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E-waste is fast becoming a serious globa...

    E-waste is fast becoming a serious global problem. 1.

The source of e-waste

We live in a society that constantly produces and consumes electronic products. It is often cheaper to buy new pieces of equipment than to repair old ones. Also, through clever advertising, companies persuade consumers to replace their old TVs, mobile phones and computers for the latest models. E-waste is created when we throw away electronic equipment like this. In the EU alone, about 8.7 million tonnes of e-waste is produced each year. 2.

The problem with e-waste

Burying e-waste in landfills or burning it causes serious problems for the environment. 3. These substances can then leak into the ground in landfills or pollute the air when they are burnt.

Global recycling schemes (计划)

4. However, their schemes are not always managed properly and sometimes electronics are just sent to poor countries such as Ghana. Here they are often burnt in public areas, which is very bad for people’s health. Setting up recycling programs in the countries that create e-waste could solve this problem. E-cycling centres could recycle the parts that we can reuse and properly dispose of the rest.

Take-back policy

Another solution to e-waste is to make manufacturers responsible for their used products. This could mean forcing them to take back old products which are no longer wanted. 5.

Consuming less

We can all reduce the amount of waste we produce by buying electrical products only when we have to.

A. In recent years, many countries have started recycling e-waste.

B. They should then make sure they are properly recycled or reused.

C. Sadly, just over one million tonnes is recycled.

D. This report will examine this problem and provide some possible solutions.

E. By resisting the temptation to buy a product just to have the latest version, we cut down on e-waste.

F. Electronics contain dangerous chemicals and metals.

G. Both manufacturers and consumers must accept their responsibilities and make efforts to keep it to a minimum.


1.D 2.C 3.F 4.A 5.B 【解析】 这是一篇议论文。本文主要讲了电子垃圾正迅速成为一个严重的全球性问题。本报告将研究这个问题并提供一些可能的解决方案。 1.上文E-waste is fast becoming a serious global problem.说电子垃圾正迅速成为一个严重的全球性问题。该空承接上文,D选项“本报告将研究这个问题并提供一些可能的解决方案”切题,故选D。 2.上文In the EU alone, about 8.7 million tonnes of e-waste is produced each year.说仅在欧盟,每年就产生约870万吨电子垃圾。该空承接上文,C选项“遗憾的是,只有100多万吨被回收”切题,故选C。 3.上文Burying e-waste in landfills or burning it causes serious problems for the environment. 得知将电子垃圾掩埋或焚烧会对环境造成严重的问题。下文These substances can then leak into the ground in landfills or pollute the air when they are burnt.得知这些物质会泄漏到垃圾填埋场的地面,或者在燃烧时污染空气。该空承上启下,F选项“电子产品含有危险的化学物质和金属”切题,故选F。 4.下文However, their schemes are not always managed properly and sometimes electronics are just sent to poor countries such as Ghana.然而,他们的计划并不总是得到妥善管理,有时电子产品只是被送到加纳等贫穷国家。该空引出下文,结合这一段的标题“全球回收计划”,A选项“近年来,许多国家已经开始回收电子垃圾”切题,故选A。 5.上文This could mean forcing them to take back old products which are no longer wanted.这可能意味着迫使他们收回不再需要的旧产品。该空承接上文,B选项“然后,他们应该确保他们是适当的回收或再利用”切题,故选B。

    What exactly is intelligence? There aren’t any easy answers. Despite the progress that has been made in genetics and psychology, human intelligence has remained one of the most controversial areas of modern scienceuntil now, that is, for the discovery of a gene(基因) linked to intelligence has made the experts think again.

Robert Plomin of the Institute of Psychiatry in London and his colleagues in the US have been looking into genetic make-up. From their research, they have discovered that a slightly different gene is more common in those with a high IQ. Plomin analyzed DNA from two groups of 51 children aged between 6 and 15. What he found was that the first group had an IQ of 136, putting them in the top 5% of the population, while the other group had an average IQ of 103. An analysis of their genes showed that 32% of children in the higher group had the gene in question, while only 16% in the second group did. However, there is a lot more research to be done, and Plomin himself is cautious at this early stage. He suggests that there are probably many genes that contribute to intelligence, rather than just one.

Several studies have shown a strong link between IQ and career success, although some psychologists remain unconvinced about this. Professor Michael Rowe, who has written a book called Genius Explained, is one of these. “The people with the highest IQs are not usually the ones who do best in their careers.”

Many psychologists now believe that when it comes to intelligence, IQ isn’t everything. Many alternative views have been put forward recently. One example is the idea of multiple intelligences, which was developed in the 1980s by Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner. This offers a much broader view than the IQ theory, including creativity and communication skills as relevant factors(因素) in intelligence.

Tony Buzan, brain expert and author of Master your Memory, is enthusiastic about this belief, arguing that true geniuses(天才) do indeed appear to combine high levels of each type of intelligence. He lists Alexander the Great, Pablo Picasso and Albert Einstein as examples. At the same time, Buzan believes that everyone can develop their intelligence, only if they take the trouble to exercise their brain. Perhaps there’s hope for us all!

1.What is the topic of the passage?

A. The relationship between genes and intelligence.

B. IQ benefits a lot from high intelligence.

C. How to develop intelligence.

D. What makes intelligence.

2.Why does the author use data in Paragraph 2?

