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There are more species of beetles than a...

    There are more species of beetles than any other form of life. About 380 000 species of beetles are known to exist, and more are discovered all the time. There are several theories about why there are so many beetles, but fossils evidence shows that beetle species die out less than other animals, Beetle species exist in such huge number because beetles are true survivors. They refuse to die out.

One of the reasons beetles survive so well is their body design. Most beetle species have two pairs of wings. The front pair of a beetle’s wings are hard and thick. They are not used for flying. These protect the back set of wings and the beetle’s stomach. Instead, some species of beetles have lost the ability to fly, but they are still equipped with front wings. The wings protect the beetle’s soft parts from harm. These features help protect beetles, which makes them less likely to die out if they are faced with new predators (捕食性动物).

Beetles can also eat a wide range of foods. Beetle species live all over the world, and they have many different types of food available to them. Most beetles are omnivores. That means they eat both plants and animals. Their mixed diets help beetles adapt to many different habitats. Over the course of time, food sources, like certain plants and animals, do not exist anymore. Others spring up. The beetle survives because it can find something to eat, no matter what.

Finally, beetles are good at moving quickly over long distance. Any change in an animal’s environment can be dangerous to it. For example, many species died out during the Ice Age, when Earth’s temperature dropped for a long time. However, some species can avoid dangerous environment changes by moving to a new place. Research shows that beetles respond quickly to shifts in temperature. They can move to safer environments.

Beetles’ bodies and habits help give them an edge over other creatures. They are unlikely to die out. As a result, beetles make up nearly one quarter of all animal species. There are more types of beetles on Earth than there are types of plants. Some types of beetles that exist today were around during the Permian period of history, 284 million years ago. Beetles, clearly, are here to stay.

1.What is important about a beetle’s front wings?

A.They are used to catch the prey.

B.They enable the beetle to fly.

C.They help the beetle move quickly.

D.They protect the soft body parts.

2.How do beetles respond to changes of habitats?

A.They are adaptable to the food change.

B.They can change their body temperature.

C.They are adaptable to the freezing cold weather.

D.They can use their wings to fight against the cold.

3.What is the most probable title of the passage?

A.The Ice Age affected the beetles

B.Different habitats affected the beetles

C.Beetles: the six-legged survivors

D.Beetles: the unique predators


1.D 2.A 3.C 【解析】 这是一篇科普类阅读。文章主要讲了在物种的优胜劣汰中,六条腿的甲虫得以幸存的原因。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段The wings protect the beetle’s soft parts from harm.(翅膀保护甲虫的柔软部分不受伤害。)可知,甲虫前翅的重要之处在于它们保护身体柔软的部分。故选D。 2.推理判断题。根据第三段Over the course of time, food sources, like certain plants and animals, do not exist anymore. Others spring up. The beetle survives because it can find something to eat, no matter what.(随着时间的推移,食物来源,如某些植物和动物,不再存在。其它的动植物不断的涌现。甲虫能生存下来是因为它能找到吃的东西,无论什么。)由此推断出,对于栖息地的变化,甲虫能适应食物的变化。故选A。 3.主旨大意题。第一段There are several theories about why there are so many beetles, but fossils evidence shows that beetle species die out less than other animals, Beetle species exist in such huge number because beetles are true survivors.(关于甲虫数量如此之多的原因有多种理论,但化石证据表明,甲虫物种的灭绝比其他动物要少,甲虫物种的大量存在是因为甲虫是真正的幸存者。)是全文的主题句,结合全文内容,可知这篇文章主要讲了在物种的优胜劣汰中,六条腿的甲虫得以幸存的原因。所以这篇文章最好的题目是“甲虫:六条腿的幸存者”,故选C。

    Jeremy looked across the hot, grassy plain South Africa was a long way from the cool, green countryside of his hometown in Oregon.

“Ready?” Dad asked.

“Yes,” Jeremy answered. They climbed into the old truck. Jeremy seldom spent time with his father, a famous wildlife photographer. The work seemed mostly hot and boring.

