满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Many people put off going to a doctor be...

    Many people put off going to a doctor because of being scared. The _______ of doctors is not unusual at all. People do not go to the doctor often for many _______. Some people just do not like the idea of going to a doctor _______ for a checkup (体格检查). Other people do not want to hear what a doctor says about their _______ or worry that their condition is _______ than what it really is.

Having a fear of doctors has _______ to many people. If you are one of them, you must think about the results of what will happen. When you _______ decide to see a doctor, your health condition may get worse _______ time. This could _______ you thousands of dollars in the medical service. By then, your ________ of recovering is pretty small. So it is ________ for you to see a doctor as early as possible.

You’d better take someone along with you. This can ________ you to go to a doctor. The fear of doctors happens to the ________ of us when we do not know what health problems we have.________ you have found out your medical condition, you will not have any more ________.

If you go to a doctor in the beginning, the doctor will tell you what is wrong and your condition can be _________ in time with the right medical care. Therefore, most conditions, if ________ in time, can be turned around in just a few days. If you wait too long, then sometimes surgery (外科手术) needs to be done. However, you can ________ it by seeing a doctor when your health problems first ________ In a word, if you ________ your fear of doctors, you’ll live a longer and healthier life.

1.A.fear B.attitude C.love D.desire

2.A.ideas B.reasons C.excuses D.ways

3.A.seldom B.still C.ever D.even

4.A.relationship B.instruction C.condition D.operation

5.A.sadder B.worse C.better D.harder

6.A.come B.turned C.appeared D.happened

7.A.rarely B.simply C.finally D.actually

8.A.for B.with C.in D.at

9.A.cost B.afford C.offer D.waste

10.A.challenge B.chance C.decision D.expectation

11.A.necessary B.convenient C.proper D.normal

12.A.lead B.force C.require D.encourage

13.A.most B.rest C.few D.best

14.A.Although B.Once C.While D.Since

15.A.questions B.suggestions C.worries D.pains

16.A.recognized B.learned C.avoided D.cured

17.A.found B.ignored C.described D.created

18.A.solve B.help C.prevent D.hide

19.A.came about B.came after C.broke out D.broke in

20.A.get over B.get along C.turn over D.turn around


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.B 11.A 12.D 13.A 14.B 15.C 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.A 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇议论文。文章主要讲述了大部分人害怕看医生,但推迟看医生是有风险的,在合适的时间去看医生可以避免情况的恶化。如果你克服了看医生的恐惧,或许你会活得更健康。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:表示对医生的恐惧是很常见的。A.fear恐惧;B.attitude 态度;C.love爱;D.desire渴望,欲望。由空前的because of being scared可知,此处表示对医生的恐惧。故选A。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:人们不愿意看医生通常有许多原因。A.ideas主意,想法;B.reasons原因;C.excuses借口;D.ways方法。根据分析下文可知,人们不愿意看医生有很多原因。故选B。 3.考查副词词义辨析。句意:一些人就是不喜欢看医生,甚至不喜欢去医院接受体格检查。A. Seldom很少;B.still仍然;C.ever曾经;D.even甚至。根据上文可知,这里应选even,表示递进。故选D。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:许多人就是不想听到医生谈到他们的病情。A.relationship关系;B. instruction指示,说明;C.condition健康状况;D.operation手术,运转,运行;分析上文可知,这是人们不想看医生的原因之一;且下文中的“worry that their condition”也是信息提示。故选C。 5.考查形容词比较级辨析。句意:人们担心他们的病情比真实的要糟糕。A.sadder更悲伤的;B.worse更糟糕的;C.better更好的;D.harder更难的。分析上下文可知,修饰病情应用worse(更糟糕的)。故选B。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:对医生有恐惧感发生在许多人身上。 A.come来;B.turned转向;C.appeared出现;D.happened发生。 happen to sb.固定搭配,意为“某人发生什么事情”,符合语境。故选D。 7.考查副词词义辨析。句意:当你最后决定去看医生的时候,你的身体状况可能会随着时间的推移变得更糟了。A.rarely罕见,很少;B.simply仅仅;C.finally最后,终于;D.actually 实际上。分析上文可知,这里指当你最后决定看医生时,finally符合语境。故选C。 8.考查副词词义辨析。句意:当你最后决定去看医生的时候,你的身体状况可能会随着时间的推移变得更糟了。