满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The world always makes way for the dream...

The world always makes way for the dreamer.

When I was twelve years old, my father took me to see Zig Zigler. I remember sitting in that dark hall listening to Mr. Zigler ____ everyone’s spirits up to the ceiling, I ____ there feeling like I could do anything. When we got to the car, I turned to my father and said, “Dad, I want to ____ people feel like that.” My father asked me ____ I meant. “I want to be a motivational speaker just like Mr. Zigler,” I replied.A(An) ____ was born.

Recently, I began seeking my dream of motivating others. _____a four-year relationship with Fortune 100 Company____ as a sales-trainer and ending as a regional sales manager, I left the company at the height of my ____. Many people were ____ that I would leave after earning a six-figure income. And they asked ____ I would risk everything for a dream.

I made my ____ to start my own company and leave my secure position after ____ a regional sales meeting. The vice-president of our company delivered a____ that changed my life. He asked us, “If a god would offer you three wishes, what would they be?” After giving us a/an ____ to write down the three wishes, he then asked us, “Why do you need a ____?” I would never forget the power I felt at that moment. I realized that ____ I had accomplished in the past had prepared me for this moment. I was ready and didn’t need a god’s help to become a motivational speaker. A motivational speaker was ____.

Having made that decision, I was immediately ____. One week after I gave notice, my husband was laid off from his job, and now we had no ____. But I held onto my dream and the wonder really began to happen. In a short time my husband found a better job.And I was able to book several _____engagements(预约) with new customers. I discovered the incredible power of dreams.

