满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The school I attended carried out a trad...

    The school I attended carried out a tradition during the eighth grade graduation. A scholarship jacket was _________ to the student with the highest grades for eight years.

I had been a straight A student since the first grade. The principle called me into his office before _________. “Martha, there’s been a _________ this year about the scholarship jacket. As you know, it has always been _________.” He cleared his throat and continued, “This year the Board decided to charge fifteen dollars-which still won’t _________ the complete cost of the jacket.”

I stared at him in _________, Standing with all the dignity (尊严), I said, “I’ll speak to my dad about it. Sir, and let you know tomorrow.” I wanted the jacket so much. It _________ eight years of hard work and expectation. Upon my arrival at home, I walked slowly to Dad. I cleared my throat _________ and put my hands behind my back _________ he wouldn’t see them shaking. “Dad, I have a big __________ to ask you. This year the scholarship jacket is not going to be free. It’s going to cost fifteen dollars and I have to take the money tomorrow. __________ it’ll be given to someone else.” The last words came out __________. I waited, __________ he’d say I could have the money.

Dad said __________, “What does a scholarship jacket mean?” I answered quickly, “It means you’ve __________ it by having the highest grades for eight years. Too late I realized the significance of my words. Dad knew I understood it was not a matter of __________.

It was a very sad and withdrawn girl who __________ into the principals office the next day. I looked at the principal, __________ my eyes to stay dry. “If I had to __________ the scholarship jacket, then it wouldn’t be a scholarship jacket.” He looked at me, biting his lips, as if __________. “Okay, we’ll make an exception in your case. You’ll get the scholarship jacket for free!”