with time固定搭配,意为“随着时间的推移”,符合语境。故选B。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:不及时就医可能导致病情恶化,这会花费你成千上万的钱。A.cost花费;B.afford 支付得起;C.offer主动提供;D.waste浪费。根据上下文可知,病情恶化会花费更多的钱,故 cost符合语境。故选A。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:到那个时候,康复的可能性(chance)就很小了。A.challenge挑战;B.chance机会,可能性;C.decision决定;D.expectation期望。根据上文可知,一旦病情恶化,恢复的可能性就很小了,故chance符合语境。故选B。 11.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:对你来说,尽早看医生很有必要(necessary)。A.necessary必要的;B.convenient方便的;C.proper合适的;D.normal正常的。根据上文可知,人们有各种各样推迟看医生的理由,故导致病情恶化,所以尽早看医生很有必要。故选A。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:你最好带一个人和你一起(去看医生),这样能鼓励你去看医生。A.lead带领;B.force逼迫;C.require要求;D.encourage鼓励。根据上下文可知,有一个人陪你看医生,可以给你勇气,鼓励你。故选D。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:对我们大多数人来说,当我们不知道我们有什么健康问题的时候,我们会对医生产生恐惧。A.most大多数的;B.rest其余的;C.few很少的;D.best最好的。分析上下文可知,对大多数人都会对医生产生恐惧。故选A。 14.考查连接词词义辨析。句意:一旦你知道了你的病情,你就没有什么担心的了。 A. Although 尽管;B.Once一旦;C.While然而;D.Since自从。分析上下文可知,我们害怕去看医生的原因是我们不知道自己有什么健康问题,但是一旦知道了自己的病情,就没什么可担心的了。故选B。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一旦你知道了你的病情,你就没有什么担心的了。 A. questions问题;B.suggestions建议;C.worries担心;D.pains痛苦。分析上下文可知,明白了自己的病情,就不担心了。故选C。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:医生会告诉你,你的病会被及时治愈。A.recognized认可,辨认出;B.learned学到;C.avoided避免;D.cured治愈。分析上下文可知,弄清楚了病情,医生会告诉你,你的病会被及时治愈的。故选D。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:因此,大多数情况,如果及时发现,可以在几天内扭转。A. found发现;B.ignored无视,忽视,对……置之不理;C.described描述;D.created创造。根据上下文可知,此处表示“及时发现”。故选A。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,当你的健康问题第一次出现时,你可以去看医生来阻止它。A.solve解决;B.help帮助C.prevent阻止;D.hide藏。分析上下文可知,当生病的时候一定要及时看医生来治疗,阻止病情恶化。故选C。 19.考查动词短语辨析。句意:当你的健康问题第一次发生的时候。A.come out 发生;B.come after查找,追查;C.break out爆发,突然发生;D.break in闯入,插话。分析上文可知,当你的健康问题第一次发生时,你可以去看医生来阻止病情恶化。故选A。 20.考查动词短语辨析。句意:如果你克服了对医生的恐惧,那么你会过上更长寿、更健康的生活。A.get over克服;B.get along与……和睦相处;C.turn over翻转,翻身;D.turn around(使)好转,扭转。分析全文可知,如果你克服了对医生的恐惧,或许你会活得更健康。故选A。

How to be successful in school

Success in school is based on your grades as well as the friends you make. Be attentive in class and raise your hand to answer questions. Most students in school are successful, but some aren’t. 1.

Remember you are in school to learn. Study more about the stuff you are learning. 2. To start with, ask your mom or your dad to give you some questions about what you’re learning. If any is wrong, try to redo it. If you get high grades you will be able to get a scholarship (奖学金) to any college of your choice. Even if you are not planning to go to college, a good high school report card will get you a better job.

Smile and be friendly to others. A true smile brings out your kind quality! Give them honest praise when you talk to them. 3. Do not talk about others, do not gossip (说长道短), but help others if they need you.

Be polite at all times. 4. How you act in high school is also showed on your high school records. These records remain with you forever and could be the difference between becoming highly successful and unsuccessful.

Be sociable. Study is important, but don’t forget your friends because of it. 5. If you are always busy whenever your friends want to chat with you, it will be a huge warning sign.

A. If you don’t, you won’t do well in it.

B. Popularity is not as important as your future.

C. Spare some time for them to go out or go to a movie.

D. Show them you are interested in making friends with them.

E. Read this article to help yourself become successful.

F. How you behave towards others shows your personal quality.

G. Understand that not every person you meet wants to become your friend.



    Four friends live in a small town and play basketball together. Lane is new to the town. He, s really good at basketball. “If anyone in this small town beats me on the court (球场), I’ll eat my hat.” He really thought no one could beat him at basketball.