1.A.rise B.blow C.put D.raise

2.A.slipped B.came C.arrived D.left

3.A.get B.make C.hope D.cheer

4.A.that B.what C.which D.if

5.A.dream B.idea C.thought D.speaker

6.A.Before B.After C.Because D.While

7.A.beginning B.working C.acting D.regarding

8.A.life B.love C.career D.income

9.A.surprised B.moved C.disappointed D.delighted

10.A.when B.if C.why D.how

11.A.plan B.promise C.decision D.mind

12.A.attending B.joining C.entering D.holding

13.A.newspaper B.book C.speech D.report

14.A.moment B.hour C.day D.week

15.A.help B.job C.god D.company

16.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything

17.A.alive B.dead C.born D.missing

18.A.examined B.tested C.checked D.searched

19.A.help B.harm C.income D.money

20.A.selling B.writing C.listening D.speaking


1.D 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.C 11.C 12.A 13.C 14.A 15.C 16.D 17.C 18.B 19.C 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。作者小时候听演讲时感受颇深,从此有了做一名励志演说家的梦想。后来作者工作后,在她职位很高、收入很高的时候,她毅然离职,去追寻自己做一名励志演说家的梦想。作者通过自己的亲身经历,让大家体会到世界总是成就有梦想的人。 1.考查动词辨析。句意:记得那是我们坐在昏暗的礼堂里听着齐格勒先生演说,他的话让所有人都受到了鼓舞,大家的情绪都很高昂。A. rise (数量或水平的) 增加、提高;B. blow吹;C. put放,安置;D. raise提升,举起。由下文中提到的“I want to be a motivational speaker(我想成为励志演说家)”可知,齐格勒先生是一名励志演说家,能将大家情绪鼓舞的很高昂。虽然raise与rise都有提升、提高的意思。但raise是及物动词,后面必须加宾语,即动作的对象,而rise是不及物动词,后面不需要加宾语。空格后由宾语everyone’s spirits,故选D。 2.考查动词辨析。句意:我离开那里时,感觉自己无所不能。A. slipped滑倒,滑跤;B. came来;C. arrived到达;D. left离开。由下句“When we got to the car(当我们到达车里时)”可知,他们是听完演说,离开了演讲厅。故选D。 3.考查动词辨析。句意:爸爸,我想成为那样的人。A. get收到,接到;B. make制造,做,成为;C. hope希望;D. cheer欢呼。由下一句解释“I want to be a motivational speaker just like Mr. Zigler(我想成为像齐格勒先生那样的人)”可知,作者是想成为那样的人。空格处单词与be呼应,故选B。 4.考查宾语从句。句意:爸爸问我什么意思。这是一个宾语从句,主句缺直接宾语,从句缺宾语,故用连接词what。故选B。 5.考查名词辨析。句意:一个梦想产生了。A. dream梦想;B. idea主意;C. thought想法 D. speaker演说家。由第二段首句“Recently, I began seeking my dream of motivating others.(最近,我开始寻求如何实现自己激励他人的梦想。)”空格处单词与这句话中的dream呼应,故选A。 6.考查状语从句。句意:在财富 100 强公司,一开始做的是销售人员培训师,最后做到了区域销售经理,总共任职四年后,我在职位达到最高的时候离开了。A. Before 在……以前;B. After在……以后;C. Because 因为;D. While当……的时候,然而。由后半句“我离开”,可知我在那里已经工作了四年。故选B。 7.考查动词辨析。句意同上。A. beginning开始;B. working 工作;C. acting行动,行为;D. regarding关于,至于。and前后连接两个并列的成份,由and后的ending可知,前边空格应填其反义词beginning,形成反义呼应。故选A。 8.考查名词辨析。句意同上。A. life生活;B. love爱; C. career事业;D. income收入。句子中提到的“sales-trainer”与“regional sales manager”都是工作职位,所以这句话作者想要表达自己在工作职位,事业处于顶峰时离开了。故选C。 9.考查形容词辨析。句意:很多人都很惊讶我收入达到了六位数后还离开。A. surprised惊奇的,惊讶的;B. moved感动的;C. disappointed失望的; D. delighted高兴的。由下句话“And they asked ___10___ I would risk everything for a dream.(他们问我为什么要为了梦想而冒这么大风险?)”可知大家很不理解,为我的选择感到惊讶。故选A。 10.考查宾语从句。句意:他们问我为什么要为了梦想冒这么大风险?A. when什么时候;B. if如果,是否;C. why为什么;D. how 如何。由上下语境可知,大家不理解我身处高位,收入颇丰,还离职的原因。故选C。 11.考查名词辨析。句意:参加一个区域销售的会以后,我决定开自己的公司,离开现在很安全的这个职位。A. plan 计划;B. promise许诺,承诺;C. decision决定;D. mind思考能力;思维方式。此空格与下段中首句“Having made that decision”中的decision呼应。故选C。 12.考查动词辨析。句意同上。A. attending出席,(指参加会议、婚礼等);B. joining参加(指加入某个党派、团体组织等,成为其中一员);C. entering进来,进去;D. holding拿着,抓住。由空格后的宾语a regional sales meeting可知,作者应是参加会议。故选A。 13.考查名词辨析。句意:公司的副总发表了讲话,这个讲话改变了我的生活。A. newspaper报纸;B. book 书;C. speech演说,讲话;D. report汇报,报告。report 侧重于报告;speech侧重于演讲。由演讲的内容“如果上帝让你许三个愿望,你将会许什么愿?”可知,这更多的是一场演讲。故选C。 14.考查名词辨析。句意:他给我们时间写下三个愿望后,又问我们“你为什么需要一个上帝呢?”。A. moment做某事的时刻,片刻;B. hour 小时;C. day天;D. week周。由常识可知,写三个愿望只需要片刻的时间。故选A。 15.考查名词辨析。句意同上。A. help帮助;B. job工作;C. god 上帝;D. company公司。此空格与上句“If a god would offer you three wishes,”中提到的god呼应,故选C。 16.考查不定代词。句意:我意识到我以往取得的所有成就就是为此刻做的准备。A. something某事,某物;B. anything任何东西,任何事物(用于否定句、疑问句也用于if或whether之后);C. nothing没有什么;D. everything每件事,所有事物。这句话是肯定句,且根据句意,这句话强调之前所有的成就都是为此刻而准备的。故选D。 17.考查动词辨析。句意:励志演说家是天生的。A. alive有生气,有活力;B. dead死的,失去生命的;C. born天生(有某方面才能);D. missing找不到的,不在的。由上句“I was ready and didn’t need a god’s help to become a motivational speaker.(我准备好了,我不需要上帝的帮助才能成为励志演说家)”可知,作者认为自己本身有成为励志演说家的潜能,不需要上帝的帮助。故选C。 18.考查动词辨析。句意:做了那个决定后,我马上就经受了考验。A. examined检查;B. tested被测验,被考查;C. checked被核查;D. searched被搜寻。由最后一段内容“我发出通知后一周后,丈夫失去了工作,没有了收入。我还坚持我的梦想,奇迹慢慢出现了”可知,作者做出决定后,她和丈夫都暂时没有了收入,是生活对她的考验。故选B。 19.考查名词辨析。句意:我发出通知一周后,丈夫失业了,现在他没有了收入。A. help帮助;B. harm伤害,损害;C. income收入;D. money钱。由常识可知,丈夫失业后就没有收入了。故选C。 20.考查动词辨析。句意:现在我也能与新客户定几个演讲的预约。A. selling卖;B. writing写;C. listening听;D. speaking说。文章多次提及作者的梦想是成为“a motivational speaker(励志演说家)”,所以她追求的梦想创业的工作,也必定与演讲有关。故选D。


