满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

单词拼写 1.In sport, what really c__________...


1.In sport, what really c_______________ is not the winning but the playing.

2.What did he say in e_______________ of his being late for class? His car broke down, again?

3.I was at a complete l_______________ as to how to find the money in time.

4.With his attention c_______________ on his book, he didn’t notice someone entering his room.

5.Do you think we should make p_______________ for the competition in advance?

6.He said with _______ (满意) that his son had won the first class scholarship.

7.Under his _______ (指导), we finished the work smoothly.

8.I got into an _______ (争论) with the other driver.

9.He opened the bag, which _______ (容纳) a razor, soap and a towel.

10.In a _______ (最近) published book, I came across some exercise with interesting names.


1.counts 2.explanation 3.loss 4.concentrated 5.preparations 6.satisfaction 7.guidance 8.argument 9.contained 10.recently 【解析】 1.考查时态。句意:在体育运动中,真正重要的不是取胜,而是比赛。描述一个客观的事实,用一般现在时。这里含有一个主语从句,在主语从句中,主语是连接代词,谓语动词用单数,故填counts。 2.考查名词。句意:他说了什么来解释他上课迟到?他的车又抛锚了? 介词之后,用名词,所以填explanation。 3.考查固定短语。句意:我完全不知道如何及时找到那笔钱。at a loss困惑不解,该短语是固定短语,所以填loss。 4.考查with复合结构。句意:他的注意力集中在他的书上,没有注意到有人进了他的房间。“注意力”和“集中”之间是被动关系,用with + 名词+ 过去分词,所以填concentrated。 5.考查固定短语。句意:你认为我们应该提前为比赛做准备吗? make preparations for为…做准备,该短语是固定短语,所以填preparations。 6.考查名词。句意:他满意地说他的儿子获得了一等奖学金。介词之后,用名词,所以填satisfaction。 7.考查名词。句意:在他的指导下,我们顺利地完成了工作。介词之后,用名词,所以填guidance。 8.考查名词。句意:我和另一个司机吵了起来。该空作句子宾语,用名词,所以填argument。 9.考查时态。句意:他打开包,里面有一把剃须刀、一块肥皂和一条毛巾。根据He opened the bag,可知用一般过去时,所以填contained。 10.考查副词。句意:在最近出版的一本书中,我偶然发现了一些有着有趣名字的练习。该空修饰形容词published,用副词,所以填recently。

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

“Mirror, mirror, which clothes suit me best?” Now, there is a magic mirror in the shopping center 1. can answer the question.

A shopping center in England is selling a magic dressing mirror.You needn’t enter a fitting room and put the clothes 2. by yourself.All you need to do is to stand in front of the mirror.The magic mirror can tell you 3. or not the clothing you have chosen suits you.

3D technology 4. (use) for the magic mirror for you to choose and try on all kinds of clothes from different stores.When you stand in front of the mirror, with the 5. (assist) of the technology, you can make its own judgement of your body type.Then you can see 6. wearing the dress you have chosen in the mirror.

It’s very convenient for you to find the most 7. (suit) dress.You do not have to spend a lot of time 8. (walk) around in different stores.9. do you need to shut yourself into a small dressing room.

“The mirror has worked much better with women’s clothing than 10. (expect), so we are now developing the software for men’s and kid’s clothing, ” said the marketing manager of the shopping center.



    I am an educator born to make a difference. I have spent my entire life at the ____. And we know why kids drop out. But one of the things that we never discuss or we ____ discuss is the value and importance of human ____.

A colleague said to me, “They don’t pay me to ____ the kids. They pay me to teach a ___.” Well, I said to her, “You know, kids don’t learn from people they don’t like.” Some think that you can either have it in you to build a ____, or you don’t. I have had classes that were so ____ that I cried. I wondered, “How am I going to ____ this group, in nine months, from where they are to where they need to be? It was difficult, awfully ____. How do I ____ the self-esteem (自尊) of a child and his academic achievement at the same time?”

One year I ____ a bright idea. I told my students, “You were ____ to be in my class because I am the best and you are the best.” One of the students said, “Really?” I said, “Really. We have to show the other classes how to do it, so when we walk down the hall, people will ____ us, so you can’t make noise.” And I gave them a saying to say: “I am ____. I was somebody when I came. I’ll be a better somebody when I leave. I ____ the education that I get here. I have things to do, people to impress, and places to go.”

