满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Love is a hot topic, but what is love? H...

    Love is a hot topic, but what is love? Here is a story.

It took me a long time before I was able to fully understand my grandparents’ love. They wrote the word “Shmily” in a surprising place for the other to find.______one of them discovered it , it was his/her turn to _____it once more---in shoes, under pillows, even in toilet paper…Their way of life, rather than only a game, _____their love, which not everyone is _____enough to experience. They _____hands every chance they had, finished each other’s sentences and went to _____together.

But there was a dark _____in my grandparents’ life. My grandmother had breast cancer. It had first _____ten years earlier. As usual, Grandpa was with her every _____of the way. He comforted her in their _____room, painted that color so she could always be ____ , even when she was too sick to go outside.

Now, it was even worse, but they still went to church ____ .Grandma grew steadily _____until finally, she could not ____ the house any more. For a while, Grandpa would go to church alone, praying to God to _____his wife out. Then one day Grandma was ____.

_____ was written in yellow on the ribbon of my grandmother’s funeral bouquet(花束). As the crowd thinned and the last mourners _____to leave, Grandpa stepped up, taking a shaky _____, and began to sing to her. Through his tears, the song came, ____.

Thank you, Grandpa and Grandma, for letting me see.

S-h-m-i-l-y: see how much I love you.

