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5G, the fifth generation of wireless, pr...

    5G, the fifth generation of wireless, promises lightning-fast download speeds and could lay foundation for high-tech advancements like self-driving cars. But like many new technologies, it's causing concern about potential health issues.

The first generation of wireless introduced mobile phones, and 2G brought texting. 3G laid the groundwork for smart-phones, and 4G allowed video streaming and more. 5G is expected to download data 20 times faster than its predessor(前任)and some experts argue it could be much faster.

Too much of a good thing?

It's not just about streaming data faster, it's about streaming more of it. On a 5G network, a user can download a movie instantly, and data will flow between connected objects without delay. The amount of data people use on mobile devices has gone up 40 times since 2010 and is only expected to increase. 5G networks are wireless companies attempts to satisfy that demand.

Uncertain effects

The untested nature of 5G, and the extensiveness of its infrastructure( 基础设施) has some  worried  that  the  increased  exposure  could  have  serious  health  effects.  Wireless  safety advocates(倡议人士)have called for more studies on the effects of the exposure, and one group is trying to stop the installment of 5G networks in Chicago's neighborhoods.

The federal government has safety rules that wireless companies must obey that limit human exposure to radio waves, including frequencies uses with 5G.

Wireless industry association CTIA says typical exposure to 5G infrastructure is comparable to Bluetooth devices and baby monitors, and there is no scientific evidence  of negative health effects.

Still, assurances from government agencies and industry operators are not enough for Chicago resident Judy Blake. Additional studies on 5G’s health impacts likely wouldn’t soothe her either. She said, “People can't choose whether or not to be exposed to this radiation.”

“I don’t need another test. The only test that’s going to happen now is people’s lives,” said Blake, 67.

Only time will tell?

Though little is known about the long-term health impact of the millimeter waves that 5G operates on, some research has shown short-term exposure could be problematic, said Joel Moskowitz, a public health expert at the University of California at Berkeley.

The eyes and sweat glands(腺体)are among several body parts studies have shown could be at risk. Moskowitz said. Insects and plant life could also be affected, he added.

The millimeter waves used in SG are absorbed by the upper layers of skin, potentially causing the temperature of the skin to rise, said Suresh Borkar, senior lecturer in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology. The effects of extended rises in skin temperature “become a big unknown,” he said.

This isn't the first time people will come into contact with millimeter waves: They're also used in airport body scanners, said Lav Varshney, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Still, it's the first time the high- frequency waves will he used on such a scale, and concerns surrounding new technologies are common throughout history.

“When cars first started replacing horse-drawn carriages, people were afraid of what the health impacts of traveling at high speeds would be,” Varshney said. “There has always been occurrence of this fear.”

1.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.5G is faster but not safe to human beings.

B.5G features faster and more in transiting.

C.5G can meet people's any demand in theory.

D.5G just makes little impact on people's health.

2.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Millimeter waves certainly affect people's health seriously

B.Millimeter waves will cause the skin’s temperature to rise.

C.It's obvious that many scientists object to 5G technology.

D.It's hard to say whether millimeter waves do damage to health.

3.The word soothe in the last but 7 paragraphs most probably means ______ .

A.to make somebody feel calm or less worried.

B.to make somebody feel happy or more excited.

C.to make somebody feel disappointed or less satisfaction

D.to make somebody feel inspired or more energetic.

4.The best title for this passage is ______.

A.5G’s Advantages and Disadvantages

B.The Development of Wireless

C.5G Health Concern

D.5G Future Prediction


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇议论文。文章介绍了5G以及人们对5G网络是否会影响健康问题发表了看法。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段中5G, the fifth generation of wireless, promises lightning-fast download speeds and could lay foundation for high-tech advancements like self-driving cars. 第五代无线网络5G承诺闪电般的下载速度,并可能为自动驾驶汽车等高科技进步奠定基础。可知5G网络会更快、更便捷。第二段中5G is expected to download data 20 times faster than its predessor,and some experts argue it could be much faster. 5G下载数据的速度预计将比其前任快20倍,一些专家认为它可能会快得多。可知5G的特点是传输更快、更便捷。故选B项。 2.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中This isn't the first time people will come into contact with millimeter waves: They're also used in airport body scanners, said Lav Varshney, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Still, it's the first time the high- frequency waves will he used on such a scale, and concerns surrounding new technologies are common throughout history. 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校的电子与计算机工程助理教授拉夫·瓦什尼说,这并不是人们第一次接触毫米波:机场的人体扫描仪也使用毫米波。尽管如此,这是他第一次如此大规模地使用高频电波,历史上人们对新技术的担忧也是屡见不鲜。可知,对于毫米波对人类健康的影响其实还没有明确的证据,很难说是否对身体有害。故选D项。 3.词义猜测题。根据本段中Still, assurances from government agencies and industry operators are not enough for Chicago resident Judy Blake. …She said, “People can't choose whether or not to be exposed to this radiation.”不过,政府机构和行业运营商的保证对芝加哥居民朱迪•布莱克来说还不够。……她说,“人们不能选择是否暴露在这种辐射下。” 以及下一句“I don’t need another test. The only test that’s going to happen now is people’s lives,” said Blake, 67.“我不需要再做一次检查。现在唯一的考验就是人们的生活。”67岁的布莱克说。可知,布莱克所说的话是表达她的担忧和不安,因此soothe应该是“使某人感到平静或不那么担心。”故选A项。 4.主旨大意题。根据第一段最后一句But like many new technologies, it's causing concern about potential health issues. 但与许多新技术一样,它也引发了人们对潜在健康问题的担忧。以及最后一段中“When cars first started replacing horse-drawn carriages, people were afraid of what the health impacts of traveling at high speeds would be,” Varshney said. “There has always been occurrence of this fear.” 瓦尔什尼说:“当汽车刚开始取代马车的时候,人们担心高速行驶会对健康造成什么影响。”“这种恐惧总是会发生。”可知,本文的中心是围绕5G是否对人类健康有影响的担忧展开的,最佳标题应该是“5 G的健康担忧”。故选C项。