Teaching and learning should ____ joy. How ____ would our world be if we had kids who were not afraid to take risks, who were not afraid to think, and who had a ____? Every child deserves a champion. An educator should be an adult who will never ____ on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become the ____ that they can possibly be.

1.A.school building B.college C.community center D.prison

2.A.frequently B.partly C.finally D.rarely

3.A.relative B.connection C.experience D.understanding

4.A.please B.satisfy C.like D.treat

5.A.lesson B.joke C.way D.class

6.A.friendship B.bridge C.gap D.relationship

7.A.excellent B.low C.sad D.adaptable

8.A.join B.own C.take D.manage

9.A.upset B.boring C.frustrated D.hard

10.A.raise B.arise C.show D.control

11.A.came out B.came to C.came up with D.came about

12.A.led B.placed C.chosen D.thrown

13.A.notice B.look C.find D.call

14.A.nothing B.somebody C.anybody D.something

15.A.reserve B.expect C.observe D.deserve

16.A.catch B.bring C.express D.indicate

17.A.powerful B.magical C.fearful D.imaginative

18.A.prize B.supporter C.teacher D.champion

19.A.put up B.depend C.give up D.refuse

20.A.bright B.best C.confident D.determined



    Everybody is afraid of something, whether they admit it or not. Many spend their whole lives hiding from the things they are afraid of. 1. Here are some steps you can take to do so.

Try to get support. 2. But if you walk through a dark place with a group of friends, it doesn’t seem that bad, right? Talk to someone about your fears. Find someone who will be supportive and understanding of your situation and would be willing to help you fight the fear.

Create a safe daily routine (常规). You have to be put in a situation where you feel safe from the source of that fear. Create a daily routine that you are familiar with and are comfortable with. Going through activities that you know are free from the things you fear gives you a sense of balance and control. 3.

Learn to relax. Fear is basically psychological. To get over your fear, you have to learn how to take control. 4. You can go for breathing exercises, yoga and whatever methods you think work for you.

5. Except for some fears that are life-threatening, finally you’ll know that you will come to meet your fear directly and have to deal with it. Knowing this, you have to take the steps to prepare yourself for that day and remember that you are in control of your life. No fear can ever beat you unless you allow it.

A. Just face it.

B. Hold a strong belief.

C. It’s scarier when you are all alone walking in the dark.

D. To do this, you have to be familiar with some ways to relax.

E. But no one should live in fear as there are ways to get over it.

F. Find someone you can trust, someone you can be totally honest with.

G. This state of being in a relaxed environment helps you find out why you’re afraid of something



    On a recent visit to the Museum of Modern Art with a friend and her daughter, wandering through the museum’s exhibits, I was struck by how often my friend's 13-year-old daughter asked us to take photos of her with her smart phone in front of the artwork. Then, she gazed at the photos which she would then post on Instagram, Snapchat and all the rest. She was not the only person who was doing this; it seemed everyone was busy taking photos of themselves “experiencing” the museum.

This is by no means a criticism of my friend’s daughter or anyone else. What was concerning, at least to me, was that in between being photographed and posting, my friend’s daughter had no interest in the artwork, a fact which didn’t seem to matter or have anything to do with wanting to post herself as someone enjoying the experience.

When I was her age. I had no interest in going to museums either. Having no interest in art at her age (and any age) is completely normal. But what is disturbing is how much of a young person’s energy these days goes into creating an image of the life they’re living and the character they “are” in that life. While creating a self-image has always been a big part of growing up and figuring out our identity, social media seems to have changed the rules of the game. Social media has not just increased the pressure and possibility of creating, a self-generated (自我创造的) self-image, but also distorted (歪曲) the process through which we become who we are. Young people now seem to be creating an image of who they are in place of becoming who they are, posting their life rather than living it. The effort that goes into creating an identity and getting it noticed or “followed” has replaced the effort of actually getting interested in the life that they are posting.

Social media has turned life and its experiences into an exercise in narcissism (自我陶醉). No matter what the experience is actually about, it becomes about you, the person who is living it. A concert is not about the music, a restaurant not about the food, and a sports event not about the sport; it’s all about you, the doer, and what the event says about you. Life experiences are not lived directly so much as they are used as chances of announcing what kind of person you are. Life now is a product through which you promote your image, but with little connection to whether that screen image accurately reflects the inside you.

