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All of my five children played team spor...

    All of my five children played team sports in middle school and high school, and four of them are in college. 1..

Teenagers may get into bad habits. 2. According to a study in Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine, a survey of more than 14,000 teenagers found that those who had taken part in team sports were less likely to smoke or have unhealthy eating habits.

As children get older, they naturally develop their own lives and there will be fewer ways for parents to be involved(参与). Some teenagers shut their parents out of their room.3..

Sports build strong and healthy bodies. Children who compete know that they are only at their best if they eat and rest well.4. In sports, strength and speed are wanted. Team sports help kids avoid obesity(肥胖) problems even better than activities like running or biking.

5. The joy of a sports season stays with us long after the season is over. Our children may forget who was in their English class or which math teacher they had in the 10th grade one day. But they will never forget their sports teams.

A. Team sports can bring lifelong memories.

B. Team sports make a child’s social world wider.

C. As a matter of fact, doing sports makes us a better family.

D. However, they still want their parents to attend their games.

E. Cigarettes and drugs harm their performance and every athlete knows that.

F. But teenagers who often take part in team sports have less time for bad behavior.

G. From their experiences, I’ve learned it’s important for children to play team sports.


1.G 2.F 3.D 4.E 5.A 【解析】 本文是说明文,介绍了参加团体运动的重要性。 1.空前All of my five children played team sports in middle school and high school, and four of them are in college.(我的五个孩子在初中和高中都参加过团队运动,其中四个在上大学。)作者讲了自己的孩子参加团体运动,可推知,空处应为全文的主旨句,即团体运动的重要性。故G选项“从他们的经历中,我了解到对孩子们来说团队运动很重要。”符合上下文语境。故选G。 2.根据下文According to a study in Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine, a survey of more than 14,000 teenagers found that those who had taken part in team sports were less likely to smoke or have unhealthy eating habits.(《儿童与青少年医学档案》杂志上的一项研究显示,对1.4万多名青少年进行的一项调查发现,那些参加过集体运动的青少年吸烟或养成不健康饮食习惯的可能性较小。)可知,参加团体运动的青少年有较少的不良行为。故F选项“但是经常参加团队运动的青少年很少有不良行为。”符合上下文语境。故选F。 3.根据上文As children get older, they naturally develop their own lives and there will be fewer ways for parents to be involved. Some teenagers shut their parents out of their room.(随着孩子年龄的增长,他们自然会发展自己的生活,父母参与的方式也会越来越少。一些青少年把父母关在房间外面。)主要介绍孩子在成长中逐步独立,与父母互动少,可知本段主要关于青少年和父母的互动关系展开。空处应通过转折道出团体运动对改变这种局面的作用。故D选项“然而,他们仍然希望他们的父母参加他们的游戏。”符合上下文语境。故选D。 4.根据上文Sports build strong and healthy bodies. Children who compete know that they are only at their best if they eat and rest well.(运动使身体强壮健康。参加比赛的孩子们知道,只有他们吃得好,休息得好,他们才能发挥出最佳水平。)可知本句是对前一句的引申拓展,说明什么样的事物会影响孩子们比赛。故E选项“香烟和毒品会影响他们的表现,每个运动员都知道这一点。”符合上下文语境。故选E。 5.根据下文The joy of a sports season stays with us long after the season is over. (体育赛季结束后,快乐会一直伴随我们。)以及But they will never forget their sports teams.(但是他们永远不会忘记他们的运动队。)可知本段是在说明团体运动会给孩子们带来终生的回忆。故A选项“团队运动可以带来一生的记忆。”符合上下文语境。故选A。

    Smoking is harmful. But as soon as you quit the habit, everything will be OK, right? Wrong.

New research has found that even if you give up smoking, the damage it has done to your genes will stay there for a much longer time. In the research, a team of US scientists studied the blood of 16,000 people. Among them, some were smokers, some used to smoke, and the rest were non-smokers. Scientists compared their genes and found that more than 7,000 genes of smokers had changed--a number that is one-third of known human genes.

According to NBC News, both heart disease and cancer are caused by genetic changes. Some people may have had the changes when they were born, but most people get them in their day-to-day lives while doing things like smoking.

When you stop smoking, a lot of these genes will return to normal within five years.

This means your body is trying to heal (治愈) itself of the harmful effects of smoking. But the changes in some of the genes stay for longer. They can stay for as long as 30 years, It’s almost like leaving a footprint on wet cement (水泥)----it will always be there, even when you’ve walked away and when the cement becomes dry.

Although the study results may make people unhappy, there is a bright side: the findings could help scientists invent medicine to treat genetic damage caused by smoking or find ways to tell which people have heart disease or cancer risks.

1.The function of Paragraph 1 is to_________ .

A.introduce the topic of the passage B.give an example

C.make an argument D.show the main idea of the passage

2.Most genetic changes happen because of___________ .

A.people’s condition at birth B.environmental pollution

C.people’s bad living habit D.heart disease and cancer

3.The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 5 refers to__________ .

A.the footprint B.the cement

C.the harmful effect D.the genetic change

4.Which of the following statements is true?

A.The findings are the fruit of more than three years’ research.

B.The findings have prevented more people from starting smoking

C.The findings offer evidence that a damaged gene can heal itself.

D.The findings help to find cures for genetic damage caused by smoking.



I travel a lot, and I find out different “styles”(风格)of directions every time I ask “ How can I get to the post office?”