    Science fiction paints a future where robots play an important part in everyday life. A technology firm is trying to make that future a reality today with an affordable robot called Artibo. Artibo is small. Its brain, or AI block, is a cube (立方体)that fits in your hand. That block connects to a motor block and two silicon wheels. Assembled, it's about four inches tall.

Artibo is much more than just a robot that you program to move around. Artibo’s designers want it to provide companionship and be a resource for learning coding. With its camera, microphone and connection to a cloud-based AI, it can respond to voice commands or function like a walkie-talkie(对讲 ).It talks like a chatbot and can tell bedtime stories. It can even help you learn other languages!

Artibo isn’t quite ready for stores yet, though. It’s part of a crowdfunding project. Crowdfunding is a program where you put a request online to a crowd of people. Supporters can then pay large or small amounts to help you finish a project. Artibo will first be available to people who have paid to help bring it into production.

Using computer code to program your own toys is nothing new. LEGO first released a robot kit in 1998. Since then, programmable robots have become one of the best-selling units in the LEGO product line. Programming robots might sound comparable to rocket science, but anyone can program one using nothing more than a tablet or a smartphone and code blocks.

Code blocks allow you to program simple or complex commands by assembling visual blocks of code on the canvas ( of a computer screen. Just drag and drop a variety of code blocks from a programming menu, link them together, and watch how your robot responds. In Artibo’s case coding doesn’t stop there. Unlike other similar programmable toys, Artibo will also allow you to write your own code. So as your familiarity with coding increases, you won’t lose interest in Artibo.

1.According to the passage, the purpose of developing Artibo is    .

A.helping people learn anything they want and providing companionship

B.providing a robot that can move, accompany and help people learn coding

C.chatting with people, telling bedtime stories and supplying languages

D.helping people raise money on line and creating programmable robots

2.What can be concluded from the passage?

A.Programming robots is not really complicated.

B.Programming robots is advanced like a rocket.

C.Programming robots can be used in smartphones.

D.Programming robots used in toys is not new at all.

3.The passage implies that _______.

A.People can program various orders even without code blocks.

B.Anyone can control Artibo freely unlike other programming toys.

C.The more familiar you’re with coding, the more you’ll like Artibo.

D.Artibo is popular in the world especially among young people.



    Wild Track is an organization that aims to protect endangered animals like rhinos. They use a computer program that runs photos of animal track through an algorithm (演算法).Then the program makes the same observations as a tracker would, allowing scientists to know where individual animals go. However, the program itself needs “training”.

It starts with collecting good photos of prints from endangered animals in captivity  ( 圈养).As people send in photos of tracks from animals in the wild, the FIT program can compare it to tracks from animals it “knows”. As the program becomes more accurate, Wild Track hopes it will become a major tool for monitoring any endangered species.

Anyone can help Wild Track by taking images of tracks and sending them to a partner organization called naturalist.org. The only tool you need is a digital camera or cellphone. After finding a clear track, place one ruler along the bottom of the footprint and another along the left side. Below the footprint, place a note containing your exact name and the date. Holding the camera or cellphone directly above the track, take a photo showing the footprint, rulers and note. Later, visit naturalist.org and follow the instructions on the site to send your photo.

Wild Track needs photos of footprints made not only by animals in captivity but also those living in the wild. In wild places, you should take care not to disturb animals in their natural environment. If you intend to photograph in a wild area that is unknown to you, then you should not go there alone. Instead, go with someone who is familiar with the region and experienced at tracking.

1.How does the writer begin this article about Wild Track?

A.By discussing the software that it employs.

