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Controversy erupted after winners for this year’s Nobel Prize in Literature were announced on Oct 10. 1. was different was that two prizes were given, one for the 2. (cancel) 2018 award and the other for 2019. The choice for 2018 — Polish novelist Olga Tokarczuk, who also 3. (win) the Man Booker International Prize in 2018, was well-received. The 2019 winner, however, caused quite a stir. Peter Handke, from Austria, has 4. (previous) been accused of defending war crimes.

In 2008, French-American writer Jonathan Littell said this about Handke: “He might be a fantastic artist, but 5. a human being he is my enemy.” Hari Kunzru, a British-Indian novelist, was so outspoken as 6. (call) giving Handke the Nobel “a troubling choice” in the Guardian.

But the Swedish Academy didn’t think the 7. (accuse) was relevant. “It is not in the Academy’s mandate (权限) to balance literary quality against political considerations,” Mats Malm, the Swedish Academy’s secretary, told The New York Times.

When it comes to the literary quality of Handke’s work, there’s no argument. “Handke is a great German prose stylist (散文作家), 8. has spent his career 9. (explore) both the natural world and the world of human consciousness with precision, humor, and courage, ” Jonathan Galassi, president of the Farrar, said in a statement.

So in the end, these controversies come down to a simple question: Should a person’s morals and political views 10. (take) into consideration when we evaluate literature?


1.What 2.cancel(l)ed 3.won 4.previously 5.as 6.to call 7.accusation 8.who /and 9.exploring 10.be taken 【解析】 本文是说明文,介绍了今年诺贝尔文学奖颁发时发生的争议。 1.考查主语从句。句意:不同的是,颁发了两个奖项。此句中_____was different是主语从句,其中缺少主语,用what引导主语从句,并在从句中作主语,意为:…事情。故填What。 2.考察非谓语动词。句意:不同的是,颁发了两个奖项,一个是给取消了的2018年奖,另一个是给2019年奖。cancel和 award之间为被动关系,用过去分词作定语,意为:被取消的,故填cancel(l)ed。 3.考察时态。句意:2018年的选择——在2018年也获得曼·布克国际奖的波兰小说家Olga Tokarczuk受到了好评。根据时间状语in 2018可知win应用一般过去时。故填won。 4.考查副词。句意:来自奥地利的Peter Handke此前被指控为战争罪行辩护。修饰谓语has been accused of,应用副词。故填previously。 5.考查介词。句意:他可能是一位了不起的艺术家,但作为人类,他是我的敌人。此句中as意为: 作为,以…身份。故填as。 6.考查非谓语动词。句意:英国-印度小说家Hari Kunzru如此直言不讳,以至于在《卫报》上称要给诺贝尔奖获得者Handke “一个令人不安的选择”。so… as to …. 意为:如此…以致…,引导结果状语,不定式后接动词原形。故填 to call。 7.考查名词。句意:但瑞典学院并不认为这一指控有关联。所填词在think的宾语从句中作主语,应用名词形式,故填accusation。 8.考查定语从句。句意:Handke是一位伟大的德国散文作家,他的职业生涯都用于以精确、幽默和勇气去探索自然世界和人类意识世界。此句是非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词a great German prose stylist,指人,应用who引导定语从句;也可以看作是并列句,and连接并列成分is…和 has spent…, 故填who/ and。 9.考查非谓语动词。句意:他的职业生涯都用于探索自然世界和人类意识世界。“花费时间在…上”spend time doing….,后接doing做宾语,故填exploring。 10.考查被动语态。句意:当我们评价文学时,是否应该考虑到一个人的道德和政治观点?take… into consideration 把…考虑在内, 主语a person’s morals and political views和take之间为被动关系;情态动词should后用动词原形, 故填be taken。

    George worked in a company in Washington. Once, when he bought flowers for his girlfriend, he knew the shop owner Ben.

Later, because of the crime of fraud (诈骗罪), he was going to prison for 10 years. _________ hearing this news, his girlfriend left him.

10 years were too long. George got used to a passionate life, _________ how to spend the days, long, loveless and lightless. He had no _________ in himself.

George had the first month in prison feeling _________. He almost went crazy, when someone came to see him. He had no relative in Washington, so he couldn’t _________ who would remember him. In the meeting room, he was _________: it was Ben who brought him a bunch of lowers!

Though it was _________ a bunch of flowers, this brought _________ to George’s prison life. He started reading and studying electronic science in prison.

Six years later, he was _________. He first became an employee in a computer company, and then __________ a software company of his own and __________ a career in the field. Two years later, he became a billionaire.

George went to see Ben, but learnt that Ben’s __________ had failed two years before, Ben’s family was __________ to extreme poverty, so they moved to the countryside.

George took Ben’s family back, bought him an apartment and left Ben a(n) __________ in the company. George said, “It is your bunch of flowers every year that made me __________ the love and warmth of the world, and that it gave me courage to defeat __________. No matter what I have done for you, I can’t __________ your favour for me at that time, so I want to __________ a sum of money in your name so that all the unlucky people in the world feel your great love.”

Sure enough, George then established a “Washington Ben Benevolence Foundation for Strangers”.

