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Every person has time for exercise. The ...

    Every person has time for exercise. The way is to take steps to include exercise convenient for your lifestyle. After I started getting into a habit of exercising, I was surprised by how much I could get done in a day, both physically and mentally. You can make exercise a part of your daily lifestyle. 1.

Start small

One of the reasons exercise programs fail is that we bite off more than we can chew. Instead of telling yourself you’re going to exercise today for an hour, tell yourself you’re going to exercise for five minutes. 2.

Break your exercise into parts.

No time for 30 minutes of exercise? No problem. Do three bouts (一回) of 10 minutes, or six bouts of five minutes each.3. Just keep a running table of how many minutes you exercise each day to ensure you’re getting the minimum you desire.


Devices such as Fitbit activity trackers (跟踪系统) turn exercise into a game of sorts. Each day, you can measure how many steps you’ve taken. Many people find this attractive to their competitive spirits, and they and they take great pains to meet their goals. The technology is there, and it’s very affordable.

Exercise with someone else.

5. You don’t want to let him or her down, even if you’re feeling like you’d rather not work out. Find someone and start moving. You’ll be able to inspire one another and celebrate your success.

A. Use technology to help.

B. Always stay active with exercise.

C. Yes, just five minutes and get up to walk around.

D. Here are four steps to help you do it effectively.

E. You’ll still get the same time, no matter how you break it down.

F. High-tech products are becoming popular with many young people.

G. It’s much more difficult to say “no” to exercise when you have an exercise partner.


1.D 2.C 3.E 4.A 5.G 【解析】 这是一篇说明文,作者在文中介绍了如何锻炼身体。 1.上文提到了锻炼对身心的益处,再根据下文中的四个小标题可知,下文作者提出了一些锻炼的方式,D项中的four steps与之对应,故选D项。 2.上文中的“tell yourself you’re going to exercise for five minutes”是作者的建议,与C项中的“just five minutes”相响应。故选C. 3.由该段小标题可知,作者建议你可以把锻炼分成几部分来进行,文中以30分钟的锻炼为例,可以将其分为3次,每次10分钟,或6次,每次5分钟。E项“无论你怎样拆分,你依然会得到同样的时间”总结了上文的内容。故选E. 4.空处是小标题。该段讲述了可以使用一些设备来记录每天走的步数,这样可以督促你进行锻炼。A项“Use technology to help”适合作本段的小标题。故选A. 5.本段中作者建议在锻炼时找一个同伴,这种方式可以激励自己进行锻炼。G项中的“when you have an exercise partner”与之相呼应。故选G.

    By teaching your children healthy eating habits, and copying the behavior in yourself, you can help your children keep a healthy weight and normal growth. Also, the eating habits your children form when they are young will help them keep a healthy lifestyle when they grow up.

Your children’s health care provider can evaluate (评估) your children’s weight and growth and let you know if your children need to lose weight or if any dietary changes need to he made.

Some of the most important parts of healthy eating are portion control and cutting down on how much fat and sugar your children eat or drink. Simple ways to reduce fat intake in your children’s diet and improve a healthy weight include serving

Low-fat or nonfat dairy products

Poultry without skin

Lean cuts of meat

Whole grain bread and cereals

Fruit and vegetables

Also, reduce the amount of sugar-sweetened drinks and salt in your children’s diet.

If you are unsure how to select and prepare a variety of foods for your family, ask a registered dietitian (营养师) for advice.

It is important that you should not place your overweight children on a restrictive (限制性的) diet. Children should never be placed on a restrictive diet to lose weight unless a doctor takes charge of one for medical reasons.

1.What can we infer from the first paragraph?

A.Parents are mirrors for their children.

B.Teaching children eating healthily is also helpful for parents.

C.That children are healthy is important.

D.Forming healthy eating habits is important for children.

2.What are the most important parts of healthy eating your children should control?

A.Fat and sugar.

B.Water and meat.

C.Fruit and vegetables.

D.Whole grain bread and cereals.

3.What does the third paragraph tell us?

A.How to lose weight.

B.How to eat healthily.

C.How to reduce fat and sugar.

D.How to keep a healthy weight.

