满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

On a freezing December afternoon, Tyler ...

    On a freezing December afternoon, Tyler Freburger was standing in front of a set of mirrors wearing a suit picked out for him by a tailor to attend a funeral. As a homeless veteran (老兵) living in Baltimore, Mr. Freburger would usually have difficulty _______ such an outfit (一套衣服), especially one selected for him _______. But in this instance, he was _______ the nonprofit Sharp Dressed Man.

Since 2011, the organization has been helping men improve their lives by _______ them for job interviews and other _______ with well-fitting suits. This is not a “grab any jacket off the rack (架子)” kind of experience; _______, the nonprofit provides a “measure-to-fit”, personalized styling experience. The nonprofit was _______ by clothing designer Christopher Schafer. He opened a shop in downtown Baltimore not long after _______ from London, where he learned the art of _______ and design. Once when Schafer was ________ some custom suits to a customer, he was ________ handed two bags of gently ________ suits in return.

“He said I ________ him with how I made his custom suits fit, and he couldn’t wear his old suits anymore.” Schafer found a nonprofit that would ________ the suits, but as time went on, more of his ________ did the same thing. At the suggestion of a friend, he decided to found his own nonprofit, Sharp Dressed Man.

The organization’s space ________ a traditional men’s clothing store, ________with volunteer tailors and racks of clothing. It’s open one day a week for those who have been referred.

Schafer sees the nonprofit as filling the ________ between job training and the ________ required for a person to land a job.“If you treat a guy with ________, he has a better chance of treating himself with it,” he says.

