满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

用恰当的介词或副词填空 1.Children are often compare...


1.Children are often compared _____ happy birds.

2.As a result of the serious injury, he gave _____ the game.

3.To keep slim, many young girls prefer going _____ a diet.

4.He is welcome to come _____ with us if he behaves himself.

5.As we all know, the Internet plays an important role _____ our daily life.

6.I took his coat by mistake because my coat was similar _____ his in color.

7.You should be positive _____ your work.

8.I’d like to volunteer and don’t forget to add my name _____ the list.

9.Jane is busy and has little time to work _____ in her free time.

10.Every day we see many ads _____ TV or on the Internet.


1.to 2.up 3.on 4.along 5.in 6.to 7.about 8.to 9.out 10.on 【解析】 1.考查介词或副词。句意:人们经常把孩子比作快乐的鸟。be compared to比作,故填to。 2.考查介词或副词。句意:由于严重受伤,他放弃了比赛。give up放弃,故填up。 3.考查介词或副词。句意:为了保持苗条,许多年轻女孩更喜欢节食。go on a diet节食。故填on。 4.考查介词或副词。句意:如果他表现得很好,欢迎他和我们一起去。come along 和…一起,故填along。 5.考查介词或副词。句意:众所周知,互联网在我们的日常生活中发挥着重要作用。plays a/an… role in…在…中扮演…的角色,故填in。 6.考查介词或副词。句意:我误穿了他的外套,因为我的外套颜色和他的颜色相似。be similar to与…相似,故填to。 7.考查介词或副词。句意:您应该对自己的工作持积极态度。be positive about对…持积极态度,故填about。 8.考查介词或副词。句意:我想当志愿者,不要忘记将我的名字添加到列表中。add…to…把…添加到…, 故填to。 9.考查介词或副词。句意:简(Jane)忙于工作,很少有空闲时间来锻炼。work out 锻炼,故填out。 10.考查介词或副词。句意:每天我们都会在电视或互联网上看到许多广告。on TV 在电视上,故填on。


1.I warned him against repeating my e_____.

2.It was a r_____ difficult question for us.

3.They often stress the importance of a balanced d_____ 

4.Mary won’t keep s_____ unless she takes exercise every day.

5.Janet’s been under a lot of s_____ since her mother was illness.

6.There are plenty of reasons why a child shouldn’t _____ (作弊)in an exam.

7.Many young people like to _____ (慢跑) in the park on weekends.

8.If the _____ (观众) can’t trust you, you will not be able to persuade them.

9.Chinese has always been my _____ (长处) among all my subjects.

10._____ (决心) is a kind of quality and that is what it takes to do anything well.

11.Have you ever watched a child pick up a stone and _____ (假装)it is a racing car?

12.It’s important to learn to take a _____ (积极的) attitude to life when you are in trouble.




In the last few decades, scientists have reached consensus and reported that human beings are causing changes in the Earths climate.

In the last 50 years, gases pumped into the Earth’s atmosphere by the factories and vehicles have been speeding up the process of global warming and affecting our climate, Global warming refers to an average increase in the Earths temperature that, in turn, leads to climate change. If we continue to produce carbon dioxide and other gases in such huge quantities, we are expecting severe consequences. Recent reports have warned that global warming will cause terrible climate changes including more frequent flooding, heat, waves and droughts. Serious disease will spread and industries that rely on nature will be badly affected. Increased temperatures will also cause the polar ice to melt, raising sea levels and flooding many islands and cities. How can we stop these disasters from happening?

Government all over the world should take on the responsibility, but this is no easy task. Some governments express reservations about whether global warming is really caused by human activities. Many people believe that they are simply not prepared to give up the amount of money they make from industry to save the earth.

But why wait around for governments to take action? Experts say that each person plays their part. They suggest making small changes like taking public transport, recycling using low-flow shower heads, and buying light bulbs that use less energy. Even simple things like using recycled paper or switching off the light when you leave a room can help. If we add up all these small changes made by everyone worldwide, they won’t be such small changes. They could be the changes that save our future.




假定你是李华,你的好友张林要抄袭你的作业,被你拒绝,你们为此都不开心,请给Life of Teens杂志编辑写一封邮件寻求帮助,内容包括:

1. 简述写信事由;

2. 寻求帮助。

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。





The UK produces more electricity from renewable sources 1. it did from fossil fuels. That means the energy 2. (produce) from wind farms, solar panels, biomass and hydropower plants is more than the amount of energy from coal, oil, and gas. This is something 3. hasn’t happened since the UK’s first power station opened in 1882.

Renewable energy production accounts for 40% of the UK’s electricity, with fossil fuels behind at 39%. Of the 4. (remain) 21%, the majority came from nuclear power stations.

Less than 10 years ago, the fossil fuel contribution 5. the UK electricity market was around four-fifths, but the situation is changing 6. (quick). Back in May, the country 7. (go) six days without burning any coal at all—and indeed coal-powered plants are due to be closed by 2025.

It’s encouraging 8. (see) that the country that kicked off the Industrial Revolution is now helping to lead the way towards 9. renewable future—because of the UK’s size, it’s not going to make the biggest 10. (differ) to CO2 levels overall, but lets hope the other nations will follow suit.




1.Since no one really knows whether GM food is safe, many countries have hesitated to give p________ for the production of GM foods.

2.When people think of factories, they think of clouds of dirty smoke or of pipes p________ chemical waste into rivers.

3.Even though I was hurt, I forgave her and she later made an a ________.

4.Two people were arrested yesterday at a Paris airport for bringing animals into Europe from South America ________ (against the law).

5.Life is not ________ (without hope). Don’t suffer in silence.



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