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Josh Katz works at the New York Times. H...

    Josh Katz works at the New York Times. His common job is to use information to tell interesting stories. In December 2013, Katz built a quiz on the Times website. It asked people about the words they used to describe things and events. It also asked how they pronounced common words. The quiz then used people’s answers to decide where in the United States they were from.

The quiz got more than 350, 000 results. Katz turned the results into a book. In Speaking American, he studies regional differences in how Americans talk.

“A lot of people’s language shows who they are and where they are from, in a very personal way”, Katz said.

Katz says people are often surprised to learn that the way they talk can show where they grew up. Most Americans don’t realize they use regionalisms --- or words and phrases specific to a particular part of the country. But just about everyone does. Almost every major U.S. city has a few unique terms. For example, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the night before Halloween is known as Mischief Night. Anyone who calls it that is likely to be connected to the city.

Katz himself was surprised by how many common words are regional. “There are a lot of words I use that I just thought were standard words,” he says. “Then I found out some of these words were actually a product of my upbringing.”

For example, he says, “I thought everyone said ‘sneakers’ (运动鞋) and not ‘tennis shoes’.”  But it turns out “sneakers” is connected mostly to the Northeast. That’s where Katz is from.

Some scholars think that language in the U.S. is growing more homogeneous (同类的). But Katz disagrees. “These regional differences are here to stay.” he says.

Not only are people still using common regionalisms, but there are new ones appearing all the time, according to Katz. There’s no way to predict how language will change in the future. But Katz sees more changes coming. “The only sure thing about language is that it’s going to keep moving.” he says.

1.What’ s the purpose of the quiz?

A.To test people on common knowledge.

B.To find out what words are mostly used.

C.To help people learn about their hometown better.

D.To see whether people’s language shows their backgrounds.

2.How do most Americans look at their using regionalisms?

A.They are proud of it.

B.They do it unintentionally.

C.They find it quite interesting.

D.They have no idea why everybody does it.

3.Why does Katz mention “ sneakers” in the 6th paragraph?

A.Because it’s different from “tennis shoes”.

B.Because it’s an example of a standard word.

C.Because his hometown is possibly the birthplace of it.

D.Because many common words come from a specific area.

4.What is Katz’s opinion on regional differences?

A.They will finally disappear in the future.

B.They have a bad influence on people’s life.

C.They will remain a part of people’s everyday life.

D.They prevent language from being homogeneous.


1.D 2.B 3.D 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了人们的日常用语可以表现出一个人的生活和文化背景,同时这种区域用语也是一种人们日常生活的必不可少的部分。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段中The quiz then used people's answers to decide where in the United States they were from.(测试以人们的答案来决定他们来自美国的哪里)可知测试的目的是看人们的语言是否反映了他们的背景。故选D。 2.细节理解题。根据第四段中Katz says people are often surprised to learn that the way they talk can show where they grew up. Most Americans don’t realize they use regionalisms --- or words and phrases specific to a particular part of the country.(Katz说,人们常常惊讶地发现,他们说话的方式可以显示他们在哪里长大。大多数美国人没有意识到他们使用的是地区特征——或者是针对美国特定地区的词汇和短语)可知大多数美国人都是在无意中使用地区特征。故选B。 3.细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中“I thought everyone said ‘sneakers’ (运动鞋) and not ‘tennis shoes’.” But it turns out “sneakers” is connected mostly to the Northeast.(“我以为每个人都说‘运动鞋’,而不是‘网球鞋’。但结果是运动鞋这个现在普遍使用的词其实是来自于东北部地区的)可知Katz在第6段中提到“sneakers”,是因为许多常用词汇其实来自于某些特定的区域。故选D。 4.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段Some scholars think that language in the U.S. is growing more homogeneous (同类的). But Katz disagrees. “These regional differences are here to stay.” he says.(一些学者认为美国的语言越来越同质化。但Katz不同意。“这些地区差异将持续下去。”他说)由此可知,Katz对区域差别的看法是区域差别不会消失,它将成为人们日常生活的一部分。故选C。

    I was in Walt Disney World with my son, Daniel, who is autistic (患自闭症的), and at that time he was 7 years old. My wife and our three other sons were with us too. He was having one of his melt down screaming tantrums (发怒), only God knows why. So my wife and I decided I would take the bus back to the hotel, and she would stay in the park with the other three children.

After we got on the bus, the screaming continued. My son looks “normal”. To the many people on the bus, he appeared to just be a kid screaming --- or a spoiled child who did not get his special toy that day. It did not take long --- less than a minute --- before the screaming brought about stares, then glares from the other passengers.

To my shame, I found myself losing my temper at my own son. I was embarrassed, angry, and frustrated, and felt cheated by God for not being able to enjoy a normal vacation with my family because of him. I started to wonder what life would be like without having to deal with this cross (痛苦).