Tricks to Improve Your Life

Get your water past airport security travel

It’s impossible to get water through airport security, right? While it’s true that you are allowed only up to 3.4 ounces(盎司) of any liquid, 1. — if they are “frozen solid when presented for screening.” The catch is serious, however: “If frozen liquid items are partially melted, or have any liquid at the bottom of the container,” you’ll likely have to throw the whole thing.

Keep your bananas fresh

Can’t use the whole bunch() yet? 2.. The cold will help them stay at their peak for another week. That said, avoid freezing bananas that aren’t quite ripe, as it will stop the natural ripening process.


There’s a reason why apples are known as nature’s toothbrush — foods that are firm or crisp help clean teeth as they’re eaten. If you know you won’t be able to brush your teeth right after eating, you might want to save a cleaning food for the end of your meal. 4..

Make your bathroom smell nice naturally

Looking for a way to get rid of horrible bathroom smells that doesn’t require a daily spray(喷雾)? Place five or so drops of any essential oil on the inside of the cardboard toilet paper roll, and voilà!

5. Just be careful that the oil doesn’t get on the paper itself.

A. Every time someone gets some paper, the movement will release the pleasant but not over the top scent

B. Transportation Security Administration regulations do let full water bottles through in one case

C. Wait until they have started to soften, and then place them in the freezer

D. Put them in the freezer once you get them from the market

E. Other choices include raw carrots, and unbuttered popcorn

F. Protect your teeth with nature’s toothbrush

G. Clean your teeth with food



    A young woman sits alone in a café sipping tea and reading a book. She pauses briefly to write in a nearby notepad before showing her words to a passing café waiter: “Where are the toilets please?” This is a familiar scene in Tokyo’s so-called “silent cafés”, where customers are not allowed to speak, and only communicate by writing in notepads.

The concept rises from a desire to be alone among young Japanese, a situation brought by economic uncertainty, a shift in traditional family support structures and the growing social isolation. The phenomenon is not limited to coffee shops but covers everything from silent discos, where participants dance alone wearing wireless headphones connected to the DJ, to products such as small desk tents designed for conversation-free privacy in the office. One Kyoto company even offers single women the opportunity to have a “one woman wedding” — a full bridal affair, complete with white dress and ceremony, and the only thing missing is the groom. The trend has its own media expression — “botchi-zoku”, referring to individuals who consciously choose to do things completely on their own.