1.A.sold B.awarded C.donated D.shown

2.A.graduation B.operation C.consideration D.explanation

3.A.quarrel B.surprise C.change D.mystery

4.A.cheap B.free C.fancy D.cool

5.A.include B.deserve C.cover D.limit

6.A.delight B.panic C.confidence D.shock

7.A.represented B.ended C.claimed D.removed

8.A.excitedly B.curiously C.calmly D.nervously

9.A.so B.or C.and D.but

10.A.conflict B.challenge C.favor D.plan

11.A.Somehow B.Anyway C.Instead D.Otherwise

12.A.in a rush B.in a while C.in detail D.in order

13.A.believing B.hoping C.pretending D.admitting

14.A.angrily B.happily C.quietly D.anxiously

15.A.earned B.requested C.accepted D.reserved

16.A.tradition B.honor C.grade D.money

17.A.broke B.advanced C.dragged D.fled

18.A.closing B.forcing C.dropping D.turning

19.A.pay for B.give up C.pick out D.toy with

20.A.insisting B.sighing C.complaining D.thinking


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.D 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.A 16.D 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。记叙了作者的学校有一项传统,会给八年来成绩最好的学生授予奖学金夹克。而今年校长告诉即将毕业的作者奖学金夹克不能免费了,需要出钱购买。作者回家请求父亲支持这笔费用,而父亲让作者意识到如果奖学金夹克需要付钱,那么它就不是奖学金夹克了。最终作者还是免费得到了奖学金夹克。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一件奖学金夹克被授予八年来成绩最好的学生。A. sold销售;B. awarded授予;C. donated捐赠;D. shown展示。结合下文to the student with the highest grades for eight years可知奖学金夹克被授予八年来成绩最好的学生。故选B。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:毕业前,校长把我叫到他的办公室。A. graduation毕业;B. operation操作;C. consideration考虑;D. explanation解释。结合后文this year about the scholarship jacket可推知作者快要毕业了,在毕业前被校长叫到办公室商量夹克的事情。故选A。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:玛莎,今年奖学金夹克有了变化。A. quarrel吵架;B. surprise惊喜;C. change改变;D. mystery秘密。结合下文夹克要收费可知今年的夹克外套和以前比有了变化。故选C。 4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如你所知,它一直是免费的。A. cheap便宜的;B. free免费的;C. fancy昂贵的;D. cool凉爽的。结合下文This year the Board decided to charge fifteen dollars可知之前夹克一直是免费给学生的。故选B。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:今年,董事会决定收取15美元的费用——这还不够涵盖买这件夹克的全部费用。A. include包括;B. deserve应得;C. cover覆盖;涵盖;D. limit限制。结合下文the complete cost of the jacket可推知董事会的15美元还不能涵盖买夹克的全部费用。故选C。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我吃惊地看着他。A. delight高兴;B. panic惊慌;C. confidence自信;D. shock震惊。得知一直免费的夹克今年突然要收费,作者应该是吃惊的。短语in shock“吃惊地”。故选D。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:它代表了八年的辛勤努力和期望。A. represented代表;B. ended结束;C. claimed声称;D. removed去掉。结合后文eight years of hard work and expectation可知夹克代表着作者八年的辛勤努力和期望。故选A。 8.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我紧张地清了清嗓子,把手放在背后,免得他看到我的手在发抖。A. excitedly激动地;B. curiously好奇地;C. calmly冷静地;D. nervously紧张地。结合后文he wouldn’t see them shaking.作者的手发抖可知作者很紧张。故选D。 9.考查连词辨析。句意:我紧张地清了清嗓子,把手放在背后,免得他看到我的手在发抖。A. so因此;B. or或者;C. and和;D. but但是。结合语境可知上下文为因果关系。故选A。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:爸爸,我想请你帮个大忙。A. conflict冲突;B. challenge挑战;C. favor帮助;D. plan计划。结合上文可知夹克不免费了,董事会给的钱不够,因此作者需要父亲帮助出钱买这件夹克。故选C。 11.考查副词词义辨析。句意:否则它就会给别人。A. Somehow莫名其妙地;B. Anyway无论如何;C. Instead相反;D. Otherwise否则。作者的父亲必须出15美元购买,否则夹克明天就是别人的了。故选D。 12.考查短语辨析。句意:最后一句话脱口而出。A. in a rush急切地;B. in a while过不久;C. in detail详细地;D. in order整齐。结合下文I answered quickly可知作者当时非常的急切,最后一句话脱口而出。故选A。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我等着,希望他会说我可以拿到钱。A. believing相信;B. hoping希望;C. pretending假装;D. admitting承认。结合后文he’d say I could have the money.可知作者等着,希望父亲答应自己的请求。故选B。 14.考查副词词义辨析。句意:爸爸平静地说:“奖学金夹克是什么意思?”A. angrily生气地;B. happily快乐地;C. quietly安静地;D. anxiously焦急地。根据后文I answered quickly与作者急切的反应形成对比,作者的父亲只是平静地问奖学金夹克的意义是什么。故选C。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这意味着你通过八年来的最高成绩挣得了它。A. earned赚;挣;B. requested要求;C. accepted接受;D. reserved保留。结合后文it by having the highest grades for eight years可知作者理解的是奖学金是通过自己八年来的最高成绩挣得的。故选A。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:爸爸知道我明白了这不是钱的问题。A. tradition传统;B. honor荣誉;C. grade成绩;D. money金钱。结合上文作者向父亲要购买夹克的钱,而在自己说出夹克的意义后意识到夹克并不是钱能够买到的问题。故选D。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:第二天,拖着脚步走进校长办公室的是一个非常悲伤、沉默的女孩。A. broke打破;B. advanced前进;C. dragged拖着(脚或腿)走;D. fled逃走。结合上文It was a very sad and withdrawn girl可知作者被父亲拒绝了,因此悲伤,拖着步子走进校长办公室。故选C。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我看着校长,强迫不让自己的眼睛湿润。A. closing关闭;B. forcing强迫;竭力;C. dropping落下;D. turning转弯。结合上文可知作者很悲伤,因此迫使自己不哭出来。故选B。 19.考查动词短语辨析。句意:如果我必须为奖学金夹克付钱,那就不是奖学金夹克了。A. pay for支付;B. give up放弃;C. pick out挑选;D. toy with玩弄。结合下文You’ll get the scholarship jacket for free!可知此处在假设如果为奖学金夹克付钱的情况。故选A。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他看着我,咬着嘴唇,好像在思考。A. insisting坚持;B. sighing叹息;C. complaining抱怨;D. thinking思考。结合后文“Okay, we’ll make an exception in your case. You’ll get the scholarship jacket for free!”是校长的思考结果。故选D。

    Going green is a great way to reduce your environmental footprint and help the planet. Being green is all about reducing how many resources you use, reusing items when you can, and recycling items that can’t be reused. 1.

●Carry a reusable water bottle so you will not need bottled water.

2.. Not only does it create trash, but it also uses more resources because it’s shipped to the store. To be more eco-friendly, make it a habit to carry a reusable water bottle with you everywhere so that you can drink water on the go. Plastic bottles are usually the lightest and most convenient.

