满分5 > 高中英语试题 >






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

In order to enrich our school life and promote our English learning, the English teachers of Grade II organized an English Talent show last Friday afternoon. Despite of the fact that we were busy with our study, we took active part in it.

The show lasted more than two hours and it was a great success. Different forms of English programs ranged from singing, dancing, short plays, musical plays to English dubbing performances were displayed, which offers us a great visual feast. There were lots of excitement and cheers during the whole process. That impressed us most was the play Snow White. This activity was warmly welcomed by we students, all of which considered it helped to arouse our learning interest. It is suggested that such activities could be held more regular so that we can really combine learning with joy and develop our learning potential.


1. Despite of–Despite 2. took后面加an 3. ranged-ranging 4.offers—offered 5.There were – There was 6. That—What 7.we– us 8.which- whom 9. could – should / 删去could 10. regular – regularly 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了英语老师举办了一场英语才艺表演,同学们表演了各种各样的节目,大家都认为这有助于激发我们的学习兴趣并建议以后多多举行这样的活动。 第一处:考查despite的用法。句意:尽管学习很忙,我们还是积极参加了。despite表示“尽管”,of是多余的,故删掉of。 第二处:考查冠词。句意参考上题解析,take part in短语中,如果part前有形容词修饰时,通常要加不定冠词,active以元音音素开头,故在took后面加an。 第三处:考查非谓语动词。句意:从唱歌、跳舞、短剧、音乐剧到英语配音等各种形式的英语节目给我们带来了一场视觉盛宴。Different forms of English programs 与range之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,表示主动,用现在分词作定语,故ranged改为ranging。 第四处:考查时态。句意参考上题解析,事情发生在过去,应该用一般过去时,故offers改为offered。 第五处:考查主谓一致。句意:整个过程充满了兴奋和欢呼。根据就近原则,there be句型中be用单数还是复数由后面接近的一项的单复数决定,excitement是不可数名词,故were 改为was。 第六处:考查主语从句。句意:令我印象最深的是戏剧《白雪公主》。此处为主语从句,从句中缺少主语,故That改为What。 第七处:考查代词。句意:这次活动受到了我们学生的热烈欢迎,大家都认为这有助于激发我们的学习兴趣。作介词by的宾语应该用宾格,故we改为us。 第八处:考查非限定性定语从句。句意参考上题解析,此处为非限定性定语从句,关系词指代先行词students 在从句中作of的宾语,故which改为whom。 第九处:考查虚拟语气。句意:大家建议这样的活动可以定期举行,这样我们才能真正把学习和娱乐结合起来,开发我们的潜力。在it is suggested that(建议……)句型中,that引导的主语从句通常用should+动词原形的虚拟语气,其中should可以省略,故could 改为 should或删掉could。 第十处:考查副词。句意参考上题解析,修饰动词held用副词,故regular 改为 regularly。

请使用Book6 Units1-3的单词填空,每空一词。

1.___________ to computer games, he couldn’t concentrate on his studies. (unable to stop doing sth as a habit)

2.He was so d________ for a job that he would have done anything. (needing or wanting sth very much)

3.Modern farming methods can have a harmful ________ on the environment.( a change that sb/sth cause in sb/sth)

4.The government has been accused of not responding __________to the needs of the homeless. (suitably or correctly)

5.I passed my driving test at the first __________(an act of trying)

6.The diamond ring is one of her most treasured ___________.(belongings)

7.This poses a threat to agriculture and the food chain, and ____________ to human health. (as a result)

8.The stroke(中风) left his right side __________ damaged. lasting for a long time

9.Many people expressed a strong ___________ for the original plan. (a greater interest in )

10.She refused to allow the ________ of her husband’s work. (the act of showing sth)




There is good news- for those who enjoy 1. (run) - around in rain and don't want to get their clothes dirtied or those who play soccer but don't want their shirts to get soiled or wet with sweat. British scientists have created a fabric (织物)that never gets dirty or wet! The cloth 2. (treat) with a special non-sticky chemical that resists oil and water. This ensures that the clothes made 3. it remain clean. But the scientists are not yet ready to make public the 4. (detail) information of this "miracle" chemical.

A well-known French company recently launched 5. new range of jackets that have Teflon in them. Teflon is the plastic coating on non-stick cooking pans,6. has a special characteristic: No reaction to anything. As a result, dirt and water slip away from the Teflon fabric, as 7.(easy) as oil slips out of a Teflon-coated pan.

American scientists have gone a step 8.(far). They have added insecticide (杀虫剂) to the fabric that kills mosquitoes on contact. This new anti-mosquito fabric 9. (find) immediate buyers shortly after its invention. According to reports, several mosquito net producers are planning 10.. (compete) with each other in the bid (投标)to "net" the company for the use of this new technology.



    It's sad to know that each year many teenagers experience the death of someone they love. This is likely to have an __________ on their life. Although bereavement(丧失) is a difficult and __________ topic, I'm going to talk about some of the things that __________ helped me to cope better after losing my dad in 2012.

The most important __________ is not to "bottle things up". At first, I didn’t tell anyone how I really felt when I should have spoken about it. No one should be __________ to feel upset after losing someone they love, as it’s an __________ time. It is important to talk about how you feel to people you __________ so they can support you. I “opened up” to few people, but it was nice to know that I had people there who I could __________ if I had a (n) __________ day. I spoke to my friends and my teachers, who would offer __________.