As the truck ran across the rough dirt, Dad chatted with their guides, Mkhulu and Bheki. They spoke Zulu, which Jeremy couldn’t understand, though they also spoke English. He watched for animals. “There!” he shouted, pointing. Mkhulu slowed the truck. Jeremy realized he had been pointing at a rock.

As the truck jumped up and down over a ditch, there was a big crash. “Wait!” Jeremy shouted. The door had fallen off. Bheki threw the door into the back of the truck. “Now we can see better,” Dad laughed.

They stopped near a watering hole. Mkhulu said he was friends with the elephants that sometimes gathered here. Maybe they’d see some.

Before long, Jeremy felt vibrations. Elephants! A small group walked towards the water. Dad jumped out of the truck and focused his camera on the largest elephant.

Jeremy spotted a very young elephant walking between two adults. It was tiny, by elephant standards. The two elephants beside the baby kept stopping to wait for it. Jeremy watched as they neared the water. Several larger elephants Jumped in the water.

Jeremy lost sight of the baby. Where was it? Then he saw. It was in water up to its eyes. Its mouth was underwater. It held it its trunk up above the water. The baby was in trouble. “Look!” said Jeremy. The bank was too steep for the baby. It couldn’t climb out of the water. Other elephants tried pushing it, without success.

Jeremy took the loose door from the back of the truck. Mkhulu saw what Jeremy was planning and ran to help. Together they dragged the door down to the water’s edge, Mkhulu calmed the mother elephant, gently explaining that they were bringing a ramp for the baby.

The mother knew Mkhulu and trusted him. She seemed to sense that they meant to help. Jeremy pushed the door onto the bank, angling it so the baby could walk up it to safety. The baby stepped onto the door. Its mother pushed. Three more steps, and they were up. The elephants gathered around the baby, touching it with their trunks.

“Boy, Jeremy,” Dad said. “That is one of the most exciting photo shoots I’ve ever done! I’m glad you came along.”

1.From the story, we know ________.

A.Jeremy had a very strong liking for nature

B.Jeremy’s father loved taking pictures of wild animals

C.Jeremy made a ramp for the baby elephant by himself

D.Jeremy and his father were in the green countryside of Oregon.

2.What was the main problem in the story?

A.The door fell off the truck.

B.Jeremy mistook a rock for a wild animal.

C.The baby elephant got stuck in the water.

D.Jeremy found his father’s work hot and boring.

3.According to the passage, how was the baby elephant saved?

A.Jeremy helped save it by making a ramp.

B.Mkhulu dived into the water and rescued it.

C.The mother elephant pushed it out of the water.

D.Mkhulu helped Jeremy put the door into the back of the truck.



    A natural disaster is a major harmful event resulting from natural processes of the Earth. In recent years, owing to either cyclical (循环的) changes or human activities, there has been a rise in natural disasters. Earthquakes, typhoons, floods and hurricanes have caused a lot of deaths around the world. On the one hand, natural disasters always bring great sadness to people, but on the other hand, natural disasters make people fully aware of the mistakes of themselves and begin to rethink what they have done. A natural disaster can cause loss of life or property damage, and typically leave some economic damage in its wake, the severity of which depends on the stricken population’s ability to recover.

Take the typhoon which hit Japan this summer as an example. This September Super Typhoon Chebi (飞燕) visited Japan, causing dozens of deaths, more than 600 injuries and losses worth countless dollars. Bridges and roads were washed away, houses and buildings damaged, leaving many people homeless. Furthermore, tens of thousands of visitors were forced to stay in the airport. Although the government of Japan had taken some precautions, the typhoon did bring much trouble to people there.


