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Aspirin has long been believed to help p...

    Aspirin has long been believed to help prevent heart attacks and strokes(中风).Some studies have shown that it also has a protective effect against certain types of cancer. As a result, some people religiously pop a low-dose(低剂量的) aspirin after breakfast every day (never take one on an empty stomach). But now its status as a wonder drug has come into question, following a meta-analysis of trial evidence.

A meta-analysis reviews the results of a large number of trials and can therefore come to more certain conclusions. This latest review was published this May in The Journal of the American Medical Association.It focused on the connection between aspirin use and cardiovascular(心血管的) and bleeding events. It found that the well-known risk that aspirin can cause internal bleeding is as great as the benefits of preventing heart attacks and strokes. In some cases, the risk even outweighs the benefits.

Aspirin thins the blood, thus helping to prevent blood clots (血栓). For his reason, it is a good drug for protecting people who have already had a heart attack or stroke from having another. However, the 164,225 people in these trials had no history of cardiovascular disease. They were monitored for an average of six years, during which time they took a daily aspirin or placebo(安慰剂).Among those who took aspirin, there were about 11% fewer heart attacks and strokes but 43% higher likelihood of a major bleeding episode in the stomach, brain or intestine(肠道).

Dr Sean Zheng, a cardiology(心脏病学) researcher at King’s College London, said that taking a daily aspirin couldn’t be recommended for healthy people. But there might still be a case for people with a higher risk of a heart attack or stroke, he added. However, it would be important to consider the bleeding risk.

“Aspirin use requires discussion between the patient and their physician, with the knowledge that any small potential cardiovascular benefits are weighed up against the real risk of severe bleeding." he said.

The findings reflect the average likelihood of bleeds or heart attacks among the patients in all the trials. There will be people among them who would be better off taking aspirin and those who will be worse. It's yet another situation where we need to weigh up our individual risk and benefit--- maybe with the help of an understanding GP.

1.Which of the following is NOT a reason why some people take an aspirin every day?

A.They want to lower their risk of having a heart attack

B.They hope to protect themselves against some cancers

C.They want to ensure they don't have a sick stomach

D.They aim to make sure they won't suffer another stroke

2.What can be concluded from the recent meta-analysis?

A.That aspirin does more harm than good to the human body

B.That aspirin frequently causes internal bleeding because it thins the blood

C.That previous research into the effects of aspirin on the human body was unreliable.

D.That taking aspirin is not worth the risk or those with no history of heart tacks or strokes.

3.What should people do before taking aspirin, according to the article?

A.To have a thorough physical examination

B.To ask for others' opinions on the internet.

C.To read the findings of new studies on aspirin

D.To talk with a doctor familiar with their condition

4.The article was probably written by ________

A.the director of a hospital

B.a public health journalist

C.the CEO of a medical company

D.a representative for an insurance company


1.C 2.D 3.D 4.B 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了关于阿司匹林的新发现——经过对试验证据的荟萃分析,阿司匹林作为一种神奇药物的地位受到质疑——服用也有风险。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Aspirin has long been believed to help prevent heart attacks and strokes(中风).Some studies have shown that it also has a protective effect against certain types of cancer. As a result, some people religiously pop a low-dose(低剂量的) aspirin after breakfast every day.”可知,阿司匹林长期以来被认为有助于预防心脏病发作和中风,一些研究表明它对某些类型的癌症也有保护作用,因此,有些人每天早餐后都会虔诚地服用小剂量阿司匹林,而没有提到人们服用阿司匹林是因为它可以预防或治疗胃病,故C项正确。 2.推理判断题。根据第二段中的“It found that the well-known risk that aspirin can cause internal bleeding is as great as the benefits of preventing heart attacks and strokes. In some cases, the risk even outweighs the benefits.”可知,荟萃分析的结论发现阿司匹林有引起内出血的风险和预防心脏病发作和中风的好处一样大,在某些情况下,风险甚至超过了益处,再根据第三段中的“However, the 164,225 people in these trials had no history of cardiovascular disease. They were monitored for an average of six years, during which time they took a daily aspirin or placebo(安慰剂).Among those who took aspirin, there were about 11% fewer heart attacks and strokes but 43% higher likelihood of a major bleeding episode in the stomach, brain or intestine(肠道).”可知,这些试验中的164225人没有心血管疾病史,他们接受了平均6年的监测,在此期间,他们每天服用阿司匹林或安慰剂(安非他命),服用阿司匹林的人中,心脏病发作和中风的几率减少了11%,但胃、脑或肠大出血发作的可能性增加了43%,由此可知,阿司匹林不值得冒险服用,也不值得那些没有心脏病或中风病史的人服用,故D项正确。 3.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段““Aspirin use requires discussion between the patient and their physician, with the knowledge that any small potential cardiovascular benefits are weighed up against the real risk of severe bleeding." he said.”,可知,他说“阿司匹林的使用需要患者和他们的医生进行讨论,因为他们知道任何小的潜在心血管益处都要与严重出血的实际风险相权衡。”,也就是说,人们在服用阿司匹林前应该与熟悉他们病情的医生谈一下,故D项正确。 4.推理判断题。通读全文,特别是根据第一段中的“But now its status as a wonder drug has come into question, following a meta-analysis of trial evidence.”可知,本文主要介绍了关于阿司匹林的新发现——经过对试验证据的荟萃分析,阿司匹林作为一种神奇药物的地位受到质疑(服用也有风险),这属于公众健康话题,因此这篇文章很有可能出自一名公众健康记者之手,故B项正确。