Foreign tourists are often confused(困惑的)in Japan because most streets there don’t have names. In Japan, people use landmarks(地标)in their directions instead of street names. For example, the Japanese will say to travelers, “ Go straight down to the corner. Turn left at the big hotel and go past a fruit market. The post office is across from the bus stop.”

In the countryside of the American Midwest, there are not usually many landmarks. There are no mountains, so the land is very flat. In many places there are no towns or buildings within miles. Instead of landmarks, people will tell you directions and distances. In Kansas or Iowa, for example, people will say, “ Go north two miles. Turn east, and then go another mile.

People in Los Angeles, California, have no idea of distance on the map. They measure distance in time, not miles. “ How far away is the post office?” you ask. “ Oh,” they answer, “ it’s about five minutes from here.” You say, “ Yes, but how many miles is it?” They don’t know.

It’s true that a person doesn't know the answer to your question sometimes. What happens in such a situation? A New Yorker might say, “ Sorry, I have no idea.” But in Yucatan, Mexico, no one answers “ I don't know”. People in Yucatan believe that “I don't know” is impolite. They usually give an answer, often a wrong one. A tourist can get very, very lost in Yucatan!

1.When a tourist asks the Japanese the way to a certain place, they usually _______ .

A.describe the place carefully

B.show him a map of the place

C.tell him the names of the streets

D.refer to recognizable buildings and places

2.What is the place where people measure distance in time?

A.New York. B.Los Angles.

C.Kansas          C. Iowa

3.People inYucatan may give a tourist a wrong answer ________ .

A.in order to save time B.as a test

C.so as to be polite D.for fun

4.What can we infer from the text?

A.It’s important for travelers to understand cultural differences.

B.It’s useful for travelers to know how to ask the way properly.

C.People have similar understanding of politeness.

D.New Yorkers are generally friendly to visitors.




1.During the Mid-Autumn Festival, family members often gather together ____________sharea meal, admire the moon and enjoy moon cakes.

2.He was hurt ____________ seriously in the car accident that he was sent to hospital at once.

3.The ball hit him ____________ hard that he nearly fell down.

4.It was ____________ a foolish decision that none in the team agreed.

5.There are ____________ many picture books in the bookstore that the little boy doesn’t want to leave.

6.He gave me ____________ little time that it was impossible for me to finish the work on time.

7.They are ____________ fine teachers that we all have the greatest respect for them.

8.It is ____________ nice weather that I would like to go to the beach.

9.There were __________ few guests attending my birthday party that I felt greatly sad.

10.My hometown had changed ____________ much that I could hardly recognize it.




1.Saving time, our teacher had us do half the exercises in class.


2.Talk quietly in the reading room in order to disturb others.


3.The meeting room is such small that it can only hold less than ten people.


4.He made such a progress that he did well in the mid-term exam.


5.She is the first woman have won the gold medal in the Olympic Games.


6.The question discussed at tomorrow’s meeting is a very important one.


7.We are not allowed come back home late before we are 18.


8.The newspaper offered making an apology(道歉)to him for the article in the newspaper.


9.We agreed to meeting here but so far she hasn’t turned up yet.


10.Because of the heavy rain of last night, now there is such much water in the street that people can’t drive to work.




    When I was youngerI was deeply attracted by stories of magic. I read lots of books where wizards (巫师) and _______ fought against the powers of darkness in strange worlds. I got excited _______ they brought peace and happiness to their lands. Like most of the readersI secretly _______ the magical power for myself. I wanted to be able to magically make my pain _______to make my troubles go awayand to have _______ over this world.

As I got olderhoweverI realized that there was no such thing as _______. And worse stillthe terrible reality of life _______because I needed to try _______ through a long period of poverty (贫穷). I had daily pain from a back hurt that never _______ right. I felt sad and sorry when both of my sons were ________ with autism(自闭症).

Then one day I began to discover a ________ magicwhich is different from that in the stories. This magic grew ________ in my mind day by day. It was ________ “love”. It connected me to my own highest self and to all of the other ________ in this world. It didn’t drive away my poverty ________ it made every day of my life feel richer. It didn’t make my back ________ go away but it helped me deal with it so much better. It didn’t ________ my sons’ Autismbut it helped me see them as the beautifullovelyand ________ ones.

There is such a thing as magic in this world. It’s named “love”. May you choose it________ itand live in it every day of your life. May you use it to help othersto heal this world and make this world a(n) ________ place.

1.A.leaders B.fighters C.athletes D.challengers

2.A.when B.before C.since D.till

3.A.depended on B.turned on C.set up D.wished for

4.A.move B.produce C.increase D.disappear

5.A.attitude B.power C.courage D.trust

6.A.past B.beauty C.magic D.force

7.A.stopped B.kicked C.came D.warned

8.A.hard B.immediately C.slowly D.sorely

9.A.began B.performed C.managed D.remained

10.A.showed B.announced C.accepted D.comforted

11.A.famous B.brave C.kind D.special

12.A.stronger B.heavier C.worse D.easier

13.A.created B.timed C.called D.supported

14.A.spirits B.conditions C.products D.ways

15.A.and B.so C.or D.but

16.A.situation B.pain C.treatment D.story

17.A.change B.expect C.excite D.form

18.A.helpless B.surprising C.joyful D.hopeless

19.A.influence B.refuse C.share D.keep

20.A.interesting B.unbelievable C.unforgettable D.loving



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