4.What shouldn’t your children do if they want to lose weight unless doctors tell them to?

A.Limiting diets.

B.Taking exercise.

C.Listening to parents.

D.Reducing fat intake.



    Many years ago, when I was in high school and working weekends to pay for the extras that my family couldn’t really afford, I lost my wallet.

My old car needed gassing up in the back. I prepaid and then put my wallet on the bumper(保险杠), and drove off. I hadn’t even had time to miss it when my phone rang and a man asked me if I had lost my wallet. I checked my pocket and to my surprise, I didn’t find my wallet. He asked me to tell him how much money was in it. He then told me where to pick up my wallet.

As I pulled into his driveway, I noticed his handicapped van(残疾人车) and the ramp(斜坡) going up to the house. I was thinking that this man must have had difficulty in getting out of his van and getting my wallet off the street. He had to pull over, get in his wheelchair, lower the lift, and then pick it up. I was just surprised. I felt grateful.

I knocked on the door and he told me to come in. I thanked him about 10 times for finding my wallet. I was stuck, though. While I didn’t want to insult him by offering money, I really felt like offering something. So I asked him if there was anything I could do to repay his kindness, and he said, “Just pass it on.” I said I would be certain to do that. I was raised to be honest in any circumstance and I would have done so, without promising this fellow I would, but I wanted to repay his kindness, so I willingly promised I would.

1.Where did the writer lose his wallet?

A. At the shop. B. At the gas station.

C. At the school. D. At the garage.

2.What did the man ask the writer to do?

A. He asked the writer to be careful.

B. He asked the writer to pass his kindness on.

C. He asked the writer to repay his kindness.

D. He asked the writer to be honest.

3.What can we learn from the man’s action?

A. Where there’s a will there’s a way.

B. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

C. Good is rewarded with good.

D. Help others, but don’t ask for anything.

4.Which of the following can best describe the man who picked up the writer’s wallet?

A. Intelligent. B. Serious.

C. Noble. D. Patient.




1.The rain is heavier and heavier, so the river bank will break.


2.Next year my little sister is going to be ten years old.


3.Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane will take off.


4.As soon as he comes back, I’ll tell him when you come and see him.


5.I tell you the truth when you come here tomorrow.


6.My wife will be at work when my plane will arrive.


7.—Alas! I have left my key to the office in my car. —Don’t worry. I am going to fetch it for you. Wait a minute.


8.—What are you going to do next holiday?

—I will go on a trip abroad.


9.—How could I apply (申请) for a course online?

—Just fill in this form and we see what we can do for you.


10.I don’t know what time it is now, but I would check it for you.





When I was a child, my parent would pack their bags but go on vacation every July. My sister and I were left at the home with our grandparents. We enjoyed staying with them, whom allowed us to eat cookies for breakfast and stay up to watching The Tonight Show. But we also looked forward their coming back. It wasn’t because we miss them. It was because we wanted the gifts that we would bring back from their travels. My parents would ever let us down. They brought back much presents for us.



    All of my five children played team sports in middle school and high school, and four of them are in college. 1..

Teenagers may get into bad habits. 2. According to a study in Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine, a survey of more than 14,000 teenagers found that those who had taken part in team sports were less likely to smoke or have unhealthy eating habits.

As children get older, they naturally develop their own lives and there will be fewer ways for parents to be involved(参与). Some teenagers shut their parents out of their room.3..

Sports build strong and healthy bodies. Children who compete know that they are only at their best if they eat and rest well.4. In sports, strength and speed are wanted. Team sports help kids avoid obesity(肥胖) problems even better than activities like running or biking.

5. The joy of a sports season stays with us long after the season is over. Our children may forget who was in their English class or which math teacher they had in the 10th grade one day. But they will never forget their sports teams.

A. Team sports can bring lifelong memories.

B. Team sports make a child’s social world wider.

C. As a matter of fact, doing sports makes us a better family.

D. However, they still want their parents to attend their games.

E. Cigarettes and drugs harm their performance and every athlete knows that.

F. But teenagers who often take part in team sports have less time for bad behavior.

G. From their experiences, I’ve learned it’s important for children to play team sports.



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