It is easy for everyone to love everyone with __________. A word, a smile or a bunch of flowers is enough; we won’t __________ much, but it may help others walk out of dilemma, and make our life more beautiful.

1.A.At B.In C.On D.By

2.A.assessing B.questioning C.knowing D.wondering

3.A.confidence B.doubt C.interest D.knowledge

4.A.guilty B.depressed C.disgusted D.fearful

5.A.find out B.point out C.pick out D.figure out

6.A.puzzled B.satisfied C.suspicious D.surprised

7.A.just B.ever C.even D.still

8.A.hope B.fun C.luck D.success

9.A.employed B.promoted C.released D.recognized

10.A.combined B.ran C.bought D.left

11.A.built B.received C.continued D.predicted

12.A.marriage B.business C.garden D.health

13.A.exposed B.reduced C.admitted D.accustomed

14.A.promotion B.office C.position D.title

15.A.discount B.desire C.recall D.shape

16.A.inequality B.anxiety C.hardships D.twists

17.A.answer B.return C.owe D.ask

18.A.accumulate B.lend C.gather D.donate

19.A.kindness B.courage C.friendship D.calmness

20.A.want B.remark C.burden D.lose



    Beginning with Chinese efforts to explore and connect with Central Asia, the Silk Road consisted of massive small routes and was named after the silk cloth the Chinese produced. 1. Through these routes, Chinese silk, porcelain, lacquer work and ironware were shipped to the West, while pepper, flax, spices, grape and pomegranate entered China.

2. They promoted flow of knowledge as well. Arab astronomy, calendar and medicine found their way to China, while China’s four great inventions and silkworm breeding spread to other parts of the world. 3. For example, Buddhism originated in India, blossomed in China and was enriched in Southeast Asia. Confucianism, which was born in China, gained appreciation by European thinkers such as Leibniz and Voltaire. Herein lies the appeal of mutual learning.

The ancient silk routes witnessed the busy scenes of visits and trade over land and ships calling at ports. Along these major routes, capital, technology and people flowed freely. 4. The ancient prosperous cities and ports developed, so did the Roman Empire as well as Parthia and Kushan Kingdoms. The Han and Tang Dynasties of China entered the golden age. The ancient silk routes brought prosperity to these regions and contributed to their development.

Some regions along the ancient Silk Road used to be a land of milk and honey. Yet today, these places are often associated with conflict, crisis and challenge. 5. Now, the Belt and Road Initiative intends to build an open platform of cooperation and a broad community of shared interests. It will not only achieve economic growth and balanced development, but also connect different civilizations. Mutual understanding, mutual respect, and mutual trust among different countries will be boosted.

A. More importantly ideas were also exchanged.

B. The ancient silk routes were not only for trade.

C. Goods, resources and benefits were widely shared.

D. Such state of affairs should not be allowed to continue.

E. However, silk was just one of many goods traded on these routes.

F. Large empires provided stability and protection for the trade routes.

G. The Silk Road was never an actual road, or even a single massive trade route.



    Henry Stanley is perhaps best known for his expedition into Africa to find Dr. David Livingstone, but that’s not the only rescue mission he undertook. In December 1886, Stanley set off into Africa on what would be his last journey: an attempt to find and bring home a German zoologist named Eduard Schnitzer.

Schnitzer had taken the name “Emin Pasha,” in an attempt to be better received by those he was living among. Pasha was cataloging a host of recently-discovered plant and animal lifeforms when fighting broke out in the Sudan. Pasha withdrew to Equatoria, at about the same time the Emin Pasha Relief Committee was formed. In addition to the chief goal of bringing Pasha home, Stanley was also under orders from the King of Belgium to open up some new trade routes in the area.

The roundabout route the Committee ended up taking meant that by the time they finally found Pasha many members of the expedition were dead. Those that did survive were worn, ill, and starving by the time they found Pasha who, in comparison, was well-dressed, clean, and—by some accounts—smoking a three-year-old cigar when they finally found him. He was in need of some support and supplies, but he had neither intent nor desire to leave the area. Arguments arose, causing a firm hatred between Stanley and Pasha.

Stanley finally convinced Pasha to leave with the remains of the expedition, setting off on a demanding trip back through Africa. They finally met up with some German explorers, and made it back to the port town of Bagamoyo in 1889.

During the party they threw to celebrate their return to civilization, Pasha fell off a balcony and broke his skull. Stanley returned to Europe to receive commendations and congratulations, while Pasha slowly recovered from his unwanted rescue.

1.What may be the title of this passage?

A.Happiness was balanced by sadness B.Stanley’s best known expedition

C.A “successful” rescue mission D.A legend of Emin Pasha

2.What resulted in the deaths of the members of the expedition?

A.Hatred among the members led to bloody conflicts.

B.They were involved in a fighting with the local army.

C.The Committee was dismissed halfway through the mission.

D.The route they chose cost them too much time and supplies.

3.What does “commendations” mean in the last paragraph?

A.Criticism. B.Resignation.

C.Preparation. D.Credit.

4.What does the author want to convey by mentioning “smoking a three-year-old cigar”

A.Pasha was in good condition. B.Pasha ran out of supplies.