1.A.Though B.As soon as C.Because D.As far as

2.A.write B.place C.tell D.hide

3.A.broke B.saved C.shook D.saw

4.A.rich B.friendly C.lucky D.special

5.A.touched B.held C.waved D.clapped

6.A.church B.work C.school D.hospital

7.A.rain B.wind C.cloud D.snow

8.A.risen B.burnt C.appeared D.promised

9.A.minute B.walk C.time D.step

10.A.grey B.yellow C.blue D.black

11.A.in sunshine B.on duty C.in surprise D.on business

12.A.lonely B.secretly C.apart D.together

13.A.better B.weaker C.stronger D.thinner

14.A.leave B.design C.escape D.paint

15.A.send B.give C.help D.take

16.A.missing B.gone C.lost D.passing

17.A.Shmily B.Word C.Name D.Age

18.A.stopped B.got C.turned D.refused

19.A.breath B.risk C.rest D.effort

20.A.nice and clear B.loud and noisy C.short and fast D.deep and slow


1.B 2.D 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.D 10.B 11.A 12.D 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.B 17.A 18.C 19.A 20.D 【解析】 本文是记叙文, 讲述了作者祖父母之间的特殊的爱的表达方式。 1.考查连词词义辨析。句意:他们在让另一个人惊讶的地方写“Shmily”一字。一旦他们中的一个找到了Shmily这个字,就轮到另一个人再一次把那个字藏起来。A. Though虽然; B. As soon as一…就…; C. Because因为; D. As far as就…而言,远至。这里描写祖父祖母玩的一个游戏。故选B项。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们中的一个人找到了它,就轮到另一个人再一次把那个字藏起来。A. write写字; B. place放置; C. tell告诉;D. hide藏。从上一句 in a surprising place for the other to find可知,是把字藏起来,然后另一个人去找。故选D项。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们的这种生活方式见证了他们的爱,而不仅仅是一种游戏。A. broke打破; B. saved救; C. shook摇晃; D. saw看见,经历,见证。祖父祖母以一种特殊的方式表达他们的爱。此处see 意为:见证。故选D项。 4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这并不是每个人都有幸体验到的。A. rich富裕的,富有的; B. friendly友好的;C. lucky幸运的;D. special特别的。作者觉得祖父祖母的那种爱不是每一个人都能拥有的。故选C项。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一有机会他们就会握住彼此的手。A. touched接触, 触摸;B. held握住,抓住; C. waved挥动,挥手; D. clapped鼓掌。祖父祖母手握着手。故选B项。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们一起去教堂。A. church 教堂;B. work工作;C. school 学校;D. hospital医院。下文提到but they still went to church together。故选A项。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但我祖父母的生活中出现了乌云。A. rain雨;B. wind风; C. cloud乌云; D. snow 雪。祖母生病是他们生活中的黑暗期。 故选C项。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:它(乳腺癌)最初出现在十年前。A. risen上升;B. burnt燃烧;C. appeared出现;D. promised允诺,承诺。祖母十年前患了癌症。故选C项。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:跟往常一样,祖父依然寸步不离地陪着她。A. minute分钟; B. walk步行;C. time时间;D. step步伐。根据the way可知,祖父每一步都跟着祖母。故选D项。 10.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他在他们黄色的房间里安慰她。A. grey灰色的;B. yellow黄色的; C. blue蓝色的; D. black黑色的。根据下文Shmily was written in yellow on the ribbon of my grandmother’s funeral bouquet(在祖母的葬礼上,用黄色在花束的丝带上写Shmily)可知,黄色对于祖母来说是很特殊的颜色。故选B项。 11.考查介词短语辨析。句意:他在他们黄色的房间里安慰她,把房间漆成黄色,这样她就可以一直在阳光下,即使是在病中不能出去的情况下。A. in sunshine沐浴在阳光中; B. on duty值班; C. in surprise惊讶地; D. on business出差。根据常识,黄色代表着快乐和阳光。祖父将他们的房间漆成了黄色,希望祖母在病中能感受到阳光。 故选A项。 12.考查副词词义辨析。句意:现在,情况更糟了,但他们仍然一起去教堂。 A. lonely寂寞地;B. secretly秘密地; C. apart分开; D. together一起。根据下文Grandpa would go to church alone ,祖母活着的时候都是一起去教堂,祖母去世后,祖父只好一个人去教堂。故选D项。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:祖母变得更虚弱了。A. better身体更健康的;B. weaker更虚弱的;C. stronger更强壮的;D. thinner更瘦的 。根据前一句中的 It was even worse可知祖母身体状况越来越差。故选B项。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她不能离开房间。A. leave离开;B. design设计;C. escape逃避;D. paint绘画。祖母病越来越重,不能走出房间。故选A项。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:有一段时间,祖父会一个人去教堂,向上帝祈祷帮助他的妻子摆脱困境。 A. send发送; B. give给予; C. help帮助; D. take取出。help sb.out帮助某人摆脱困境。故选C 项。 16.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然后有一天祖母去世了。A. missing失踪的;B. gone逝去的;C. lost失去的,迷路的; D. passing 经过的。be gone 意为:消失,不见了,此处意为“逝去的” 故选B项。 17.考查 名词词义辨析。句意:把Shmily 用黄色写在我祖母的葬礼花束的丝带上的。A. Shmily ;B. Word字; C. Name名字; D. Age年龄。文中第二段和最后一段都提到Shmily , 可知Shmily这个字对与祖母来说有着特殊的意义。故选A项。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着人群逐渐减少,最后一批哀悼者转身离开。 A. stopped停止; B. got得到;C. turned转身;D. refused拒绝。葬礼结束,人们陆续离去。故选C项。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:祖父走上来, 颤抖地吸了一口气,开始向她唱歌。 A. breath呼吸; B. risk冒险; C. rest休息; D. effort 努力。take a breath 吸一口气。祖父唱歌之前吸一口气。故选A项。 20.考查形容词短语辨析。句意:透过他的眼泪,歌声传来,深沉而缓慢。 A. nice and clear好听而又清晰;B. loud and noisy声音大又嘈杂;C. short and fast简短快速的; D. deep and slow低沉缓慢地。根据through his tears 可知,祖父心情沉重,葬礼上的歌曲应该是低沉缓慢的。故选D项。

    No one ever said final week is easy. Late-night cramming(填鸭式的用功) accompanied by cup after cup of coffee can take its toll(产生恶果,产生损害) on your body, not to mention all of the test stress. But while you try to review as many books as possible to prepare for your tests, don’t forget your health. 1.. Here are some tips on dieting.


Grabbing an Orion cake from the vending machine(自动贩卖机)is attractive, but it’s important to stick to fresher, more nutritious food. A banana or an orange with some trail mix(干果什锦) or yogurt will fill you up better than junk food. 3.. Eat a wholesome breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the same time you always do.

Stay hydrated(含水的)

Drink plenty of water, and then drink some more. 4.. Sugary soft drinks will do no good. Spice up your water with fruits like lemon, or swap it for unsweetened flavorful tea, which rehydrates just as well as water.

Proper caffeine intake(摄入) from coffee and energy drinks

Everyone could use a quick energy booser, but too much could leave you feeling anxious, unable to sleep or focus. 5..

