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Ranjan and Sumer were good friends. They...

    Ranjan and Sumer were good friends. They went to the same school and were in the same class.

Ranjan was not strong. He could not play football or other games with boys of his age. All that he did was to watch Sumer and other boys play. He usually went with them to the playground. When they ran off to play, he would sit under a tree and read storybooks. Books became his best friends. The reading made him successful in all the exams. He always stood first in the class.

Sumer was tall and strong. He spent most of his time running, swimming or riding bicycles. He was an extremely good player in every game. He was a member of the school’s football team and cricket team. The PE teacher thought he would make it big in the game when he grew up.

One day, the two friends went for a walk. Ranjan got tired soon.

“I have no strength. What is the use of all this knowledge if I am not healthy? I would give away all my knowledge if I could be half as healthy and strong as you,” said Ranjan.

Sumer was surprised and replied, “So you are not happy with yourself too? I always wished I could have done as well as you did in the studies. I even thought I could have given away my sporting skills for better grades in those exams. ”

The two friends looked at each other and cried out at the same time. “The grass looks greener on the other side of the hill. ”

1.What did Ranjan usually do when he went to the playground with Sumer?

A.He read his favorite books. B.He played with his friend.

C.He studied for the exams. D.He took care of the clothes.

2.Why did the PE teacher think Sumer might become a sports star?

A.Sumer was very strong. B.Sumer was good at doing sports.

C.Sumer was very tall. D.Sumer spent a lot of time playing sports.

3.What can we learn from paragraph 6?

A.Ranjan was proud of his knowledge.

B.Sumer could do as well as Ranjan did in the studies.

C.Sumer was unhappy with his studies.

D.Ranjan and Sumer decided to learn from each other.

4.What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?

A.Practice makes perfect.

B.Nobody knows his own advantages.

C.Grass usually appears greener in faraway places.

D.We always want something better and feel unhappy.


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了两个朋友之间的故事:Ranjan喜欢读书,成绩在班级总是第一名,但身体不好。而Sumer是一个喜欢各种运动,身体好但成绩不好。在一天两人散步的时候,两人都看到了对方的优点和自身的不足,跟着两人相视而笑并说道:“山那边的草看起来更绿”。 1.细节理解题。从文章的第二段的第四句开始:He usually went with them to the playground. When they ran off to play, he would sit under a tree and read storybooks. Books became his best friends.可以了解到,在操场的时候,他总是坐在树下,读着故事书。书成了他最好的朋友。结合题意,选择A项。故:选择A项。 2.细节理解题。结合第三段第三句:He was an extremely good player in every game. 和最后一句:The PE teacher thought he would make it big in the game when he grew up. 看出来,在各个运动上他都很棒,体育老师认为他长大后会在比赛中出人头地。所以,选择B项。故:选择B项。 3.推理判断题。结合第六段后两句:I always wished I could have done as well as you did in the studies. I even thought I could have given away my sporting skills for better grades in those exams. ”( 我一直希望我能在学习上做得像你一样好。 我甚至认为我可以放弃我的运动技巧,来换取在那些考试中更好的成绩。)可以看出,Sumer对自己的学习成绩是不满意的。结合选项,可以看出C项符合文意。故:选C项。 4.句意猜测题。回到文章:The grass looks greener on the other side of the hill.(山那边的草看起来更绿),结合文章内容了解到,Ranjan和Sumer在一起散步时,拿自身的不足之处和对方的优点比较时,都希望自己能够改善个人的不足,做到和对方一样好。可以得出结论:我们对自己都不满意,都想让自己变得更好。结合选项看,只有D项符合。故:选择D项。

London Shops

The Craft Store is a lovely little store for those who like making things by themselves. A great number of tools can be used for everything from candle making to making your own dress! Once you get into this store, you will be attracted by all the things you can do.

Phone: (020) 7636-0611        Address: 3080 Wonderland Road

The London Shop is a small shop in Baker Street which sells high-quality goods for the choosy tourists. It has a series of the usual tourist items, including lovely Rose teapots, cups and lots of teas. For the collectors there are model cars of every model from Rolls-Royce to Mini.

Phone: (020) 7935-1441     Address: 198 Baker Street

Nothing New is a great store for those who love old things with a bit of history. Even if you can’t afford the prices, it’s a great place to travel around and look at the old clothes and jewellery. You might even be able to pick up old musical instruments, but that depends on luck and your budget (预算)!

Phone: (020) 7038-3718     Address: 1 Farringdon Street

Active is a great store to suit all budgets. On the first floor there are informal and sports clothes for those who don’t want to spend much money on looking good. On the second floor there is equipment for the serious sportsman who wants quality and style.

Phone: (020) 7487-3370     Address: Long Tall Sally 19-25 Chiitem Street

1.Who will like the Craft Store best?

A.People who are not rich. B.People who like making things by themselves.

C.People who love old things. D.People who like designing clothes.

2.If you’re interested in collecting models of cars, where can you go?

A.198 Baker Street. B.1 Farringdon Street.

C.3080 Wonderland Road. D.Long Tall Sally 19-25 Chiitem Street.

3.For those who want to buy some sports clothes, which store is their best choice?

A.The London Shop. B.Nothing New.

C.The Craft Store. D.Active



假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,介绍你和家人在去年93日观看国庆阅兵活动的过程,并以“An Unforgettable Day”为题,给校刊英语角写一篇英文稿。




提示词:阳台 balcony

朋友圈 WeChat Moments

An Unforgettable Day

On September 3, a military parade was held to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the victory of World War II.