B.By praising its recent efforts to raise funds.

C.By explaining how and when it was founded.

D.By summarizing different opinions about it.

2.According to this article, which animals are Wild Track mainly interested in?

A.Those which cause a threat to human settlements.

B.Those which are now at risk of becoming extinct.

C.Those which have been illegally kept as pets.

D.Those which disappeared from the Earth long ago.

3.What does this article talk about in detail?

A.A list of locations worth exploring.

B.A strategy for acquiring equipment.

C.A warning not to engage in hunting.

D.A technique containing several steps.

4.What does the article suggest doing in wild areas?

A.Admiring the wild landscape.

B.Preparing well for wild weather.

C.Leaving wild creatures alone.

D.Consuming a diet of wild plants.



Monaco Grand Prix

The air is fresh with the heat of early summer as you arrive in the beautiful country of Monaco on the day of the race. Your______ to the Monte-Carlo neighborhood is bursting with color as classic styles of European architecture catch your eye. When you reach the race course area, you are led to the harbor where you will watch the race from the ______ of  a  friend’s  yacht (游艇).Soon, the Formula One cars will pull onto the starting point and the race will begin.

Each of the cars in the Monaco Grand    Prix is ______, but all of them are fast  and modern. The race course also ______ as  being  complex  and  difficult,  with   a  frightening hairpin (发夹)turn along a very narrow street. ______ these streets at speeds over 150 kilometers per hour, drivers must take over. Even    the slightest ______ could turn a multi- million dollar car into a pile of waste. The driver who claims first place receives an award and will go down ______ as one of the world’s finest drivers.

Indianapolis 500

On race day the grandstands (大看台)are filled with excitement as you enter the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. You find your seat, ______ yourself against the harsh heat and marvel at the huge black oval (椭圆形的)track below. Moments later, a fleet of Indy Cars rolls onto the track, ______ themselves in 11  neat rows of three. The sound of 33 turning engines rings in your ears, and you cheer with the crowd as the powerful cars take off from the starting line.

Unlike Monaco Formula One cars, Indy cars are more uniform in their ______. They tend to be much longer, and reach 260 kilometers per hour. Since the drivers must race for 500 miles, the race is quite long, ______ three to five hours. The resulting wear and tear on each   car is managed with short stop. The driver’s excellent team performs ______ at amazing speeds. The dangerous nature of this  race requires ______ communication between the drivers  and their teams.  They  must  plan short stops ______ or the driver  loses precious time  and it  could ______ them the race.

1.A.memory B.aim C.anxiety D.ride

2.A.comfort B.position C.bottom D.direction

3.A.colorful B.fashionable C.unique D.similar

4.A.comes out B.stands out C.turns out D.points out

5.A.Crossing B.Constructing C.Driving D.Competing

6.A.touch B.spot C.error D.hole

7.A.in history B.in advance C.in return D.in all

8.A.pushing B.drawing C.fighting D.fanning

9.A.following B.arranging C.warning D.urging

10.A.design B.preparation C.display D.regulation

11.A.timing B.extending C.delaying D.lasting

12.A.check B.maintenance C.device D.condition

13.A.short B.special C.constant D.loud

14.A.professionally B.positively C.directly D.carefully

15.A.cost B.sacrifice C.defeat D.fail



Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

This weekend many families in America will celebrate Mother’s Day. The event dates back to  May 9, 1914, 1. America’s President Wilson  established the official   holiday. Some people had begun campaigning for the holiday a few years 2. (early).  Finally in 1914, the president made it official. He declared that each second Sunday in May 3. (dedicate) to thanking the nation’s mothers. He also ordered all government   buildings 4. (display) the national flag on that day. According to President Wilson, this was done “as a public expression of …love …for the mothers of our country.”

Before long, people in other  countries 5. (begin) asking for a similar  holiday to celebrate their mothers. Mexico celebrated its first official Mother’s Day on May 10, 1922. May 10th became their annual holiday because the country preferred a fixed date to 6. that changed.

Other countries are happy to share the day with the United States. Some on the list include Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Japan and Turkey.

Oddly enough, the U.S. Congress rejected a Mother’s Day resolution at first. Today, though, Mother’s Day is a highly popular holiday. It’s also very successful commercially. Along with giving cards,  candy  and flowers, 7. (take) moms out for brunch is a very popular gesture. America’s National Restaurant Association says Mother’s Day is the year’s most popular day for eating out.

But why do we honor our mothers? Many moms lovingly dedicate their lives to their children. Moms sacrifice time, sleep and often their own dreams. Moms try to provide a strong foundation 8. children  can  build  their  lives. With 9. (love)  care,  mothers guide their children toward adulthood.

When we consider everything our mothers have done for us, how can we not honor them? There’s no need to wait for a national holiday, though. Every day is a great opportunity to tell our mothers 10. they mean to us.



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Li Hua



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