As a result, the more we use life to create an identity, the more distant from life we feel. Instead of being part of it, we feel as if we have to keep generating new life material, which will announce and establish us. In the meanwhile, the gap between us and life grows wider and wider.

I hope the next time you post your story, pause for a moment and experience where you are, feel what it feels like to live what you ‘re living without using life for your benefit, or for anything at all. Just live, without the narrative (叙述). While you may feel this practice is a threat to your identity, causing you to miss a chance to prove your value, in fact, the benefit will far outweigh any loss it brings.

1.According to the author, the fact that her friend’s daughter was not interested in the artwork is ________.

A.worrying B.unsurprising

C.unchangeable D.unbearable

2.Which of the following is the basic reason behind people’s continuously posting their life?

A.Their desire for being well known.

B.Their increased focus on life.

C.The influence of social media

D.The pressure from their family and friends.

3.The author believes that the identity people create through narcissism may _______.

A.prevent them behaving properly

B.stand in the way of leading a true life

C.cause them to depend more on the remarks of others

D.damage their creativity in producing life material

4.The underlined “it” in the last paragraph refers to _______.

A.trying to take control of your feelings

B.facing the threat to your identity bravely

C.improving your self-image through writing

D.experiencing what you’re doing practically



    Let’s suppose you have, oh, $40,000 to spare, and you’re out shopping for a shiny new car. You’ve never really cared about cars that much before, with perhaps hate for the car commercials you see every seven seconds during a televised sporting event. But now, you can afford one. So when someone mentions a certain kind of car—one that you’ve never heard of before—you’re interested.

Suddenly, the car is everywhere. It’s parked in front of your house. Your boss’s husband has one. You see two of them next to you in traffic on your way home from work. The car is even popping up in those commercials during the baseball game. So what exactly is happening here? Does this car suddenly come to take control of the cultural consciousness (意识)? Or is your consciousness playing tricks on you?

Welcome to the Baader-meinhof phenomenon (现象), otherwise known as the frequency illusion (频率幻觉). This phenomenon occurs when the thing you’ve just noticed, experienced or been told about suddenly appears constantly, It gives you the fleeing that pretty much everyone is talking about the subject, or that it is always surrounding you. And you’re not crazy, you are totally seeing it more. But the thing is: of course, that’s because you’re noticing it more.

A couple of things happen when the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon Kicks in. Your brain seems to be excited by the fact that you’ve learned something new and selective attention occurs. Your brain subconsciously thinks, “Hey, that’s amazing! I’m going to look for that thing without actually thinking about it.” So now that you’re looking for it, you find it. To make it all the more powerful,, confirmation bias (确认偏误) occurs after you see it even once or twice. In other words, you start agreeing with yourself that, yep, you’re certainly seeing it more.

Now if you’ve done a search for Baader-Meinhof, you might be a little confused, because the phenomenon wasn’t named after the person that researched it, or anything sensible like that. Instead, it was named after a West German terrorist group, active in the 1970s. The St. Paul Pioneer Press online commenting board was the surprising source of the name. In 1994, a commentator called the frequency illusion “the Baader-meinhof phenomenon” after accidentally hearing two references to Baader-meinmof within 24 hours The- phenomenon has nothing to do with the group, in other words. But don’t be surprised if the name starts popping up everywhere you turn.

1.According to Paragraph 1, why do you become interested in a car?

A.Because it often appears in your life.

B.Because you have the ability to buy one now.

C.Because it is always advertised on television.

D.Because you are successfully persuaded to buy one.

2.What might happen when the Baader-meinhof phenomenon occurs?

A.Something occurs more frequently than before indeed.

B.People around you start to focus on something you prefer.

C.You begin to pay more attention to a certain thing than before.

D.You always expect to learn something new about a certain thing.

3.How was the phenomenon named as Baader-Meinhof?

A.A terrorist group gave this name.

B.It was named after its researcher.

C.It was chosen by the commenting board.

D.A commentator gave this name by chance.

4.What might be the best title for the passage?

A.Why is your car everywhere?

B.Never be cheated by your illusion

C.How should you remove frequency illusion?

D.The discovery of the Baader- Meinhof phenomenon



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