满分5 > 高中英语试题 >








Dear Sir

Thank you for invite me to the summer English course in your school.As for your choice between the two courses, I prefer the four­week course because of this will allow me more time to do some traveling but make a few new friends.Of all the subject I’m learning at school, I like English best.I had been learning English for eleven years but my spoken English remains poorly.So I really hope to take this chance improve it.If possible, I’d like to stay with a family for a couple of days in order that I can know some customs in England, that I’m particularly interested in.I believe I will have wonderful time this summer.


1.invite→inviting;2.your→my;3.去掉of;4. but→and;5.subject→subjects;6.had→have;7.poorly→poor;8.chance后加to;9.第二个that→which;have后加a 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者被邀请参加夏天的英语课程,作者更喜欢四周的课程,因为这样可以让他有更多的时间去旅行,结交一些新朋友,作者最喜欢英语,想要在一个英国家庭多待几天,作者认为自己这个夏天会过的愉快。 1.考查动名词。thank you for sth/doing sth.为……而感谢你。介词for后面接名词或动名词。故invite改成 inviting。 2.考查形容词性物主代词。“至于我在在两个课程之间的选择”结合句意可知,故your改为my。 3.考查原因状语从句引导词。because of加名词或动名词;because是连词后面接原因状语从句,所以去掉of。 4.考查并列连词。句意:我更喜欢四周的课程,因为这样可以让我有更多的时间去旅行,并结交一些新朋友。此处表示并列关系,故but改为and。 5.考查名词复数。subject是可数名词,和all搭配用复数。故subject改成subjects。 6.考查时态。句意:我已经学习英语11年了。这里是过去到现在一直持续做的动作,用现在完成进行时,主语是I。故had改成have。 7.考查形容词。这里是系表结构,be动词is后面用形容词。故poorly改成poor。 8.考查动词不定式。句意:我希望抓住这个提高它的机会。the chance to do sth.做某事的机会,此处是动词不定式做后置定语,故在chance后加to。 9.考查定语从句。这里使用非限制性定语从句,先行词是some customs,指物,定语从句缺少宾语,用关系代词,但是非限制性定语从句不能用that。故that改成which。 10.考查固定词组。词组:have a good time玩得愉快。故have后面加a。


Going to Disney World is on the top of many children’s dream lists. So when Jermaine Bell from South Carolina turned down the opportunity to go to the 1. (magic) destination for his seventh birthday in order to put the money towards helping those 2. had to flee their homes because of Hurricane Dorian, we couldn’t help but 3. (impress) with his generosity.

The young boy asked his parents to use the money for the trip to buy food for those 4. need. He set up a stand (摊位) on Highway 125, giving out water, chips, and hot dogs to those who 5. (try) to reach safety. What’s more, the youngster also offered up prayers (祈祷) for the people that risked 6. (lose) their homes. As his grandmother, Aretha Grant, shared: “He actually even prayed for a family while they were here in reference to their house being OK when they got back, 7. that was really tear-dropping.”

It’s 8. (inspire) to see such generosity and concern for others in one so young. And we only hope his birthday proves to be as special as he is. What is equally impressive 9. (be) Bell’s patience—according to Kake.com, he’s happy to wait for another opportunity to go to Disney World, especially 10. (visit) the Animal Kingdom and have a lion King party.





I often read of incidents of misunderstanding or conflict. I’m left _______. Why do these people create mistrust and problems, especially with those from other _______?

I was growing up in Kuala Lumpur in the early 1960s, _______ children from different races and religions played and studied _______ in harmony. At that time my family lived a stone’s ________from Ismail’s. And no one was bothered that Ismail was a Malay Muslim and I was an Indian Hindu—we just _______ our differences. Perhaps, our elders had not filled our heads with unnecessary advice, well _______ or otherwise.

We were nine when we became friends. During the school holidays, we’d _______ the countryside on our bicycles, hoping to _______ the unexpected. At times Ismail would accompany my family as we made a rare shopping trip to town. We would be glad of his ________.

When I was twelve, my family moved to Johor. Ismail’s family later returned to their village, and I ________ touch with him.