(1) 表示欢迎;

(2) 推荐他上哪所大学

(3) 建议他做哪些准备工作。

注意:(1). 词数不少于50;

(2). 开头和结尾已给出不计入总词数。

Dear Jim,




Li Hua



Are You a Prisoner of Perfection?

Do you struggle for a goal that is beyond your reach? 1. Are you setting yourself up for failure and shame when you can’t achieve the unachievable? Understanding what drives perfectionism is the first step toward releasing this self-created anchor that keeps us stuck.

Shame and fear are often the hidden drivers of perfectionism. We believe that if we can fashion a perfectly polished personality, flash our intelligence, and perfect our humour, then no one can hurt us with criticism and we’ll win respect and approval.

2. Politicians who display a desperate need to be right and refuse to acknowledge mistakes or uncertainty are often driven by a secret shame. They fear that showing vulnerability(弱点) will expose them to the accusation that they’re weak. They stick to a desire to be right, perfect, and polished, even when it’s obvious that the emperor has no clothes.

Perfectionism keeps us leaning toward the future. We’re constantly evaluating ourselves in order to do better. 3. However, if we can’t relax and enjoy lighter moments, then we become prisoners of our perfectionism. We get painfully self-conscious and take ourselves too seriously. Sadly, we deprive(剥夺) ourselves of the simple pleasure of enjoying the moment and being ourselves.

4. We realize that failing at any enterprise doesn’t mean that we are a failure. Without failures, we’ll never learn from our mistakes; we’ll never move forward in our lives. Those who succeed have made countless mistakes. The important thing is to learn from our error, forgive ourselves and move on.

Being human, perfection is impossible. 5.  Releasing ourselves from the desire to protect our image, we’re freed to sail gracefully through our successes and failures—and enjoy our precious life.

A. Do you hold an idealized vision that is impossible to realize?

B. A cure to perfectionism is to make room for our human shortcomings.

C. Do you fear that others will be horrified by what you judge about yourself?

D. The addiction to staying perfect protects us from any sign of being imperfect.

E. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to do our best and self-correcting along the way.

F. People who are addicted to perfection are often isolated, even if they seem outgoing and popular.

G. By accepting ourselves as we are and doing our best, we begin to rid the shame that drives perfectionism.



    The new social robots, including Jibo, Cozmo, Kuri and Meccano M.A.X., bear some resemblance to assistants like Apple’s Siri, but these robots come with something more. They are designed to win us over not with their smarts but with their personality. They are sold as companions that do more than talk to us. Time magazine hailed (称赞) the robots that “could fundamentally reshape how we interact with machines.” But is reshaping how we interact with machines a good thing, especially for children?

Some researchers in favor of the robots don’t see a problem with this. People have relationships with many kinds of things. Some say robots are just another thing with which we can have relationships. To support their argument, roboticists sometimes point to how children deal with toy dolls. Children animate (赋予生命) dolls and turn them into imaginary friends. Jibo, in a sense, will be one more imaginary friend, and arguably a more intelligent and fun one.

Getting attached to dolls and sociable machines is different, though. Today’s robots tell children that they have emotions, friendships, even dreams to share. In reality, the whole goal of the robots is emotional trickery. For instance, Cozmo the robot needs to be fed, repaired and played with. Boris Sofman, the chief executive of Anki, the company behind Cozmo, says that the idea is to create “a deeper and deeper emotional connection ... And if you neglect him, you feel the pain of that.” What is the point of this, exactly? What does it mean to feel the pain of neglecting something that feels no pain at being neglected, or to feel anger at being neglected by something that doesn’t even know it is neglecting you?

This should not be our only concern. It is troubling that these robots try to empathize with children. Empathy allows us to put ourselves in the place of others, to know what they are feeling. Robots, however, have no emotions to share, and they cannot put themselves in our place. No matter what robotic creatures “say” or squeak, they don’t understand our emotional lives. They present themselves as empathy machines, but they are missing the essential equipment. They have not been born, they don’t know pain, or death, or fear. Robot thinking may be thinking, but robot feeling is never feeling, and robot love is never love.

What is also troubling is that children take robots’ behavior to indicate feelings. When the robots interact with them, children take this as evidence that the robots like them, and when robots don’t work when needed, children also take it personally. Their relationships with the robots affect their self-esteem (自尊). In one study, an 8-year-old boy concluded that the robot stopped talking to him because the robot liked his brothers better.

For so long, we dreamed of artificial intelligence offering us not only simple help but conversation and care. Now that our dream is becoming real, it is time to deal with the emotional downside of living with robots that “feel.”

1.How are the new social robots different from Siri?

A.They are intended to teach children how to talk.

B.They are designed to attract people with their smarts.

C.Their main function is to evaluate children’s personality.

D.They have a new way to communicate with human beings.

2.In Paragraph 3 Cozmo is used as an example to show that the social robots ______.

A.are deeply connected with human beings

B.are unable to build a real relationship with children

C.are so advanced that they can feel the pain of human beings

D.are not good enough to carry out the instructions of children

3.The underlined phrase “essential equipment” in Paragraph 4 refers to ______.

A.emotion B.pain

C.fear D.thinking

4.Which of the following shows the development of ideas in the passage?

I: Introduction    P: Point    Sp: Sub-point (次要点)  C: Conclusion

A. B.

C. D.



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