●Use reusable bags while you’re shopping.

Shopping bags make it easy to carry your items home, but they also pollute the planet. Skip the store’s shopping bags and bring your own instead, Use a backpack that you already own, or purchase a couple of reusable bags from the checkout area at your local grocery store. 3..


Before you throw something away, look for ways you might reuse it. Try re-purposing items or making green crafts. This will help you keep trash out of the landfill. For example, instead of throwing away a jar, you might use it as a glass, vase or storage container.

●Reduce the amount of time you spend using electronics.

While electronics are really fun and help you feel connected to your friends, they also use up a lot of energy. Schedule breaks from your electronics so you can use them less. During your breaks, do something fun like going for a walk playing a game with your friends, or pursuing a hobby. 5.. For instance, instead of playing online video games together, go to a local part.

A. Glass bottles have come a long way in recent years.

B. Reuse items to save them from the landfill.

C. You can use your reusable, bags at most stores.

D. Bottled water is really bad for the environment.

E. You probably need to change your personal habits

F. Invite your friend to connect with you in real life.

G. You can find ideas for green crafts by searching online.



    When I was 10 years old, I asked a neighborhood kid who was older than me, “Which city is further west: Reno. Nev., or Los Angeles?” The correct answer is Reno. Nevada. But he was convinced it was the other way around.

He was so convinced that Los Angeles was west of Reno that he was willing to bet me two dollars. So I went into the house to get my Rand McNally Map. The kid looked at the map and said. “The map is drawn funny.” It wasn’t. Was his argument that the map didn’t preserve east, west, north and south? What kind of map would that be? I showed him if you trace down the 120-degree west line of longitude (经度)---which runs almost directly through Reno, Nev. --- you end up in the Pacific Ocean, somewhere west of Los Angeles.

He replied that lines of longitude don’t cross the ocean.

What? I told him that the lines of longitude were there to show how far west or east some location was, regardless of whether it was on land or on sea.

There was one problem, however. He was bigger than me.

I drew a number of conclusions from this story.

There is such a thing as truth, but we often tend to ignore it. Also, it’s not just thinking something that makes it true. Truth not relative. It’s not subjective. It may be hidden. People may wish to ignore it. But there is such a thing as truth and pursuit (追求) of truth: trying to figure out what has really happened, trying to figure out how things really are.

Almost 15 years ago, I came across a story about an innocent man, a man who had been sentenced to death in the Huntsville, Texas, electric chair. And through hard work and luck, I was able to make the movie The Thin Blue Line and to help get him out of prison.

What kept me going was the belief that there had to be answers to the questions. “Did he do it?” “Was he guilty or innocent?” “If he didn’t do it, who did?” and that I could find an answer to these questions through investigating (调查).

It’s not that we find truth with big “T”. We investigate and sometimes we find things out and sometimes don’t. There’s no way to know in advance. It’s just that we have to go ahead as though there are answers to questions. We must go ahead as though, in principle, we can find things out-even if we can’t. The alternative is unacceptable.

I will never know whether the neighborhood kid really didn’t understand the logic of my argument about Reno. Nev. Or whether he understood it completely and just didn’t want to admit it. Or whether he understood it and just didn’t want to admit it. Or whether he understood it and just didn’t want to pay up. I’ll never know.

All I know is I never got my two dollars.

1.Why does the author tell the story of the neighborhood boy?

A.To recall his good old days. B.To show his good sense of direction.

C.To introduce the topic of finding truth. D.To stress the importance of geography.

2.Why did the boy say “The map is drawn funny.” in Paragraph 2?

A.Because he had fun reading maps.

B.Because he refused to admit his mistake.

C.Because the map was drawn in a different way.

D.Because there were some mistakes in the map.

3.What encouraged the author to make the movie The Thin blue Line?

A.His devotion to films. B.His willingness to help.

C.His belief in finding answers. D.His mercy for the innocent man.

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Great minds think alike. B.It’s never too late to learn.

C.Truth never fears investigation. D.Honesty is the best policy.



    You may have heard the expression “buying into the dip”. We usually think of this in terms of nesting (投资) --- for example, recessions (经济萧条) offer an opportunity to take advantage of buying cheap stocks that were once expensive.