1. 以约30个单词概括上文内容;

2. 以约120个单词就作为学生应该做些什么来减少自然灾害造成的损失的话题写篇作文,并包括以下要点:





1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

3. 不必写标题。







What is clone? The noun “clone” and the verb “to clone” are not used consistently. In biology a clone is a cell or an organism, which is 1. (genetic) the same as another cell or organism. Many simple organisms such as bacteria reproduce themselves by 2. (copy) their DNA and splitting (分裂) in half. The verb “to clone” refers 3. the process of creating cloned cells or organisms. The process differs, 4. (depend) on the kinds of cells used in the cloning procedure and the desired result. Usually, 5. scientists clone an animal, they take the nucleus () of a cell and place it into an egg cell from 6. the nucleus has been removed. The egg cell then divides to produce 7. embryo that develops an animal if the procedures work as 8. (plan). Different from other cloning cases, Dolly was created from a specialized adult cell, 9. from a very early embryonic cell in which no specialized 10. (tissue) begin to develop.



    There are so many interesting and creative hobbies that can improve your life and make you smarter.

1. As the saying goes, reading gives us somewhere to go when we have to stay where we are. It enriches your knowledge and makes you feel better about yourself.

Learning a new language is a most unique and challenging hobby. It enables your brain to perform better, improves your memory and reduces the risk of brain decline. 2.

Playing chess makes you smarter by exercising both sides of your brain. 3. And it helps improve your memory and builds your self-confidence.

Writing makes your brain work. 4. Writing things down can improve your emotions and your ability to communicate with others and it will make you a more interesting person.

Exercising regularly keeps both your body and your brain functioning. A good blood circulation in your body means a good blood circulation of your brain, which means an increased brain function. 5.

Learning to play the piano or any other musical instrument teaches you patience and perseverance because it takes a lot of effort and a lot of time.

A. It teaches you to think.

B. Smiling will make you healthier and look cooler.

C. Moreover, a new language means new opportunities.

D. Positive thinking can help you to do your best each day.

E. Besides, exercising reduces stress and helps you sleep better.

F. Playing the game raises your IQ and encourages your creativity.

G. Reading teaches you new things about new places and new people.



    “Regardless of social class, race and age, men say they hate to shop,” says Zukin, City University of New York sociology professor. “Yet when you ask them deeper questions, it turns out that they like to shop. Men generally like to shop for books, music and hardware. But if you ask them about the shopping they do for books or music, they'll say, ‘Well, that's not shopping. That's research.’”

In other words, what men and women call “buying things” and how they approach that task are different.

Women will wander through several 1,000­square­metre stores in search of the perfect party dress. Men will wander through 100 Internet sites in search of the perfect digital camcorder. Women see shopping as a social event. Men see it as a special task or a game to be won.

“Men are frequently shopping to win,” says Ann, a marketing professor at Loyola University of Chicago. “They want to get the best deal. They want to get the best and latest one and if they do that, it makes them happy. When women shop, they're doing it in a way that they want everybody to be very happy,” says Ann. “They're kind of shopping for love.”

“Teenage girls learn to shop from their mums and elder sisters, and they also learn to shop by examining articles in magazines like Seventeen,” Zukin says. “And although men's magazines such as GQ and Esquire have long had shopping articles, it's TV that has the eye of young male shoppers,” say Ann and Zukin.

“Television shows are used by young men in the same way Seventeen or Lucky is used by girls,” says Zukin, “to help make clothing and toiletry choices.”

“Of course, there are men who love to shop and are proud of it,” Ann says. And that is important no matter whether you buy a car or a frying pan. All men love to buy but don't want to get cheated. Ann adds, “There actually are men who are interested, for example, in cooking or shopping or chinaware or things around the home—they become kind of girl magnets. Women like it.”

1.From the first paragraph we can find that             .

A.men are all dishonest B.men like to shop in fact

C.men hate to shop actually D.men are all book­lovers

2.Compared to women, men usually treat shopping             .

A.honestly B.frequently

C.seriously D.foolishly

3.As is shown in this passage, teenage girls go shopping             .

A.only with their sisters B.often following magazines

C.only with their mums D.often following TV shows

4.The underlined word “magnets” in the last paragraph means “            ”.

A.vegetables that make women beautiful

B.magazines that attract young women

C.persons that have a powerful attraction

D.tools that can help housewives much



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