One recent weekday afternoon, Chihiro Higashikokubaru, a 23-year-old nurse, travelled 90 minutes from her home, to Tokyo on her day off in order to enjoy some solo time. Speaking quietly at the entrance of the cafe, Miss Higashikokubaru said: “I heard about this place via Twitter and I like the idea of coming here. I work as a nurse and it's always very busy. There are very few quiet places in Tokyo, and it's a big busy city. I just want to come and sit somewhere quietly on my own. I’m going to drink a cup of tea and maybe do some drawings. I like the idea of a quiet, calm atmosphere.”

The desire to be isolated is not a new concept in Japan, home to an estimated 3.6 million “hikikomori” — a more extreme example of social recluses (隐士) who withdraw completely from society.

1.What is special about the “silent cafes”?

A.It provides various tea and books. B.People are not allowed to communicate.

C.It offers service by writing not by speaking. D.It has attracted many popular young people.

2.Which of the following brings about the idea of being alone in Japan?

A.The stable economic situation. B.The increasing social isolation.

C.The rapid development of the Internet. D.The rising demand for privacy.

3.What do we know about Higashikokubaru?

A.She doesn’t like to be a nurse. B.She doesn’t like the life in big cities.

C.She enjoys her solo time in a quiet place. D.She travelled to Tokyo on her work days.

4.What is the best title of the passage?

A.A new concept in Japan B.Social recluses in Japan

C.Silent cafes D.Lonely Japanese



    Everyone could feel a sudden impulse(冲动) and buy something unnecessary. Then how to avoid it? The best way is to just keep your hands away from tempting products. According to new research, individuals who touch possible items in stores are more likely to have an increased desire to purchase them than those who keep their hand off the products.

Suzanne Shu and Joann Peck, marketing professors at the University of Wisconsin’s business school conducted studies on the connection between touch and feelings of ownership and the effect of perceived(感觉)ownership on the value placed on an object. For one of the experiments, the experts placed two products, a Slinky toy and a coffee mug in front of the volunteers who were undergraduate students. About half of the participants were allowed to touch the products, while the other half were asked not to touch them. The volunteers then were asked to express their sense of ownership of the products and to report how much money they were willing to pay for each. The results showed that those students who were allowed to touch the objects reported significant increased level of perceived ownership. They also expressed a desire to pay more money to obtain the products.

The investigators also discovered that a sense of very pleasant feelings when touching products, determined how much money consumers were willing to pay. However, if the object did not feel pleasant to the touch, it significantly decreased the amount the buyers were willing to pay.

Researchers said that many stores have already followed the right path. But what can be done while shopping online, when touching of an item is not possible? In this case, the experts say, just picturing in mind that they are touching it and then owning it, will cause greater feelings of ownership, and thus the consumers will be more likely to make a purchase.

When you touch an object, you immediately feel some kind of a connection to it, according to the researchers. That connection stirs up(唤起) an emotional reaction. And that emotion can make people buy something they would never even consider buying if they had not touched it.

1.How does the author develop the text?

A.By providing typical examples.

B.By drawing a conclusion through research.

C.By comparing opinions from different fields.

D.By presenting a cause and analyzing its effects.

2.Which of the following was found in the research?

A.Touching a product affects the customer’s feelings of desire for it.

B.If you are not to spend money, it’s less possible for you to touch the product.

C.The longer you touch the goods, the more desire you have to own them.

D.Shoppers cannot resist the temptation when they meet things they like.

3.What would happen to them when people do online shopping?

A.They immediately feel a connection to it.

B.They will particularly want to touch the products advertised on the Internet.

C.They desire to possess it and do not care how much money they would pay.

D.People’s imaginable ownership led to a greater possibility of purchasing products.

4.What led the researchers to conduct this study?

A.To figure out the connection between touch and feelings of ownership.

B.To satisfy customers’ social needs when shopping.

C.To share the good ideas about avoid impulsive consumption.