One night after shooting hoops, the four friends were in a restaurant. As Lane talked about how great he had played, the owner of the restaurant came over with their food.

The old man smiled. “I used to shoot a lot,” he remembered fondly. “It’s quite a game.” The friends agreed with him. They had a great conversation with the old man about how basketball had changed over the years.

Lane, however, was upset. “It’s nice that you played once. But basketball is a game for young people like me,” he said.

“That’s the truth,” the old man laughed. “My tired old legs could never go up and down the court.”

“Yeah, restaurant work is more suited to an old person.” Lane said.

Lane said “an old person” as if it were a bad phrase. Lane’s friends were embarrassed at his behavior. The old man just smiled.

“Well, there is one thing that I can still do quite well. I can shoot a mean free throw.” He added, “In fact, I might even beat you, young man.”

Lane laughed at this. His friends, who knew the old man better than Lane, said nothing. Lane invited the old man to a friendly free-throw competition the next day.

“If you beat me at free throws, I’ll...” Lane paused, not knowing what to bet.

The owner thought of it for him. “If you lose, you must wait tables in my restaurant for a week.”

Lane agreed and they shook on it. They arranged to meet at the basketball court the next day at noon. The town is that small. At the appointed time,  spectators (观众) filled the seats around the basketball court.

Lane went first. He made 24 excellent free-throw shots. But he missed his 25th throw.

The old man walked slowly over to the free-throw line. He sank shot after shot, all of them perfect.

The old man was still shooting to the roar of the crowd when Lane left the court with his tail between his legs.

At first Lane was too embarrassed to go into the restaurant. But finally, he swallowed his pride and apologized to the old man. The old man graciously (和蔼地) gave Lane an apron, then watched as the young man waited on his first customer.

1.What do we know about Lane?

A.He was honest with old people.

B.He felt too proud of his basketball skills.

C.He looked down upon his friends.

D.He was the best basketball player in his town.

2.How did Lane’s friends feel about his behavior towards the old man?

A.Satisfying. B.Frightening.

C.Brave. D.Embarrassing.

3.What did Lane do after seeing the restaurant owner’s good performance?

A.He went away halfway.

B.He congratulated him.

C.He showed anger to it.

D.He admired his success.

4.How did the story end up?

A.Lane refused to wait tables there.

B.Lane no longer played basketball.

C.Lane lost face and accepted the result of the bet.

D.Lane tried harder to play basketball.



    The British have long been known for their love of tea, but people in London also drink a lot of coffee. In fact, the average Londoner reportedly drinks 2.3 cups of coffee every day.

And now, waste coffee grounds (咖啡渣) will be used to help fuel part of the city’s transportation system.

A technology company announced on Monday that some buses will be using a biofuel (生物燃料) that contains coffee oil.

The company, bio-bean, and its partner, Argent Energy, say they have made enough coffee oil to power one of London’s famous double-decker buses for a year.

The announcement made bio-bean a trending story on social media.

The government agency Transport for London has been turning to biofuels to cut production of carbon emissions. Carbon emissions are the gas produced by the burning of carbon, and the gas is released into the atmosphere.

London’s mayor, Sadiq Khan, said last month that his city has a “health crisis ... caused directly by poor-quality air”. The government has taken steps to discourage people from driving cars that do not meet European Union emissions requirements.

bio-bean said Londoners produce over 200, 000 tons of waste coffee grounds a year. The company said it collects waste grounds from chain coffee shops and factories. The grounds are dried and processed to remove coffee oil.

“It’s a great example of what can be done when we start to reimagine waste as an untapped resource,” said one of bio-bean founders Arthur Kay. The coffee fuel technology has been receiving support from the oil company Royal Dutch Shell plc.

1.The main reason why some buses use biofuels is ______.

A.to show the Londoners prefer coffee to tea

B.to improve the speed of the bus in London

C.to lower carbon emissions

D.to encourage people to go to work by bus

2.Where do the waste coffee grounds come from?

A.The city’s transportation system.

B.The European Union.

C.Royal Dutch Shell pic.

D.Chain coffee shops and factories.

3.What does the underlined word “untapped” mean in the last paragraph?

A.undeveloped B.unforgotten

C.explored D.abandoned

4.What may be the best title for the text?