1.A.sorting B.storing C.sewing D.securing

2.A.automatically B.personally C.partly D.generally

3.A.appointed to B.accustomed to C.referred to D.opposed to

4.A.promoting B.arranging C.rewarding D.equipping

5.A.occasions B.discounts C.benefits D.systems

6.A.thus B.meanwhile C.otherwise D.instead

7.A.found B.launched C.surrounded D.shifted

8.A.escaping B.returning C.differing D.hearing

9.A.counting B.transporting C.measuring D.packing

10.A.delivering B.ordering C.folding D.advertising

11.A.naturally B.doubtfully C.urgently D.unexpectedly

12.A.donated B.alternative C.worn D.clumsy

13.A.bothered B.spoiled C.discouraged D.interrupted

14.A.exhibit B.possess C.accept D.clean

15.A.relatives B.designers C.clerks D.clients

16.A.suits B.threatens C.resembles D.strengthens

17.A.adequate B.complete C.economic D.complicated

18.A.hardship B.relationship C.gap D.position

19.A.status B.feel C.talent D.look

20.A.dignity B.curiosity C.honesty D.caution


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.A 11.D 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.D 16.C 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了非盈利性时尚着装组织是如何产生的,以及这个组织如何帮助一些特定的人群的。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:作为一个生活在Baltimore无家可归的老兵,Freburger先生往往很难获得这么一套衣服,尤其还是一套为他个别选定的。A. sorting分类;B. storing储存;C. sewing缝纫;D. securing获得。Freburger先生是一位无家可归的老兵,所以很难获得或者得到这样一套服装。故选D项。 2.考查副词词义辨析。句意:作为一个生活在Baltimore无家可归的老兵,Freburger先生往往很难获得这么一套衣服,尤其还是一套为他个别选定的。A. automatically自动地;B. personally个别地;C. partly部分地;D. generally一般地。这套衣服不是随便挑选的,而是个别或专门为他而定的,“私人订制”式的。故选B项。 3.考查动词短语辨析。句意:但是,在这种情况下,他被人介绍到非盈利性时尚着装组织这里。四个选项的意思需要结合前面的was来A. was appointed to被指派;B. was accustomed to习惯于;C. was referred to被带去(某处寻求帮助);D. was opposed to反对(某事物)。Freburger先生要去参加葬礼,但自己是个穷人,所以其他人介绍他到这个慈善组织这里来接受帮助。refer sb. to…将某人送交/介绍给……(接受帮助)用在这里符合题意,故选C项。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:自从2011年以来,这个组织一直通过给人们提供合身的套装,用于参加面试或用作其他场合,来帮助他们改善他们的生活。A. promoting促销,促进;B. arranging安排,排列;C. rewarding奖赏,奖励;D. equipping配备,装备。面试或其他场合需要着装得体,这个组织给人们这类帮助。equip sb. with sth表示给某人配备某物,给某人提供某物,符合题意。故选D项。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:自从2011年以来,这个组织一直通过给人们提供合身的套装,用于参加面试或用作其他场合,来帮助他们改善他们的生活。A. occasions场合;B. discounts折扣;C. benefits益处;D. systems体系。and连接的内容是并列的,根据and前面的职场面试,其他场合这个选项符合题意。故选A项。 6.考查副词词义辨析。句意:这个组织提供的不是“从架子上随便抓件衣服”的那种体验,而是“量体裁衣”私人订制风格的那种体验。A. thus因此;B. meanwhile与此同时;C. otherwise否则;D. instead反而,取而代之。这个组织不是随随便便拿件衣服,代替这种随便态度的是量体裁衣,私人订制,instead用在这里符合题意。故选D项。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个非盈利性活动是由服装设计师Christopher Schafer发起的。A. found发现;B. launched发起;C. surrounded包围;D. shifted转移。该题最容易误选A,found作为动词原形,表示建立,但此处是被动语态,应填founded。设计师发起了这项活动,符合题意。故选B项。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:从伦敦回来后不久,他在Baltimore市中心开了家店。他在伦敦学的是测量和设计。A. escaping逃跑;B. returning返回;C. differing不同;D. hearing听到。他在伦敦学习,然后回到Baltimore开店。故选B项。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:从伦敦回来后不久,他在Baltimore市中心开了家店。他在伦敦学的是测量和设计。A. counting计算;B. transporting运输;C. measuring测量;D. packing打包。他是个设计师,需要学习跟制作衣服相关的知识,包括量体裁衣。故选C项。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一次,当他给一个顾客送一些订制西装时,他没想到这个顾客给了他两袋没穿过几次的旧衣服。A. delivering送货,递送;B. ordering订购,命令;C. folding折叠;D. advertising登广告。他给顾客设计衣服,制作好了之后,要送货给对方。故选A项。 11.考查副词词义辨析。句意:一次,当他给一个顾客送一些订制西装时,他没想到这个顾客给了他两袋没穿过几次的旧衣服。A. naturally自然地;B. doubtfully怀疑地;C. urgently紧急地;D. unexpectedly出乎意料地。他是送货给对方的,对方给了他两袋没怎么穿过的衣服,这是他没有料到的。故选D项。 12.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一次,当他给一个顾客送一些订制西装时,他没想到这个顾客给了他两袋没穿过几次的旧衣服。A. donated捐赠的;B. alternative可选择的;C. worn穿过的;D. clumsy笨拙的。顾客因为有了设计师设计的新的合身的衣服,所以给设计师的是自己穿过的,磨损不严重的(gently worn)衣服。故选C项。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他说,我给他量身定制的衣服把他给宠坏了,他不能再穿自己以前的旧衣服了。A. bothered使烦恼;B. spoiled宠坏;C. discouraged使泄气;D. interrupted打断。有了好的衣服,旧的就不想穿了,就像被宠坏了一样。故选B项。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Schafer找到了一家非盈利性机构可以接受这些衣服,但随着时间的流逝,他的客户中,越来越多的人做同样的事。A. exhibit展示;B. possess拥有;C. accept接受;D. clean清理。他没创建这个组织之前,是捐给其他非盈利性机构,机构接受这些衣服。故选C项。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Schafer找到了一家非盈利性机构可以接受这些衣服,但随着时间的流逝,他的客户中,越来越多的人做同样的事。A. relatives亲属;B.designers设计者;C. clerks职员;D. clients客户。先是有一个客户怎么做,然后是越来越多的客户做同样的事。故选D项。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个组织跟传统的制衣店相似,里面有充当志愿者的裁缝,还有许多的衣服。A. suits适合;B. threatens威胁;C. resembles相似;D. strengthens加强。传统的制衣店有裁缝,有成架成架的衣服。结合上文,这个组织跟它相似,也有裁缝给前来求助者量体裁衣。故选C项。 17.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这个组织跟传统的制衣店相似,里面有充当志愿者的裁缝,还有许多的衣服。A. adequate足够的;B. complete完整的;C. economic经济的;D. complicated复杂的。这个组织也有裁缝和许多的衣服,跟传统制衣店相似。complete with something意为“装备有某物,具有某特点”符合题意。故选B项。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Schafer认为这个非盈性组织填补了工作培训与获得一份工作所需要的外貌之间的空白。A. hardship艰苦;B. relationship关系;C. gap缺口,空隙;D. position位置。职场培训要求,外貌端正去参加工作面试,才会有机会被录用。这之间的缺口就是很多人没有适当的衣服使自己看起来外貌端正,而这个组织刚好填补了这一缺口,为求助者提供适当的衣服。fill the gap填补空白。故选C项。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. status地位;B. feel感受;C. talent天赋;D. look外貌。一个人找工作,需要注意自己的外貌部分。衣着得体才有可能被录用。故选D项。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果你给予对方尊严,很有可能,对方也会尊重自己。A. dignity尊严;B. curiosity好奇心;C. honesty诚信;D. caution谨慎。给予一个人礼遇和尊严,对方也会觉得自己是重要的,也会尊重自己。故选A项。

Sorry for failing to get what you wanted. He kept silent about the matter except saying ______.

A.that’s his feet of clay B.a little bird told him

C.he wanted to kill the fatted calf D.he was the salt of the earth



A man ought to follow his heart when reading, or _____ he reads as a task will do him little good.

A.that B.how C.why D.what



The manager said that not one mistake _____ to see reported to him in the following month.

A.would he want B.had he wanted C.he would want D.he had wanted



When asked about their opinion about the schoolmaster ,many teachers would prefer to see him step aside __________ younger men.

A.in terms of B.in need of C.in favor of D.in praise of



Unfortunately, Puccini died of a heart attack ______ he completed this final scene, and it had to be completed by one of his former students, Franco Alfano.

A.when B.before C.after D.since



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