A. To make a suggestion. B. To draw a conclusion.

C. To prove an idea. D. To give an example.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Robert Plomin confirms genes have something in common.

B. Howard Gardner thinks intelligence includes various factors.

C. Michael Rowe approves of a strong link between IQ and career.

D. Tony Buzan agrees geniuses exercise brain to improve intelligence.

4.What does the underlined word “This” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A. The development of intelligence.

B. The idea of multiple intelligences.

C. IQ isn’t everything for intelligence.

D. Alternative views have been put forward.



    Petrol and diesel cars may still dominate our roads, but their days are numbered. A recent university study found that current electric cars could be used for 87 per cent of daily car journeys in the US. That figure could rise to 98 per cent by 2020.

One hurdle to the widespread adoption of electric cars has been ‘range anxiety’--- drivers' concerns about running out of juice on a journey. While petrol stations are conveniently located across national road systems, the necessary network of electric charging stations is still being developed. That said, charging points are becoming increasingly common throughout the USA.

Attitudes towards electric vehicles have changed quite considerably over the last few years. Not that long ago, electric cars were met with distrust, and their large price tags drove customers away. Thanks to improvements in battery capacity, recharging times, performance and price, the current generation of electric cars are starting to persuade critics. Plug-in cars will soon give internal combustion engine models a run for their money.

As well as advancements on the road, electric vehicles are taking to the seas and skies. Electric boats are among the oldest methods of electric travel, having enjoyed several decades of popularity from the late 19th to the early 20th century before petrol-powered outboard motors took over. Now, the global drive for renewable energy sources is bringing electric boats back. Steps towards electric air travel are also being made, with Airbus and NASA among the organizations developing and testing battery powered planes. The experiments could soon make commercial electric flight a reality.

Electric vehicles do not produce any emissions. Were the US to act on the study's findings and replace 87 per cent of its cars with electric vehicles, it would reduce the national demand for petrol by 61 per cent. However, because of the production processes and the generation of electricity required to charge these vehicles, they cannot claim to be completely emission-free. That said, as many countries continue to increase their use of renewable energy sources, electric vehicles will become even cleaner.

1.Which is the best title for this passage?

A. My Dream Car

B. History of Electric Cars

C. Problems with Petrol Cars

D. Driving into the Future

2.As used in Paragraph 2, the underlined word “hurdle” means ________

A. aim B. barrier

C. consequence D. step

3.What is the function of Paragraph 4?

A. To introduce the history of electric travel.

B. To explain why the world needs more electric cars.

C. To show why more people have interest in electric cars.

D. To describe different ways electric vehicles can be used.



    Mr.Selfridge, the Wisconsin-born retailer (零售商) who left school at 14, rose to become a partner in Marshall Field’s, Chicago. Founded in 1852, it was one of the first and most ambitious US department stores. Mr.Selfridge had done well with Marshall Field’s. He liked to say, “The customer is always right,” which made the Chicago store popular. And he is believed to have invented the phrase “Only (so many) Shopping Days until Christmas”.

When he visited London on holiday in 1906 he was surprised to find most of the city’s department stores were no match of their American and Parisian competitors. This led Selfridge to leave the US and establish Selfridges, a department store named after him, at the west end of London’s Oxford Street. In Oxford Street, Selfridge’s design team shaped an ambitious classical palace building with a wall of plate glass windows.

Opened in 1909, Selfridges offered customers a hundred departments along with restaurants, a roof garden,reading and writing rooms, reception areas for foreign visitors, a first aid room and most importantly, a small army of knowledgeable floor-walking assistants who served as guides as well as being thoroughly instructed in the art of making a sale.

Mr.Selfridge did much to make the department store a destination rather than just a big and comprehensively stocked city shop. It became a place to meet and for ladies to lunch. Mr.Selfridge later introduced the department store as a key element of the 20th Century culture, and Chaplin acknowledged the growing trend for shopping in the department store in his film The Floorwalker.

1.What can be learned about Mr.Selfridge from Paragraph 1?

A.He was well-educated. B.He was a modest man.

C.He was a gifted businessman. D.He was dishonest.

2.What was Selfridges’ most impressive characteristic?

A.The broad choice of goods. B.The large number of departments.

C.The small group of guards. D.The well-trained sales guides.

3.What is the main purpose of the article?

A.To encourage shoppers to spend more. B.To introduce the history of Selfridges.

C.To compare different department stores. D.To explain how to start a department store.



期中考试临 近,同学们感到学习任务重、压力大。一些同学争分夺秒甚至连课间十分钟的休息时问也用来学习。针对这一现象,请你以A Ten-minute Break为题,写一篇短文,呼吁同学们不要过于紧张,要充分利用好课间十分钟的休息时间,做到劳逸结合。要点如下:










My neighbor is a old woman who is 70 years old. We both had gardens, but sometimes her garden is covered grass. I think she is too weak to taking care of hers. This Saturday, when I was cutting the grass in her garden, I noticed that she is trying her best to cut her grass. It would take her a few hour to cut it unless didn’t help her. So I decided to help her. She was very gratefully to me. And she gave some cookies which were tasted delicious to me in return. I was very happy to help her and slept very well that day.



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