A.Coffee Grounds to Help Power London’s Buses

B.The Use of Coffee

C.Coffee Culture in London

D.A New Way of Using a Biofuel



    You may have a drink at a coffee shop near your campus. But have you ever imagined running a school coffee shop all by yourself?

Eli Gutierrez and Isabella Bacciarini are both 17-year-old students in the USA. Along with some other students, they’re seeing what it’s like to work in the coffee business.

The school principal Jack Carr once suggested that being able to serve drinks at a comfortable area would “be great”. So, Gutierrez and his friends came up with the idea of Cafe Vine.

In order to manage the coffee business well,  Gutierrez took a one-month online course. After he had learned from professionals, Cafe Vine attracted many customers.

Given the success of the business, Gutierrez realized he needed help at the cafe. So he started teaching skills to other students, who could make up their community service hours by serving coffee.

“I actually run a business,” said Bacciarini, a  junior at String Theory High School and manager at Cafe Vine. “Being a girl, We always been told it’s usually a guy who opens a business.”

After becoming the manager and roaster (烘培师) at the cafe, Gutierrez started to use his new skills after school at other coffee shops. And a surprise visit in the spring to Cafe Vine by David Wagaman, president and owner of Capriccio Management, led to another opportunity.

“I said to him, ‘It would be a good idea for you to buy our coffee beans,’” Gulierrez said. Bags of coffee beans from Cafe Vine are now available (可获得的) to buy at all three Capriccio cafes.

While lie’s helping the business in its early stages, Wagaman said he is also benefiting from the school’s coffee start-up.

“It’s helped us find qualified employees,” he said. “It’s not just a job. They feel worthy.”

1.Why does the author use a question at the beginning of this passage?

A.To show having a knowledge of coffee is difficult.

B.To prove running a cafe is impossible.

C.To ask the readers to answer this question.

D.To draw the readers’ interest in reading this passage.

2.How did Eli Gutierrez and Isabella Bacciarini think of the idea of running a cafe?

A.By learning online courses.

B.By learning from others.

C.By listening to a suggestion from the principal.

D.By teaching skills to other students.

3.What’s Bacciarini’s attitude towards Cafe Vine?

A.Doubtful. B.Proud.

C.Worried. D.Critical.

4.What benefit did Wagaman get through cooperation?

A.Running coffee shops near school.

B.Learning management.

C.Selling a lot of coffee beans.

D.Selecting more high quality employees.



The Terracotta Army is one of the must-visit attractions for all travellers to China. The attraction is located in Xi’an, in west China’s Shaanxi Province.

What’s special?

The Terracotta Army is the buried army of Qin Shi Huang, an ancient Chinese emperor. These ancient sculptures were built and buried over two thousand years ago near the city of Xi’an. They were discovered in 1974 by farmers digging a well looking for underground water. Over eight thousand terracotta warriors and horses have been uncovered since then. Each warrior is made of clay (黏土). They are around two meters tall. The sculptures are so detailed that it is possible to guess the age, rank and personality of each one. None of the soldiers are the same.

The best time to visit

The Terracotta Army is an indoor attraction which is not likely to be affected by weather, so it can be visited all year round.

As the museum is one of the must-visit attractions in China, it is crowded most of the time. We advise our customers to avoid the following periods when the museum is particularly crowded:

• National Day Holiday (October 1 -7), when it is fully packed.

• Labour Day Holiday

Weather in winter is dry, cold and the least comfortable, and it’s also the worst season for air quality, but it’s also low season.

Travel style: private, group or independent?

A private tour means a lot of flexibility (灵活性), and you will be well taken care of by a private guide and a driver. The museum is crowded most of the time, but our guides know how to escape the crowds, and help you to enjoy more in the museum. See our 3-Day Terracotta Warriors Private Tour.

Going with a group you won’t get lost, but it lacks flexibility and personal service.

Travelling on your own, you may meet a lot of trouble, such as wasting time on finding a taxi or public bus to the attraction, lining up for tickets, reading maps, making sense of Chinese signs, etc.

1.What can we know about the Terracotta Army?

A. The warriors are made of clay.

B. The warriors are of the same age.

C. It is closed on rainy days.

D. It is usually displayed outdoors.

2.Which is the best time to avoid crowds?

A. Summer holidays.

B. National Day Holiday.

C. Labour Day Holiday.

D. Clear winter days.

3.If you want to travel with least trouble, which should you choose?

A. A private tour.

B. A tour group.

C. Travelling on your own.

D. A family tour.



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