满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Types of Social Groups Life places us in...

Types of Social Groups

Life places us in a complex web of relationships with other people. Our humanness arises out of these relationships in the course of social interaction. Moreover, our humanness must be sustained through social interaction -- and fairly constantly so. When an association continues long enough for two people to become linked together by a relatively stable set of expectations, it is called a relationship.

People are bound within relationships by two types of bonds: expressive ties and instrumental ties. Expressive ties are social links formed when we emotionally invest ourselves in and commit ourselves to other people. Through association with people who are meaningful to us, we achieve a sense of security, love, acceptance, companionship, and personal worth. Instrumental ties are social links focused when we cooperate with other people to achieve some goal.

Occasionally, this may mean working with, instead of against, competitors. More often, we simply cooperate with others to reach some end without endowing the relationship with any larger significance.

Sociologists have built on the distinction between expressive and instrumental ties to distinguish between two types of groups: primary and secondary. A primary group involves two or more people who enjoy a direct, intimate, cohesive relationship with one another. Expressive ties predominate in primary groups: we view the people as ends in themselves and valuable in their own right. A secondary group entails two or more people who are involved in an impersonal relationship and have come together for a specific, practical purpose. Instrumental ties predominate in secondary groups ; we perceive people as means to ends rather than as ends in their own right. sometimes primary group relationships evolve out of secondary group relationships. This happens in many work settings. People on the job often develop close relationships with coworkers as they come to share gripes, jokes, gossip, and satisfactions.

A number of conditions enhance the likelihood that primary groups will arise. First, group size is important. We find it difficult to get to know people personally when they are milling about and dispersed in large groups. In small groups we have a better chance to initiate contact and establish rapport with them. Second, face - to - face contact allows us to size up others. Seeing and talking with one another in close physical proximity makes possible a subtle exchange of ideas and feelings. And third, the probability that we will develop primary group bonds increases as we have frequent and continuous contact. Our ties with people often deepen as we interact with them across time and gradually evolve interlocking habits and interests.

Primary groups are fundamental to us and to society. Sociologists view primary groups as bridges between individuals and the larger society because they transmit, mediate, and interpret a society’s cultural patterns and provide the sense of oneness so critical for social solidarity. Primary groups, then serve both as carriers of social norms and as enforcers of them.

1.According to Paragraph 1, which of the following statements is true of a relationship?

A.It is a structure of associations with many people.

B.It should be studied in the course of social interaction.

C.It places great demands on people.

D.It develops gradually over time.

2.Which of the following can be inferred from the author’s claim in paragraph 4 that primary group relationships sometimes evolve out of secondary group relationships?

A.Secondary group relationships begin by being primary group relationships.

B.A secondary group relationship that is highly visible quickly becomes a primary group relationship.

C.Sociologists believe that only primary group relationships are important to society.

D.Even in secondary groups, frequent communication serves to bring people into close relationships.

3.The phrase “size up” in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to “________”.

A.enlarge B.evaluate

C.impress D.accept

4.This passage is developed primarily by ________.

A.drawing comparisons between theory and practice

B.presenting two opposing theories

C.defining important concepts

D.discussing causes and their effects


1.D 2.D 3.B 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了人们在关系中被两种纽带所束缚:表达性联系和工具性联系,分别说明了这两种联系的含义,以及在此基础上的两种群体类型:主要群体和次要群体,以及这两种群体的含义和区别。以及提高初级群体出现可能性的三个条件。最后表达初级群体的意义:它是我们和社会的基础,它既是社会规范的载体,又是社会规范的执行者。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段中When an association continues long enough for two people to become linked together by a relatively stable set of expectations, it is called a relationship.(当一段关系持续足够长的时间,使两个人通过一组相对稳定的期望联系在一起时,这就叫做关系。)可知一段关系随着时间的推移而逐渐发展。故选D。 2.推理判断题。根据第四段中This happens in many work settings. People on the job often develop close relationships with coworkers as they come to share gripes, jokes, gossip, and satisfactions.(这在很多工作环境中都会发生。在工作中,当人们分享抱怨、笑话、八卦和乐事时,他们经常会与同事建立亲密的关系。)可知从作者在第4段中提出的主要群体关系有时由次要群体关系演变而来的观点中,我们可以推断出即使在第二群体中,频繁的交流也有助于人们建立亲密的关系。故选D。 3.词义猜测题。根据下文Seeing and talking with one another in close physical proximity makes possible a subtle exchange of ideas and feelings.可知近距离的观察和交谈使思想和感情的微妙交流成为可能。即面对面的接触让我们能够评估他人。故短语意思为“评估”,故选B。 4.推理判断题。根据文章主要内容,尤其是第二段主要说明了人们关系中的两种纽带关系的含义,以及第四段说明了由这两种关系而发展而来的两个群体的含义和区别。可推知这篇文章主要是通过定义重要的概念来展开的。故选C。

Information for Visitors.