Another thing that I found to be __________ after losing my dad was to make a __________ box. This is a box where I put stuff that reminded me of my dad, and the memories I __________ with him. I still have the_______now, and it makes me __________.

Finally, it’s important to take time to grieve(悲痛) properly. I decided to focus on my studies and the things I __________ doing. I get __________ from time to time but I’ve learned that it’s okay to __________.

Everyone will have their own ways of ___________ after losing someone they love. This outlines what I personally found helpful. Everyone should remember that they are not __________.

1.A.independence B.impact C.agreement D.impression

2.A.impressive B.objective C.positive D.sensitive

3.A.personally B.simply C.hopefully D.possibly

4.A.thing B.phrase C.fact D.truth

5.A.pleased B.heartbroken C.desired D.ashamed

6.A.unimportant B.unpleasant C.untouched D.unsatisfied

7.A.meet B.know C.trust D.remember

8.A.look for B.turn to C.speak to D.respond to

9.A.common B.particular C.easy D.bad

10.A.accommodation B.money C.food D.help

11.A.helpful B.disappointed C.painful D.grateful

12.A.chocolate B.experience C.memory D.personal

13.A.provided B.shared C.played D.talked.

14.A.box B.stuff C.memory D.sadness

15.A.stop B.wonder C.smile D.differ

16.A.forgot B.kept C.enjoyed D.considered

17.A.upset B.confused C.bored D.influenced

18.A.laugh B.cry C.question D.calm

19.A.studying B.living C.handling D.passing

20.A.allergic B.alike C.usual D.alone



Tips for Developing Your Artistic Talent

Everyone has an artistic talent. You might not even know it. 1.. However, in fact, there are a lot of different ways to express your artistic side. You don't necessarily have to be a professional(专业人员). You can enjoy art just for its own value. Check out a few tips for developing artistic skills.

1. Art takes a variety of forms

Most people think that art can only be found in museums and is only for the elite(精英). You can look around you.2.. They may be found in nature, and even in usual advertisements and posters. Just start to look at such sides as line, color, composition and style.

2. Try things out

If you want to develop your artistic talent, start trying things out.3.

3. Appreciate

4.. Almost anything can be used for inspiration. Visit museums and galleries, or look at art books. When you look around you, you develop your artistic appreciation and use it to work on developing your own skills.


Don't expect to create a masterpiece(杰作)with your first try. There must be mistakes. Many artists spent years studying and perfecting their skill. You might not want to reach their level, but don't feel shy about your work. Even if it's not perfect, it will be. Try outlearn from your mistakes, and improve your skills.

A. Take art classes

B. Don't be afraid to make mistakes

C. You'll find art and beauty are everywhere

D. You might have always thought that you don't have any skills in the arts

E. Another way to develop your artistic talent is to learn how to use your eyes

F. There are many things you can try from painting, costume, dance and singing

G. Discuss the art with other art lovers to see what they think and then form your own opinion



Modern lifestyles are generally quite different from those of our hunter-gatherer ancestors, a fact that some claim as the cause of the current rise in global obesity, but new results published July 25 in the open access journal PLOS ONE find that there is no difference between the energy expenditure(耗费) of modern hunter-gatherers and Westerners, casting doubt on this theory.

The research team behind the study, led by Herman Pontzer of Hunter College in New York City, along with David Raichlen of the University of Arizona and Brian M. Wood of Stanford measured daily energy expenditure among the Hadza, a population of traditional hunter-gatherers living in the open Savannah of northern Tanzania. Despite spending their days hiking long distances to seek for wild plants and game, the Hadza burned no more calories each day than adults in the U.S. and Europe. The team ran several analyses accounting for the effects of body weight, body fat percentage, age, and gender. In all analyses, daily energy expenditure among the Hadza hunter-gatherers was indistinguishable(难以区分的) from that of Westerners. The study was the first to measure energy expenditure in hunter-gatherers directly; previous studies had relied entirely on estimates.

These findings overturn the long-held assumption that our hunter-gatherer ancestors expended more energy than modern populations, and challenge the view that obesity in Western populations results from decreased energy expenditure. Instead, the similarity in daily energy expenditure across a broad range of lifestyles suggests that habitual metabolic(新陈代谢的) rates are relatively constant among human populations. This in turn supports the view that the current rise in obesity is due to increased food consumption, not decreased energy expenditure. It means we have more to learn about human physiology(生理学) and health, particularly in non-Western settings.

"These results highlight the complexity of energy expenditure. It's not simply a function of physical activity," says Pontzer.” Our metabolic rates may be more a reflection of our shared evolutionary past than our diverse modern lifestyles."

1.According to the new research, hunter-gatherers consume _________.

A. the same energy as Westerners    B. more energy than Westerners

C. less energy than Westerners    D. the same food as Westerners

2.How did the research team do the new research?

A. By comparing hiking distances.    B. By identifying wild plants and game.

C. By estimating daily energy expenditure.    D. By measuring daily energy expenditure.

3.People have long assumed that _________.

A. the rise in obesity is due to increased food consumption

B. decreased energy expenditure makes Westerners fat

C. daily energy expenditure stays the same in history

D. humans’ habitual metabolic rates are unchanged

4.Which of the following can reflect our shared evolutionary past?

A. Our physiology activity.    B. Our energy expenditure.

C. Our metabolic rates.    D. Our modern lifestyle.



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