A. The last place you need to experience caffeine withdrawal is in the middle of your exams

B. After all, if you’re sick and uncomfortable during your tests, every effort you’ve made might be in vain

C. Eat healthily and regularly

D. Cook meals by yourself

E. Don’t change your food schedule too much

F. It will help your mind stay clear and keep your energy levels high

G. However, once you are sick and uncomfortable, you won’t get a high grade in exams



    According to a new study from Cornell University, about one-fifth of the global population, of 2 billion people worldwide, will be forced to resettle or go deeper inland by 2100 due to the continuous rise in sea level.

The study, published in the journal Land Use Policy, showed that the growing global population could make the matter worse. The researchers expected that there are about 1.4 billon “climate change refugees(难民)” in the world by 2060 and by 2100 the number of the displaced people due to the rising sea level could reach up to two billion.

“We’re going to have more people on less land and sooner than we think,” said lead author Charles Geisler, professor at Cornell. “The future rise in global average sea level probably won’t be gradual. Yet few policy makers are observing the significant barriers that coastal climate refugees, like other refugees, will run into when they move to higher ground.”

For the study, the researchers reviewed(回顾) potential problems that climate change refugees may face if they go deeper inland. The researchers identified these land difficulties with relocation using three organizing groups. Including depletion(损耗) zones, win-lose zones and no-trespass(不得擅自进入) zones. By doing so, the researchers were able to provide primary estimates of their toll(损失) on inland resettlement space. The researchers found that some inland regions were unlikely to support new waves of climate change refugees due to the remains of war, road developments and rare natural resources.

Apart from the rising sea level, increasing storm weather and the booming global population are also having a huge influence on the number of climate change refugees. Storm can push seawater further inland. The increasing global population requires more land even as the ocean swallows up rich costal zones and river deltas(三角洲). These force people to search for new places to move to higher ground.

1.What would happen if the sea level were to rise?

A.2 billion people would be “refugees” by 2060.

B.50% of the population would lose their homes.

C.Inland regions would become more crowded.

D.Coastal regions would be polluted seriously.

2.What can be inferred from Charles Geisler’s words?

A.The sea level will go up in a little-by-little way.

B.Moving to higher land isn’t the key solution.

C.Land and population vary according to climate change.

D.Policy makers should think more for climate change refugees.

3.Why do climate change refugees fail to move to some inland regions?

A.Because they can’t live a common life there.

B.Because they can’t adapt to the climate there.

C.Because they may consume more than expected.

D.Because they will destroy the natural resources.

4.What does the author stress in the last paragraph?

A.Global warming is a double-edged sword.

B.In the future climate will become worse.

C.The earth will see more climate change refugees.

D.Sea will bring humans more disadvantages.



    Everywhere we look, we are surrounded by technology. We heavily rely on technology for our day-to-day lives. There are the social media apps, such as Facebook, Twitter, where we are able to see into the lives of everyone around us. There are other more useful apps like Google Maps where you can use a GPS to get from one place to another. It is no wonder that we are constantly looking down at our phones and other devices. And, that is a problem.

Pretty soon, I fear that people will no longer be able to communicate face to face. I personally love being able to sit down and have a conversation with someone sans cell phones and distractions. It shows that you care about who you are talking to and want to involve and listen to them. The cell phone can wait until later.

What I really dislike is that younger and younger children are using technology. Instead of playing outside with friends, they are playing on iPads, iPods, or video games. Instead of having little games or books, children now have electronic devices to use to distract them even if waiting at doctors’ appointments etc. They want cell phones at young ages. They have texting. I overheard sixth graders one day talking about texting, and I was a little sad. At that age, I had to call my friends on the phone in order to talk to them.

We are a society based on technology. And, that isn’t a completely bad thing, given its use in areas such as medicine. But we shouldn’t be addicted to so many of these devices that we forget to look around and see what is happening in the world around us.

1.What can be concluded from the first paragraph?

A.Some tech products leave us unable to focus.

B.Social media apps make people more visible.

C.Many people usually misuse social media apps.

D.Technology provides us with a convenient life.

2.Which can best replace the underlined word “sans”?

A.is need of B.without

C.is spite of D.with

3.What’s the author’s attitude towards using technology in medicine?

A.Indifferent. B.Opposed.

C.Concerned. D.Supportive.

