满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

What does the woman suggest the man do? ...

What does the woman suggest the man do?

A.Have a good rest. B.Hold a special celebration. C.Ask Rick to go with him.


C 【解析】 【原文】 M: I'd like you to go to the grand opening of the Ice Festival. W: Phone Rick. I'm just too tired and I want to have a rest. You will have to manage without me.  

What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.A friend. B.A notice. C.Their manager.



阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。

Scientists have announced that they have cloned the first human embryo. This has caused much debate round the world. On the one hand, some scientists point out that if you clone an embryo, you can produce valuable human tissues—such as bone or lung tissue—that could be used to save human lives. On the other hand, many people, including some scientists, disagree and are afraid that, if mankind toys with nature in this way, we may be on our way to producing a real-life Frankenstein’s monster.

Cloning is producing an exact copy of a plant or an animal using its cells. The first mammal to be cloned successfully from an adult cell was Dolly the sheep. She was born in 1996 and died in early 2003, at a much younger age than normal. When she was born, many people were worried that cloning would lead to more diseases in the animal world. However, in general the scientists were praised for their wonderful scientific advance.

Ian Wilmut, the Scottish scientist who created Dolly, is shocked that some scientists are now considering cloning human beings. Although he researches cloning, his intention has never been to create copies of humans. Instead, he thinks research efforts should concentrate on creating new tissues and organs that can be used to cure diseases like cancer. However, some people believe that cloning human embryos with the intention of destroying them shows no respect for human life.

Even though human cloning is causing a lot of anxiety, it is good news for Faye Wilson, a 41-year-old saleswoman who cannot have a baby. “I am anxious to have a child of my own,” she says. “I don’t want to adopt someone else’s child—if I had the chance, I would have a cloned baby right now.”

While cloning human embryos is not legal in many countries, some scientists are already pushing ahead with research in order to produce a cloned human baby. Severino Antinori, an Italian physician, has declared that he wants to be the first to clone a human being.






1. 说明你的想法;

2. 家长反对的理由;

3. 征求老师的意见。注意:

1. 词数 80 左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。





For  many of  us, cold drinks 1. (consider) to be one of the necessities for summer. Who can resist the 2. (please) of drinking an ice-cold Coke after playing a basketball game on a hot day?

However,  a  recent study 3. (conduct) by the professors from the University of Ottawa, found hot drinks such as teas and coffees might actually be more 4. (effect) to cool you down in  dry  conditions.  According  to  Smithsonian  Magazine,  when  you  drink  some  hot  drinks,   you 5. (start) to sweat more. It will remove excess heat by converting (转化) 6. water from a liquid to a vapor. As long as you are able to sweat, you can cool down quickly.

But  that also means 7. you’re in a hot, humid room, or you are wearing long sleeves and trousers, hot  drinks are 8. (probable)  not  going to work. 9. that case, Jay suggests the opposite course of action: “Hot drinks still add a small amount of heat to the body, so if 10. (sweat) more is going to be a problem, go for a cold drink.”



    Can you imagine being able to remember every single experience of your life and every word in your favorite book? That’s___ Becky’s life is like.

Three years ago, Becky was reading a  newspaper  article  which mentioned that it was_____ for people to _______  the details of their  life in the first three years. “What __________!”  she thought,  because  she could____ remember her life all the way back to when she was just 12 days old. Her parents had  carried her to the driver’s seat of their car and___ her down for a photo.

But it wasn’t nonsense. She was just one of only 80 known people_____ a  mysterious condition  called HSAM. Becky’s unusual_____ was  shown  on  a program called 60  Minutes, where  reporter  Allison _______  her ability by asking her about her favorite book series, Harry Potter. Allison would pick up a ______ and open a page and read her a line. _______ Becky would name the book, chapter number, chapter name and could recite every word___ Allison told her to stop.

Being able to remember every little ______  is great, but  as every HSAM sufferer will tell  you,  it’s also_____ to deal with it. We  always ______ things to get over sad experiences in our lives, but it’s   something that people like Becky can’t do. Even walking on the street and lightly______ somebody can bring back ________  memories from Becky’s childhood. Also, like Becky, people with HSAM _________  do well in school, because they have problems picking up the important information from what they’ve learnt. Becky’s great brain could help scientists find a___ for terrible mental illnesses like Alzheimer. Her condition could hold the secret to treating or even___ Alzheimer.

1.A.what B.which C.that D.where

2.A.possible B.impossible C.necessary D.important

3.A.forget B.think C.imagine D.remember

4.A.fun B.interest C.meaning D.nonsense

5.A.clearly B.naturally C.hardly D.surprisingly

6.A.knocked B.placed C.lay D.pulled

7.A.going through B.getting over C.suffering from D.bringing back

8.A.thing B.matter C.problem D.case

9.A.tested B.recognized C.knew D.proved

10.A.film B.book C.magazine D.chapter

11.A.Probably B.Slowly C.Immediately D.Gradually

12.A.when B.if C.unless D.until

13.A.detail B.information C.message D.moment

14.A.fresh B.great C.tough D.easy

15.A.reject B.forget C.mention D.discover

16.A.knocking at B.talking with C.knocking into D.coming across

17.A.happy B.wonderful C.rapid D.bad

18.A.never B.ever C.always D.often

19.A.way B.cure C.solution D.suggestion

20.A.suspending B.researching C.preventing D.studying



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