满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

What are the speakers probably doing? A....

What are the speakers probably doing?

A.Taking pictures. B.Watching TV. C.Doing exercise.


A 【解析】 【原文】 此题为听力题,解析略。  

What does the man want to buy?

A.A pet dog. B.A shelf. C.Pet food.



How much did the man pay for the larger painting?

A.Two thousand dollars.

B.Four thousand dollars.

C.Six thousand dollars.




Researchers have found that learning two languages can greatly improve our mental development. For example, researches show us that bilingual experience helps us to rapidly make sense of information.

When given a task where children have to focus on one thing and ignore distracting information, bilingual children have shown themselves to the task. When they are asked to change their focus elsewhere, bilingual children also do this more effectively.

Focusing and changing attention are important abilities that go beyond bilingualism: This ability helps us to rapidly learn and progress information and function well in school and other learning environments.














Many of the most memorable ad campaigns nowadays tend to be funny. Advertisers use this strategy to attract customers to their products. Audiences like to be entertained not forced. People will pay more attention to a humorous commercial than a factual serious one opening themselves up to be influenced. The key to funny advertising is assuring the humor is appropriate to both the product and customers. The balance between being funny and being obnoxious can often be delicate, and a marketer must be certain the positive effects outweigh the negative before an advertisement can be introduced.

The best products to sell using humor tend to be those that consumers think the least about. Products that are relatively inexpensive and often consumable can be represented without providing a lot of facts, and that's where there's room for humor. Candy, too, food, and exertainment-related products such as toys have got the most benefits from humor in their campaigns, One of the most important things to keep in mind is relevance to the product.

Another point to consider when using humor in advertising is that different things are funny to different people. A commercial that may make one person burst into laughter may leave a bad taste in another's mouth. The target market must always be considered, what's funny in a client presentation may not be funny on an airplane, at a country club or in hospital.

Humor in advertising tends to improve brand recognition but does not improve product recall message credibility, or buying intentions. In other words, consumers may be familiar with a good feeling towards the product, but their purchasing decisions will probably not be affected. One of the major keys to a successful humorous campaign is variety. Once a commercial start to wear out, it’s impossible to save ii without some variation on the concept Humorous campaigns are often expensive because they have to be constantly changed. Advertisers must remember that while making customers laugh, they have to keep thing interesting because old jokes die along with their products.

Humor in advertising

Funny advertising

•Humor in advertising can draw consumer's attention, and help them to 1. an advertisement easily.

•Humor in advertising should be well suited to the product and consumers.

•A commercial should find the delicate 2.between being funny and being obnoxious, and make sure its positive effects top its 3.


• Humor best 4. for the products which are often 5., consumable and common.

• Humor can be 6. in the commercial when it's 7.to represent the products with plenty of facts. •In an ad, humor should be 8. to the products.


• Humor used in advertising should fit in with the target market.

• Humorous advertising should show its 9. .


The brand can be 10. by many people but it doesn't necessarily have an effect on consumers purchasing desire.







    The sun was shining and Clare felt like doing something active. She'd had enough of the moment of living in the past. What she really wanted was some skiing if she could get herself organized. She walked into the ski school office and within ten minutes had arranged a private class for the whole afternoon. One of the ski teacher would meet her at the ski lift station at the end of the village at midday. The ski hire shop next door rented her some skis and boots and she carried them back to the hotel. There she changed into some more or less suitable clothes and took the hotel's electric taxi down to the lift station. She was a bit early and had time to look around, and get nervous. She hadn't skied for about ten years, though she'd been quite good at that time. Everyone said it was liking riding a bike - you didn't forget how to do it. She stood there looking up at the mountains, trying to remember what to do.

Madam Newton?" Yes," she said. And there was her ski teacher, looking exactly like all the other ski teachers she remembered ― sun-tanned, handsome and totally self-confident. Half an hour later all thoughts of the unhappy days had disappeared as she skied behind Bruno and concentrated on staying on her feet.

"Upper body still, make your legs do the work, Madame",shouted Bruno over his shoulder. "Call me Clare, please" she said. "OK. Lean forward a bit more, Clare. That's it. Good. You are remembering now, en?" "Yeah, I am ... slowly. It's great. I'd forgotten what an amazing buzz skiing gives you".

They skied down some different runs with Bruno being wonderfully encouraging, and she really did begin to feel confident on the skis. Going up in the lifts, Clare and Bruno chatted — just the usual "where are you from, what do you do" sort of chat, but it was pleasantly relaxing. In the middle of the afternoon, they stopped at an old farmhouse for coffee and apple cake. There were lots of other skiers doing the same. Clare felt as if she belonged - something about being part of a group, all with a shared interest, she supposed. It was a feeling she'd not had for a long time.

Bruno said hello to a few people, and went over to talk to one of the waiters. Clare took the opportunity to study him a bit. Up until now, she'd just been skiing behind a man in a red ski suit, so it was interesting to see that he was quite tall, with curly brown hair and eyes to match. From the colour of his face he looked as if he'd spent his whole life in the open air. She guessed he was about forty.

"Are you in Zermatt for long, Clare?" asked Bruno, after he'd been sitting with her a few minutes, "No, only a few days probably. Just a short break to get away from everything at home", replied Clare. She didn't feel like explaining the real reason. People looked at her differently when they knew. "But I'd like to do some more skiing. Would you be able to do anything tomorrow?"

"I think so. But you'll have to book it through the ski school office. I can't arrange anything with you directly",said Bruno, putting on his gloves and standing up. "Come on. Let’s do a bit more now." "Great," replied Clare. After another hour, Clare said, "Time to stop, I think,"Bruno agreed. "You should have a sauna tonight. It'll help your body relax. Not so stiff ( 僵硬的)tomorrow, you know." Clare didn't care about stiff she was going to be tomorrow. She hadn't felt quite as good as this for months — full of fresh air, physically tired but in her mind — alive. Happy! Yes, that was how she felt.

1.Why did Clare feel nervous at the ski lift station?

A.The ski teacher arrived earlier than her.

B.It was a long time since her last skiing.

C.She had hardly learned how to ski properly.

D.She was inappropriately dressed for skiing.

2.What did Clare do after 30 minutes' skiing?

A.She couldnt help thinking about the past few days.

B.She got a bit upset due to her inability to ski.

C.She didnt understand Bruno's instructions.

D.She asked Bruno to call her tomorrow.

3.What does the underlined part "an amazing buzz” in paragraph 3 mean?

A.A sudden memory.

B.A beautiful sound.

C.A strong feeling of excitement.

D.An interesting topic of conversation.

4.Clare felt enjoyable at the farmhouse in that        .

A.she met some old friends

B.she felt she was better than other skiers

C.she thought the food and drinks there were wonderful

D.she found she had something in common with others

5.Why didn't Clare tell Bruno the real reason she was in Zermatt?

A.She thought he might think negatively about the truth.

B.She wanted a different ski teacher the next day.

C.She hated to let him know she was leaving soon.

D.She felt he had a bad opinion on her.

6.What can be inferred about Clare from the last paragraph?

A.She discovered a way of taking her mind off her problems

B.She told her secret to another person for the first time.

C.She seemed to have been living a hard time tor years.

D.She found a lifelong friend in the skiing held.



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