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Opening times

Great Court

Saturday - Thursday  09:00 - 18:00

Friday             09:00 - 20:30

Galleries and special exhibitions

Saturday - Thursday  10:00 - 17:30

Friday             10:00 - 20:30

Please note that galleries start closing 10 minutes before the published closing times.

For a list of late openings, visit britishmuseum.org or contact the Information Desk

by calling +44 (0) 20 7323 8299

The Museum is closed on 1 January, Good Friday and 24026 December.


Most galleries, events and facilities at the British Museum have level access including all the cafes and the restaurant. The locations of level access toilets are shown on the map, and lifts in the Great Court provide access to all adjacent floor levels. Wheelchairs can be borrowed free of charge from both entrances or booked in advance from the Information Desk.

Temporary exhibitions are regularly accompanied with tactile images and Braille. Audio description is provided for some temporary exhibitions. All major temporary exhibitions have large print information available for use.

Touch Tours are available for the Egyptian Sculpture Gallery (Room 4) and the Parthenon Introductory Gallery (Room 18), which has Bale labels and plaster cast reliefs of the Parthenon sculptures. Request a pack from the Information Desk.

Magnifying glasses are available to borrow from the Information Desk. The Museumj regularly programmes curatorial - led handling sessions for blind and partially - sighted visitors. For further details, contact the Learning, volunteers and Audiences Department at +44 (0) 20 7323 8510 / 8850 or learning@britishmuseum.org.

British Sign Language - interpreted gallery talks take place every month. For details, see the Museum’s bi-monthly guide, What’s On, or contact the information Desk.

A Multimedia guide with signed video commentaries for over 200 highlight objects of the Museum is available from the Multimedia Guide Desk.

A Sound Enhancement System with portable induction loops is available for most gallery talks and to support sign - interpreted tours.

Family activities

Family events are regularly held at weekends and during school holidays. For more details, pick up a Families leaflet. Family backpacks and trails are available from the families Desk in the Great Court at weekends and every day during school holidays. A family souvenir guide book. Explore the British Museum, and Children’s Multimedia Guide are also available.

Events programme

The events programme includes a wide range of lectures, films, special events and courses, including adult learning, family activities and more. For full details, pick up What’s On from the Information Desk in the Great Court.

Regulations for visitors

To heop everyone enjoy the Museum, please:

Keep mobiles in silent mode and don’t take calls in gallery spaces

Don’t touch the objects (you can handle selected objects at the Hands - On desks -- ask at the Information Desk for details)

Don’t smoke on the premises

Don’t eat or drink in the galleries

Sketching with pencil in the galleries is allowed. Photography is permitted in selected galleries, for non-commercial uses. CCTV is in operation at all times in the British Museum.



The main cloakroom is to the left of the Main entrance, a second cloakroom is located by the Montague Place entrance. The cloakrooms do not accept large luggage (maximum dimensions: 40 × 40 × 50 cm).

(Copyright 2002, 2007 and 2008 the Trustees of the British Museum. Printed in Italy.)

1.Where can you probably find this information?

A.The official website of the British Museum.

B.The map with color plans and visitor information of the British Museum.

C.A leaflet distributed on the streets near the British Museum.

D.The notice board at the entrance of the British Museum.

2.If a family with two adults and three teenagers from the Untied States want to take part in the family activities of the Museum, they should pay attention to the following information EXCEPT that _________.

A.the Museum is closed at Christmas and on New Year’s Day and Good Friday but not on school holiday

B.all the backpacks and luggage including the large ones should be deposited in the cloakrooms before entering

C.families are allowed to touch the selected objects at the Hands - On desks in the museum

D.teenagers an sketch with pencil and take photos in selected galleries for their schoolwork

3.Which of the following statements is true about access to the Museum?

A.Wheelchairs can be borrowed and booked in advance with a deposit.