C.Pasha felt delighted at their arrival. D.Pasha was addicted to tobacco.



    A block chain is a data structure that stores time-ordered data in an ever-growing list, like an accounting ledger (分类账簿). The block chain data structure is maintained using a distributed, peer-to-peer network of computers with no central “master”. As with many new concepts, block chain technology generates much optimism and also a huge amount of interest and excitement. Just what is it good for?

In short, block chains may improve any process where people need to access, confirm, send or store information securely. This information could be a person’s identity, a product’s shipment history or digital property like money.

Typical databases, spreadsheets (电子数据表), and ledgers store information about objects, people, and the interactions between them. Much of the world’s information, from credit card transactions to medical and financial records, is stored in these types of systems.

These types of systems have considerable, well-documented weaknesses that arise from their being centralized. A centralized record is hard to understand and is exposed to unauthorized access or distribution. It is also, because it is a ‘master’ copy, exposed to permanent changing or deletion.

Block chains are also used to store information. Crucially, however, they differ in two ways.

First, information is parceled up into blocks and sealed. Bitcoin, for example, which is the most famous practical example of a production block chain, stores all transactions across the network every ten minutes or so in a single, newly formed block. Each block is then added to the previous one to form a chain.

Second, this “chain of blocks” is not stored centrally. Instead, each block is copied and distributed around an entire network of peers - be they individuals, public institutions, or businesses - using distributed ledger technology. (The terms “block chain” and “distributed ledger” are often used interchangeably; for the sake of clarity, block chain technologies tend to employ distributed ledger technology.)

Each time someone adds a new block to the chain, meanwhile it is added to everyone’s copy.

1.What is the biggest strength of a block chain?

A.It promotes people’s enthusiasm about new technology.

B.It strengthens the security of processing information.

C.It enables people to store more data in time order.

D.It stores a large part of world’s information.

2.The typical systems used to store information are weak in that ________.

A.they are difficult to operate B.they can be accessed easily

C.they have a central “master” D.they store considerable documents

3.The passage is developed mainly by ________.

A.making comparisons B.giving examples

C.making a list D.showing the effect and causes

4.What’s the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

A.To analyze the weaknesses of typical systems.

B.To encourage the popularity of the block chain.

C.To introduce the new concept of the block chain.

D.To compare the two different data structures.



    Jem was twelve. He was difficult to live with, inconsistent, moody. His appetite was enormous, and he told me so many times to stop annoying him. I consulted Atticus: “Reckon he’s got a tapeworm?” Atticus said no, Jem was growing. I must be patient with him and disturb him as little as possible.

This change in Jem had come about in a matter of weeks. Several times he went so far as to tell me what to do. After one argument when Jem shouted, “It’s time you started bein’ a girl and acting right!” I burst into tears and fled to Calpurnia.

“Don’t you worry too much over Mister Jem—” she began.

“Mister Jem?”

“Yeah, he’s just about Mister Jem now.”

“He ain’t that old,” I said. “All he needs is somebody to beat him up, and I ain’t big enough.”

“Baby,” said Calpurnia, “I just can’t help it if Mister Jem’s growin’ up. He’s gonna want to be off to himself a lot now, doin’ whatever boys do, so you just come right on in the kitchen when you feel lonesome. We’ll find lots of things to do in here.” She seemed glad to see me when I appeared in the kitchen.

But summer came and I received a letter from Dill. It said he would not come this summer. I was not used to his absence. I stayed miserable for two days.

As if that were not enough, the state legislature (立法机关) was called into emergency session and Atticus left us for two weeks. There were sit-down strikes in Birmingham; bread lines in the cities grew longer, people in the country grew poorer. But these were events remote from the world of Jem and me.

We were surprised one morning to see a cartoon picture of our father in The Montgomery Advertiser. It showed Atticus barefooted and in short pants, chained to a desk: he was diligently writing on a stone while some frivolous (轻佻的)-looking girls yelled, “Yoo-hoo!” at him.

“That’s a compliment (表扬),” explained Jem. “He spends his time doin’ things that wouldn’t get done if nobody did ’em.”


In addition to Jem’s newly developed characteristics, he had acquired a maddening air of wisdom.

“Oh, Scout, it’s like reorganizing the tax systems of the counties and things. That kind of thing’s pretty dry to most men.”

“How do you know?”

“Oh, go on and leave me alone. I’m readin’ the paper.”

Jem got his wish. I departed for the kitchen.

1.Which of the following did NOT affect Scout’s life that summer?

A.Jem’s growing. B.Dill’s failing to come.

C.Atticus’ leaving for sessions. D.A cartoon in the newspaper.

2.What belonged to Jem’s newly developed characteristics that summer?

A.His tapeworm. B.His eating much.

C.His consistent mood. D.His abuse of Scout.

3.Scout hoped that Jem could return to normal if someone ________.

A.hit him heavily B.disturbed him

C.treated him badly D.made him independent

4.What happened outside the world of Jem and Scout that summer?

A.People went on strike by eating nothing. B.More people were waiting for food.

C.People went to the countryside. D.Atticus was chained to his office.



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