D.To develop marketing strategies for trade companies.



    Poet William Stafford once said that we are defined more by the detours in life than by the narrow road toward goals. I like this image. But it was quite by accident that I discovered the deep meaning of his words.

For years we made the long drive from our home in Seattle to my parents’ home in Boise in nine hours. We traveled the way most people do: the fastest, shortest, easiest road, especially when I was alone with four noisy, restless kids who hate confinement(限制) and have strong opinions about everything.

Road trips felt risky, so I would drive fast, stopping only when I had to. We would stick to the freeways and arrive tired.

But then Banner, our lamb was born. He was rejected by his mama days before our planned trip to Boise. I had two choices: leave Banner with my husband, or take him with me. My husband made the decision for me.

That is how I found myself on the road with four kids, a baby lamb and nothing but my everlasting optimism to see me through. We took the country roads out of necessity. We had to stop every hour, let Banner shake out his legs and feed him. The kids chased him and one another. They’d get back in the car breathless and energized, smelling fresh from the cold air.

We explored side roads, catching grasshoppers in waist-high grass. Even if we simply looked out of the car windows at baby pigs following their mother, or fish leaping out of the water, it was better than the best ride down the freeway. Here was life. And new horizons.

We eventually arrived at my parents' doorstep astonishingly fresh and full of stories.

I grew brave with the trip back home and creative with my disciplining technique. On an empty section of road, everyone started quarreling. I stopped the car, ordered all kids out and told them to meet me up ahead. I parked my car half a mile away and read my book in sweet silence.

Some road trips are by necessity fast and straight. But that trip with Banner opened our eyes to a world available to anyone adventurous enough to wander around and made me realize that a detour may uncover the best part of a journey — and the best part of yourself.

1.Why did the author use to take freeways to her parents' home?

A.It was less tiring. B.It would be faster and safer.

C.Her kids would feel less confined. D.She felt better with other drivers nearby.

2.The author stopped regularly on the country roads to _____.

A.relax in the fresh air B.take a deep breath

C.let the kids play with Banner D.take care of the lamb

3.What does the author discover from the trip according to Paragraph 6?

A.Freeways are where beauty hides.

B.One should follow side roads to watch wild animals.

C.Enjoying the beauty of nature benefits one's health.

D.Getting close to nature adds to the joy of life.

4.What does the underlined word “detour” mean ?

A.A fast and straight road trip. B.A route which is long and not direct.

C.A pleasant and meaningful tour. D.An unpleasant road trip.



City College


All high school graduates and anyone 18 years of age or older, with or without a high school diploma, are suitable for admission. Individuals under the age of 18 who possess a high school diploma are also suitable for admission.


New and readmitted students must complete and hand in a credit admissions application form available online at www.ccsf.edu.


● Learn about your skill level in English and Math through our assessment service;

● Attend an orientation (新生报到会) to hear about support services;

● Meet with a counselor (adviser) to select your courses;

● Find out if you are required for attending the entrance examinations.


Courses in Noncredit Programs are free of charge (no enrollment fee). For information on how to enroll in noncredit courses, click here.


Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to use public transit. Click here for Parking Regulations.


City College services include a bookstore, cafeteria, health center, tutoring center, career and transfer center, counseling, financial aid, library, learning resource center, student government offices, campus police, disabled students programs and more.

1.Which kind of the following people could not be admitted into City College?

A.A high school graduate.

B.An adult without a high school diploma.

C.A sixteen boy without a high school diploma.

D.Anyone who possesses a high school diploma.

2.What do we know about the entrance examinations from the passage?

A.All new and readmitted students must take the examinations.

B.Those who are poor in English and Math must take the entrance examinations.

C.Not all the new students are required to take the entrance examinations.

D.The entrance examinations are free of charge.

3.Where can this passage be found?

A.On an education website. B.In a newspaper advertisement.

C.In a tour guide. D.In a college news report.



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