怕的消息:她的儿子得了癌症,影响了神经细胞。A. tests检查,测试; B. interviews面试,采访; C. operations操作,手术; D. discussions讨论。医生为了弄清楚孩子到底是怎么回事,当然要做“检查”。故选A。 2.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:经过一些检查后,医生告诉她一个可怕的消息:她的儿子得了癌症,影响了神经细胞。A. particular尤其的; B. guilty愧疚的; C. horrible可怕的;D. cautious谨慎的,小心的。孩子得了癌症,这是“可怕的”消息。故选C。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:利亚姆开始了三轮化疗,然后接受了12个小时的手术,最后只能靠呼吸机呼吸。A. caught抓住; B. beat打败; C. carried运送,搬; D. left让……处于(某种状态)。该处指手术“使得”利亚姆处于靠呼吸机呼吸的状态。故选D。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在医院里,格雷琴想起在各种疾病中,癌症是美国儿童的头号杀手。A. remembered记起,记住; B. promised承诺; C. discovered发现; D. admitted承认,允许……进入。癌症是美国儿童的头号杀手,这应该是之前格雷琴就了解的情况。现在她的孩子患了癌症,在医院里,她“记起”了这个信息。故选A。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我问医生我负担得起治疗费用的可能性有多大。A. hear听见; B. fix修理; C. afford负担得起; D. reach到达。根据下一段中格雷琴卖曲奇饼来筹钱可知,她询问的是关于能否“负担得起”治疗费用的问题。故选C。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她回忆说,医生告诉她,人们对患癌症的孩子不够关心。A. write写; B. care关心,在意,在乎; C. argue争论; D. complain抱怨。根据下文中的“their diseases didn’t get funding. ”可知,身患癌症的儿童没有得到资助,由此推知,人们不够“关心”他们。故选B。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们没有上头条;他们的疾病没有得到资助。A. headlines大字标题; B. rules规则; C. progress进步; D. trouble麻烦。根据上一句“人们不够关心身患癌症的儿童”可知,人们对此不够了解,显然,这种情况没有成为“头条新闻”,从而没有引发人们的足够关注。故选A。 8.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:格雷琴说:“小儿癌症真是太可怕了”。A. boring令人厌烦的; B. embarrassing令人尴尬的; C. disappointing令人失望的; D. frightening令人害怕的。根据上文提到“小儿癌症是儿童的头号杀手”可知,小儿癌症非常“可怕”。故选D。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:为了寻求帮助而又不吓跑人们,她决定在几周内烤制9.6万个曲奇饼,以换取捐赠。A. agreed同意; B. afforded负担得起; C. decided决定; D. liked喜欢。根据常理推测,为了寻求帮助,她“决定”制作曲奇饼。故选C。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:为了寻求帮助而又不吓跑人们,她决定在几周内烤制9.6万个曲奇饼,以换取捐赠。A. resources资源; B. cells细胞; C. rewards奖励,回报; D. donations捐赠。根据前文的ask for help可知,通过销售曲奇饼,希望人们可以进行捐赠,帮助孩子。故选D。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她在布鲁克林建立了一个工作室,并开设了一个网站来销售饼干。A. taste品尝; B. make制造; C. sell卖; D. store储存,贮藏。根据下文中的“the cookies _____14_____ sold out.”可知,她建立网站是为了“卖”曲奇饼。故选C。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她在包装饼干时,附加了一些便条,以引起人们对儿童癌症的关注。A. summaries总结; B. notes便条; C. figures人物,数字; D. books书。结合常理推测,在饼干包装时,只能是往里面加一些“便条”,其余的均不符合常理。故选B。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着当地新闻媒体报道这件事,饼干很快就卖光了。A. reported报道,报告; B. blamed责备; C. created创造; D. appreciated欣赏,感激。当地的新闻媒体“报道”这件事。故选A。 14.考查副词词义辨析。句意:随着当地新闻媒体报道这件事,饼干很快就卖光了。A. exactly精确地,准确地,确切地; B. quickly快速地; C. illegally不合法地; D. generally一般地,通常,大体上。新闻媒体对此进行报道,人们都知道了这件事,所以,饼干“很快”就卖光了。故选B。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:格雷琴说:“每个人都说,‘我不知道癌症是儿童的头号疾病杀手。我能帮什么忙?”。A. study学习; B. help帮助; C. recover恢复; D. survive幸存。根据上文中的“the cookies _____14_____ sold out. Everyone says, ‘I have no idea cancer is the number one disease killer of children.”可知,人们都非常关注这件事,都想提供“帮助”。故选B。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这并不是因为人们不关心得了癌症的孩子;这是因为他们不了解癌症。A. fight战斗,打架; B. accept接受; C. prepare准备; D. know知道,认识,了解。根据上文中的“Everyone says, ‘I have no idea cancer is the number one disease killer of children”可知,人们原来不知道癌症是儿童的头号疾病杀手。他们对此不了解。故选D。 17.考查连词词义辨析。句意:烤箱冷却后,格雷琴制定了一个计划来帮助其他人提高烘焙产品的销售。A. Unless除非,如果不; B. Until直到; C. After在……之后; D. Because因为。格雷琴帮助别人提高烘焙产品的销售,发生在“她通过卖曲奇饼来寻求帮助”之后,the ovens cooled表面指“烤箱冷却”,在此处应指“通过售卖曲奇饼换取捐赠”这件事落下帷幕,告一段落。故选C。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:烤箱冷却后,格雷琴制定了一个计划来帮助其他人提高烘焙产品的销售。A. industry工业; B. attitude态度; C. habit习惯; D. plan计划。帮助别人提高产品销售,最合理的就是制定一个“计划”,其余选项均不符合情境。故选D。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:2008年9月,她发起了一项名为“Cookies for Kid’s Cancer”的非盈利活动,为五个儿童癌症中心筹集研究经费。A. exchange交换; B. raise筹集,表扬; C. save挽救; D. borrow借。根据下文中的“Other fund-raising events”可以推知,“Cookies for Kid’s Cancer”的目的是筹钱。故选B。 20.考查副词词义辨析。句意:其他的筹款活动最终50个州以及海外涌现出来。A. finally最终,最后; B. fortunately幸运地; C. certainly无疑,确定; D. briefly简洁地。格雷琴的努力“最终”导致50个州以及海外都涌现出了筹款活动。故选A。

The owner of the jewellery shop was happy to see diamond necklaces and rings beautifully __________ on a background of black velvet.

A.stocked B.smashed C.accumulated D.arranged



When the journalist again failed to reply, the editor reluctantly published the article as it had __________ been written.

A.equally B.prosperously C.gracefully D.originally



__________ is human nature that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers.

A.Such B.That C.So D.What



With some infrastructure (基础设施) in Hong Kong __________ due to the riot (骚乱) of some people in the past few months, it has caused inconvenience for average people.

A.having damaged B.to be damaged C.damaged D.damaging



One outstanding feature of DF-41 missile is its ability to locate the __________ position of the target it wants.

A.accurate B.awkward C.absurd D.academic



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