And just as the reactions of the other passengers were becoming most intense, a man seated just in front of me turned around to face me. I cheered myself up for his advice on how to raise a well-behaved child.

He said calmly, “Is he alright?” I said, “He’s autistic.” Then the man said , “It's alright.” And he smiled. That’s all.

And suddenly, all the anger building up inside me was gone. I almost wept for shame at how I had felt a moment before. It no longer mattered what the other people thought. My son was my gift from God.

I will never forget that man, nor his small, simple act of kindness and understanding. I truly believe he was my son’s guardian angel that day maybe mine too.

1.Why did Daniel become angry?

A.Because he didn't get his special toy.

B.No one knew the reason for his anger.

C.Because something went wrong with him.

D.Because he quarreled with his brother or sister.

2.Hearing Daniel’s screaming, _______.

A.the passengers were not satisfied

B.the passengers felt sorry for the author

C.the author comforted him with patience

D.the driver asked the author and his son to get off

3.What does the third paragraph tell us?

A.How the author helped his son calm down.

B.How the author reacted to his son's screaming.

C.What made the author angry and embarrassed.

D.What the author’s life would be like without Daniel.

4.How did the author’s anger disappear?

A.The bus arrived at the stop near his hotel.

B.A stranger helped him realize his mistake.

C.His son stopped screaming and apologized to him.

D.He suddenly realized his son was an autistic child.



Bullgatortail 10 minutes ago

I particularly enjoy the works of Greenwich Village poet Edward Field, whose interest in cinema led to a number of poems based on old monster movies (including many about Frankenstein and my favorite, Curse of the Cat Woman).

Litteacher 8 29 minutes ago

There are so many to choose from! I love Robert Frost, especially “Mending Wall”, mostly because he is my dad’s favorite poet. However, personally I love Lnagston Hughes’s poem “Dreams” because it always brings happiness to me. I am also a big fan of the older poems, such as Spenser’s “One Day I Wrote Her Name Upon the Strand” because it is so simple, and “The Tyger” and “The Lamb” by William Blake because I love the language.

Michael Ugulini 51 minutes ago

My favorite poet is Suji Kwock Kim. Ever since I read her book of poetry “Notes from the Divided Country”, I have been a big fan of her clear and thoughtful writing. My favorite poem of hers is “Borderlands”, which she wrote in memory of her grandmother. It is a poem about her grandmother’s experiences during the war.

Loraaa 1 hour ago

Hard to decide! But if I have to, I’d say Emily Dickinson. Her life was so wonderful and her opinions about life are also interesting. Her understanding of nature speaks to the heart of anyone who loves the outdoors! Dickinson also understood human nature very well. Her poems speak of love, loneliness, ect. Finally, my favorite poem by her is “I Never Saw a Moor”. I love her thoughts!

1.Why does Litteacher 8 like the poem “Dreams”?

A.It always cheers him up.

B.He is a big fan of its author.

C.It is his father’s favorite poem.

D.He loves the language of it.

2.Whose favourite poet is Emily Dickinson?

A.Loraaa’s. B.Litteacher8’s.

C.Bullgatortail’s. D.Michael Ugulini’s.

3.Where is the text most probably taken from?

A.A newspaper. B.A notice board.

C.A webpage. D.A book review.



假定你是李华,最近你在一个国外的青少年网站上看到一个署名为 Maggie的寻求帮助的帖子,内容要点如下:












Emily turned on the TV. It was 6 o’clock and the news were on Channel 3. Therefore, she didn’t want to see the news, which was usual about traffic accidents. There was too many bad news on TV. Emily found talk show to watch. It was hosting by Jack, who was good-looking and smart, and he told good joke. And sometimes he gave expensive gifts to his fans. Perhaps this show was sometimes bored, but that didn’t matter to him. That was because of all she wanted to do was relax.




Communicating with the old can be challenging,1.especialwhen considering the fact that their abilities are failing.

First of all, you are supposed to respect the old’s thoughts, backgrounds and life 2.experience.Do not correct their opinions even when you can’t reach an 3. agree. And when old people are talking, listen carefully. Let them finish because letting them express their thoughts and emotions 4.beimportant.

Sometimes, the physical or mental(精神的)state of old people can stand in the way of expressing their needs. More than just their physical needs such as food, clothing, it is also important to understand their emotions.5.you’re together with them, try to know if they would like 6.chator be quiet. And when you feel they want to be quiet, just be there, because 7.spend time with them is as important as talking to them or cheering them up.

As communication with old people can be difficult, it is important to be always patient. When you are explaining something 8. them, you should remain patient when they ask you to repeat yourself. Try using gestures(手势)while you 9.talkwith them, or write down what you want to say when 10. is necessary.



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