4.What does the author really want to show in the passage?

A.We should take a step back from constantly using technology.

B.The electronic devices are closely connected with our life.

C.Society should no longer be based on technology.

D.We should say goodbye to electronic devices.



    I was on my way home from work, cutting through the Bryant Park. On that day, the sun seemed to set faster than usual, and suddenly I found myself walking in the dark. I was less than half a mile from my apartment, but the path would lead me over a bridge, across train tracks, and through an unlit underpass.

Then I heard him – a stranger running alongside me, partly obscured(遮掩) by the bushes. My mouth went dry; my legs felt like water. But I didn’t pick up my pace – instead, I stopped, turned, and faced him. He came out of the bushes and said he’d been watching me “for a long time”.

As he walked beside me, I guided us towards the edge of the park. When we reached the bridge, a train rumbled(轰鸣着缓慢行进) past, and he seized the moment, attacking me with a knife around my throat. The self-defense skills I had learned years before kicked in, and I pushed my finger into his eye, hard. And then came the shock: That didn’t frighten him away. My mind flashed back to a tip from an old guitar teacher: “Press the strings like you’re squeezing a flea(跳蚤).” I put all my strength into that finger, and finally he let go.

I was shaking with fear, but I looked him straight in the eye and began to back away. I turned to run the hell out of there, but then I remembered another self-defense lesson: Never run, because then you’re a target. So I walked away alone – through the dark tunnel as I dialed 911 with trembling fingers. If you ever find yourself in this situation, use these self-defense skills that you already know. They can really make all the difference to you.

1.Which of the following word best describes the author’s way home?

A.Well-traveled. B.Risky.

C.Boring. D.Well-protected.

2.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 suggest?

A.The author was desperate to go home.

B.The author was exhausted and thirsty.

C.The author was in a state of fear.

D.The author’s legs were wet.

3.Which statement may the author agree with?

A.The man is a casual acquaintance of her.

B.She was guarded home by the police finally.

C.She might feel grateful for her self-defense skills.

D.The man injured his eye himself when making an attack.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.How I survived an attack B.Whether fortune smiles on me

C.What one should do when in danger D.Why self-defense skills are important



    As winter sets in, it’s the perfect time to get out of town and escape the seasonal mood disorder. Here are vacation ideas to adopt now.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica, located in the Valle del General, is an off-the-radar agriculture town that’s not overrun with tourists. The area is known for its coffee, pineapples and sugar cane plantations, as well as its rich forests. What’s more, you can enjoy horseback riding, spend afternoons at the spa or tour a nearby wildlife shelter to look out for colorful birds, sloths and other animals.

Los Cabos, Mexico

If you love wine, travel to Los Cabos, a beautiful vacation destination at the southern edge of the Baja Peninsula. During your getaway(短假), you can enjoy special wine tastings and dinner cooked by Los Cabos’s Michelin-starred chef. There are wildlife-viewing opportunities, too. From December through May, you can spot whales, manta rays and more wildlife.

Petit St Vincent, the Grenadines

This private Caribbean island was free of the anger of hurricanes Irma and Maria. What’s more, the whole island is only 115 acres and has 22 cottages. Each cottage is located in a quiet place, and you can expect to unplug and recharge phones with no wireless connections, televisions or telephones in the cottages. Even better, you can spend your days admiring fascinating marine life at the Jean-Michel Cousteau Diving Caribbean center.

The Exumas, Bahamas

On Fowl Cay’s 50-acre private island, you can enjoy a carefree escape. Days can be spent fishing, boating and diving before wandering along white sands. The resort(度假村) features large one-, two- and three-bedroom houses. Best of all, if you’re planning a group getaway or multigenerational trip, you rent the entire island for a one-of-a-kind island escape.

1.Why does the author recommend these placed to readers?

A.To experience out-of-town sights.

B.To beat winter blues.

C.To escape from extreme weather.

D.To treat mental disease.

2.What do we know about Petit St Vincent?

A.It survived hurricanes Irma and Maria. B.It’s a huge and quiet island.

C.People can admire fish off shore. D.People can charge phones using wireless connections.

3.Where can Tom best go with his grandparents and parents?

A.Los Cabos, Mexico.

B.Petit St Vincent, the Grenadines.

C.Costa Rica.

D.The Exumas, Bahamas.



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