But to me, “buying into the dip” is a term which covers a lot more than that. There are a few reasons that I was able to “buying into the dip” and start a business during the Great Recession: ChopDawg.com had zero upstart costs, with no need for any credit to get started. No loans, just $10 for the domain name. I picked a service that only required my own time and labor and that’s basically it, Not needing credit was a big deal for me, and I didn’t even think about this at the time.

I was also selling a service that was priced at just the right rock-bottom level to fill a need local small business badly needed more sales, since so many had cut their spending due to the recession. A website could give these businesses a new way to reach their customers, new and old.

From an economic standpoint, the Great Recession was an opportunity to start if you were selling the right thing at the right cost. During recessions, the pool gets way less crowded. Potential competitors become much more unwilling to risk, but for those who have an in-demand service, and the means to provide it, you are in business.

Back in 2009, website design had not yet become a commercial service, Offering web design as a service for small businesses was a novel idea, and many mom-and-pop shops didn’t know they needed it yet, which brings me to this: if you can solve a fresh-out-of-the-recession pain point at the right price, you have a chance of buying into the dip and helping a lot of people at the same.

1.What is “buying into the dip” to the author?

A.Selling things at low costs.

B.Buying cheap stocks in time.

C.Offering help to small businesses.

D.Starting a business with the least investment.

2.What does the underlined word “novel” in Paragraph 5 mean?

A.Familiar. B.Simple.

C.Clear. D.New.

3.What can be a suitable title for the passage?

A.Start small--very small.

B.Keep an eye on what you may need.

C.Serve right--quite right.

D.Adapt to changes in the Internet service.



    The new wave of plant-based “meat” is going mainstream and straight into one of America’s most iconic chain fast-food burgers, the White Castle Slider. White Castle announced Thursday it is introducing a vegetarian fake-meat version of its famous mini-burgers. The burgers is one of several scientifically engineered products made to make plant ingredients (成分) taste just like beef. Called the Impossible Slider, it will be first sold at 140 White Castle eateries in the New York, New Jersey and greater Chicago areas with the potential for a nationwide promotion.

The White Castle Impossible Slider---made with smoked cheddar cheese, pickles, onions and a bun---features a 2-ounce patty and costs $1.99. That compares to the chains traditional 0.9-ounce mini-cheeseburger at about 94 cents. “Plant-based proteins are growing. We felt it was a good opportunity to test it with our customers,” CEO Lisa Ingram said. “We think it will appeal to a broad range of customers---those that are meat caters who want to try something different and non-meat eaters who want this.” She also said the new sliders might bring in new customers, too.

The Impossible Slider represents what few in the traditional beef industry thought possible---that cowless meat would be a hit in a country known for its meat-and-potatoes diet and love of burgers. Plant-based meat alternatives are growing at rate of about l1% a year, according to the research firm Acosta. The market isn’t just vegetarians: Some 71% of people who buy plant-based meat also eat the real thing.

“Interest in meat alternatives seems to be driven by consumers at large, not just those looking for vegetarian lifestyles, but looking for diversification( HF1c)of tastes and health benefits,” said Billy Roberts, senior food and drink analyst at the global market research firm Mintel. “Our business is a growth business. There’ll be increased demands for products like the Impossible Burger,” Impossible Foods Chief Operating Officer David Lee said. “People are increasingly asking about what impact food has on the environment and our health.”

1.What is the selling point of the Impossible Slider?

A.Its low price. B.Its good taste.

C.Its high technology. D.Its plant-based ingredients.

2.According to the passage, who may be attracted by the Impossible Slider?

People living a vegetarian life   

people looking for various tastes

people valuing health       

people dislike fast-food

A. B.①② C.①②③ D.①②③④

3.What can be inferred from David Lee’s words?

A.Curiosity drives more people to buy the Impossible Slider.

B.People’s concern over the environment and health may help the new business.

C.People’s doubt about food impact may stop the Impossible Slider’s popularity.

D.Eco-friendly people play an important part in promoting the Impossible Slider.



假设你是王森,十一月二十一日是你在美国的笔友汤姆的生日。你给他寄了一盒中国的绿茶(green tea)作为生日礼物。现在,请你用英语写一封110字左右的信给他,祝贺他生日快乐,并根据下面的六幅图和提示词语详细描绘一下怎么沏茶。

提示词:壶 kettle茶匙 teaspoon茶壶 teapot

茶叶 tea-leaves 茶杯 teacup 茶壶盖 lid




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