The Campus Bookstore
Bookie’s , the campus bookstore is located at the Campus Activity Centre , main floor .
Bookie’s is the only place in Kamloops to buy your course textbooks . There is a booklist in the bookstore listing the books required for each course . If you need help in finding your course textbooks , ask any of the staff in the bookstore .
There are more than just textbooks at bookie’s . They carry a wide variety of stationary , art supplies and gift items . You can also buy telephone cards , postage stamps and bus passes . You must show your student card to get a discount for the bus passes .

1) Do I need my receipt to return books ?
Yes .
2) How long do I have to return books ?
Books purchased must be returned within ten
working days of the date of the purchase .
3) What if I wrote my name in the book ?
Unfortunately , we cannot give you a full
refund for books not in mint condition as
publishers will not accept this for credit .
4) What happens if I miss the last day for return ?
We may purchase the text book as “ used ” in
accordance with our Buyback program .
5) What if I discover that my book has missing
Pages half way through the semester ?
We will replace thedefectivebooks , new or
used , for a like copy of that title . Cash
refunds are not given for defective books
returned outside the normal return dates .

1) What books do you buy back ?
We buy back all current edition textbooks .
If we do not use them at UCC , we buy them
2) How much do I get for my books ?
If bookie’s is buying the book for use at
UCC , you will receive 50% of the current
new retail price . In order to receive optimum
buyback price , discs and supplements must
accompany the book .
3) What happens to the books that I sell ?
Books for bookie’s are processed by our
staff and sold to students at 75% of the new
retail price .
4) What condition do my books need to be in ?
Books should be in good condition , meaning
that the cover is still attached and all pages
intact . Highlighting , notes and markings on
the pages are perfectly fine . Workbooks and
study guides are generally not purchased
back unless they are free of all markings . No
sales receipt is required for these books .

Bookstore Hours
Monday—Thursday 9:00am—6:00pm
Friday 9:00am—5:00pm
Saturday and Sunday Closed


1.The intended readers of this passage are __________ .

A.Book dealers B.University students

C.Publishers D.Campus staff

2.The underlined word “defective” can best be replaced by __________ .

A.faulty B.adapted C.new D.latest

3.Bookie’s will not buy back your used textbook if __________ .

A.you have lost the sales receipt

B.there are markings and notes on the pages

C.the cover of the book is missing

D.you miss the last day for return

4.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage ?

A.Bookie’s is a place for students to buy their course textbooks .

B.Student cards are needed to get a discount for the textbooks .

C.Books bought in bookie’s can be returned within ten working days .

D.Books bought back are processed by the staff and sold to students .



    Even now she calls my attention every day to mispronounced words. All teachers of the deaf know what this means, and only they can at all appreciate the peculiar difficulties with which I had to contend.