B.Some major temporary exhibitions don’t provide large print information but audio description is available.

C.The Museum provides curatorial - led handling sessions for blind and partially - sighted visitors if required.

D.Visitors can borrow a Multimedia Guide and a sound enhancement system is available to support sign - interpreted tours.



    The Ebro Delta, in Spain, famous as a battleground during the Spanish Ci War, is now the setting for a different contest, one that is making rice farmers fight against two enemies: the rice - eating giant apple snail, and rising sea levels. What happens here will have a bearing on the future of European rice production and the overall health of southern European wetlands.

Located on the Mediterranean, just two hours south of Barcelona, the Ebro Delta produces 120 million kilograms of rice a year, making it one of the continent most important rice - growing areas. As the sea creeps into these fresh-watch marshes, however, rising salinity(盐度)is hurting rice production. At the same time, this sea - water also kills off the greedy giant apple snail, an introduced pet species that fees on young rice plants. The most promising strategy has become the play one enemy off against the other.

The battle is currently being waged on land, in greenhouses at the University of Barcelona. Scientists working under the banner “Project Neurice” are seeking varieties of rice that can withstand the increasing salinity without losing the absorbency that makes European rice ideal for traditional Spanish and Italian dishes.

“ The project has two sides,” says Xavier Serrat, Neurice project manager and researcher at the University of Barcelona. “The short -term fight against the snail, and a mid-to long term fight against climate change. But the snail has given the project greater emergency.”

Originally from South America, the snails were accidentally introduced into the Ebro Delta by Global Aquatic Technologies, a company that raised the snails for fresh-water aquariums(水族馆)but failed to prevent their escape. For now, the giant apple snail’s presence in Europe is limited to the Ebro Delta. But the snail continues its march to new territory, says Serrat.

“The question is not whether it will reach other rice - growing areas of Europe, but when.”

Over the next year and a half investigators will test the various strains of salt - tolerant rice they’ve bred. In 2018, farmers will plant the varieties with the most promise in the Ebro Delta and Europe’s other two main rice- growing regions along the Po in Italy, and France’s Rhone. A season in the field will help determine which, if any of the varieties are ready for commercialization.

As an EU - funded effort, the search for salt - tolerant varieties of rice is taking place in all three countries. Each team is crossbreeding a local European short - grain rice with a long - grain Asian variety that carries the salt resistant gene. The scientists are breeding successive generations to arrive at varieties that in corporate salt tolerance but retain about 97 percent of the European rice genome(基因组).

1.Why does the author mention the Spanish Civil War at the beginning of the passage?

A.Because it significantly influences the lives of Spanish rice farmers.

B.Because it is extremely important in the records of Spanish history.

C.Because rice farmers there are engaged in another kind of battle of similar importance.

D.Because rice farmers there are experiencing the hardships of wartime.

2.What may be the most effective strategy for rice farmers to employ in fighting their enemies?

A.Striking the weaker enemy first.

B.Killing two birds with one stone.

C.Eliminating the enemy one by one.

D.Using one enemy to fight against the other.

3.What does the Neurice project manager say about the giant apple snail?

A.It can survive only on southern European wetlands.

B.It will invade other rice - growing regions of Europe.

C.It multiplies at a speed beyond human imagination.

D.It was introduced into the rice fields on purpose.

4.What is the ultimate goal of the EU - funded program?

A.Cultivating ideal salt resistant rice varieties.

B.Increasing the absorbency of the Spanish rice.

C.Introducing Spanish rice to the rest of Europe.

D.Popularizing the rice crossbreeding technology.



    Dressed in a flowing long robe decorated with beaded floral embroidery from a bygone era, stylist Xiao Hang looks like she surfaced from a time machine as she strides across the bustling Beijing metro, attracting curious glances and inquisitive questions.

China was ______ Western fashion and futuristic technology as its economy boomed in recent decades, but a growing number of young people like Xiao are looking to the ______ for their sartorial choices and wearing traditional “hanfu”, or “Han clothing.”

These historic costumes of the Han ethnic majority are ______ a renaissance(复兴)in part because the government is promoting traditional culture in a bid to boost patriotism and national ______.

Period dramas have also contributed to the ______ in interest for traditional Chinese clothing -- The Story of Minglan, a TV series set in the song Dynasty  ______ more than 400 million views in three days when it debuted earlier this year.