One spring afternoon in 1983, I stopped a taxi in Kuala Lumpur. I ________ my destination. The driver acknowledged my ________ but did not move off. Instead, he looked ________ at me. “Raddar?” he said, using my childhood nickname(绰号). I was astonished at being so _________addressed(称呼). Unexpectedly! It was Ismail! Even after two ________ we still recognized each other. Grasping his shoulder, I felt a true affection, something ________ to describe.

If we can allow our children to be ________ without prejudice, they’ll build friendships with people, regardless of race or religion, who will be ________ their side through thick and thin. On such friendships are societies build and ________ we can truly be, as William Shakespeare once wrote, “we happy few, we band of brothers”.

1.A.interested B.pleased C.puzzled D.excited

2.A.parties B.cities C.villages D.races

3.A.why B.which C.how D.when

4.A.together B.around C.alone D.apart

5.A.drop B.throw C.move D.roll

6.A.refused B.made C.sought D.accepted

7.A.paid B.meant C.preserved D.treated

8.A.explore B.search C.discover D.desert

9.A.get through B.deal with C.come across D.take away

10.A.arrival B.choice C.effort D.company

11.A.lost B.gained C.developed D.missed

12.A.stated B.ordered C.decided D.chose

13.A.attempts B.instructions C.opinions D.arrangements

14.A.anxiously B.carelessly C.disappointedly D.fixedly

15.A.familiarly B.strangely C.fully D.coldly

16.A.departures B.months C.years D.decades

17.A.possible B.funny C.hard D.clear

18.A.them B.themselves C.us D.ourselves

19.A.from B.by C.with D.against

20.A.still B.otherwise C.then D.instead



    We all wish for the arrival of Sunday. 1. The hard work of a busy week is soothed (抚慰) by a good sleep that lasts, in most cases, till the Sunday afternoon. But after that, too much sleep can make the rest of the day generally end in lazing around the sofa, without doing anything.

Therefore, to really relax on a Sunday, the answer doesn’t lie in sleep, but in doing things that provides a soothing touch. Most often we get so lost in work that when Sunday comes, we really don’t know what to do with the free twenty-four hours we’ve got. 2. Luckily, there are many things you can do to enjoy your Sunday.

3. An early morning jog would restore your tiredness caused by the daily schedule. After the morning walk, you’ll have more energy to face the day head on.

You must have bought a lot of books on your last visit to the bookstore, but lack of time must have prevented you from reading. Spend the Sunday afternoon reading any book that Interests you. 4.

With life being filled with too much work, finding free time during the working days is surely a struggle. 5. In such a case, Sunday is the best day to pull up your sleeves, and get to work on the house. Clean the house, wash the clothes or mend anything that is broken. In short, making the house clean and tidy is a good idea of spending Sundays.

A. All the hope of joys and enjoyment rests on Sunday.

B. By the time we decide to do anything, the day gets over.

C. Consider using this day to take care of your plants and flowers.

D. On the other hand, it’s natural that your house gets dusty and messy.

E. It is on this day that everyone can safely hope to relax and simply do as they please.

F. In this way, you’ll not only have spent a constructive time, but also exercise your brain.

G. If you want to enjoy Sunday, then you d better wake up early and go for a walk or a jog.



    About four million people worldwide took to the streets on Friday, September 20, 2019, for the Global Climate Strike. The young protestors (抗议者), and their adult supporters, marched along city streets outside government buildings to urge leaders to take action against climate change.

The back-to- back protests are timed to coincide (……一致) with the United Nations Climate Change Summit in New York City on Monday, September 23, 2019. The meeting is designed to challenge world leaders from 69 countries to discuss steps to handle climate change. The UN hopes their actions will help reduce global carbon emissions by 45% by 2030 and, if all goes well, eliminate them altogether by 2050.

While the strikes are in long-standing anger about the changing environment, the worldwide call for action is closely linked to teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg. The 16-year-old got well-known a year ago after she began spending Fridays outside the Swedish Parliament (国会) building in Stockholm to convince officials to take action against climate change. Her protests have inspired young people worldwide to take action in their cities.