I had to use the sense of touch in catching the vibrations (振动)of the throat, the movements of the mouth and the expression of the face; and often this sense was at fault. In such cases I was forced to repeat the words or sentences, sometimes for hours, until I felt the proper "ring" in my own voice. My work was practice, practice, practice. Discouragement and weariness cast me down frequently. But the next moment the thought that I should soon be at home and show my loved ones what I had accomplished renewed my courage and spurred(激励)me on, and I eagerly looked forward to their pleasure in my achievement.

“ My little sister will understand me now, " was a thought stronger than all obstacles. I was filled with joy while I anticipated the delight of talking to my dear mother and reading her responses from her lips. It astonished me to find how much easier it is to talk than to spell with the fingers, and I discarded the manual alphabet as a medium of communication on my part. But my teacher and a few friends still use it in speaking to me, for it is more convenient than lip reading.

Perhaps I had better explain our use of the manual alphabet, which seems to puzzle people who do not know us. One who reads or talks to me spells with his hand, using the single-hand manual alphabet usually employed by the deaf. The position of the hand is as easy to feel as it is to see. I do not feel each letter any more than you see each letter separately when you read. Constant practice makes the fingers very flexible, and some of my friends spell rapidly --about as fast as an expert writes on a typewriter. The mere spelling is, of course, no more a conscious act than it is in writing.

When I had made speech my own, I could not wait to go home. At last, the happiest of happy moments arrived.

1.According to the article, what kind of communication method did the author prefer?

A.Typing B.Lip reading

C.Finger spell D.Talk

2.To pronounce words correctly, the author had to do the following EXCEPT ________

A.Overcome a sense of failure and tiredness for hours

B.repeatedly practice words with patience

C.draw the attention of her highly demanding teacher

D.use the sense of touch in catching people's expression

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.Finger spelling is actually an unconscious act

B.The blind feel each letter separately when reading

C.It is easy for the deaf to use the manual alphabet

D.It is dull to repeat the same words for hours

4.It can be inferred from the article that the author is ________

A.conservative B.negative

C.positive D.humorous



    April Fool’s Day and Easter Sunday rarely coincide. Since 1900, Easter has fallen on April Fools’ Day for only five times--1923,1934, 1945, 1956 and 2018. Obviously, it's a once-in-a-lifetime chance to play Easter-themed pranks on your children. Here are some suggestions.

A treasure hunt with a twist

A fantastic Easter Sunday tradition is to do a treasure hunt where the Easter Bunny has left eggs around your house. Each egg has a small written clue or riddle (谜语)directing the children to where they can find the next one. But when April Fools' Day and Easter Sunday coincide, why not leave some carrots in their place, instead of hiding chocolate eggs ?On the third or fourth clue, you can make it appear as if the Faster Bunny has left a note apologizing for eating all the chocolate but saying they hope you enjoy this left-behind lunch.

An Easter basket with a difference

Prepare an Easter basket for the children, and either wrap it up or cover it up so that the contents can’t be seen. Have a card from the Easter Bunny next to it which they can open first, with a message that the Easter Bunny wants them to have an extra special Easter and so has prepared a special gift for them. But rather than chocolate or sweets, what you've put in the basket is incredibly dull stuff that kids will be completely unimpressed by---new toothpaste, some socks or a packet of batteries.

A sticky situation

“You' ll need to prepare this in advance. Buy some of the plastic eggs that contain toys. Unwrap them, open them and then carefully glue them shut and re-wrap them. You don't have to be too tidy---your children are going to be thinking about getting to the toy and are not going to be suspicious. Sit back and enjoy them trying and failing to open the eggs.

The invisible Easter egg hunt

This is an excellent plan if you have a garden. Tell the children there is an Faster egg hunt in the garden and lead them there.Close the back door. Let your children spend ages searching fruitlessly for Easter eggs that you haven't actually hidden. After you have enjoyed a rare ten minutes of peace and quiet indoors, while they get increasingly confused and frustrated, go into the garden claiming to have found a note from the Easter Bunny. The note reads "April Fool."

1.The target readers of this passage are ________

A.Schoolchildren B.head teachers in schools

C.children who have younger siblings D.parents of young children

2.Which of the pranks is most likely to require a large outdoor space?

A.A treasure hunt with a twist B.An Easter basket with a difference

C.A sticky situation D.The invisible Easter egg hunt

3.Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?