There is no ______ definition of what counts as hanfu since each Han-dominated dynasty had its own style, but the outfits are ______ by loose, flowing robes that drape around the body, with sleeves that hang down to the knees.

“When we were little, we would also drape sheets and duvets around ourselves to ______ we were wearing beautiful clothes,” Xiao told AFP.

Xiao, who used to work at a state - owned machine manufacturing company, now runs her own hanfu business, where she dresses customers for photo shoots and even plans hanfu - style weddings.

Yang Jiaming, a high school student in Beijing, wears his outfit under his school uniform.

“Two-thirds of my wardrobe is hanfu,” he said, decked out in a Tang-style beige gown and black boots at a hanfu gathering, ______ that his classmates and teachers have been supportive of his style.

A government supported ______ in Chinese culture has given the hanfu community a boost: Since he entered office in 2012. President Xi has supported the idea of promoting a Han - centric version of heritage.

In April, the Communist Youth League of China ______ a two - day conference for traditional Chinese garb, including hanfu.

A live broadcast of the event drew some 20 million viewers, alongside a heartfelt outpouring of emotions.

“Chinese people have ______ their own culture and chosen Western culture. The red marriage gown has now become a wedding dress,” wrote on user on Bilibili, a video - streaming platform popular among young anime, comic and gaming fans in China.

Clothes are the “______ of culture,” said Jiang Xue, a member of Beijing - based hanfu club Mowutianxia, which has received funding from the Communist Youth League.

“If we as a(n) ______ and as a country do not even understand our traditional clothing or don’t wear them, how can we talk about other essential parts of our culture?” she said.

1.A.witnessed B.pondered C.embraced D.greeted

2.A.future B.present C.past D.moment

3.A.enjoying B.undergoing C.experiencing D.recovering

4.A.approval B.acknowledgement C.confirmation D.identity

5.A.shift B.decline C.surge D.stability

6.A.inspired B.received C.welcomed D.accepted

7.A.uniform B.identical C.permanent D.consistent

8.A.specialized B.characterized C.impressed D.decorated

9.A.show B.prove C.pretend D.declare

10.A.remarking B.claiming C.saying D.adding

11.A.renewal B.renovation C.revival D.review

12.A.promoted B.initiated C.led D.launched

13.A.departed B.associated C.abandoned D.claimed

14.A.protection B.signal C.reproduction D.foundation

15.A.nation B.unity C.people D.integrity



Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that bet fits each blank.

Procrastination - a Virtue When It Comes to Creativity?

Psychologist Adam Grant, from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, argues that people who “put off” solving a task for a little while - thus engaging in moderate procrastination -- are often able to come up with 1. (original) ideas about how to solve that task than people who get started on their work right away.

Grant makes this argument in the book Originals: How Non-conformists Change the World and reiterates it in a popular TED talk 2. he says that “procrastination is a vice when it comes to productivity, but it can be a virtue when it comes to creativity.” This point of view seems 3. (find) some support in existing studies that indicate a correlation between creativity and “putting things off.”

Grant explains that the link between moderate procrastination and originality likely 4. (exist) because when we actively put off a task for a while, our preoccupation with the task itself does not disappear. Instead, the unfinished work “runs in the background” of our brains, 5. (buy) us time to find innovative solutions.

One study 6. (publish) in Personality and Individual Differences in 2017 also found a link between creative ideation (coming up with creative ideas) and active procrastination. It suggested that among 853 undergraduates at Chinese universities, “active procrastinators” may be more prone to creativity.

Boredom 7. have something to do with this boost in creative thinking. Older research from the University of Florida in Gainesville suggests that people who procrastinate may be more prone to boredom than their peers.

And while boredom itself is a concept that sometimes has negative connotations, studies 8. (show) that allowing ourselves to feel bored for a while can boost our creative abilities. The researchers explain that this may be because when we are bored, we allow our minds to wander, thus “training” our imaginations.

Finally, 9. putting off a task forever out of fear and self-doubt may be paralyzing and unhelpful, a little bit of “directed” procrastination will likely not be harmful and may allow us to assess the task at hand more imaginatively.

And for some of us, that pressure of looking a deadline straight in the eye can be just 10. we need to keep us on our toes. As Calvin, one of the main characters in the comic strips Calvin and Hobbes, once said : “You can’t just turn on creativity like a faucet. You have to be in the right mood,” and that mood is “last - minute panic.”




1. 应聘原因;

2. 个人资质;

3. 期待回复。



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