Thunberg, who came from Sweden to New York City in an emissions- free sailboat, was one of the key speakers at the UN Climate Change Summit. On Monday, September 23, the teenager told lawmakers, “You all come to us young people for hope. How dare you? You’ve stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words, and yet, I’m one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are falling down. So you have to listen to scientists and take immediate measures to help stop climate change.”

While Thunberg and other young climate activists are calling the recent global Climate Strike a victory in terms of its size and reach, they realize it’ ll take time to convince lawmakers to create real change. However, the teenager is hopeful they’ll begin to pay attention as more people of all ages join in the call-to-action.

1.What can we know about the Global Climate Strike from the text?

A.It is to support the un climate Change Summit.

B.It is to raise teenagers environmental awareness.

C.It was led by adults but mainly included teenagers.

D.It was attended by millions of people in the world.

2.What does the underlined word “eliminate” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.Join. B.Improve.

C.Get rid of. D.Stay away from.

3.What is the third paragraph intended to show?

A.The role that Thunberg plays in the Strike.

B.Thunberg’s contributions to climate change.

C.The importance of the global climate Strike

D.Thunberg’s opinions on the Global Climate Strike.

4.What did Thunberg focus on expressing at the un climate Change Summit?

A.Humans’ carelessness is worsening climate.

B.Humans are suffering due to climate change.

C.Measures need taking to stop climate change.

D.Extreme climate change is drawing attention.



    With self-driving vehicle technology rapidly advancing, many companies are turning to autonomous robots for the last mile of the delivery process, from the store to the customer. The latest to join the trend is e-commerce giant Amazon. Following a successful eight-month test run in Snohomish County, Washington, the company’s Scout robots have been making the rounds of Irvine, California, since August 6, 2019.

The six-wheeled Scout is about the size of a large cooler with the capacity to carry small or medium-sized packages. The battery-powered vehicle, which moves at a regular walking pace, has been programmed to stay away from pedestrians, animals, and unexpected obstacles, like garbage cans. Its powerful sensors can also detect the movement of a car backing out of a driveway.

Though Amazon hasn’t revealed how Scout ensures the delivery is picked up by the right person, it most likely requires the customer to apply a unique code, texted to them before the delivery, to unlock the cargo bay. Also unclear is the number of deliveries Scout can complete before its battery needs recharging Though the initial tests are being conducted with a human in tow, the robot will be autonomous in the future. Its location however, will be tracked at all times—if someone attempts to steal Scout, Amazon employees will be instantly alerted.

While Amazon is focusing on home deliveries, food and grocery delivery company Postmates’ bug-eyed robots are currently making their rounds along the busy San Francisco streets. Also in test-mode, the robots can carry up to 50 pounds and travel 30 miles on a single battery charge.

Though the eco-friendly robots will help free our streets of bicycles, motor bikes, and large delivery trucks that typically ferry packages, they can t climb stairs or open gates, which means they can only reach consumers living the ground level. Additionally, the robots are unable to leave packages at the front door if the customers aren’t home. whether these issues get solved remains to be seen. For now, it appears that humans will still be needed to satisfy the ever-growing demand for home and office deliveries.

1.What is the right feature of the Scout robots?

A.They can be powered themselves. B.They know to avoid obstacles ahead.

C.They can run thanks to their six wheels. D.They’re big enough to carry heavy things.

2.What about Scout is still confusing to common people?

A.How long it will take to get it fully charged.

B.Why its cargo bay can open at the right time.

C.How it recognizes the right owner of the things.

D.How many deliveries it can do on a full charge.

3.What is the author’s opinion about delivery robots according to the last paragraph?

A.They are not easily available. B.They’ll replace humans soon.

C.They have some limitations. D.They won’t be well accepted.

4.What should be the best title for the text?

A.Improvements Are Being Made To Delivery robot Technology.

B.Amazon has Planned To Put A Creative Delivery Robot Into Use.

C.Eco-friendly delivery Robots Are Springing Up Around America.

D.Amazon’s delivery Robots May Soon Be Knocking At Your Door.



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