A.A treasure hunt for carrots is an Easter tradition

B.April Fools Day and Easter Sunday coincide every 11 years

C.Children are usually disappointed at gifts like socks and batteries

D.All of the four recommended pranks require extensive preparations



    There is more to saying "sorry”, __________ a study led by researchers at Ohio State University found that effective apologies---ones that were accepted by the __________ and allowed both parties to move on with no hostility (敌意)---have six elements. They are expressing regret, explaining what went wrong, acknowledging responsibility, declaring repentance (悔悟) , offering to __________ the situation, and requesting forgiveness. The more of those components, the more likely the apology is seen as __________. Of course, not all errors are created equal. Therefore, you might need to adjust your apology __________ the circumstances. Here are a few tips:

Sincerity trumps(胜过) timing

A little cool-off time could help. Sometimes an immediate apology is _________ .But if the other party is angry at your wrongdoing. If may be more effective to wait because their anger may prevent them from being __________ to an apology. __________ , waiting can benefit you, too, The best time to apologize is when one feels ready to sincerely apologize..

Explain: don't excuse

Admitting being wrong is __________ and can make people worried that they’re bad people. They often water down their apology with excuses which __________ the responsibility part of the apology to save face.

Excuses may include examples like"I’m very sorry, but in my defense, you started it. " This is a non-apology. It uses the form of an apology but follows it up by __________ responsibility to the offended person, implying he or she is too sensitive.

Let your body do the talking

Experts agree that __________ apologies beat phoned-in, e-mailed and handwritten ones. Facial expressions, posture and the tone of voice are all important __________ that convey sincerity when you express repentance. Anyone can type" feel ashamed, " but if you say it  __________ , it's obvious whether or not you mean it.

A phone call is second best. You’ll convey emotions with your voice and get instant feedback. E-mailed apologies aren’t ideal. They lack emotional signals. A victim can exploit written apologies and do harm to the apologizer. Being a victim does not __________ transform one into a good person.

1.A.For instance B.In other word C.In fact D.Of course

2.A.offended B.defended C.needed D.accused

3.A.explain B.reset C.solve D.fix

4.A.reliable B.credible C.valuable D.insincere

5.A.judging by B.speaking of C.considering D.depending on

6.A.called for B.taken up C.looked into D.sought for

7.A.reluctant B.willing C.additive D.receptive

8.A.Hence B.Moreover C.However D.Thereby

9.A.tolerable B.worthless C.painful D.delightful

10.A.build up B.play down C.add to D.back up

11.A.shifting B.offering C.giving D.conveying

12.A.sincere B.instant C.false D.face-face

13.A.features B.weapons C.channels D.expressions

14.A.vividly B.slowly C.live D.clearly

15.A.consequently B.significantly C.necessarily D.dramatically



Direction: After reading  the passage below. Fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct

Increasingly, various phrases have been taking over a good old-fashioned "thank you" or "you’re welcome" in daily conversations in the United States. While 1. (dine)at a restaurant, when a waiter comes by to ask Americans 2. .they would like more water or bread, do you notice that they often say " I'm good,” rather than "no, thank you?” When someone thanks them for holding the door open, "no problem "is almost the same response as "you're welcome”.

Are Americans becoming ruder, 3. (abandon) traditional polite phrases, or are the words they use now just updated versions of the same emotion?

According to Lisa Gache, co-founder of Beverly Hills Manners, the decline of these magic words in our everyday conversation has to do with the preference 4. all things casual in our society today. Casual conversation, casual dress and casual behavior are present in all areas of life.

And apparently Americans agree with her. A survey 5. (conduct)by Rasmussen Reports revealed that 76 percent of those surveyed thought that Americans were becoming "ruder and 6. (civil).”

But is using phrases like "no problem"or “you bet"or " enjoy” really rude? Does more casual

phrasing erase the original emotion of gratitude? Doesn’t "no, thank you" sometimes sound a little too formal, perhaps even a little too harsh(刺耳的), 7. it begins with a “no”?

Emily Post Senning, 8. great-grandmother set the standard on manners with the book Etiquette, thought that while the principles of respect and consideration are "universal and timeless, " actual manners change over time and between cultures, 9. do the words used to express gratitude and appreciation.

It's probably not a bad idea 10. (remember)to say "please" and "thank you,” but don’t beat yourself up thinking you're a horrible person if you say "have a good one" instead of "have a nice day.”



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